Paul Heyman/ Brock Lesnar 2002 Or Paul Heyman/Brock Lesnar 2012/2013?

I am Mr. Excitement

Occasional Pre-Show
I find this interesting because comparing both of these runs they've had together it has always been entertaining and sometimes controversial, which to me is must see TV in my opinion. Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are one of if not the greatest manager/wrestler combonation of all time. Anyways, in 2002 Brock Lesnar had the greatest run in his WWE career, beating the wwe greats at that time like Hulk Hogan, The Hardy Boyz, RVD and most notables The Rock and Undertaker. Through out his massive run in WWE through the year of 2002 Paul Heyman was by his side most of the time. Paul Heyman took Lesnar's fued with Undertaker "personal" and pushed the envelope a bit it made me feel like Undertaker was more pissed off at Paul Heyman than he was Lesnar. If it wasn't for Paul Heyman Brock would've gone no where in the WWE period.
Then you have Heyman and Lesnar in 2012/2013. Now you have the two back together in WWE which is pure genious and also good televison. Heyman is still and always will be that slimy worm who lures you into his promos and makes you belive everything he says. Then you have Brock Lesnar a new and improved former WWE and now UFC Heavyweight Champion just beating the shit out of people and being a complete bad ass which he truely is.

But anywho, which Heyman/Lesnar run has been your favorite?

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I say the first run simply because it was longer and he had more than two opponents. If they use him more now than even in the past then this run would be a success until then the first run by far.
I think this is an unfair comparison since Brock had a full time contract in his first run and they tried to build him up into a megastar (which they successfully achieved) by beating all the legends in a short time span. In his current run, he is just utilized to boost PPV buys and putting him in high profile matches in which he doesn't need to win anymore. At this point, his first WWE run was by far better than his current run, but he has signed on until WM31 so don't write this one off just yet.
2002 by a landslide.

like others have already said, his first run lasted longer than his current run, so there's more feuds, matches, opponents, moments, etc. but even if we just look at his first year in WWE which ran 2002-2003:

1. debuted the night after Mania.
2. destroyed the Hardy Boyz individually and then in handicap matches.
3. beat RVD in the KOTR finals which guaranteed a title shot at Summerslam.
4. destroyed Hulk Hogan somewhere between KOTR and Summerslam.
5. beat the Rock for the WWE Title at Summerslam.
6. feuded with the Undertaker and even pinned him cleanly inside Hell in a Cell.
7. feuded with the Big Show in a program that included Brock giving a then-500 pound Show an F-5 while having broken ribs and giving Big Show a superplex which broke the ring on Smackdown.
8. won the Royal Rumble match
9. beat Kurt Angle for the WWE Title in the main event of Wrestlemania.

this was his first year in the WWE. pretty impressive and mostly unmatched either before or since his debut year with the company.

his current run, from 2012-2013:

1. returned the night after Wrestlemania. so far so good.
2. had a mini feud with John Cena, which he lost in his first return match at Extreme Rules.
3. signed a contract at Raw 1K to fight Triple H at Summerslam.
4. beat Triple H at Summerslam.
5. lost to Triple H in a rematch at Wrestlemania.

i know i missed some F-5's in there somewhere, but this was pretty much his last year with the company. he was on a full-time schedule during his first run and the WWE was clearly pushing him beyond the moon. his current run is very part-time.

not only that, but back in 2002, WWE had big names for Brock to feud with and beat. there aren't as many today. not like there were then. Brock definitely has more legitimacy now as he's a former UFC Heavyweight Champion, but with a part-time schedule and a shallow pool of credible opponents, his first run gets the easy vote.
Oh 2002 by light years and planets! He beat the snot out of both the hardys then both of them at once. Detroyed RVD,Destroyed the Legendary Hulk Hogan (Bearhugged him into submission)beat the rock for the WWE title at Summerslam 2002. (Then the youngest Champion ever at that time).

Won the RR in 2003 then went on to beat Kurt Angle for the title at Wrestlemania that year. Beat him again in the Iron man match a little later on in the year. This current run isnt bad but not really memorable.

When Brock first returned I admit i was hyped and ecstatic. He lost to superman Cena which is fine beat HHH at summerslam and then lost to HHH at WM. I think Brock needs to absolutely destroy HHH at ER. If Brock loses at ER his run,this current run will have lost all steam IMO
It's very hard to say to be honest. It can easily be 2002, just for the fact of his pure dominance. More opponents than he has had this time around. But that's the thing, Lesnar was full time. Lesnar now is a part time guy going into feuds with the main guys to make his money and the WWE money.

Lesnar was a monster back in the day. I enjoyed it. I think most did. The thing is now, he is legitimately a threat. That's due to his tenure in UFC. The intensity when he comes out is way different than 2002. Why, because he can actually hurt and that's what WWE is going with. To me it is working well enough. I've enjoyed his 2002 run a lot; I'm also enjoying this run too. Since I have to choose, I would go with 2002. Sadly, but what would make this run more enjoyable is if he showed up more. Him being a full timer nowadays would make me day this run better. It's good but I prefer the 2002 year since we got to see him more.
Cleary the first run, Brock has done absolutely nothing this time around other then attack a few people. Also Brock could talk the first time around, this time he's has said all of a few sentences.

as for his threat status, he's not a threat now cause he's only targeting a few people every few months. PReviously he was going after everyone and dominating the whole company.

It's unfair to compare their in ring successes considering that he is a part-timer now. His character however has so much more depth now based on stuff he didn't even do in the WWE. Before he was just some musclebound dude who came in at the right time and got a mega-push that landed him wins over the biggest stars ever, now he's a legitimate badass with a reputation for being able to fight. He looks better too, more real. His new MMA crossed with wrestling inspired moveset is also better, instead of just being a generic power-wrestler.

He has almost certainly ripened with age.
In terms of Brock, this run. As he's more accomplished and varied. As for Heyman, 2002's run as he was everything to/for Brock but recently Brock has been more effective this time. I just dont like the tuck and run he's done a couple of times this run. In 2002 you never caught him doing that. But honestly I have to say his first run was better because we didnt know much about him. He hit us by surprise, proved himself and kicked our asses as well as Heyman ear raping so then like everyone else, I'm going with their 2002-2004 run
I hate to echo the sentiment of the majority, but 2002 Lesnar was new and hungry. They pushed him with the right amount of opportunity and awesome build and Lesnar was a physical specimen and beast in the ring back then. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it when Lesnar returns to have occasional matches, but the effect simply isn't the same. He should be on the shows more often and having more matches with opponents he's never faced before. Not that having another match with HHH or Undertaker is a bad thing. But the older fans remember that and wanna see something different and not something copied from his earlier run. That's the main reason I am against seeing another match with Rock & Lesnar, it's been done before. I'd like to see Miz vs. Lesnar. CM Punk vs. Lesnar. Jericho vs. Lesnar. Daniel Bryan vs. Lesnar. Hell, I'd even want to see Batista return to face Lesnar because it's a dream match that never happened before. Even Orton vs. Lesnar from before that never happened.

Until Brock can commit to a full schedule on television, his return will remain damn near irrelevant. You have to be there weekly to stay fresh and relevant.
the 2002 run definitely

he had much better range of opponents in that run

His feud with Angle was a memorable one as compared to the borefest with Trips
It's not really a fair comparison. Heyman is just as entertaining as he has always been, but Brock was actually wrestling full time in 2002. If he would be used more now this run could be just as good. Heyman is great at keeping Brock in the people's minds while he isn't there, and Brock can still go in the ring. The fact is in 2002 Brock was a dominant force who was there all the time so that run has so far been the better of the two.

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