Paging All of the wrestlezone nerds and virgins!

Mr Ferguson

Dark Match Jobber

You all need reminding that you are all a bunch of losers. Go to bars, go to nightclubs and be social. Get out of the basement, turn the wwe off and chase pussy. You people are all so incredibly needy and pathetic. Every single one of you is beta as fuck.

You all need to change your lives and lose this socially defunct mindset. Girls don't like fat virgins who eat pork ribs and watch wrestling. Girls like men, with defined physical features, ability to hold a normal conversation, be social and enjoy real hobbies like sport and money.

I'm an alpha male. I have zero people order me, because i'm the boss. People take my orders, people need my approval. I have plenty of money and everyone i meet tries to kiss my ass as a result. I can help all of you change, if you listen to me. I want all of you to change, because social ******s shouldn't exist. Humans are naturally social people and wrestling fans etc ruin the evolutionary process by which society was built on.

Tip - Not all attractiveness is built on looks, but some of it is. Get a gym membership and start going regularly with a muscle gaining or toning plan. Consistent Gyming will also boost your confidence and you will look slightly better as a result.

kind regards, MR Ferguson

I can help all of you change, if you listen to me.

You all need reminding that you are all a bunch of losers. Go to bars, go to nightclubs and be social. Get out of the basement, turn the wwe off and chase pussy. You people are all so incredibly needy and pathetic. Every single one of you is beta as fuck.

You all need to change your lives and lose this socially defunct mindset. Girls don't like fat virgins who eat pork ribs and watch wrestling. Girls like men, with defined physical features, ability to hold a normal conversation, be social and enjoy real hobbies like sport and money.

I'm an alpha male. I have zero people order me, because i'm the boss. People take my orders, people need my approval. I have plenty of money and everyone i meet tries to kiss my ass as a result. I can help all of you change, if you listen to me. I want all of you to change, because social ******s shouldn't exist. Humans are naturally social people and wrestling fans etc ruin the evolutionary process by which society was built on.

Tip - Not all attractiveness is built on looks, but some of it is. Get a gym membership and start going regularly with a muscle gaining or toning plan. Consistent Gyming will also boost your confidence and you will look slightly better as a result.

kind regards, MR Ferguson

I can help all of you change, if you listen to me.

Damien Sandow does it better.....
I love how his sig says "one word posting" and he always posts massive rants.

Mr Ferguson is hilarious, glad to see him back.
You all need reminding that you are all a bunch of losers. Go to bars, go to nightclubs and be social. Get out of the basement, turn the wwe off and chase pussy.

I'm an alpha male. I have zero people order me, because i'm the boss. People take my orders, people need my approval. I have plenty of money and everyone i meet tries to kiss my ass as a result.

If you are an alpha male, shouldn't chicks chase you?
You all need reminding that you are all a bunch of losers. Go to bars, go to nightclubs and be social. Get out of the basement, turn the wwe off and chase pussy. You people are all so incredibly needy and pathetic. Every single one of you is beta as fuck.

And you need reminding of how much better I am than you. The only reason I was in your basement was because your mom wanted me to fuck her there while she cleaned your soiled undies. She said she wanted me to fuck her in basement and then in her ass. Afterward she said I was the best she ever had. I'm not telling you this because I want to help you fuck your **** of a mom (although she did mention that she caught you jerking off while peaking through her bathroom door), I'm telling you this to help you realize your dad is an inept lover and without my help you will be one too. Oh, and your mom's a dirty, dirty girl.

You all need to change your lives and lose this socially defunct mindset. Girls don't like fat virgins who eat pork ribs and watch wrestling. Girls like men, with defined physical features, ability to hold a normal conversation, be social and enjoy real hobbies like sport and money.

This reminds me of something your mom babbled on about. She said you are always talking about what women want like you were one. That you constantly go one about how important for you that all men are handsome and keep themselves fit and treat you like you deserve to be treated. To each their own I guess. Good luck trying to gear men in to something that pleases you.

I'm an alpha male. I have zero people order me, because i'm the boss. People take my orders, people need my approval. I have plenty of money and everyone i meet tries to kiss my ass as a result. I can help all of you change, if you listen to me. I want all of you to change, because social ******s shouldn't exist. Humans are naturally social people and wrestling fans etc ruin the evolutionary process by which society was built on.

I'm an alpha-alpha male. It's like being an alpha male but not a giant pussy who sits on the internet pretending to be something he is not and annoy and irritate people in the process or try to make them feel bad about themselves. Again, you are so eager to help people change, which on the surface is very admirable but reeks of the desperation that a "red dot" would use to get young men back to their shed behind their mom's house.

Tip - Not all attractiveness is built on looks, but some of it is. Get a gym membership and start going regularly with a muscle gaining or toning plan. Consistent Gyming will also boost your confidence and you will look slightly better as a result.

Translation - MR Ferguson like ripped dudes with thick cocks.

kind regards, MR Ferguson

NAMBLA members are so polite.

I can help all of you change, if you listen to me.

I could help change you but it would take heavy medication, psychotherapy and a restraining order for you to stay at least 100 feet from any public playground.
I was going to responded to his post by breaking it down & responding with a bunch of witty remarks, but I got a half way through & said fuck this, this is dumb, I got better shit to do with my time.
I was going to responded to his post by breaking it down & responding with a bunch of witty remarks, but I got a half way through & said fuck this, this is dumb, I got better shit to do with my time.

Basically. Was tempted to just tell him to eat a hollow-tip bullet salad and that we're all very aware of how small his penis is but what's the point, his trolling isn't even very well put together. I have better things to do.
One time a friend and I ate mushrooms and literally sat around laughing hysterically in tears for about 20-30 minutes about the sheer concept of the character of Jar Jar Binks and his existence. Then we laughed for an hour about the movie Stargate.

Oh the things you talk about on mushrooms.
He's an amphibious rabbit that speaks like a Southern slave. The fact that he exists is ridiculous when sober. I can't imagine how ridiculous it must seem on shrooms.
What ever happened to one word posting Fergie? Alpha males practice what they preach.

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