PG Era and The Midcard Feuds

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
Alright I'm not gonna talk about The feuds for Midcard titles. Apparently there aren't any legitimate feuds for the Intercontinental Title or United States Titles in the past few years. But this post is only about the legit Midcard feuds. We haven't seen any in the last few years I guess. Tell me if I'm wrong because there were times when there were feuds between the Harder brothers and many more. But what happened to them all now?

At least this year WWE had a chance to build up two awesome and meaningful Midcard Feuds. One is between the Dust Brothers and the other is between Miz and Mizdow. They dropped just dropped the idea of the feud between the brothers and now made the Miz-Dow feud too late that it almost lost its appeal!

I want to know your opinions about the Feuds which should've happened in the the Midcard. For me I wanted to see a feud between Harper and Ziggler or Harper and Rowan.

What are the guess you wanted to happen in the modern era?
Right now, the only mid-card feud I want to see is a best of 7 series for the Intercontinental Championship Title and the United States Championship Title between Intercontinental Champion, Daniel Bryan and United States Champion, John Cena. I would love it if Daniel Bryan accepted John Cena’s United States Championship Title Open Challenge, only for it to end in a draw. That would put the wheels in motion for a Championship Title Unification Best of 7 series, ending at Night Of Champions 2015. I think it’s time for the United States Championship Title Belt to take its place next to the Big Gold Belt.

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