Do homosexuals like kissing more than straight people do?

As a straight guy, from my personal experience I have to say I enjoy kissing... Least before you start having sex, because that point it's nothing compared to the sex so it loses a lot of it's luster... But I enjoy it a lot...
I am. Can't a man enjoy long walks on the beach and snuff films?

That should be on your profile.

from Xfearbefore's profile said:
Single, enjoys long walks on the beach, snuff films, weed, and music you've probably never heard of. Come to think of it, don't bother. I'm too good for your trick asses anyway. I'm a spark this bowl now. Peace!
Lariat, make one for me. This should be good.

Hope you like it.

Klunderbunker's profile said:
I'm a simple man really. I like to watch wrestling. A LOT. If you judge me, I'll just ignore you. I also like lint. Lots of it. Don't ask why. If you do, you'll regret it. I also don't talk much if at all, unless it's about Starrcade. But only the older Starrcades, not the new ones. And if you don't know what Starrcade is, then go to another profile. My favorite drink is Ale-8. And my word of choice is conjugal. That is all.
I would say do one for me but you don't know me well one does :(

Anyway. I love kissing and I'm straight. Even thought I've been single the last 1..really close to 2 years and not got to kiss a girl within that time. Which is going to make me love it even more when I get another gf.(which can be very soon).

Kissing = Awesome.

Hmm...I want to see what Lariat would put for me. Just for shits and giggles.

On thread topic, making out is awesome, when you are with someone who can kiss.
CH David's Profile said:
Single, from Chicago, take shit from no one, I'm a glutton for punishment, hence is why I'm a White Sox fan. I like to watch sports, wrestling, and enjoy light bondage. Only in increments of 3 minutes though. Anymore than that and my meds kick in. Speaking of which, why is this screen purple now? Uh oh.

so just skip me...:(

Like I said you wouldn't be able to do it lol

Normally I ignore neediness, but you're cool.

Shake-zula's profile said:
Single. I know right? I'm pretty much awesome, watch a lot of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. My favorite character is Carl. I know. My name's Shake. I also like irony. Unless it sucks. Then I don't like it. I also collect Japanese baseball cards, but of only the bad players. They need love, too. I'm currently working on a plan to take over the world. With song. I also enjoy actual milkshakes. Like that?
Can I have a profile from The Lariat? :)

This should be interesting

Becca's profile said:
Becca here. Single, and by choice. Huge bust, lovely smile, master manipulator, and spell colour with a U. I have a dark side that consists of black neon lights, tight leather lingerie, and a 6-iron. I play Rugby and with boys' hearts. And yea, I smell as good as I look. And no creeps please. Well, only some creeps. Talley ho.
I imagine "Talley Ho!" is one Becca's favorite phrases.

I imagine every British person uses that phrase atleast once a day. Please don't ruin that image for me.


Doc's profile said:
I'm a Doctor, hence is why I'm called Doc. Not because I love Bugs Bunny. But I do love Bugs Bunny. It's just not why I'm named Doc. I'm into about anything that involves women and stuff. I watched a girl pee once. I was uncomfortable. I also make signatures for forums that are awesome. I consider myself the Tom Bosley of sig making. Turn on's include women. I'm also involved with a Japanese girl named Hiroki. She's cool with sharing though. I'm Audi 5000!

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