Politcal-Correctness At It's Finest

What I hate is political correctness as I'm sorry but in wrestling there is very little. So please do not try and change it. In an orginization where people have made fun of black people, drugged and married their "dates", burned people on crosses, burried people alive and even commited a little bit of necrophillia I feel that calling something gay or showing a little ass is the least of these peoples problems.

My thoughts exactly. Is Vince really as conservative as people say he is? I know the 'attitude era' was designed to keep the company in business but I really doubt most of the programming on television was kept ok with Vince's supposed 'right-wing morals'
Personally, I was absolutely disgusted when Vince said that. I looked at the TV in disbelief and simply said "Really Vince? Really?"

What the fuck was Vince thinking? Is he really THAT behind the times that he doesn't realize saying something like that is only going to offend people? Does he think homosexuals don't like wrestling or something?

I hope Vince gets a ton of shit for it, because it was stupid, uncalled for, and crude at best. He could have simply used the word "stupid" instead of "gay". I get the feeling Vince is probably an incredibly homophobic man though; would go hand-in-hand with the rest of his neo-Conservative political views.

Add this to the list as yet another reason for me to dislike Vince McMahon.

Yes he's really homophobic. Who's one of the only men in the company who has a lifetime contract? Pat Patterson, who happens to be.........Gay! Like I say really homophobic. People call me homophobic, because I use words like ***, queer, queen; But, I actually share a house with a gay man, who happens to be my best friend. I am also called a racist, because of my usage of ******, spic, wop, etc; But, my ex-wife is black, I have two children by her who are mixed-race, I am part Italian, so how can I be racist? I honestly think it is a massive over-reaction. I actually mentioned all this to my friend who also said it was bollocks, and in his opinion it actually causes more harm than good the way these groups whine and moan. We have the same in Britain, a guy called Peter Tatchell, who has caused more trouble than good for the Gay and Lesbian rights movement.
Homophobia is gay.

I am REALLY against Political Correctness as well. If I want to say something is "gay", I'll say it's gay. Those commercials that have the girls who say something looks "gay" and a customer says, "Yea, it's so Emma and Julia." and the end of the commercial it says, "Watch what you say." You know how I respond, "That commercial is gay!"
Don't tell me what to say, I've got the First Amendment, "Freedom of Speech". I have the right to say something is gay. And I use that expression often.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to incite hatred, I assume you are aware of that. If I stood outside our house and started threatening your family, there's nothing you can do, because of freedom of speech, right? Wrong. I suggest you actually understand the law before you hide behind it.

If Vince wants to say something, "looks gay", let him. If people are offended they'll stop watching, and if enough people stop watching, then a message will be sent. But I doubt that will happen.

It's a bad example. A character who is portrayed as a good guy, used a derogatory term, which is not good.

ok..in my opinion people in this country need to lighten up...the only reason words like "******" or "gay" are considered bad is because we made them that way...

Yes, that is the nature of language, well done. If people coin a name to be used offensively, then it is an offensive word. Words have the meaning that we assign to them. Otherwise they are just noises. The sentence "You are an ignorant cunt" wouldn't mean anything if we hadn't assigned a meaning to each of those words.
Chris Rock can go on stage and call white people crackers...or honkey..or honkey ass cracker and thats a-ok...but if anyone but him says "******" they should be hung by their toenails. there are all kinds of things that straight white males can be called like cracker or honkey or redneck and i dont hear anyone bitch but use one on any minority and your done...

Are you that ignorant, really. The words honkey, redneck, straight etc. have always just been words. Terms like ****** etc. have been used to segregate, persecute and humiliate minorities for several hundreds of years. By calling a white man a honkey, you aren't really saying anything. By calling a black man a ****** you are creating visions of when the white man was the overlord of the black man.

personally i dont care if your black white brown blue gay straight or if you hump electical outlets just please dont get all pissed if someone says something stupid...gay is just a word..its not like vince went and threw hot sauce in their eyes and laughed at them..now that i have pointlessly rambled too long its time for this honkey cracker redneck to say good night

Gay is just a word, but to say someone who looked a bit weird and unusual is gay is quite an ignorant and insulting thing to say.

Yes he's really homophobic. Who's one of the only men in the company who has a lifetime contract? Pat Patterson, who happens to be.........Gay! Like I say really homophobic. People call me homophobic, because I use words like ***, queer, queen; But, I actually share a house with a gay man, who happens to be my best friend. I am also called a racist, because of my usage of ******, spic, wop, etc; But, my ex-wife is black, I have two children by her who are mixed-race, I am part Italian, so how can I be racist? I honestly think it is a massive over-reaction. I actually mentioned all this to my friend who also said it was bollocks, and in his opinion it actually causes more harm than good the way these groups whine and moan. We have the same in Britain, a guy called Peter Tatchell, who has caused more trouble than good for the Gay and Lesbian rights movement.

I'm not racist, I've got a black friend!

Oh dear.
If someone was offended then fair enough. To use a term that at some point in its life span as been used as a derogatory term, to put a group of people down, then TV role models shouldn’t be using it as a derogatory term on a PG show, and yes you can say he used it as a descriptive phrase, but I bet he wasn’t pleased when he said it. "look at these mask, they are so Gay, I love them" So in a way I cant really argue with people when they say he shouldn’t have done it.

What annoys me is groups like these most likely aren't offended by the phrase, they just assumed someone, somewhere, was......It’s was a badly placed comment, but I'm sure he didn’t actually mean to offend anyone (hell that’s not good business, VKM might loose some cash......) so why the need for a witch hunt. That’s what annoys me.

Well that and all the people in this post saying its OK for me to bad mouth Black people calling them ******s because I have a black friend.....what the hell???????(But let’s not get into that)
I don't normally post but I happen to have a really strong opinion here so here goes. I'm a christian man and I was raised to view homosexuality as a sin. I'll probably never waiver on that and will defend that belief until the day I die. I also believe that we are supposed to "hate the sin and love the sinner" (if you don't get this concept right now we can argue about it later). Having said this, it is never right, no matter how much you may disagree with a person's beliefs or lifestyle to use hurtful language to belittle anyone. The "N" word, which I won't even dignify by typing it, and countless other slurs and deragatory remarks used over the years have caused such pain and grief to others. I believe in certain cases the word "gay" is used as a slur, but lets not be overly critical here. Only Vince knows what context he used the word in and he should be held accountable if he was indeed using it as a deragatory statement. This is a double edged sword however. How many times have we heard gay people using this word in the exact same way as Vince did? If the usage and conotation is offensive, should it not be so offensive even homosexuals should not use it in this way? If it is truly offensive then it should be off-limits totally, not just acceptable to be used by a select few at certgain times. It's the same as african-american people using the "n" word. If it's used as a term of endearment between friends, and I've heard it and used myself in this way even though I am caucasian, then is it offensive then? Same goes here. If gay people use the word "gay" to describe things that, let's face it, are most times inherently homosexual characteristics, then is the same word off-limits to straight people for the same use as well? This topic can be a double-edged sword, but no matter how you slice it, can be presented both ways.
Yes he's really homophobic. Who's one of the only men in the company who has a lifetime contract? Pat Patterson, who happens to be.........Gay! Like I say really homophobic. People call me homophobic, because I use words like ***, queer, queen; But, I actually share a house with a gay man, who happens to be my best friend. I am also called a racist, because of my usage of ******, spic, wop, etc; But, my ex-wife is black, I have two children by her who are mixed-race, I am part Italian, so how can I be racist? I honestly think it is a massive over-reaction. I actually mentioned all this to my friend who also said it was bollocks, and in his opinion it actually causes more harm than good the way these groups whine and moan. We have the same in Britain, a guy called Peter Tatchell, who has caused more trouble than good for the Gay and Lesbian rights movement.

You REALLY aren't pulling out the tired old "I can't be racist, I have a black friend!" argument are you? Really now?

It's pretty simple. It's hate speech. It's irrelevant whether or not you actually hold racist sentiments or whether Vince actually holds homophobic sentiments; the fact remains that it's hate speech. Just because you have a black friend, that doesn't mean you get a special laminated card that allows you to use the word "******" whenever you feel like it. It doesn't work like that.

Some of you guys are ridiculous.
I think what needs to transpire is that people need to get out of the mindset of asking "whether or not people should take offense to the word "Gay" being used" and "sucking it up" ..... and instead asking themselves whether or not a derogatory term that happens to describe approximately 10% of the population, should even be used in the first place.

The term "Gay" can be used, as I alluded to earlier, in a Neutral fashion to describe people of a certain orientation. Or, it more often than not, is used as a Negative adjective to describe someone or something. Now, who is going to argue that Vince was paying those guys in the masks a compliment?

It's time to start taking the High Road here people, and quit being apologists for prejudices you have either learned being engrained with while growing up at home or from peers. 2009 and we are still dealing with Racism and Homophobia in this country. Sad.
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Welcome to the world that we live in... the world of the double-standard.

If I may intervene... As far as I'm concerned, "racial slurs", "derogatory comments", and "unpleasing statements" are only as bad as a person will take it. The fact of the matter is that Vince used a word on live, natiopnal television that is somewhat 'taboo' in our society these days. It's used to offensively describe a particular group of people. However, it's used in a positive manner, as well. I don't condone any form of offensive or negative verbality, but I sometimes don't understand why words hurt people so badly... and then someone calls me a name.

For example, I have a big nose. IC25 prides himself on constantly making fun of it. I've explained to him on a few occasions that I do not like to be called names such as "Tucan Sam" or "Big Bird", yet he slips up every now and again. Those words offend me. I don't feel good when they're said, and they're difficult to ignore, especially when he isn't the only one saying them. I have other friends that jump on the same type of bandwagon. In addition, when all of my friends are together, it takes on the snowball effect, and before you know it, I'm pissed off all night long because someone told me that I could "smell the coffee in Brazil." Where am I going with this, you ask? Big Bird and Tucan Sam also didn't exist 80 years ago, but society is constantly evolving and finding new ways to verbalize their hatred for different races, creeds, and other groups of people. I'm not saying that Vince said that comment with the intention of spreading hatred, but he still said it. And some of the ones that were listening were offended by it. And to continue this bad luck, in 1985 those same people just so happen to form a little group called GLAAD to try and put a stop to mistakes such as the one that Vince made on national television. We are never going to be able to turn back the clock and erase words with derogatory meanings, in order to completely avoid offended people such as the ones in GLAAD. But if you're a public figure (especially one on television), you should know better than to throw those sensitive words out there for the public to scrutinize you for. To put it plainly, for a brief moment, Vince was a total fucking idiot.

Many of you have stated that you have black or gay friends. While that exempts you in THEIR eyes for making derogatory comments, it doesn't necessarily exempt you in the eyes of others. Different people have different feelings about different comments and words. If some become offended by specific words, that is their God-given right, just the way that it offends me when people make fun of my physical appearence. However, just because YOU don't like it when I get offended doesn't mean that I'm the minority, therefore I should shut up about it. And if you think that then all I can say is "Fuck you." Did that offend you? Well so did the names that you called me. And if it didn't offend you, then good for you. But that still doesn't make you better than me.

Either way, I think that the world is going off the deep end with it all, but it's not my battle to fight. I don't get offended when people call me "gay", or a "***", or a "******". But that doesn't mean that no one else should. I'm not advocating racism or biggotry in any way, shape, or form, but I think that many people are too touchy with different forms of it. This argue will continue to swing like a pendulum, but I think the best thing we could take out of all of this is to take the advice that I'm sure all of our parents had given us while we were all growing up... If you don't have something nice to say then don't say it at all.
Again, Vince McMahon owns World Wrestling Entertainment. He doesn't own the WWF anymore. He doesn't have a set schedule, or a season where his company operates. He works all year long. That said, I still can't fathom WHY people can cry and whine about him using gay, but they won't cry and whine when it's used in the movies. Or TV. Or in screenplays. What's the difference? All of those things ALL have directors. They are ALL scripted. You go to a WWE show, for the same reason you go to the movies. To be Entertained. You don't go to Raw or Smackdown to find a damn role model. Ya go there to have a good time. Vince said gay, so what? Its all in fun. Undertaker is going to chokeslam CM Punk into Hell. That's ok though. DX can tell Vince he loves cock, thats ok though apparently. He can have his own daughter drugged and implied rape and marriage, and thats ok. But, say the world gay and the world is crashing?

Look, if some of you feel like you were so HURT by what Vince did, fine. Don't watch his shows. But I bet you a thousand bucks, sometime, probably soon, you will be watching again.

If we are so sensitive, that we get offended by a single word, then Vince would spend all his days apologizing to different groups of people that got offended that certain week.

It is the parents job, NOT Vince, NOT NBA or NFL or MLB or whatever, it's the parents job to teach their kids about role models. And teach them that TV, through forms of entertainment is NOT the place to go looking for role models.

Maybe I'm dumb, maybe I'm an asshole like some of you feel. But growing up my grandpa was my role model. Did I love wrestling? Sure as shit did. Still do. My kid, 4 years old, his role model is me. I know I know, flame on. I teach my kid, early on, you can't help, nor change what people say to you. The only thing you can change is how you react, and take their power away. I'm not saying he, or the gay people can't feel bad. Not at all. I'm saying when it's used in a form of entertainment, you have to expect that your going to be made fun of eventually.

I would feel totally different if Obama, or a Senator, or Ronald McDonald or your kids teacher had said what Vince said. While I still wouldn't understand it totally I could understand why you would.

I guess my whole point is, when your watching a form of entertainment, expect anything. And life is too short to sit back and be hurt by everything that actors, or directors, or Vince, or TNA, or whatever. My grandfather has alzheimers. Should it bother me when everybody in the entertainment industry uses it as a joke if you forget something? Sure, I guess I could take it that way. But why bother? Life's too short. Enjoy it. As long as Vince isn't saying that "Thats gay, and your going to hell for that", I got way more important stuff on my mind to worry about :D
When I first heard Vince say this, I was pretty taken aback by it. I completely understand why peopel would find Vince's comment offensive to them. He was obviously using the term gay in a derogatory manner and he was playing up the sterotype performers are gay.

There was no reason for Vince to say what he did, it was definetly not scripted, but Vince did say it on national television. I'm sure that not only homosexuals, but the parents of children watching, found this very offensive and uncalled for. Just a stupid thing for someone like Vince to say on national TV.
It's not Vince's job to dissect everything he says, to make sure it won't hurt somebody, or offend somebody. His job, his way of earning a living, is to get EMOTIONS out of people. If he doesn't do that, he will go bankrupt. His job, is to make people FEEL something about his promotion. Same thing with a movie. You have to FEEL the characters, or else when they die, or get sick, you won't care. Same thing here. People here act like his shows are educational. Or that Vince should be held to some higher standard because kids might turn in.

I just feel there has to be, SOMEWHERE, the more dire need of these folks to defend something that actually has merit. I'm sure somewhere some kid is getting beat up everyday because he is gay. Or I bet somewhere some school district is banning a certain use of clothing for guys, because it might "disrupt" the other students.

There has to be. Or maybe Vince is the devil for using the word Gay, and I'm an insensitive prick.
Again, Vince McMahon owns World Wrestling Entertainment. He doesn't own the WWF anymore. He doesn't have a set schedule, or a season where his company operates. He works all year long. That said, I still can't fathom WHY people can cry and whine about him using gay, but they won't cry and whine when it's used in the movies. Or TV. Or in screenplays. What's the difference? All of those things ALL have directors. They are ALL scripted.

What Vince said CLEARLY wasn't scripted. It was said with the same ignorance that people execute in their everyday life which is the same ignorance that minority groups are trying to rid the world of.

You go to a WWE show, for the same reason you go to the movies. To be Entertained. You don't go to Raw or Smackdown to find a damn role model.

Children would say differently. As a matter of fact, many die hard fans of the WWE and professional wrestling would say different, as well. You think John Cena isn't a role model?? What the heck have you been watching?

Ya go there to have a good time. Vince said gay, so what? Its all in fun.

Not when it's said with the same ignorance that minority groups don't favor and are offended by. And they have the right to be offended at whatever they want.

Undertaker is going to chokeslam CM Punk into Hell. That's ok though. DX can tell Vince he loves cock, thats ok though apparently. He can have his own daughter drugged and implied rape and marriage, and thats ok. But, say the world gay and the world is crashing?

Oh, come on now... your examples are apples and oranges compared to bigotry and one-dimensional thinking and ignorance.

Look, if some of you feel like you were so HURT by what Vince did, fine. Don't watch his shows. But I bet you a thousand bucks, sometime, probably soon, you will be watching again.

What if those same gay people had never watched WWE before and turned it on for the first time, only to see and hear him say that? How about if we told you that if you didn't like the fact that the readers of this thread don't agree with you then YOU shouldn't read the replies and you should click the "X" on your browser? The door swings both ways.

Listen, you have your points and they have some validity. But then again, you're contradicting yourself in some of your statements. Maybe you should take some of your own advice.

If we are so sensitive, that we get offended by a single word, then Vince would spend all his days apologizing to different groups of people that got offended that certain week.

I'm sure he would if all of the offended people had the balls to step up the way that GLAAD did. It's up to the people to be offended or not (which is their god-given right) and their choice as to whether they wish to speak up about it or not.

It is the parents job, NOT Vince, NOT NBA or NFL or MLB or whatever, it's the parents job to teach their kids about role models. And teach them that TV, through forms of entertainment is NOT the place to go looking for role models.

You have a good point here. But that still doesn't give ANYONE the right to call someone gay in a derogatory manner, even if it WAS accidental. We should be ridding the world of these "accidental statements," not simply ignoring them. Ignoring them would be as insensitive as allowing them to occur.

Maybe I'm dumb, maybe I'm an asshole like some of you feel. But growing up my grandpa was my role model. Did I love wrestling? Sure as shit did. Still do. My kid, 4 years old, his role model is me. I know I know, flame on. I teach my kid, early on, you can't help, nor change what people say to you. The only thing you can change is how you react, and take their power away. I'm not saying he, or the gay people can't feel bad. Not at all. I'm saying when it's used in a form of entertainment, you have to expect that your going to be made fun of eventually.

I honestly can't argue one sentence in this paragraph. I have to agree. But people are people... we live in a strange world.

I would feel totally different if Obama, or a Senator, or Ronald McDonald or your kids teacher had said what Vince said. While I still wouldn't understand it totally I could understand why you would.

I guess my whole point is, when your watching a form of entertainment, expect anything. And life is too short to sit back and be hurt by everything that actors, or directors, or Vince, or TNA, or whatever. My grandfather has alzheimers. Should it bother me when everybody in the entertainment industry uses it as a joke if you forget something? Sure, I guess I could take it that way. But why bother? Life's too short. Enjoy it. As long as Vince isn't saying that "Thats gay, and your going to hell for that", I got way more important stuff on my mind to worry about :D

Some groups are just more sensitive than others, I guess. But like I said, it's their right to step up and defend themselves or others in their shoes. Or, they could sit back and ignore it all. I, for one, would be much happier if it was ignored. I feel it's blown out of proportion. But I'm not a homosexual and I don't stand in their shoes. So, since we have the right to free will, we make the choices on whether we should or shouldn't be offended by things that are said by others and affect us in life.
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why is Jonn Cena a role model? Because he appears to do the right thing? Is Rambo a role model? What about Harry Potter? How about Jack Bauer? Gregory House? Seely Booth. GREAT FBI detective on Bones. Fantastic Man. But is he a role model? NO. So why should Cena be a role model. He plays a CHARACTER. For all we know we hates jews, or thinks midgets are the devils army. We don't know. Everybody was SO SURE Hogan was all about vitamins and saying prayers, then we find out he's about lying, manipulating, taking illegal drugs, lying to the federal goverment.

We are talking about Characters here. If John Cena comes out on Raw next week and turns heel, like so many of us wants to happen, is he no longer a role model? You can't use characters in a scripted show as role models. As a parent, or brother, or whatever, it's your job to explain to them that wrestling isn't real. It's the same as a movie, or tv show. That each and every one of them has a job to do. And Cena's job right now is to appear clean cut, and a "good guy". But next week he might be the sorry bastard everybody hates.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to incite hatred, I assume you are aware of that. If I stood outside our house and started threatening your family, there's nothing you can do, because of freedom of speech, right? Wrong. I suggest you actually understand the law before you hide behind it.

Incorrect. Freedom of speech is allowed as long as it doesn't induce violence. When people use the term 'gay', they aren't trying to threaten anyone, only offending/making a remark at whatever it's said too. There is no punishment when using words such as '***' or 'gay'.

Speech isn't a form of a hate crime. Which is obviously illegal. Therefore, this has nothing to do with the law. Just a simple apology, and everyone moves on.

Not that I don't agree with what you said overall, just pointing some things out.
You REALLY aren't pulling out the tired old "I can't be racist, I have a black friend!" argument are you? Really now?

It's pretty simple. It's hate speech. It's irrelevant whether or not you actually hold racist sentiments or whether Vince actually holds homophobic sentiments; the fact remains that it's hate speech. Just because you have a black friend, that doesn't mean you get a special laminated card that allows you to use the word "******" whenever you feel like it. It doesn't work like that.

Some of you guys are ridiculous.

Where did I say I have a black friend? I have a black ex-wife (an ex-wife is something slightly different to a friend, I have lots of friends of all manner of colors and races, but I wouldn't marry them, or, indeed, have sex with them.) who uses the word all the time. I have children who are half cast who use it all the time. Read the post correctly in future, or are you a parasitic journalist who makes a living my mis-quoting something to make it sound worse?
Where did I say I have a black friend? I have a black ex-wife (an ex-wife is something slightly different to a friend, I have lots of friends of all manner of colors and races, but I wouldn't marry them, or, indeed, have sex with them.) who uses the word all the time. I have children who are half cast who use it all the time. Read the post correctly in future, or are you a parasitic journalist who makes a living my mis-quoting something to make it sound worse?

Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious that you're unable to understand the point I was making. You pulled out the "I'm not homophobic because I have a gay friend!" argument, which is the same argument as "I'm not racist because I have a black friend!", the more commonly used one. Did I say that you claimed to have a black friend and thus are not a racist? No, I said you were using that ARGUMENT. Which you were. Substitute black for gay, and there you go.

Not very good at picking things up are you?
why is Jonn Cena a role model? Because he appears to do the right thing? Is Rambo a role model? What about Harry Potter? How about Jack Bauer? Gregory House? Seely Booth. GREAT FBI detective on Bones. Fantastic Man. But is he a role model? NO. So why should Cena be a role model. He plays a CHARACTER. For all we know we hates jews, or thinks midgets are the devils army. We don't know. Everybody was SO SURE Hogan was all about vitamins and saying prayers, then we find out he's about lying, manipulating, taking illegal drugs, lying to the federal goverment.

Seriously, now you're just talking to hear yourself speak. We know they're characters. But anything that is shown or portrayed on television for the purpose of entertainment should pay close attention to who they offend. Break it down and pick it apart all you want, but there is no existing rulebook in regards to decency, morals, and values. If you're not smart enough to realize that the things you do and say hurt and offend people at times, then you can blame no one but yourself. Your "technicality" bullshit argument is not proving anything besides your ignorance and insenstitivity on the subject. But I'm not your daddy so I can't tell you to think before you speak and try not to say things to people that would offend different races, creeds, or minority groups.

We are talking about Characters here. If John Cena comes out on Raw next week and turns heel, like so many of us wants to happen, is he no longer a role model?

Probably not, because his TELEVISION role would probably change and he would act evil and sadistic in the same sense as characters such as Randy Orton, Edge, and the Miz.

You can't use characters in a scripted show as role models. As a parent, or brother, or whatever, it's your job to explain to them that wrestling isn't real. It's the same as a movie, or tv show. That each and every one of them has a job to do. And Cena's job right now is to appear clean cut, and a "good guy". But next week he might be the sorry bastard everybody hates.

People who take the route into the entertainment industry know right off the bat that they are going to be put in positions to be viewed by large amounts of people. They know what they're getting into. Whatever role they play, it's still a role. If they are antagonists, they're obviously not going to be viewed as role models. If they're heroes, most likely they'll be viewed as role models. It depends on how you define role model. They aren't limited to being parents or direct figures in people's lives. A complete stranger can be a role model. Hell wolvdog, even YOU can be a role model. Who are you to dictate who is or isn't a role model in this world??
Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious that you're unable to understand the point I was making. You pulled out the "I'm not homophobic because I have a gay friend!" argument, which is the same argument as "I'm not racist because I have a black friend!", the more commonly used one. Did I say that you claimed to have a black friend and thus are not a racist? No, I said you were using that ARGUMENT. Which you were. Substitute black for gay, and there you go.

Not very good at picking things up are you?

Do you actually know what homophobia is? Let's just break down the word; I'll concentrate on the second part, if I may, as that is the most pertinent. phobia; phobia is from the Greek φόβος meaning phobias, a fear of something. Now, if I was phobic of gay people, I wouldn't live with one. If someone is arachnophobic, they wouldn't knowingly live with a spider, if someone was ophidiophobic, they wouldn't have snakes would they. QED.
I will now go onto the point that ****** is an invented racist word, which I have often heard. ******, is actually a variant of the Spanish noun, negro, which is a derivitive of the Latin term Niger meaning black. It was misappropriated many years ago, by the white supremist movement. So, therefore maybe we should, instead of using ******, use Niger or Negro. Although some bleeding heart liberal will probably complain that that is offensive.
Oops, got sidetracked! As extra proof of my non-homophobic status, I have gone on Gay Pride marches, rallying for gay rights. Mine was a signature(one of the first) to have civil partnerships allowed. I seriously have my doubt's if a homophobe would have done that. Have I picked up on your point now?
Do you actually know what homophobia is? Let's just break down the word; I'll concentrate on the second part, if I may, as that is the most pertinent. phobia; phobia is from the Greek φόβος meaning phobias, a fear of something. Now, if I was phobic of gay people, I wouldn't live with one. If someone is arachnophobic, they wouldn't knowingly live with a spider, if someone was ophidiophobic, they wouldn't have snakes would they. QED.
I will now go onto the point that ****** is an invented racist word, which I have often heard. ******, is actually a variant of the Spanish noun, negro, which is a derivitive of the Latin term Niger meaning black. It was misappropriated many years ago, by the white supremist movement. So, therefore maybe we should, instead of using ******, use Niger or Negro. Although some bleeding heart liberal will probably complain that that is offensive.
Oops, got sidetracked! As extra proof of my non-homophobic status, I have gone on Gay Pride marches, rallying for gay rights. Mine was a signature(one of the first) to have civil partnerships allowed. I seriously have my doubt's if a homophobe would have done that. Have I picked up on your point now?

You really need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

Did I call you a homophobe? No, I did not. I simply laughed at you using the tired old "Well my friend is gay, so I can't be a homophobe!" argument that I hear so often. I couldn't care less what your personal opinion on homosexuality is. I was just pointing out the idiocy of that argument.
You really need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

Did I call you a homophobe? No, I did not. I simply laughed at you using the tired old "Well my friend is gay, so I can't be a homophobe!" argument that I hear so often. I couldn't care less what your personal opinion on homosexuality is. I was just pointing out the idiocy of that argument.

It may be an argument you hear a lot, but I am pointing out how in my case it is actually an accurate argument, and how it is not such a stupid argument as it seems. I think maybe it is you who needs to work on your comprehension skills, as nowhere have I said that you did call me a homophobe. If I did, then show it to me, and go back under my rock, and then you can claim this thread all to yourself!!:icon_lol:
Like it's been said already, calling something or someone "gay" has just become part of our everyday conversations. I assume, when homosexuality was a lot more condemned, it was a major insult to be called gay due to the sheer homophobia. But over the decades, it seems to have become more and more acceptable. Among straight people, anyway. To straight people now, it's basically the same as calling people "stupid". We get slightly offended by it, but it's not a big deal. But stuff like that is what gets people into trouble. Now the word "******" has become a joking insult, just like calling someone gay. It's ridiculous.
I can't tell you whether or not gay people find this offensive. I'm not gay myself, so I wouldn't know. But for something you are to be used as an insult must offend somewhat. I know it's not the same, but if calling someone "Irish" became an everyday insult in America, I'd be insulted.
It just irritates me to no end that an issue isn't addressed until it happens on tv. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we're reduced to. I'm not saying it's GLAAD's fault or anything. But it seems like an issue is never taken really seriously and never addressed until it's on TV...

In closing, I can understand why gay people would be offended by the use of the word "gay" as an insult. But unfortunately, it's never going to change...
Gross over-reaction to this one fellas. "Gay" isn't historically abusive, it's part of a political correctness outreach which many, myself included, find ridiculous. I say "that's gay" all the time, I just do. I don't feel guilty about it, as I would if I went up, or anyone went up and personally attacked anyone with any type of offensive language. It's irrelevant whether or not you support or advocate gay rights, it's what the subject indicates, political correctness. I can go out and hear countless uses of God's name in vain, an attack on religious grounds, and there are no groups rising up.

Call me for sympathy when political correctness is less of a joke.

A minority was offended. Film at 11:00.

Seriously, people will get upset over the slightest, smallest thing these days. The only real difference between today and the 90's is that now you can be sued, fired, and smeared for it.
I had Raw on my tv, but like the past 5 or 6 shows, I don't even watch lol, I DVR it and mostly end up Fast Forwarding. I didn't know about the whole "gay" thing until I read it because all I remembered it that it seemed like a TNA 2007/2008 version of Rock It's Your Life. I dunno what to say. Vince is Vince and this was just all about his ego and terrible taste in comedy.
I can go out and hear countless uses of God's name in vain, an attack on religious grounds, and there are no groups rising up.

There's a difference between saying "that's so gay" and saying "Jesus Christ!" or "oh my God"

The difference is that, something like "Oh my God" would typically only be said by people who believe in/worship God themselves. It's not meant as an offensive term. If the word "Jesus" suddenly became a fill-in word for 'lame' or 'stupid', like "gay" has become, then hell yes groups would be starting up to put an end to that.

When someone is offended by somebody else saying "God damn it", they are not necessarily being attacked on religious grounds because the person who said it may have the exact same religious beliefs, but just not see anything wrong with saying "Oh my God".

It would be equally offensive to use God's name in vain only if it were being used in vain solely by people who don't believe in / worship God. However, I being an atheist would feel really stupid saying "oh my God", and most of the non-religious people I know don't say it either. The only reason why groups don't start up to stop people from using His name in vain is because it's their own people doing it.

Besides, just because one group doesn't get riled up when they are offended, doesn't mean that another group should stay quiet when they get offended on national television. I mean what did GLAAD even do? The article said they tried to contact WWE. So they might be seeking a two-second apology, big fucking deal. It's not like they're encouraging people to boycott WWE forever or something.
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