Paul Heyman Comeback?


King of the Spear
After seeing Brock Lesnar return last night, in absolutely stellar fashion might I add, it occurred to me that his return might open the door for several other opportunities. The first that jumped to my mind that I for whatever reason could not forget about was if he might convince his good friend Paul Heyman to come back too. It's no secret that Paul and Brock are very close friends. He was Brock's first manager, always supported him during his UFC run, and Brock even had him write his biography last year so the idea that he might try to convince Paul to come back may be a valid possibility. So to keep it short here are my questions.

1. Do you want to see Paul Heyman return
2. If he did what would you want to see him do? (Does not have to involve Lesnar)
3. Do you think it would be good for WWE to have Heyman back as an on screen personality.

Note: this thread is not about Brock Lesnar's return or any speculation about what he is going to do. This is based purely on hypothetical situations about Paul Heyman returning.

Also I am aware that Paul and Vince do not really get along for the sake of avoiding arguments let's all just assume that they've reached an understanding and can coexist.
Did you HEAR that crowd pop last night? Why would Paul Heyman need to get involved in any way, shape, or form?

You guys need to understand that, from the WWE's and a business perspective, bringing in another entity and paying them an exuberant amount of money must have some sort of purpose. If Lesnar is already ridiculously over and doesn't need a mouthpiece like Heyman, why would WWE pay the salary? Besides, Brock was doing perfectly fine on his own for all the years that Heyman was not tied to him.

It's completely unnecessary and would do nothing more than give a few fanboys a thrill. Try to think beyond his initial showing (which would most definitely get a big crowd pop.) Would Heyman really add THAT much to this already, rocket-fueled happening?
IMO he'd look weaker with a manager. He doesn't need a mouth piece.

That said, I always wanted Heyman to return in some fashion. Just not with Brock. He could be more valuable by banding a bunch of misfit wrestlers together. Chances are you'd get a star out of someone in that stable.
Brock Lesnar does not need Heyman now. He is good on the mic, is established...Heyman served his purpose with Brock. That being said, the WWE need Heyman tho. He always makes a great on screen character, is terrific on the mike, knows who to get a crowd to hate him and has a great wrestling mind. An asset on screen and backstage.
I think backstage problems would hinder Heyman from wanting to come back. I doubt Steph and Trips would be willing to let him.
I'd rather not see him back. Heyman has done some good things in the wrestling business but he is probably the most overblown/overrated person there is. He has a good creative mind and is a good booker but neither of those would be something they would bring him back for.

As far as him coming back as a manager or personality, again I would say no. You aren't really going to get anything new out of him. With the current product geared toward a younger audience I'm not sure if they would even know who he is, his name carries no meaning to them.

He was a good mouthpiece and hype man when he was with Brock, and he sort of had that old school feel about him where he would unleash the monster, let him destroy everything in the ring, then corral him back into the cage, but I don't think that would work today.

The Brock we know now is already over, he doesn't need Heyman. When he first debuted not many people knew him, he needed Paul to help with the quick push. Now Brock is pretty over and doesn't need that help. Plus with his contract only being a year, and he only scheduled to make about 2 appearances a month there is no need to put someone else on the payroll that is going to be part time and would cost big bucks
Well, Futurechamp did say that Heyman doesn't neceseraly has to be involved with Lesnar, so in my opinion he should either be involved in the creative area, when he was in charge of smackdown, the show was great, it was awesome, then he was in charge of the WWE's version of ECW, and when Heyman was running it, it was also great, but when the WWE let this guy go, those shows went south, if he is in charge of the creative things great things can happen for the WWE, or if not on creative duties, he should manage some people so they can get over with the crowd as heels, like Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins, i bet Heyman can make them household names, or put together a bunch of guys and make them a stable, in a revolutionary way, like making a name for themselves because the WWE didn't do it, or something in that area, but Heyman can definitly do wonders for any company........
Will/should Heyman come back with Brock..............NO. I think we have all covered that it's no necessary and him being a "MONSTER" gets amplified without a manger.

Should Heyman return period.........hell yeah. Love Heyman. But like "KING4ADAY" said, start another stable and try to catch lightning in a bottle.

But Stephanie just hates him too much.
I would love to see Heyman return, but not with Lesnar. As already stated he doesn't need it. Now if you want to bring Stephanie back and have Paul H, Stephanie, and Johnny Ace battle it out for power I could get behind that. Back to the point though, there is no need to bring Paul back just to manage Brock. Just let Brock fuck shit up for awhile.
Did anybody understand that I was asking about a return in general. Nothing to do with Lesnar at all just do you want him back yes or no so please keep Lesnar out of this thread unless you would want Paul involved with him. Thanks to the people who actually read my OP.
I'd like to see Heyman back but not on screen. He's a creative genius. He could turn a lot of problems around.... you know make everything that's not the main event a little more relevant (aka Tag Team division rebirth). On screen... A one off at the most. He doesn't need to be on screen anymore.

He's perfectly happy what he's doing now though... He'd have to be able to do what he wants when he wants and that wouldn't happen (at least I don't think so)... but in a perfect world he could return and still run The Heyman Hustle (cheap plug because I dig the site).
Yeah I'd like him back in WWE, I think he would be an asset for the company.

My personal preference for a Paul E return to WWE would be in a role managing character's gimmicks behind the scenes.
Particularly the young guys. The way he works is to spend time talking to the person, then builds their character by amping up their strengths and covering up their weaknesses. Then once he's moulded the character he can pass them over to the producers and bookers.

As good as he is capable of being on screen, I think a combination of his age and change in company direction would really make him stick out. To be honest I'm not even sure if his style would work any more with where WWE is at nowadays. Maybe brief cameos, but for sure he would be best served behind the scenes.
how about this for the next couple of months of laurinitis showing his true colors. one night after he tries and fails to screw santino and punk out of their titles suddenly "the game" hits. out walks triple H and he says the board of directors have found that jonny has abused his power, let personaly feeligns get in the way of doing his job, and has shown an utter lack of regard for the safety of the talent. then trips says that they have found someone more qualified for the job. john boy ask who and then suddenly heymans titantron hits and the crowd goes wild.
1. Do you want to see Paul Heyman return

Of course I do...Paul Heyman could only do the WWE good.

2. If he did what would you want to see him do? (Does not have to involve Lesnar)
Two Words... GENERAL MANAGER... I dont care if it's Raw or SD. Paul Heyman would be a great fit for GM. If not that then a manager to a young superstar would be great for that superstar. Someone like Cody Rhodes, or maybe Wade Barrett. But rather have him as GM

3. Do you think it would be good for WWE to have Heyman back as an on screen personality.
Of course. Wether he is a GM or manager or even a commentator...Paul Heyman is a great asset to any wrestling show. He has so much knowledge of wrestling.
I understand that some people still get the warm & fuzzies over Paul Heyman because of ECW but, honestly, I think it's time to move on and accept that Heyman is pretty much done with wrestling at this point in time.

He seems to be happy where he is right now and doing what he's doing, otherwise he probably would have gone to work for TNA when the job was offered to him. He made such outrageous and over the top demands from Dixie Carter that there was no way that she was going to agree.

Also, I think people need to accept the possibility that just because Heyman's stuff was raunchy and wild 15 years ago doesn't mean that it's going to work today. Just because Heyman did stuff back in the day that changed the way people looked at wrestling doesn't mean that he's still got the juice today or could come up with stuff that'd work on the same level.

I don't really see a need for Heyman to come back quite honestly. I can't see him contributing much of anything. Lesnar got a MASSIVE pop last night and is already heavily over. He'll continue to be one of the most discussed topics in wrestling for months to come. So, I fail to see how Heyman could really contribute much as Lesnar doesn't need him to help him get over.
I see Heyman in the picture in sort sort of way over the next 365 days (the length of Lesnar's contract) but it will still be a stretch since McMahon has never been a huge Heyman fan. Seeing Heyman in a Lesnar program or two would be cool for sure.
No I don't want Paul to return. He annoys me and his fans annoy me even more.

If he did comeback, I'd want Lesnar to F5 him and tell him that he doesn't need him anymore. That he became a bigger star without him and people remember Brock lesnar because of Brock Lesnar, not because Paul Heyman was his mouthpiece for a while.

No. Paul Heyman doesn't draw. Most people dont' remember Lesnar as the guy with Paul Heyman. He's bigger than that now. He's not a green monster with a shitload of potential anymore. He's a money making machine who doesn't need some fat balding guy who thinks it's 1998 and that the WWE should target affliction shirt wearing MMA douchebag fans who hate wrestling.

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