Politicians Embrace WWE

Who/what was the driving force behind WWE

  • Vinny Mac

  • PG Era

  • Johnny SuperCena.

  • Other (Please specify)

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Do I have everybody's attention now

Politics is funny, if the boring-ass house wife commitee in Washington doesn't agree with someone, neither do they. And to people who don't know it's a tactic to get votes and stay in power (gasp). But atlast they see the light! That's right folks, Politicans realized WWE kisses joined the kiss ass club and realized they're in the same league! Since it's well regarded by many people now, politicians feel safe to say "I like you."

My question is this, exactly what did WWE do, in order to gain the respect of politicians (Which is ironic because respect politicians is an oxymoron). And who was the driving force behind this.

Thoughts away!
I am going to say other, as there is no single reason. Its a combination of factors, from the PG era, wellness policy, support for the troops and their smackdown the vote stuff. I do not think it has anything to do with Vince McMahon personally or with John Cena, however.

PG era: the reformer minded politicians can point to the PG era as an indication that their attempts to clean up TV is having some effect. The WWE has shifted from the Attitude era, which politicians hated because of crusaders like Brent Bozell, the Parents TV council bullshit, and the overall smuttiness. While it was popular with the American public, a politician could never have publicly supported it. They can support the PG era though, because PG equals Politically Good.

Wellness Policy: given Congress's issues with MLB, the fact that the WWE can point to a comprehensive policy to deal with all kinds of social ills is a point for the WWE politically. Congress looks at that, and thinks that they are responsible, as politicians are incredibly vain. As long as they believe the WWE did it to avoid Congressional probing, Congress looks powerful, and they like that.

Support for the troops: this one is obvious. Politicians, especially conservative ones, love organizations that go out of their way to support American soldiers, especially since it meant a large chunk of the WWE actually traveled to Iraq to do it. The WWE put their money where their mouth was, and instead of just talking about supporting ther troops, they actually did it. The WWE did what the USO did for years...and that is very patriotic. Politicians love being patriotic.

Smackdown the vote: obvious as well...the WWE's efforts to get young people to vote directly benefits politicians.

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