People's stupidity never ceases to amaze me


An older man, roughly 75-(maybe)90 years old who has lived through the Great Depression , seen recessions, fought in Vietnam, and I would assume wisdom would be in his favor considering what all he's seen in life.

I really did have a great amount of respect for him up until yesterday when he openly told me "If I could find a way to assassinate president Obama I would. I honestly hope he and The Republicans do not reach a deal within the next 50 days and this country seeps into another recession/great depression. It would tickle me pink"

I've heard 10 people within the past 48 hours say they would assassinate the president if the opportunity would show itself.

This isn't the only person saying this, either. Because Mitt Romney lost people down here are literally hoping that the two parties cannot come to terms of agreement in hopes that the taxes will go through the roof, and we'll hit into a possible recession. What the fuck?

Oh Tennessee. How I adore you. =\ Ech are they saying things like that in that area as well?
It's unbelievable how many sore losers have come out of this election. And these aren't your average sore losers, these people are moping and pouting and whining and slandering the president days after the election results. I don't know how this election became so personal, but it seems the Republicans and their media outlets did a great job drilling it into their follower's heads that Obama was a terrible president, when in all reality he had a decent first term and has set himself up to have a brilliant second term.

There's been ugliness on both sides of the aisle following this election. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying seeing some Republican misery, but I'm hoping that within a week or two we can agree that what we need to do is see this country move forward regardless of who is in the Oval Office... or at the very least stop talking about terrible fates befalling the president.
I simply don't understand how someone who's reasoning for hating Obama as much as he does (the man I was originally talking about) is because he's not "patriotic enough" and doesn't "love America, yet he's openly saying he wants to see this country crash and burn now that they reelected him to the point of a great depression. What the fucking fuck?!

People these days are ridiculously dumb.
An older man, roughly 75-(maybe)90 years old who has lived through the Great Depression , seen recessions, fought in Vietnam, and I would assume wisdom would be in his favor considering what all he's seen in life.

I really did have a great amount of respect for him up until yesterday when he openly told me "If I could find a way to assassinate president Obama I would. I honestly hope he and The Republicans do not reach a deal within the next 50 days and this country seeps into another recession/great depression. It would tickle me pink"

I've heard 10 people within the past 48 hours say they would assassinate the president if the opportunity would show itself.

This isn't the only person saying this, either. Because Mitt Romney lost people down here are literally hoping that the two parties cannot come to terms of agreement in hopes that the taxes will go through the roof, and we'll hit into a possible recession. What the fuck?

Oh Tennessee. How I adore you. =\ Ech are they saying things like that in that area as well?

If you surround yourself with idiots, you shouldn't be surprised.
An older man, roughly 75-(maybe)90 years old who has lived through the Great Depression , seen recessions, fought in Vietnam, and I would assume wisdom would be in his favor considering what all he's seen in life.

I've never catered to the expression "respect your elders." Respect them for what? Growing old? Mazeltov for that, but outside the normal respect all people should show each other, I can't see giving extra consideration because they're old.

Experience shouldn't be confused with wisdom. I can see talking to old people about their experiences, as they've had more than me and I might be able to learn from what they've gone through. But who says they handled those experiences in the best way? Who says they gained wisdom from what they experienced?

Your 75-90 year old man has seen a lot, for sure. But if he wanted to share his experiences with me, I'd listen to what he says, then make up my own mind about how I'd handle a similar situation, maybe using his advice to solve the problem.....or maybe not. Perhaps the best thing to do is exactly the opposite of what he did.

The good thing is that he lived all these years without (apparently) assassinating anyone yet. Double mazeltov.
I'd put my hand up in the air Rock style and then I'd say...


Followed by a stunner.
The first thing that came to mind is so fucking what? Seriously, who gives a flying fuck? People did the same thing after Bush was elected and re elected, so why bring this up as shocking now? Want to know secret? People did the same with Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan and every other president who have ever won. So again, who gives a fuck? It comes with the territory, deal with it.

It's unbelievable how many sore losers have come out of this election.
There have been just as many if not more sore winners. Seriously, random romney supporters have gotten verbally assaulted on Twitter for no reason at all other than who they voted for. This election is no different than any other.
Since the election ended I'm real curious to find out what Ted Nugent's next move is. Seriously man, there's been so many jackass comments on FB and Twitter. It's time for folks to get over it. Hell if Romney had won I'd been mad for maybe a couple hours, went to sleep, and went back to business as usual. If you lost, suck it up and as Tom Leykis put it, "submit to your master".
An older man, roughly 75-(maybe)90 years old who has lived through the Great Depression , seen recessions, fought in Vietnam, and I would assume wisdom would be in his favor considering what all he's seen in life.

I really did have a great amount of respect for him up until yesterday when he openly told me "If I could find a way to assassinate president Obama I would. I honestly hope he and The Republicans do not reach a deal within the next 50 days and this country seeps into another recession/great depression. It would tickle me pink"

I've heard 10 people within the past 48 hours say they would assassinate the president if the opportunity would show itself.

This isn't the only person saying this, either. Because Mitt Romney lost people down here are literally hoping that the two parties cannot come to terms of agreement in hopes that the taxes will go through the roof, and we'll hit into a possible recession. What the fuck?

Oh Tennessee. How I adore you. =\ Ech are they saying things like that in that area as well?

what an enthralling story, you must have knew you wanted to tell WZ right away
Oh Tennessee. How I adore you. =\ Ech are they saying things like that in that area as well?

Everyone that I know of voted Romney, so it did not shock me when he took the state. It was tough choice. I always think of this video whenever I think of Obama.


It may be true this time.
So, the Republicans pushing the country off a cliff so Obama looks bad. How is this not treason? Why are we not charging more politicians with treason?
So, the Republicans pushing the country off a cliff so Obama looks bad. How is this not treason? Why are we not charging more politicians with treason?

I want to personally know why the fuck Americans don't exercise more of their rights that are constitutionally theirs. We are allowed to take the country back if need be. What the fuck is up with all of these "Armchair Revolutionists"??? And now, 30 states are trying to secede from the Union? Give me a fucking break...

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