People on Youtube just keep getting more and more idiotic.


"Original Blade"
So, I was watching some To Catch A Predator on Youtube. I left a comment saying "Wow, sometimes I wish I had Chris Hansen's job..."

And some idiot with the name FemaleSexCrimesHappen replies "Chris Hansen is a sexist pig. He ignores female sex crimes because he works for Dateline. If you want to be him, then you are sexist too. Women can rape boys too. You're sexist if you ignore that fact."

I was like WTF.... In an act of bad judgement I replied "How do you know Chris Hansen doesn't care about female sex crimes? And you don't know me how can you call me sexist? I'm well aware there's female sex crimes out there, and the women who do that are just as bad as these men. You need to calm down, I mean it only takes a bit of logic to understand why they focus on catching male pedophiles, they're known to be more dangerous. Calm down, and get over yourself."

The person freaked out at me, telling me to look at all the female sex crime cases, called me sexist some more, and then started talking about how his wife was insulted by my comments.

Does the ignorance of human beings never end...
Human ignorance is part of the evolutionary chain. That's why we are degenerates. We have yet to be affected by evolution.
The prison sentence they're about to face isn't bad enough?

Why would you want to be in the same room with pedophiles...
The prison sentence they're about to face isn't bad enough?

Why would you want to be in the same room with pedophiles...

Some of them don't get put into prison, they just end up paying bail and then walk free.
And, because of the aforementioned crap scaring.
They shouldn't lock pedophiles in prison cells. 48 hours in the prison showers sounds more reasonable.
So you can have the power of making people take a seat right over there and keep their hands out of their pockets?
Im about to get off of YouTube. I reply to a comment and suddenly I am in a debate about John Cena. And when I make my point, this kid goes well how many WWE wrestlers have you met. Then he sends me a link to a video that has pictures of him and WWE wrestlers.
He doesn't have a wife Blade, there are some people on youtube who setup accounts just to troll people. Don't you find his name odd? This is why I never use my account to comment on videos, only to watch videos and save ones I like.

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