Try to control the tears please....

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
I know and expect Ric Flair to babble and cry like a toddler during any kind of acceptance speech or ordering a dramatic combo at McDonald's but....Charlotte doesn't need to continue the trend of not controlling her emotions at all.

Last night during her match, for some unknown reason...perhaps she was picturing the known outcome of the match in her head ? .... I don't know but Charlotte cried at least five times during the match, real tears welling up crying.

Then she won the match and as expected, she bawled and bawled with the master babbling brook himself, The Babbling Boy, Ric Flair. When they were done crying....a different match happened afterwards. Then it showed them in the back getting ready to party and....

....well ...they both started crying like children again. Jesus, get off my screen already. Flair looks like he's 95 years old suddenly.
Yeah I wasn't a fan of the crybabies unless it seems to be certainly necessary. I would accept if Sami Zayn had cried after winning his first NXT Title. And it brought tears to me to saw that little girl (I forgot her name) who cried when Bayley becomes the NXT Women's champion but in the context of Charlotte, the feud was to end the domination of the Bella army. Team PCB or Charlotte never really focused on attaining the Diva's title and when she got it, it wasn't that emotional. Ric Flair was like, he came outta nowhere to enjoy the part and that whole segment was asinine.

Paige and Becky Lynch witnessed the whole situation, the twin magic and Brie getting pinned instead. They looked confused for certain amount of time before they start to celebrate. The whole segment wasn't anything emotional.

This was one time the crying didn't bother me. Flair looked genuinely happy and thrilled to see his daughter win as any parent should be. I know if my son won something he really wanted I'd be balling as well. Being a mother to me it was very touching and not unexpected.

Big Show and all his crying is the worst
I give her a pass. You have to remember the backstory…

David was the first Flair child to try wrestling, and it didn't work out for him.

Then Reid was in, and actually seemed to be doing well and then died of a drug overdose.

At the time of his death Ashley/Charlotte, hadn't even thought of trying to wrestle, she was a personal trainer I believe. Her close relationship with her brother is what inspired her to do this, not the fact that her dad is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Immediately after winning, you saw her point to the sky. The tattoo on her side is about her brother. Ric put one of his HoF rings on Reid's body as they buried him. So I'm sure in many ways for her this win belonged just as much to him as it does to her, she is living out the dream he never got to. If anyone can't understand why that would make their family emotional, then I question whether or not you're a cyborg.

Go back and watch Flair's retirement match against Shawn, all of Ric's kids sat front row, with Reid and Charlotte next to each other.

Now if I was booking, I wouldn't have done it this way, I would've waited until WM and had a real build up and a feud, and I definitely wouldn't have already had them wrestle less than a week earlier, but all that crap aside, I'm really happy to see her get this win, and I look forward to her inevitable feud with Paige, I'm sure it will be great.
I agree 100% ...really really too much babbling. I know the story but it was just too much of it. I was completely disappointed with the Divas match and after match all around..I got 2 words for Charlotte.. SASHA BANKS!!!
So, you don't want to see emotion after the match? Surely a bit of emotion helps drive home the importance of a championship win, particularly a first win.

Personally I got bored with the backstage segment - especially since Michael Cole bridged to it with an almost panicked 'breaking news' style announcement which led the viewers to think there was some backstage commotion which could affect one of the headline matches - but in itself there was nothing wrong with the tears. Many wrestlers have celebrated emotionally when reaching the top of their business for the first time.
Too funny. People are complaining because a wrestler showed emotion after winning a title. And complaining more because a father showed emotion for his daughter. Isn't this the kind of thing we want out of wreslting? Don't we want to legitimize the title by showing how badly someone wants it or wanted it? Doesn't shedding tears show that and more?

Or do you want the women to stay in the roles of bitch and happy go lucky babyface?
Nothing wrong with becoming emotional when you reach the top of your field after a long road of hard work.

Nothing wrong with getting emotional when you see your child acheive their goal in life.

Think you are just coming down on them because you didn't enjoy it. Don't see many people complaining about the tears Benoit showed when he won the title. Guerrero when he won the title. HBK when he won the title.
Too funny. People are complaining because a wrestler showed emotion after winning a title. And complaining more because a father showed emotion for his daughter. Isn't this the kind of thing we want out of wreslting? Don't we want to legitimize the title by showing how badly someone wants it or wanted it? Doesn't shedding tears show that and more?

Or do you want the women to stay in the roles of bitch and happy go lucky babyface?

I do see your point, it was kind of nice to see another emotion out of the divas, it was just that it felt like it was going on forever. Not too mention the matches I actually wanted to see had already either happened and left me feeling meh or were about to happen and Charlotte and Ric were keeping me from it, quite literally forcing me to get ready for bed.
You know, it's fine if she fights a long hard battle and finally wins the title. But for the love of all that is holy, did she need to cry during the match too ? Is Charlotte going to bust out crying every time the crowd starts chanting her name ? It's not like the first time she's bawled during at match either, or before and after a match. She just doesn't seem to be able to control it.
Too funny. People are complaining because a wrestler showed emotion after winning a title. And complaining more because a father showed emotion for his daughter. Isn't this the kind of thing we want out of wreslting? Don't we want to legitimize the title by showing how badly someone wants it or wanted it? Doesn't shedding tears show that and more?

Or do you want the women to stay in the roles of bitch and happy go lucky babyface?

She didn't win a title though, she didn't win anything.. WWE is giving her the title until they give it to someone else.. If it was real the crying would be more understandable, or maybe they're just good at fake crying.
She didn't win a title though, she didn't win anything.. WWE is giving her the title until they give it to someone else.. If it was real the crying would be more understandable, or maybe they're just good at fake crying.

Seriously dude read back what you said and repost it.

So in other words, she kind of but not really won the title, right? So I guess Nikki Bella is still champ and we're all wrong. And on the off chance Charlotte did win the title, she's only going to hold it until someone else wins it? Again am I right?

Are you aware that's how all titles in the WWE work? One wrestler will win it, and then defend it against others until someone else wins it. Wash, rinse and repeat.

Nothing you said makes any sense, and how do you know they were "fake crying". it looked pretty real to me. Just how old are you?
If it was real the crying would be more understandable, or maybe they're just good at fake crying.

Hey! We're girls.....we're supposed to cry! :sad:

Whether the Tears of Flairs were real or forced......and I believe they were real with Charlotte and fake with her Daddy......I don't have much problem with a gal breaking down when winning her first world title.....with her father in attendance and her buddies at her elbow.

It might have all been real, y'know, given her family legacy and the fact she followed two half-ass brothers in the profession.

My problem with Ashley (Charlotte) Fliehr? Facially, she looks as mannish as her Pops. I could take Reid and David having extremely strong resemblance to their famous father.......but when a girl comes along who looks like Ric friggin' Flair?

Well, I'll just say this; thank heavens Dusty Rhodes never had a daughter who wanted to be a pro wrestler.
I am so-so with the crying. While it is a fake achievement, I can understand why people cry when they win the title the first time - it is a sign that the company thinks highly of you(or at least should be). But after that, think you are being a little too much of a mark for yourself and the business. It's kind of funny - you get a guy like Flair who cries every time, lives and breathes wrestling yet what does he have to show for it? Then you get Nash who sees it as a business, doesn't get all emotional, really doesn't care who beat him as long as he gets paid for it and isn't a mark for himself or the business and he has a fortune in the bank, works on outside ventures, lives a pretty good life. Think maybe Flair should have cried less and thought more.

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