Please keep Bobby Heenan in your thoughts

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
A friend of mine sent me some pictures of Bobby Heenan from of a buddy of his who attended a show this weekend. Heenan was doing autographs and pics.

Unfortunately, Bobby looks even more different now than he did after the last time he had throat cancer.

Please keep this man in your thoughts, as was not only the Best Heel Color Commentator of all time, but also the very Best Manager of all time in wrestling history. There will never be another one like him.


You people can't even begin to understand how much this guy meant to me growing up. When most people wanted to be actualy professional wrestlers, I wanted to be a manager. I wanted to be a "brain." That was all because of Bobby Heenan.

Seeing him in this state sends a shockwave throughout my body that can't be described as anything less than horrifying. He embodies every reason why I loved wrestling growing up.

Bobby, please find a way to make it through...
This touched me, also. It was like seeing Andre using a walker in his final days. I hope Heenan pulls through this and comes out of this. He was one of my all time characters in wrestling and the fact that he's still doing shows should speak volumes for how much he loves wrestling and the fans. At least he looks happy.
It actually scares me to death that this legend, this icon of wrestling looks in such bad shape.... He has so many fans, including many on this site. Seeing him that state is just so.... Terrible.

But I hope that he's not suffering or anything and that he can get healthy again.
Those images have pretty much stayed with me all day. My God, is that depressing. At the very least, he at least looks genuinely happy in the pictures, and has enough energy to go out to shows and sign autographs and take pictures. For those who don't know, his face looks weird because he had to have part of his jaw removed. Poor guy. But still, he looks better than that ghoul in the first picture.

Keep him in your thoughts, guys. Heenan by all accounts seems like a genuinely nice person, and he doesn't deserve any of this.
Wow, that is something I did not want too see, he will be in my thoughts and hope he gets better.
He was the greatest heel color commentator of all time, and the greatest manager ever...I hope he will pull through.
Did JR and Heenan ever work together?

I only recall them doing 2 PPVs together. Wrestlemania 9 and King of the Ring 1993.

Surprisingly, they actually weren't all that great together. Heenan was the best with Vince McMahon and Gorilla Monsoon. But for some reason, he and Ross weren't all that impressive together.
I have a relative who is almost in the same shape as Bobby after a life of dignity and owning whatever room he was in. It's hard on the family, and I know this is hard on Bobby, those close to him, and his many fans all over the world. Best wishes to him and those close to him.

As others have said, it's nice to see him in good spirits.

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