Please control your emotion Charlotte Flair

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
Okay, first I would like to state something clearly, that this isn't a hatred thread. No ranting with obsolete facts or irrational statements.

We're having our mixed views on the Paige vs Charlotte contract signing that happened this week on Raw. Each of us have our own opinion about the usage of Flair's son and Charlotte's brother. Anyway this thread isn't about that.

When Charlotte picked up the mic, she seemed to be sobbing for no reason. Mind you, I'm telling you that she seemed like sobbing right from the moment she started talking. It's understandable that she cried when she talked about her brother, but she seemed like weeping through the whole promo.

To be honest, it made me feel like Paige was still the face in that promo even though she sort of USED Charlotte from the moment they met.

Charlotte should control her emotions. If she gets emotional, that should bring tear to our eyes. But she's been like crying week after week. She talks about being a Fighting Champion and she will keep on fighting, but can't she even control her tears? I mean seriously, she should be the strongest champion, crying wouldn't help that.

What's your verdict on this? Feel free to share your mind. Cheers!!
Charlotte blew a great opportunity on Monday night. And I don't mean that in the sense that she'll lose any of her standing in the Women's Division. I mean it in the sense that she had a chance to that no other divas have gotten, and she looked flat-out terrible

You could very easily tell that she was given a script and not bullet points. There were a good amount of awkward silences and Charlotte's emotions were all over the place. She emphasized the wrong words at times looked very green on the mic.

Nothing that Charlotte said connected with me. The Reid stuff was fine but it was just poorly executed. The OP is right that Charlotte looked weak in her promo. The crying and sobbing was not becoming of a strong champion

All of this did make me realize one thing, however. Charlotte is not ready to be the face of this division. It needs to be Paige or Sasha. Hell, give Becky a shot. I was a Charlotte fan, but giving her that spotlight on highlighted her flaws
Honestly, I thought the whole exchange was tasteless ... but ...

.. but .. but .. but .. I can see the point. I can see the point of shock value, I can see the point of this used as a plot trigger. It's nasty, it's tasteless ... but I can see it.

In this case, if you want to make it personal and cross that line, then do it right. If it was completely up to me, I would sit those two girls down and make this whole thing seem like a shoot. Make it feel real.

Yes, have Paige diss her brother. Fine. You'll burn in hell but fine. But make it seem like she slipped up or crossed the line, make it seem like it wasn't scripted. Have Charlotte clock her in the mouth - for real. Seriously, take a fucking hit. If you wanna be careful, make it look semi-real but use a blood bag thingy in your mouth - just make it seem legit.

People storm the ring, announcers don't know what to say, make it freaking real.

Paige fucked up, she mentioned her dead brother, Charlotte flipped, clocked her in the mouth, Flair comments, Charlotte doesn't, Paige doesn't, WWE's in a PR frenzy. Eventually you put them two against eachother, you figure out an elegant way to keep the intensity and make it seem real still, Charlotte wins, we move on.

But no, it's gotta be script with word by word, no emotion, just cross the line in a tasteless way and don't even have the common courtesy to TRY and make something good out of it.
You say she was given an opportunity no one else has been given, I see it that she's had to use something very unpleasant and not through choice.

Expecting ANY wrestler to control their emotion to that level on a subject that close to them is asking for trouble, not disappointment, flat out trouble.

If Charlotte had not show enough emotion, trolls abound would be saying "She can't have loved her brother enough...", if she does show emotion "she's a whiner/cryer". She literally could not win in that scenario and I think that is probably what Flair alluded to in his comments.

She wasn't set up to fail, but like with the "Eddie's Dead" moment it can only ever fall flat, Owen Is RAW or the Benoit debacle, it can only ever end badly to bring up deceased people. All the phoney tears for Owen, were forgotten once guys like Mark Henry and Jeff showed real emotion, Benoit's crocodile tears from people were tempered by Chavo's real emotion and Regal's clear insight into something darker about the man.

It's harsh to judge her in ANY way on this - if she was doing the "Flair thing" of crying on command without this happening, sure it'd be fake as hell, but there is a real issue here and WWE might have sabotaged her inadvertently by going there, especially with the Paige/Lana stuff kicking off - there could also be some unfair backlash on Paige and it could damage the Be A Star stuff... after all Paige was ALSO told to say something I am sure she wouldn't in the real world, especially with her upbringing in the business... but in the wrestling bubble it's fair game.

Cut Charlotte some slack - the Ronda Rousey thing will kill it off anyway, it wasn't too soon for Charlotte, but it was to soon to go here with her character... she needed more time to handle an angle this intense... Hell Rey barely managed it and he was a SIXTEEN Year veteran when Eddie passed so Ashley Flair had less than 3...

It's not so much bad taste as just bad form on WWE's part.
Yeah, I don't think you're taking into account how difficult this was for her. She knew ahead of time what was coming, she knew that her brother was going to be mentioned as part of this segment and while she may have been okay with it on a professional level, that doesn't necessarily mean that it was any easier to take personally. From what I understand, she had a close relationship with him and just because he's been gone for quite a while doesn't automatically negate the feelings she had for him; she's a human being after all and even though she may have been fine with the angle, it doesn't mean that it didn't just hit her hard from an emotional standpoint.

Part of being a pro's pro is trying to do your absolute best in a terrible situation. On the day Daniel Bryan's father died, the day he returned to work after his honeymoon, you could see by his facial expression that he was struggling to hold it together, which is 100% understandable. He was given the option of missing out on Raw that night to fly home to be with his family, but he insisted on going through with the angle; he also didn't cut a promo that night and I wouldn't have been at all surprised if he'd flat out broken down sobbing if he had. As I said, he looked to be barely keeping himself under control during his entrance, but I personally wouldn't have looked down on Bryan if he hadn't been able to maintain control.
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Yeah, how dare she not be emotionally composed when being forced to run a promo regarding the tragic death of her beloved real life little brother. What a bitch.

If that promo had nothing to do with Reid Flair, I'd hear ya. Forcing that on her was gross and unnecessary on WWE's part. If you ask me, it was Katie Vick ugly. WWE didn't need to go there to sell this match. Now they've written themselves into a corner. How can Charlotte not win now? It's ridiculous.

I've had no problem with Charlotte on the mic, and I still don't. Her and Paige should put on much better matches than Charlotte and Nikki.

Why on Earth would WWE take a rookie talent, rub what is probably the worst thing that's ever happened to them in their face, then expect them to maintain composure in the first diva angle to close Raw in a long time?

I really hope Ashley Fliehr wins Sunday, not just her character Charlotte (who does not use the surname Flair). Speaking as an older brother, Ashley probably feels like she failed as a big sister and should not be expected to maintain her emotions or deliver the same old garbage scripted lines.

I just want to take that whole segment, stick it in the wrestle-crap vault of stuff I'd like to forget, and move on. Go Charlotte.
This is the sequel to my thread of trying to control the tears. I seriously don't think Charlotte can. She's got Ric Flairs problem , where he would cry at any significant promo. She's cried 85% of her time in the big leagues now. For Pete's sake she even cries WHILE she's in a damn match. Somebody needs to have a talk with her and tell her how ridiculous she looks when she's babbling all the damn time.
You know what, the bigger story is the WWE DID NOT inform Ric Flair of this angle and he had to watch it unfold before his eyes. That's a big faux pas on WWEs part.
Crying?.. Apparently it's normal with the divas.. Didn't you see the last 2 Takeover events where Sasha and Bayley were balling their eyes out like they just lost a family member.. Get this, they were crying because they main-evented a show and stole the show.. How lame is that? I get being happy but it's not worth crying over... Charlotte should stop crying, all the divas and superstars need to stop crying. I'm tired of people crying in my real life, i don't need to see it on WWE programming.. Crying is definitely one of the pet peeves in the wrestling business. Can't fucking stand it.
To be honest, it made me feel like Paige was still the face in that promo even though she sort of USED Charlotte from the moment they met.

Yes, that's understandable. After all, Paige was just being what we expect her to be. She was the heel in the segment....nothing had changed from previous weeks....and since we're so crazy about heels nowadays, we could boo her for being the bad girl even while appreciating how well she was performing.

But Charlotte? As I saw it, she wasn't really crying; she was pretending to because that's what the act called for. I couldn't hear her voice to know if she was genuinely sobbing but there was no discernible hitch in the cadence of her speech to suggest real crying.

I was fine with the segment, but then, I'm not blown away by political incorrectness as so many are today.

If that's so, what does it say that Ashley Fliehr couldn't even work up legitimate tears over her dead brother? If that sounds harsh, then so be it, but she was an actress playing a role.....and in the future she might be better served playing it without the fake waterworks.
If she could act to that level, then they'd have been far better having her knock Paige the Fuck out and turning her heel from it... she's not that good an actress...

It's a low rent move from WWE, just when you think they're getting their house in order and putting mistakes right like rehiring Del Rio, Vince comes up with another doozy...
As surprised as I am to say this, I agree with Mark Madden in that Charlotte ultimately did what she had to do. Whether you thought it was tacky or entertaining television, look at it this way: let's say Charlotte wasn't okay with it, WWE respected her wishes and didn't include that bit; someone higher up could say that Charlotte's not a team player or that she doesn't have the gumption to be a true professional and doesn't have the work ethic they're hoping for. If she said no, MAYBE it would've earned her heat among some of the higher ups. Would all WWE executives flat out deny such an allegation? Of course they would. Would some genuinely have been fine with it? I'd expect so. Ultimately, we'd have no real way of knowing one way or the other beyond Charlotte giving a shoot interview or some "source" talked to the dirt sheets causing rumors to run wild.

As for Ric Flair, I agree that it was sort of in bad form not to ask his permission but, at the same time, Flair wasn't part of the angle so I can also see why some would say his opinion wasn't sought because of that. Regardless, Charlotte found herself in a perilous situation that could have either helped solidify her place among the top women in WWE or earned her heat because, after all, while she's the daughter of a legend, she's also very much a "rookie" in WWE. There are various ways of paying your dues and they sometimes include wrestlers doing things they may not personally be all that crazy about, but they do them anyway because that's what professionals do and this is true not only for WWE but wrestling as a whole.
This is one of those times where I'll give it to her. This was a moment in which she actually SHOULD have shed some tears. I mean, they were talking about her dead brother so yeah, I won't complain about it. Pretty sure she was crying from the beginning because she was thinking of Reid the whole time.

As for this Flair always crying bit... he only started shedding tears after he retired. I find it difficult to ever remember a time when Ric Flair was sobbing while cutting a promo.
Ummmmm.... I have lost my brothers in the past so i know the agony and pain from it..... Therefore i totally understand that it was legitimate for Charlotte to cry...... After all she is a human being.. and i could see her cry genuinely not for only for script but also for real.....
Charlotte is just TERRIBLE on the mic. She just is.

I can't wait for Sasha's turn. She's good at everything.

And yeah, the angle was tasteless IMO. It felt very cheap and low rent. It wasn't shocking could tell they were going to go there. Seemed forced and desperate too.

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