Please - Just Turn Randy Heel!


The United Kingdom Champion
Now I'm just bored, tired and fed up of seeing Randy as a face. His gimmick is so doll and un-intresting right now, I don't realy care about the Cena heel turn because that probly will never happen but Orton needs to go heel. His best work in my eyes was as a heel in his fued with the Mcmahon family and also as the Legend Killer fueding with Undertaker. I feel as if there are enough over faces at the moment to turn Randy heel and have him fued with a over face. His current gimmick could still work as a heel and I wouldn't mind if he kept the same gimmick but was to tweak it abit by showing more anger like he use to, Orton is one of the best in the buisness at storytelling and getting people over.

Think its time to turn him back to heel again possibly after this Wrestlemania or should he continue working as the Superman 0.2?
Ugh, he's far from being another "superman" character like Cena, I wish people would understand that. I think WWE will gradually turn him heel again, the only reason Cena stays heel is because of merch sales. While Randy's a big deal hes never been a "merch guy" and will probably turn heel seeing as how the only heels on SD have already done it all.
They tried to give him the whole "superman" character feel after being booted from Evolution and feuding with them before taking on the "Legend Killer" gimmick, which suited him much better then after winning the world title. I personally don't like a baby face Orton, I like his outsider roll as it is now, I think the feud with Barrett is great and might continue at the Royal Rumble, perhaps costing Randy a chance at winning, then maybe after that we could see a heel Orton return..
I don't think he's a Superman-type right now, but he's certainly one of the most dull "main eventers" they have at the moment. I think part of it is that he doesn't have any real character at all. I can't remember the last time I heard him give a promo (I don't watch Smackdown, so maybe that's why) and his in-ring work is as dry as anybody. I don't understand all the flopping around he does before the RKO and the whole "he's hearing voices in his head!" and "he's going to that special place!" stuff they spew on commentary. Is he supposed to be a crazy person? Because he behaves completely sane. He hasn't really been that ruthless, take no prisoners predator in a while now.
Orton needs to be heel. That is where he is the best. When I see him now I always think "Crap here we go again" His matches as a face are very stale and not very entertaining. I would say he is getting almost "Cena-Like"

When he was a heel you never knew what you were going to get week to week. His matches were much better. And a heel turn would put him back in the title hunt. Cause as a face I dont see him winning the title ANY TIME soon.

Ugh, he's far from being another "superman" character like Cena, I wish people would understand that. I think WWE will gradually turn him heel again, the only reason Cena stays heel is because of merch sales. While Randy's a big deal hes never been a "merch guy" and will probably turn heel seeing as how the only heels on SD have already done it all.

He's far from Superman 0.2, but I agree that he's bland right now.

First off, Orton has been more of a Superman the past year than Cena has, though as of late Orton has started to look more human with clean losses to Mark Henry and Wade Barrett.

That said, Orton's at his very best right now, at least in the ring. Orton's character outside of the ring leaves a lot to be desired, but he wrestles so well as a face that it doesn't matter. His style just lends itself to face wrestling; whether he's setting up for one of his signatures, like the hangman DDT or the RKO, or whether he's reversing the bad guy's offense with some of his own stiff strikes, or if he's using the match stipulation to throw an empty box at David Otunga, Orton just gets it when it comes to wrestling as a face.

On top of that, the crowds still love him. Along with Cena and Punk, Orton consistently gets the loudest pop, and he moves a ton of merchandise. Why would the WWE want to mess with a good thing?
100% agree and i have been thinking the exact same thing since elimination chamber i hate his promos they feel like they should be coming from a heel with his voice and his attitude he still goes around acting like he doesnt like anyone plus how many times are people supposed to change the channel before or during his matches before wwe realizes hardly anyone is interested anymore..... sure it was interesting at first if you asked me in 2009 if i thought he would be face ever i would have said no but now hes stale and boring just like alberto del rio he was interesting at first but he never changes thats why both superstars are in need of a new gimmick
Randy as a heel was much more fun. Although you've got to admit that triple threat match at Wrestlemania vs Rhodes and Dibiase was fun to watch.
He's actually more bearable now that he isn't in the run for the then he was in the run or holding the title he was boring. I think they need to keep him in feuds like this one or the one with Cody. Cody didn't win the feud, but it was still interesting.
Randy is an amazing heel.. I think he will turn heel down the road.

Right now he out pops all the other SD babyfaces routinely on tv and at the house shows. So I dont think it is the right time for him to turn heel.

When they turn him heel again I think he goes back to Raw. He has to screw over a big time babyface like a CM Punk.
silly op, the massive majority of fans like randy orton. turning him heel, from a business stand point, just isnt a good move unless they get someone of equal or greater star power to take over for him. and since we lost alot of guys this past year, its unlikely that we will see a heel randy orton for awhile.
Pretty sure if Edge hadn't of gotten injured and retired, then Randy would be still on Raw and probably have turned heel by now given Punk has stepped up and Cena is still face. Orton was a heel for so long and has only been face around 18 months.

I'd keep Randy as a face for the time being given Smackdown has some decent heels in Henry, Barrett, Cody and Christian.
I've been waiting for an Orton heel turn for a while. I don't think it will happen, because it's just not good from a business perspective from WWE's point of view. He was much better as a heel, and as a lot of people have stated, his character suits a heel much better. I don't mind him as a face, but he is much better as a heel. But, I still think it's unlikely. He gets one of the biggest pops in the WWE at the minute, so it's unlikely in the short run, until some more people start getting bored of his gimmick as well, which hopefully should be soon.
To be fair, while I disagree with some of the OP arguments, I do share the sentiment that Randy should turn heel sometime in the near future.

He's growing stale, and I feel it would be better to turn him before this starts being a problem. I know that turning isn't the only way to break staleness - but I do want to see heel Orton at least once more, I guess.
I'd like to see an Orton heel turn for myself for people seem that sold on Orton being a better heel than face, but not now, when the most over face in Smackdown after him isn't ready to take to the front as a consistent main-eventer yet (whether that be Sheamus or Daniel Bryan, I genuinely do not know).
In my opinion, the issue isn't whether or not Randy is a heel or a face, that's just a coincidence. They just happened to invested more time into developing his character when he was a heel so it was very exciting to watch him in 2008/2009 when he was completely unpredictable and would both open and close RAW with entertaining 15+ minute promos. The crowd turned him face because they loved his character and how it evolved but then when WWE acknowledged that, they completely stopped developing his character. When was the last time Orton had a promo at all!? The only time they let him speak is for a 2-minute backstage interview where he talks about how he wants the title. He has no character, no personality anymore, and that's why he's so stale and boring. The WWE needs to invest some more time in his development again, much like how they've been doing for Cena since 2003 and now are doing for Punk, Ziggler, Rhodes, and Ryder on a weekly basis. I think they're forgetting Orton and he's getting lost in the shuffle but they need to realize how valuable he is.
I can't see WWE turning Randy face in the near future because he is the main babyface on smackdown. WWE see him as that guy who draws people in to watch and buy tickets for smackdown. I have no real issue with him remaining face but i would like to see his gimmick tweaked in a way that allows Randy to be more creative in his promos. WWE need to allow him to bring back the personality, charisma and natural arrogance he had when he was the Legend Killer. If he is to be a face they need to make his character less serious and more dynamic.

Alternatively, face or heel he needs another mark out moment e.g Punting Vince in the skull, to get that unpredictability back about him. At the mo its the same old backstage segement with Matt Striker interviewing him and everytime he says the same old im going to take out my anger and take back the title stuff. Even still he is one of the best in the business certainly in ring but his character just needs re-vitalising.
I really enjoyed his work as a 'tweener. The problem is, even though we're still calling him that, he's gone mostly over to the "good guy" side.....he's isn't really a 'tweener anymore.

When Randy first started his 'tweener, days, he fought against bad guys, yet might turn and attack John Cena just when you figured he was on Cena's side. He kept us guessing, and there was debate on this forum whether Randy was a face or a heel. That was great. Back then, he wasn't really acknowledging the cheers of the fans; instead, he kept his attention on his opponent even after the match had ended. We truly didn't know on which side his allegiance lie.

I say they return Orton to his in-between status and really run with it. No one does it better than him.
Now I'm just bored, tired and fed up of seeing Randy as a face.

Oh, good, you have an opinion, just like every other human being on this rock. Congrats, brother.

His gimmick is so doll and un-intresting right now, I don't realy care about the Cena heel turn because that probly will never happen but Orton needs to go heel.

Hard to read, but I think I got the main points. Ortonz boring, he don't do enough movez, he don't sit indian style and drop pipe bombz, he don't do flippiez, and he ain't a heel so he automatikally suckz!

Am I on the right track?

His best work in my eyes was as a heel in his fued with the Mcmahon family and also as the Legend Killer fueding with Undertaker.

When it comes to mic work, I agree. In the ring? Absolutely not. This past year has been his best in terms of ring work. It's funny how a guy can rarely speak a word and still be the second or third most popular guy on the roster. And he needs a change?? :lmao:

I feel as if there are enough over faces at the moment to turn Randy heel and have him fued with a over face. His current gimmick could still work as a heel and I wouldn't mind if he kept the same gimmick but was to tweak it abit by showing more anger like he use to, Orton is one of the best in the buisness at storytelling and getting people over.

You're all over the place. You admit he's a great storyteller, and his gimmick works, but technically speaking, you feel he should turn heel? Why? There's no reason for it. When you're that over, you don't need a change. It's unfortunate that yourself and a few thousand internet fanboys don't likez da facez, but Orton's fine where he is.

Think its time to turn him back to heel again possibly after this Wrestlemania or should he continue working as the Superman 0.2?

I'm happy you're not in charge.

Orton is doing well. I wish they'd do a bit more with him, but he's about as over as a guy can be. His matches are great, his character is full-tilt 100% of the time, and he's over.

Oh, and we shouldn't forget why he's a babyface - we turned him into one. We began to cheer for him while he was still a heel. Turning him, at this point, will be a lot harder than you think.
I don't see the point in turning Randy Orton heel. Simple question: What was the reason Orton was turned face in the process? Was it because he took on a more fan-friendly approach? No. Did he lose the sadistic nature of his character? Nope. He's punted guys in the head just as he did as a heel. He's still a narcissist who essentially cares only about himself. It wasn't some brainstorm by creative, it was the fans. They began cheering him during feuds with HHH, John Cena, and Kofi Kingston, and it was Ted DiBiase's lack of connection with the fans that really turned Orton into a face, so to speak.

Personally, I still don't see Orton as a face, as he's the definition of a tweener. He doesn't stab people in the back anymore or manipulate them to get his way, but he's not exactly a nice guy either. Further, this is the best ring work of Orton's career. Instead of looking to get himself DQ'd or counted out to win matches or retain championships, he's won with his offense, which is the best it's ever been. He's expanded his moveset, and as a result, he's been doing the best in-ring work of his career as a result.

Orton's never been a great talker or a great promo, heel or face. But he's doing the best work of his career in the ring, he's getting heels over, and his current character is one of the lynchpins of Smackdown. Even if WWE were to turn him heel, whose to say the crowd would accept him as such? That could be disastrous, as it could force another turn, and possibly cost merchandise sales in the process. It's working for the vast majority of WWE fans, so why fix what isn't broken?
Now I'm just bored, tired and fed up of seeing Randy as a face. His gimmick is so doll and un-intresting right now, I don't realy care about the Cena heel turn because that probly will never happen but Orton needs to go heel. His best work in my eyes was as a heel in his fued with the Mcmahon family and also as the Legend Killer fueding with Undertaker. I feel as if there are enough over faces at the moment to turn Randy heel and have him fued with a over face. His current gimmick could still work as a heel and I wouldn't mind if he kept the same gimmick but was to tweak it abit by showing more anger like he use to, Orton is one of the best in the buisness at storytelling and getting people over.

Think its time to turn him back to heel again possibly after this Wrestlemania or should he continue working as the Superman 0.2?
I agree with you 100% he is doll so doll that i don't even like watching him anymore. The sooner he turns heel the better he works best as heel. I'm a big fan of his legend killer gimmick and the cold hearted viper gimmick ( as heel ).Wwe has def turned him into cena 2.0.

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