Is Charlotte Being Forced On The Audience?


Staff member
So I just took a few minutes and watched the most recent episode of Chair Shot Reality (I can't believe I am actually admitting to watching those guys, but I digress). Amongst other things, they pose the question as to whether or not Charlotte is being forced on the audience, in large part due to who she is and more specifically, who her famous father is. And for me, the simple answer to the question is, YES.

No one is debating her skills in the ring. She is an excellent diva who displays great in ring skills for a diva, and is reasonably competent on the mic. So I am not lamenting the fact that she recently became the new WWE Divas Champion. It was time for a change. Nikki set the record for longest reign, but it was definitely time for someone new at the top of the mountain. And all things considered, Charlotte is a reasonable choice.

But for me, she is definitely being forced upon us to a large degree. The fact that she is Ric Flair's daughter is not simply being mentioned in passing. It has become the focus of who she is and I for one have not been enjoying that aspect of things. When she was in NXT, she was pretty successful and popular. Everyone knew she was a Flair, but it didn't totally define her entire persona. Sure, she has the theme music which clearly is in tribute to her dad, and that's fine. Her finisher is the figure eight, again in tribute to the Nature Boy. There would be the occasional woo, sporadic references to her father, but for the most part, her accomplishments seemed to be directly related to her abilities in the ring. Her development as a diva seemed to be more natural.

Since being on the main roster, though, things have changed. The announcers reference her famous father constantly. Every time I see her, whether it be in the ring or backstage, there's Mr. Flair, red in the face and teary eyed. She never stops talking about her dad, how proud she is of him and how proud she is to be following in his footsteps. Talking about the Four Horsemen. I don't think she can complete a sentence without wooing all over the place. Jesus, they should just have her come out in a flashy robe and start calling her the Nature Girl and get it over with.

I was a big fan of hers in NXT, but now I'm not so sure. Personally I would rather see her reach the level she so richly deserves to reach based upon her own merits, rather than riding the coattails of her famous father. Let her be Charlotte, one of the most dominant and skilled divas on the roster in and of herself. As opposed to becoming the Divas champion because she is Charlotte Flair, Ric Flair's kid. Personally I couldn't care less who her father is, and how proud he is of her, and vice versa (and I've got no problem with Ric Flair whatsoever). But I don't want this fact to be drilled into my head every single solitary time I see her or hear the announcers talk about her. Personally, I've had enough of that.
This doesn't make sense though, she wins almost all her matches, much like Becky and Sasha all of a sudden she's being forced on the audience. People wanted someone to end Nikki's title reign, in ends up being Charlotte, instead of people being happy about that, she's being forced on the audience again... No matter what WWE does there's always going to be people like you out there.. Paige won the Divas Title on her debut and dominated the divas division in 2014 but nobody was saying she was being forced on the audience.. It's just fans being hypocrites.

I agree they need to stop mentioning Ric all the time just because it's his daughter, but Ric is an icon, it would be the same if Hulk Hogan's daughter was in WWE.

I'm not a big fan of Charlotte by any means, i find her really annoying, always have, but by no means is she being forced on the audience, simply because of how popular she is. The fans want Charlotte on top and they're giving it to you guys.
Is Charlotte Being Forced On The Audience?
As much as any other Superstar in wrestling who is futured heavily. As much as Cena, Rollins, Wyatt, Reigns or even New Day or Bellas or Paige if you want to limit yourself on Divas.

What people need to understand is that NXT is different platform from RAW. There were dozens of Superstars coming from NXT but but not all of them are succesfull on bigger platform as RAW is. So WWE needs to add their famous father or to give them character ressemblances that are different so they could transition better. Point is, in this case WWE is right. As much as Charlotte could succeed on her own and that she doesnt need "Woooo" or her father, it certanly bringed her more character exposure. Which is good thing for bigger platform like RAW.

Look at Becky Lynch. She is as good as Charlotte, even read that her background story is great, but they dont future her as much. I know that she is good in ring but why is she wearing that steampunk cosplay is beyond me. Thats because in order to succeed you need more then just good matches as in NXT, you also need that exposure people always bitch about.

I mean, I get what are you saying and personally considering Flair or even "Wooooo-ing" kinda cheesy and stupid. But I get what WWE wants to do with it and they are right on spot with it. :)
Is she being "forced"? I don't really see how. She's in the midst of a push, that means you're supposed to be featured more prominently than most of the other wrestlers on the roster. If Charlotte wasn't putting on entertaining matches, wasn't evolving, slowly but surely at least, as a persona and wasn't getting strong positive responses from fans yet was still getting a huge push, then I'd say she was being forced onto the fans.

One of the bigger complaints in regards to the Divas Revolution is that there's been too much focus on the factions rather than on the girls themselves as individuals; I never personally agreed with that perspective as I always saw it as WWE using the factions to help establish something different before focusing on individualism a little later.

I agree that they're making too big of a deal out of the fact that Charlotte is Ric Flair's daughter; however, I also knew that this was about to happen because Flair is a legend among legends in pro wrestling. I do think Charlotte is more than just Ric Flair's daughter and that she'll ultimately forger her own identity in time because, to be fair, we all know that there'd be complaints no matter what. For instance, if they didn't make that big of a deal out of Charlotte being Flair's daughter, it wouldn't be long before the forums were filled with complaint threats and/or posts in that regard.
Yes. Raw has this weird thing about taking NXT talent and defining them in the simplest way imaginable. Then they beat us over the head with it. Whereas Charlotte had a lot more going for her other than "My Father etc", over on Raw they just have to squeeze that cash cow as hard as fucking possible. But I don't think it's her fault.

The writers are lame. One day we won't have to worry about it. One day.
In much the same way that anyone is pushed, yes. I think you feel like she's being forced down throats, whereas I don't feel that's fully accurate. What they're doing is putting the title on her early and presenting her as someone you love, without that character progression. Is that bad? I'm not sure.

She's getting good crowd reactions, but she hasn't sweat or bled for that let alone her title on the main roster. They want to make her a star, but they aren't waiting for her star to shine on its own. She's Ric Flair's daughter, and inevitably we want that moment where Ric goes red and cries, but it feels a bit contrived because we don't really know his daughter well enough yet.

She's not being forced like say Sheamus on his Raw debut against Cena or Lesnar 2002. She's the star, but she's sharing the spotlight.

I would have booked another triple threat (I know, groan) at Night of Champions, but I would have had Paige win the title defeating Nikki and Charlotte. The next night on Raw would have proceeded the same, same pipe bomb, but have Paige resent Becky and Charlotte and then you have your fall feud. Charlotte chases Paige's title, then you have the nice moments with Ric after a few more months when Charlotte's character beyond her father's gimmick is fleshed out.

You're not wrong, but forced is hyperbole. She's receiving a huge push in a broken division, so any flaws will look like fault lines.
She won the title too quickly. There was no story, no angle, no struggle.

The title win felt predictable and underwhelming. Her character hasn't been developed yet.

The same thing happened with Paige, except worse.....she won the title her first match, and only NOW has she become an interesting character in my opinion.
NO -- she is not being "forced on the audience."

BUT -- that's not really the issue.

When the crowd is chanting for Sasha Banks during numerous diva segments, and when Paige already has a connection with the crowd, it does beg the question, why Charlotte? Hell, even DumBella (oh, sorry, I meant Honky Tonk Bella) has a stronger connection with the crowd.

If they really have a desire to build around Charlotte, they should've let Sasha or Paige take the strap off Icky DumBella and then have Charlotte chase the title to build her up. As it is, we don't really "know" a lot about Charlotte other than she's the daughter of Flair, and she tries to incorporate some kind of Flair-ism into her interviews/matches.

Okay, but that said, I'm okay with this "too quick of a push" for Charlotte. It works in Sasha's favor. Now Sasha's slow burn can continue. I hope to see Charlotte vs. Sasha at WM32 -- that's assuming WWE can actually keep the Divas interesting for that long.
The same argument could be used for all second generation wrestlers when they first start, Paige if I remember right won it even quicker last year after leaving NXT and Charlotte is a welcome change after the Bellas record title reign.
I do not think they are shoving her down our throats, she is in the midst of a big push right now. I do think they need to let her develop her own character and not ride her dad's coat tails. She is very talented but this might have been a little to soon to push her and let her win the Divas Title. They should have went with Paige to win the Divas Title and let us see Charlotte grow, I do see Charlotte and Sasha at WM32. I would like to see Becky win the Divas Title some day.
I agree, in a way she is being forced on us. wwe was smart - team her with Paige who people like, put her up against Nikki Bella who people were tired of, her winning is seen as a good thing even though since she debuted she was getting the mega push that others didn't get(Emma for example). I don't know if it is a bad thing though. I do think they need to quit with the Ric Flair references though - let her stand on her own, not as the daughter of Ric Flair. I guess it is wait and see - if they make her some super-dominant force like they did with Nikki, then they are really forcing her onto the audience but if they let it go a natural way where she wins some, loses some, loses the title when it is right then it isn't really a bad thing as any decent push is really forcing someone on the audience. Only reason we really complain is because someone is getting pushed but it feels wrong(wrong guy, lack of talent, etc).
If she is getting "shoved down our throats" it's thanks to "Give Divas A Chance" - That whole misguided social media movement that forced Vince & Company to give more air time to the division that doesn't drive ratings, doesn't drive buyrates, doesn't sell house show tickets, and has very limited merchandise power....simply because their appeals to the masses met with sympathetic ears in a mainstream media that doesn't understand wrestling.

Charlotte can flat out perform in the ring, something almost completely absent from the womens division for a few years now. If you're going to "Give Divas A Chance" you'll have to find someone who can actually perform, at some point the matches have to be promotable, or there is nothing to sell.

Niki Bella couldn't sell tickets to see her wrestle if you gave away cash prizes at the arena she is so bad, a plight more often than not afflicting most of WWE's prized "Divas" for some time. They were hired to be eye candy and fill ins on TV in between segments that matter. That is is it, and it worked just fine for the audience that watches this soap opera. If people who don't watch are complaining about their role the either A) WWE should have ignored them B) You have to find people who can play characters & perform and put them in these spots if the plan is to actually feature them in a meaningful way.

Since WWE - at least for now, seems intent on "B" Charlotte, who has strong ties to the WWE developmental territory NXT, is the way to go - kill two birds with one stone, actually find a women character who can perform a watchable match AND pump up how great your company funded corporate developmental is so tthat fans take future NXT characters debuting on RAW more seriously, or actually watch NXT programming itself.

None of this likely happens without the ill conceived "Give Divas A Chance", or at least WWE's weak kneed response to it. However, it is here, so at least enjoy the fact that Divas actually have storyline meaning for a change and can deliver (at least the NXT girls) a viewable match.
NO -- she is not being "forced on the audience."

BUT -- that's not really the issue.

When the crowd is chanting for Sasha Banks during numerous diva segments, and when Paige already has a connection with the crowd, it does beg the question, why Charlotte? Hell, even DumBella (oh, sorry, I meant Honky Tonk Bella) has a stronger connection with the crowd.

If they really have a desire to build around Charlotte, they should've let Sasha or Paige take the strap off Icky DumBella and then have Charlotte chase the title to build her up. As it is, we don't really "know" a lot about Charlotte other than she's the daughter of Flair, and she tries to incorporate some kind of Flair-ism into her interviews/matches.

Okay, but that said, I'm okay with this "too quick of a push" for Charlotte. It works in Sasha's favor. Now Sasha's slow burn can continue. I hope to see Charlotte vs. Sasha at WM32 -- that's assuming WWE can actually keep the Divas interesting for that long.

Yeah that makes sense. Nobody is going to really remember Charlotte beating Nikki but Sasha beating Charlotte or whoever for the Divas title for WrestleMania should be remembered.
I don't think she's being forced anymore than anyone is... She has ring skills, and above average to good mic skills, I only don't like her selling being a bit lame, but a EVERYONE is being forced on us if your definition holds really.

Ya, Naitch being on camera and pushing her story is a bit "Forced", but I feel like she's going to be able to hold her own fine once he's out of the picture. We all like to say "we want people to reach their potential on their own merits". But in reality, being a generational superstar sells and is as much of someone's gimmick as anything else. Wrestling is very much a sport that appreciates it's history (For better or worse), and it really shows with how generational gimmicks work out (For the most part).

I'll take her being shoved down our throats over Boring Twin magic screwjobs every month for a "title reign"
Like someone said earlier, is she being forced or being given a push? I would say it's a little from column A and a whole bunch from column B.

Nicki Bella had held the title for what seemed forever. There were really no credible challengers other than Paige and Naomi who turned heel. So they brought up Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks. Now Sasha is a natural heel, and the other two faces, so it wasn't surprising how it ended up the way it did.

I like all three of the new girls, they were very entertaining when they were with NXT, and still are. Would have preferred Sasha to hold the title but her turn will come.

As for Charlotte, she's being given a chance, and I don't think it's just because she's Flair's daughter. Simple reason being, she's good in the ring. Like Roman Reigns and other's before her, she might have used her family's influence to get her foot in the door, but so what. She has the talent, and skills to get the job done, and that's what counts in this business.

Do they reference Flair a little too much, well sometimes, but give the girl time to put her own carbon footprint on the business. If they didn't mention him at all or her connection to him, we'd all be wondering why. If Flair didn't show up, he'd be a prick of a father for not being there when his daughter won her first title. She's be a bitch for not acknowledging her Dad and the legend that he is. When is too much, too much? It's subjective to each and every person, and I'm sure it will die down in time.
actually i dont like charlotte divas title win. Instead i like a short fued with paige. Wwe do paige heel turn move very soft. Instead paige interfere in that match and attack charllote. It will make a huge match for both paige and charllote in hiac inside cell.
Bringing sasha to main roster is meaning less. She wrestle random match. Instead they make a no 1 contender match sasha vs becky and sasha wins and face nikki at hiac. They both give a best divas match in main roster. In my point of view sasha deserves to be the divas champion.
So, this is my wildly unpopular opinion, but Charlotte just isn't that good. She's no better than Nikki anyway. Sasha, Becky, Bayley, and Nattie (and maybe even Emma or Paige) are all far superior to Charlotte. At best, she's a middle of the road worker. But, they wanted a big name to upset Nikki, and they didn't want someone like Becky (who is super over, and a far better in ring worker, but not as worshipped as Charlotte by the smarks), so they gave it to Charlotte.
I didn't want to start a new thread so I'm using this one to vent on Charlotte's constant crying on the mic or even during matches. I just figured it was jitters as being new to the main roster....but nope. Last night she just can't help herself , Jesus she's as bad or even worse than Ric Flairs crying. Plus, why was that Diva signing the last part of Raw ? Did the powers that be thought that was more important than Roman vs Cesaro ? Sure, Paige said a very controversial thing before the brawl, but that's a segment that should be used in the middle of the show.
It was a big mistake having the Divas Conract signing in the main event segment tonight on Raw on the go home show of Survivor Series. I think Charlotte was exposed in the segment and it showed her weaknesses. She seemed to forget her lines and it looked like she was about to break down and cry. Not that I think she's terrible on the mic, she's seems very passionate and confident but she obviously needs some work. I don't think it's entirely her fault, the segment should of been cut shorter and not in the main event.
But I think Charlotte still has potential but is still green in some areas. She has a good athletic look and can go in the ring. She's over with the crowed and hasn't been buried yet like the majority of the Divas division. I think they should take the title off Charlotte on Sunday and build her back up again in the next few months. Paige has done some great work in the last few months and definitely deserves another run with The Divas Championship.

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