How do I choose...
I mean, the 80's was part of my childhood, it began the national explosion of the WWF, and pretty much everyone and anyone, was somewhat of a big name, merely b/c the worked for the WWF. Some say, it was cartoonish, and whatnot, as a lot of smartmark dirtsheet writers kind of crap all over it, but if you ask me, now in my mid 20's, looking back and watching a lot of the footage on DVD, and on 24/7 at my friends place, a lot still holds up. Sure, there was some hokeyness there, but that's what made it so fun to watch. And the main events had some great raw emotion, one of my all time favourite feuds is Hogan/Savage, it was just amazing how they did it and built it up for so long, also the business wasn't so in demand, it wasn't go go go go go, like it is today, but mind you I think that has to do with the times these days, as well as the fact, that with a PPV every month, it just makes some fans hungry for more....which brings me too..
The Attitude Era....while the Hogan era was my childhood...the Attitude Era was truly my youth! For me the Attitude Era truly kicked off with Hart & Austin's feud!! And it's sad that Hart, wasn't there to be part of, what he helped create. And same goes for Shawn, D-X was also something fresh and out of the ordinary for wrestling. This was all about times changing, people changing and society changing, entertainment had chaged, and wrestling is a form of entertainment, so of course, it's only fitting that it changed as well. The feuds of the Attitude Era were easy for people to relate too. People lived through Austin every Monday night, as he stood up too his boss on a weekly basis. The characters seemed less cartoonish, and somewhat more realistic, and relating better to that present days audience. Also, the feuds in my opinion were based around pure hatred, and I think we have Bret & Shawn to thank for that as well...and there was a red hot main event almost every week on Raw.
So too's all about the's a different time and hard to compare what was better!
But for me personally...I gotta go with the Attitude Era. Right up until 2001.