Pat Patterson...


Dark Match Jobber
Im not sure whether or not Pat Patterson is still working for the WWE. But I just watched an old episode of the Phil Donahue show where it showcased three ex-workers of the old WWF in 92 claiming that they were fired because they would not do gay sexual favors to certain higher up employees of the WWE. Guess who one of those people were... Pat Patterson...that guy is gay. The first IC champ is gay. WOW...just wanted to know what your thoughts on this.
He was accused of sexually assaulting ring boy's and trying to fandle a ring announcer. Billy Graham testified at court and said he saw all this happen. Although he say's he made it up in his book.

Patterson retire a few year's ago but to my knowledge he's returned but is working a limited schedule.

Personally I could'nt care less if he's gay. From what I've seen he was an o.k. worker. If he was'nt gay it would'nt have made him a better worker so who care's.
Most people know that Patterson is gay. The Rock based his gay character in "Be Cool" on Pat Patterson. The fact that he's gay is completely irrelevant. He was the first Intercontinental Champion, and he was a genius coming up with match endings. I don't think he's working for them anymore (last I heard he had retired), but if he was, I think the product would be better.
He's just working a part time schedule.He did retire a few years back because at a house show they had a big celebration in the ring, but he came back shortly after.
i love how people go out of their way to sound correct. "it wouldn't matter even if he was gay" well, normaly that is the case but if ole pat is running around grabing yam bags then it is a problem.
Pat Patterson is indeed gay. so what! infact his current boyfriend is a smackdown! guy (Sylvan) yes Sylvan is gay and is dating Pat Patterson. Anywas. Patterson retired at the very first Taboo Tuesday in Milwaukee, WI. and they had a in ring celebration for him after the pay-per-view went off the air. Patterson is now back with the WWE and working part-time on RAW and all pay-per-views.
Gay or not he was a great in ring worker and is good at booking matches and has been very loyal to Vince and WWE.
Pat Patterson is indeed gay. so what! infact his current boyfriend is a smackdown! guy (Sylvan) yes Sylvan is gay and is dating Pat Patterson.
Are you serious, or are you just trying to be funny? I'm wondering because I've never heard this anywhere. Sylvain seems kinda gay, but I had no idea he actually was.
Yes Sylvan is gay. and is indeed dating Patterson. ther travel together, stay in hotel rooms together, etc. i am being very serious. the reason i know this is for 2 reasons.
1. I work at an arena in Wisconsin as an usher/security. meaning b4 show time we get to lounge around backstage before we go to our positions. ive seen them holding hands, hugging, and part of my french kissing backstage.
2. I also have a friend that works for the WWE. and he keeps me up to date on all backstage/outside happenings.
That's interesting, because the age difference there is kind of scary. It does seem kind of weird to me, but I guess love blooms anywhere.
Im not sure whether or not Pat Patterson is still working for the WWE. But I just watched an old episode of the Phil Donahue show where it showcased three ex-workers of the old WWF in 92 claiming that they were fired because they would not do gay sexual favors to certain higher up employees of the WWE. Guess who one of those people were... Pat Patterson...that guy is gay. The first IC champ is gay. WOW...just wanted to know what your thoughts on this.

I find that to be a lot of horse****. From what I hear backstage, he is a very respected member of the backstage area and was from what I hear a talented guy. Sexual orientation is not our business. If he's gay, so what? I doubt he would act inappropriately on the job, as I stated before, he was a very easy to work with and not a bad guy at all. A lot of gay's get that type of crap from people, mainly because they are too damn ignorant.

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