Now considering how worn down Shawn is, and he continues to wrestle the schedule and matches he does, that puts him ahead of Bret in my eyes. Obviously we don't know how Hart would've been had he not been injured but I doubt he would've been able to accomplish what Shawn is accomplishing these days if Bret didn't have the unfortunate sequence of events he had after he left WWF.
Dude, all you are doing is specualting on something u will never know, u cant just assmue he wouldnt be able to do as much as shawn, plus shawn is a lot more limited nowadays. Who knows, if situation was different bret could be 30 times better than shawn now, or vice versa, but u cant use that as an argument.
anyway Nice story iron ricky...
but yea... im rly starting to get sick of ppl saying brets not good on the mic... understand his character for the first few yrs of main eventing wasnt supposed to do much talking, he just said wat was on his mind... BUT BUT BUT
when he turned heel and reformed the hart foundation, he was AWESOME on the mic, ppl didnt like the crybaby getting screwed over bret... but u werent supposed to! regardless of if u liked him as a heel, he played the heel role great, and he even was the only guy to be loved everywhere EXCEPT the USA, that takes skills, to be a face everywhere but one country.
When he flipped out on vince for screwing him in the cage match and after rumble 98, he is so in the moment, hes just real and that wat ppl dont understand sometimes. Yes its entertainement, but in my opinion, the more realistic u can make it seem, the more im entertained, and bret was the king of realism, in the ring and in promos.
And i really agree with the post above just talking about how wen bret throws a punch it looks brutal, thats rly important, a lotta guys now cant do that... Carlito, Orton, RVD....
they r both awesome, BUT, HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT!?
SHAWN CANT CARRY THE COMPANY! No one watched during his first title reign after he beat bret, NWO was going on... bret however carried the company for the better part of 5 years, 92-97. Shawn had it from about 97-98 then stone cold was bigger than him... and shawn took over for 6 months in 96 after he beat bret and led one of the least interesting title runs ever.... now his next two were much better yes... but didnt last, and then he got hurt for 4 yrs... then he came back, not nearly as good as he once was, which was awesome, but bret was way more important to the industry as a main eventer.