Placating Daniel Bryan fans at WM31


Getting Noticed By Management
How well do you think it would go over if say for instance Daniel Bryan won the Andre the Giant Battle Royale memorial at Wrestlemania? Sure it's not the Rumble but would it help take away a bit of the sting at what happened this past Sunday?

I think it could serve dual purposes of maybe healing an open wound and elevating the Battle Royale event itself. I'm not really a fan of the battle royale - poor Cesaro really got nothing from it but someone as wildly popular as Daniel Bryan could at least make it mean something I'd think. Especially if we're going to have one every year.
Serious question..... Are you for real?

This would never work. If he's in the BR, he'd have to win. Fans would shut on every other match. It's obvious people want to see him in a singles match, barring that, a triple threat, where he can show his work.
Serious question..... Are you for real?

This would never work. If he's in the BR, he'd have to win. Fans would shut on every other match. It's obvious people want to see him in a singles match, barring that, a triple threat, where he can show his work.

That's what I said, of course I'd have him win it. Daniel Bryan fans are pretty vocal, and can ruin an event. There's really no other belt he can win, Ziggler eliminated Barrett, Rusev will probably fight Cena and Reigns vs Lesnar is already set.

And Rollins will probably face Orton.

Unless you think fans would be happy with Bryan vs Sheamus - the Battle Royale is a good little spot for Daniel. Probably the best alternative. It gives him another moment instead of just another match. Bryan fans want to see him have moments. He could win the trophy and maybe hopefully they wouldn't destroy the very next night.
Serious question..... Are you for real?

This would never work. If he's in the BR, he'd have to win. Fans would shut on every other match. It's obvious people want to see him in a singles match, barring that, a triple threat, where he can show his work.

Last year's Battle Royale was 13:25 I'm sure if Daniel Bryan were booked to win it, it could go 25 minutes with a 7 or 8 minute one-on-one finish with Daniel Bryan and Sheamus.

Daniel Bryan got 58 minutes last year for crying outloud. If the Battle Royale is going to be a yearly thing it needs to be compelling and Daniel Bryan gives people a chance to invest in it.
last year's mania had 8 matches including the preshow and there's a few guys who's Wrestlemania plans are up in the air now. Ambrose, Wyatt.

Ambrose Wyatt Sheamus Bryan could make for a nice final four. Big Show and Kane would have to be thrown in as well. Man it's tough getting guys on the Wrestlemania card. It's crazy someone as talented as Ambrose only got 3 minutes last year. 3 minutes.

Now that I really think about it, I'd probably have Ambrose win it, he gave us the feud of 2014 with Rollins and has nothing to show for it. Winning the Battle Royale doesn't quite fit his character but he deserves something.
There's still a decent amount of time left until WrestleMania. If fans continue to crap all over the notion of Reigns vs. Lesnar, Vince will have to do something. He might not like it, he might not want to do it, but he may be forced to add Bryan into this match. Who knows? Fans might not just crap all over Reigns vs. Lesnar, they might essentially hijack the entire show by essentially crapping all over the entire card.

As for Bryan in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, fans certainly won't be placated by having Bryan shuffled off into a battle royal for mid-carders, especially since winning the battle royal ultimately means nothing. Winning it didn't do anything for Cesaro's singles career; hell, his singles career started going the toilet almost immediately after he won the battle royal last year.

The only guaranteed way to placate the hostile crowd will be for Bryan to be added to the main event and to win it. Everything else is gonna be pretty hit or miss I think. For instance, fans MIGHT like the notion of Bryan winning the IC title, having a strong run as champion and using it as a springboard back into the main event picture. However, the problem you have then is Vince's psychotic booking decisions in regards to the championship. Being IC champ has probably meant as little to the career of any wrestler in WWE history as it's meant to poor ol' Wade Barrett. They MIGHT also be placated by having Bryan be the first guy to take down Rusev, win the US title and have a strong run before heading back into the main event.

However, I think trying to shuffle Bryan off into some relatively meaningless mid-card match just won't cut it, whether it's this battle royal or against Sheamus. If the match doesn't have some degree of significance to it, there's no chance of placating the crowd.
There's still a decent amount of time left until WrestleMania. If fans continue to crap all over the notion of Reigns vs. Lesnar, Vince will have to do something. He might not like it, he might not want to do it, but he may be forced to add Bryan into this match.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the show, The Walking Dead but **SPOILER ALERT** in the latest mid-season finale, Beth was killed off. Afterwards, a bunch of morons online started a petition to have her brought back to the show. She was shot in the fucking head. Isn't that the stupidest thing you've ever heard?

Well adding Bryan to the main event of Wrestlemania at this point would be pretty close. It wouldn't make any sense. Last year he had a legitimate gripe; he wasn't even given a chance in the Rumble to earn a shot at the title. The Authority was abusing their power to keep him out. This year he had a shot and he wasn't screwed in any way. He failed, fair and square. One could argue that it was shitty booking and that he should have at least been protected in defeat (and trust me, I would make that argument) but it is what it is. For them to force Daniel Bryan into the main event at this point with no leg to stand on would be horrendous storytelling, even by the WWE's standards. As off-putting as the Rumble booking was, this would be even worse for anyone who is an actual fan of wrestling and not just a hapless fanboy of a particular wrestler.

As for placating Daniel's fans the only thing I could think of, and believe me I know this is out of the question, but what if they were to convince Shawn Michaels to come back for one more match? Certainly that would be enough to placate his fans. I know I'd be satisfied.

Anything other than that? It just doesn't feel good enough.
You placate Bryan fans by giving him a big match. No WWE's annual match where they throw everybody together in something meaningless.

If you want to placate people you give Bryan one person. That's The Undertaker.

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