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Overselling a Move


That's all folks.
When you think of overselling a move, names like Shawn Michaels, The Rock and Ric Flair are often notorious for doing so. Ric Flair being one of my favorite oversellers in history was so great at it. For example, getting a low blow or some shit, walking around three to five seconds after receiving one, then falling. Hilarious. The Rock, Shawn Michaels would often make their opponents look great when overselling. Bubba Ray Dudley is also one that sticks out. I'll admit it, I love overselling. Whether it's for the laughs or making the opponent look good, someone overselling is one of my favoirte things in wrestling.


Shawn Michaels overselling at Summerslam 2005.

Shawn Michaels has oversold in plenty of matches but one that sticks out is his match with Hulk Hogan at Summerslam 2005. I don't know how accurate this story is but Michaels promised he would job to Hogan, but Hogan would put Michaels over the month after. However Hogan complained his back was in pain and said he would not face Shawn again. So Shawn being a complete asshole oversold every move sarcastically to embarass Hogan. Shawn Michaels made this match look totally unbelievable by overseling the dumbest moves like Hogan's shoulder block, back body drop and even his Big Boot. But at the same time, how great did Hogan look during this match? When Hogan threw Michaels over the top rope, and Michaels over sold it, why is it considered bad?

The Rock overselling The Stunner at Wrestlemania 17.

The Rock, also being notorious for overselling, oversold in one of the gretest, most popular matches in the last decade; his match with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 17. Watch the video. The Rock hilariously oversells the Stunner and makes Austin's move look painfully great. But so many people have prolems with overselling a move. Why? Because it's so unrealistic?

Do you find anything wrong with overselling?

Who's your favorite overseller?

Who's the worst at selling?

Do you find anything wrong with overselling? Not really, I don’t mind over selling of a move. I always thought it is funny when Ric Flair does it with the low blow. Always gives me a good laugh. Sometimes over selling of a move can make the person giving the move look stronger. I mean his name is Hulk Hogan fighting a guy who is a lot less weight then him can seem a little believable to over sell the moves. Not as much as Shawn did. But, it was still funny in the end.

Who's your favorite over seller? I am going to say Rock; whenever he got stunned he sold at a tad much. I also have to say Fair too. I mean there are a lot of guys who oversell moves. Some are better than others at doing it.

Who's the worst at selling? Hmmm, I am going to say Batista he is pretty bad. Sometimes I just could not watch his matches because of it. Another one comes to mind is Goldberg when he had to wrestle matches. It just showed if he wasn’t in the ring for 45 seconds or less he was just terrible.
ahahaah!!!!! that stunner sell at WM was epic. still remember that moment today.

i do remember watching that summerslam thinking that was kinda douchebaggy on micheals part, to go out of his way to make hogan look bad like that on such a big stage, however looking back now it was hilarious and he is still one of the g.o.a.t. in my book and hogan is shit.

not sure if this fits, but the greatest oversell of all time (kinda) and one of the funniest things i have ever seen was hbk vs hhh for the european title on RAW in 97.
check it out-

I think Shawn Michaels is a very good overseller. I hate Hogan, but damn michaels made me dislike him too the way he oversells oponents. The Rock also, I remember after he got speared by Goldberg, wow that was way too much selling. Not much for the acting.

Scott Hall also did a lot of cartoonish selling. And Ric Flair was more like he is having an orgasm. awfull. And I am not even talking about that ridiculous nosedive.
Me personally, underselling/no selling bother the fuck out of me way more than the overselling. Yeah it was a bit over the top when The Rock backflipped from a Stunner but it helped things along in their feud, since I believe Rock was a heel then. I would much rather see too much effort than not enough. No selling is a crime. Batista, Goldberg and a few others not selling should be dealt with and severly punished. It makes both men look like shit unlike overselling. It makes the the whole thing look bad,. The only way it works is if it fits in the gimmick, kane now and the old taker. Beat on them, then they sit up and kick ass. That is acceptable. Underselling is fucked up and shows a lack of respect for yourself and your opponent.
Do you find anything wrong with overselling?

Not at all. Overselling actually looks pretty good sometimes. When you think of overselling classic names like Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels come to mind. Now they were both great wrestlers. Though Shawn overselling almost every move that Hogan gave him at Summerslam 2005 was uncalled for.

Who's your favorite overseller?

I think The Rock was a great seller. Everytime he took a Stone Cold Stunner he would sell it like crazy.

Another good seller I don't think anyone mentioned is Mr.Perfect. He oversold a lot of moves to perfection(no pun intended). The way he took an atomic drop from Hogan in one of their matches was brilliant.

Who's the worst at selling?

I always thought Kane was a bad seller. A lot of times he would take a finisher and all he does after it's executed is just lay their like he just collapsed on the ground. Maybe it's because he's a big guy but Kane is definitely the worst seller in my opinion. Lots of respect for the big red monster though.
Do you find anything wrong with overselling?

if its in a serious match and someone does what michaels did against hogan then yes i have a problem with it because it ruins the match, but i enjoyed the hbk-hogan match simply because michaels put in a one man show, i knew hogan was going to win before the match started because of the way he is and thought he deserved tbe embarrased a little bit.

Who's your favorite overseller?

this is difficult just because over-selling is just for comic effect, so probably the hbk video you put up.

Who's the worst at selling?

in terms of whos still wrestling why has no-one mentioned john cena, im not the "i hate cena" guy but come on! did anyone see him take 2 "pipe shots" from the miz, ridiculous, the miz and r-truth this year are 2 to make note of. he has great matches now and again(amazingly with the great khali a few years back THAT impressed me) but in so many matches he makes opponents look bad with no selling.
Do you find anything wrong with overselling?
No because it sometimes helps in the match/feud.Like I dont know how the Rock/Austin feud would've been without The Rocks overselling.The only problem I have is when Batista oversold Mark Henrys Headbutt.Its on youtube somewhere.

Who's your favorite overseller?
Probally the Rock or HBK.Flair just acted like he had an orgasm.

Who's the worst at selling?
Batista,Goldberg or Cena.No arguement needed.
I do sometimes enjoy overselling a move. Sometimes, it's funny and honestly does flat out look great. I definitely agree that I prefer overselling to underselling or even little no selling at all. It pisses me off to no end sometimes to see someone take a big move, sell it for a couple of seconds and then just move onto the next spot as if nothing ever happened.
I think it must be the Stunner that brings out the great over-sells because, as has been said, The Rock sold it to hell..Two more guys that over-sold the Stunner yet, every time, it made me chuckle:

Vince McMahon - So many stunners, so many hammy reactions. Top stuff!!

Scott Hall - The Way he took the piss out of Austin at WM18 was hilarious...served Steve right for not wanting to have a match with Hall.

Mention must go to Linda McMahon for the worst selling (outside of The Great Khali) in history when she took the stunner on Raw a few years ago, dreadful stuff!!
Do you find anything wrong with overselling?
Never really thought of it, but I guess not. Especially when you look at it in a comparitive view between overselling and underselling, overselling at least gets them over while underselling just does nothing for either man.

Who's your favorite overseller?
Probably Ric Flair. Ric against The Big Show in ECW was hilarious and brutal at the same time. I remember he was hit with a chair and Flair walked around the ring, just screaming, "Christ!" Big Show took him to the corner about two moments later and hit him with the chop, what does Ric scream? "Aww Jesus; SHIT!" Watching it made me laugh, and the crowd hear him too.

Who's the worst at selling?
Usually is a Big Man. Viscera was always awful, as is The Great Khali and Batista as already mentioned. I think most "big men" are lowsy at selling in all departments. Batista did get better though, especially with Undertaker at WrestleMania 23, he was actually pretty good in that match. Khali can't sell worth a shit though, but even lately, has been getting better, he actually falls down now when somebody hits him with a big time move.
Do you find anything wrong with overselling?
Not at all, I love it and I think it makes the match more enjoyable. If there's one thing I hate it's someone who cannot sell a move, so naturally I go far the other way and I love seeing someone flopping around the ring like there's a huge spider on their back :lmao:

Who's your favorite overseller?
Who's the worst at selling?

For me one guy takes the cake on both of these, the one and only Ric Flair
Yes Ric is so good at overselling that he's bad at, he oversells more than probably anyone and sometimes it's great but sometimes you kinda feel like giving him a "Really? Really?....Really?". But in general if you don't have a problem with overselling and you enjoy it because you think it's funny then Ric is your man, not only when he flops around like a fish but those times when he's in a submission hold or Triple H is grinding on his head with a screwdriver and he lets out the "Ohmygodimdyingpleasestop cry" it's wrestling gold.



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