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Cena you overselling weakling!

The writers (and by revent reports Vince) needs to stop putting Cena into silly feuds. Seriously. WM 28 with the Rock already? Putting him in the main event after putting him in the main event this year is like pissing all over your own product.

To be honest I feel sad for Cena that no matter what has to go out and jump like a circus horse to every silly idea that comes into the mind of Vince. And those ideas include having to oversell like a mad man.

Why on earth do you wanna make a match arrangement now? There is an incredible amount of things that can go wrong. My bet is that Cena vs Rock will NOT take place next year. For some reason. Either Vince changes his mind or someone gets injured.

WM 27 was in my opinion not good. A few of the matches was good. CM punk vs Orton was nice. Also Edge ALD was good in my opinion. Taker vs HHH was so so in my opinion. Im not very into the whole finisher kick out finisher kick out stuff. I am a Cena fan but Cena vs The Miz was not good. I think the wrestlers looked uninspired and the double countout was so anti climatic that they never got the show started again. They cut off Sheamus Bryant and the tag team matches was just plain silly. I bet a lot of wrestlers was not satisfied with the work of Vince and that explains why a lot of them looked uninspired.

What they need to do with Cena this next year is to keep him out of feuds for some weeks and start all over from a new angle. Build the Miz as a good champion by letting him win fair and square for once. Make him look like a strong heel.

Let Cena wrestle some clean matches without interference form anyone. When you look at most of his matches recently there has been interference from A-Ry, The Rock, Corre, Nexus God knows. Let the man have a clean fight for once. Let him loose. I do not care. Just let him have a match 1 vs 1. Same goes for a lot of the other wrestlers. They are not letting the wrestling tell the story anymore. They have to put a feud in everything that happens. This is destroying not only Cena but many other wrestlers as well. They do not let them use their talent because they have to oversell to tell the story of the feud correctly. Simply loosing isn't enough anymore and we have Vince to thank for it. With him pulling the strings at all times this show is not good. He needs to stay out of the storylines for a moment. He has clearly lost it. WWE is starting to remind me of soap operas. Get the fighting back. Let the fighting tell the stories not the drama outside the ring.
Oh man. WWE isn't for me? i came out of the womb watching the federation buddy so shut your shit up right now.

Taker works 4 matches a year? Cause he can. He can be gone and come in for mania, WIN, and get cheered!

Unlike mr. cena who, got boo'd as a face at mania 22, got boo'd as a face at mania 23, got boo'd as a face at mania 24, got boo'd as a face at mania 25, and for god's sake got his ass completely boo'd as a face against "super heel anti cena batista" and mania 26. yeah that's more of a face forced on us rather one that earns it with the fans. :lol: dumbass.

Face of wwe? that may be, but without the undertaker, i bet wrestlemania will fold with cena main eventing like always. why do you think he gets boo'd at the spectacle of sports entertainment.

I've never seen undertaker sucks signs front row camera side at mania like i did at wm 26 saying cena sucks. did you watch the mania 27 press conference? some face alright, he should be the face on the chocolate fruity pebbles box cause he is complete fruity pebbles shit!!

Desperate housewives?? man you're too funny:lmao:!!!

If you ever try comedy as a career, I hope you like fruits and vegies cause that's all you'll be seeing.

I have no respect for cena fans. they thinks he so cool with his bright ass shirts, his bs catchprashes, his lame ass character, and his damn jorts. what a dork he is. have you even been to a live event. his music hits, you have little kids jumping up and down screaming with their purple shirts, and sweatbands and their damn rey mysterio masks and women cheering. older male adults BOO him like hell. Know why i have no respect for cena fans, cause they're kids and they cry when he gets boo'd, cause they're pussy little kids. Probably like you, that or you're an adult dork who buys into his cheesy shit.

Difference between UT and Cena? Undertaker can make faces heels because he is so respected by fans, Cena can make heels faces because they would rather see Mae Young main event for the title then they would see his punk ass.

So you can john cena marine salute on my balls you punk bitch.

Holla if you hear me!:lmao:

I think it's funny how people's expectations are so low. You're proud that Taker only wrestles 4 times a year? But Cena, who comes out every night and wears his heart on his colorful sleeve gets no love? Yeah, Taker has helped the WWE get to where it is now, but i feel like you can't call yourself a true WWE fan if you can't respect what Cena is doing for the WWE now, present day. I'm not a Cena fan, but I respect him as the engine of a company that I've loved for over 14 years. Cena gets boo'd because everybody loves to hate him. you don't see what Cena does? Cena is the main point of most threads on any WWE forum site, He gets the most heated reactions, both negative and positive than anybody probably in history. People tune in just to watch him lose. What does that do? Bring in more fans. People complain about Cena but i never see anyone just simply saying, I'm tired of talking about Cena. Cena stays on your mind, especially the ones that hate him. They go to sleep every monday night thinking, "Damn, I hate John Cena!". it's hilarious to me.
I think it's funny how people's expectations are so low. You're proud that Taker only wrestles 4 times a year? But Cena, who comes out every night and wears his heart on his colorful sleeve gets no love? Yeah, Taker has helped the WWE get to where it is now, but i feel like you can't call yourself a true WWE fan if you can't respect what Cena is doing for the WWE now, present day. I'm not a Cena fan, but I respect him as the engine of a company that I've loved for over 14 years. Cena gets boo'd because everybody loves to hate him. you don't see what Cena does? Cena is the main point of most threads on any WWE forum site, He gets the most heated reactions, both negative and positive than anybody probably in history. People tune in just to watch him lose. What does that do? Bring in more fans. People complain about Cena but i never see anyone just simply saying, I'm tired of talking about Cena. Cena stays on your mind, especially the ones that hate him. They go to sleep every monday night thinking, "Damn, I hate John Cena!". it's hilarious to me.

Nope. I go to bed thinking, man I have a smoking hot girlfriend who actually likes wrestling too! Not to mention, she's an undertaker fan with me and she even thinks cena sucks.

So you're the fan jury now, because I don't "respect" the guy cause he is on raw every monday getting his ass boo'd. I respect him as a man, I DO NOT respect his wrestling ability, his lame ass character, and that wwe forces him onto everyone because they think he's the 2nd coming of Hulk Hogan.

I'm very proud of Undertaker wrestling how ever many matches he damn well pleases. He's earned that, he is a legend both on screen and backstage. If he only wrestled once a year, it'd be mania and it'd make mania. Disagree? Okay imagine if there were no Undertaker match, you'd have a a buncha "youth movement" guys wrestling pointless matches. The guy probably sold a quarter of mania tix with him being in a match all by itself.

Hell, I could go out every monday and take everything Wade Barrett or Alex Riley's got and then I could do two flying shoulders, his little whirling plex, his little 5 knuckle fuckle and then the fu or the stfu. Pretty damn easy. :lmao:

Sorry not everyone can be like taker, and dive over the top rope, walk the ropes, have three finishers, and an awesome entrance and the best pop of the night.

Yeah, Cena's the man alright. That's why people chant CENA SUCKS. In case you're deaf.

Taker's paid his dues, he was out there since 84 wrestling, in the trenches, 4 and 5 nights a week going at it. That's a legend. Not someone who wrestles once or twice a week. Get outta here with that Cena shit. He sucks and half the wwe universe agrees with me. FU and F Cena. :lmao:

The Last Outlaw here is clearly a young punk who knows dick about wrestling. Why bother argueing with him and his "smoking hot" heffer of a girlfriend? I'm guessing either his girlfriend is his right hand or some fat AV chick who dresses like a dude. Anybody who actually understood the business would know that Cena is a workhorse who is widely respected by his peers for a good reason. It doesn't matter what random fans say and the fact that it's cool to boo him makes no difference. He draws, he sells merch and that's what matters in today's business. Not a soul in TNA can compare, from that beaten up old Flair to the midget 2X4 that is AJ Styles. Before you give me shit about that crack at Flair's expense, ask yourself if WWE would have forced him to retire if he made them money? Then consider that ratings actually went down when he and Hogan arrived.
Nope. I go to bed thinking, man I have a smoking hot girlfriend who actually likes wrestling too! Not to mention, she's an undertaker fan with me and she even thinks cena sucks.

So you're the fan jury now, because I don't "respect" the guy cause he is on raw every monday getting his ass boo'd. I respect him as a man, I DO NOT respect his wrestling ability, his lame ass character, and that wwe forces him onto everyone because they think he's the 2nd coming of Hulk Hogan.

I'm very proud of Undertaker wrestling how ever many matches he damn well pleases. He's earned that, he is a legend both on screen and backstage. If he only wrestled once a year, it'd be mania and it'd make mania. Disagree? Okay imagine if there were no Undertaker match, you'd have a a buncha "youth movement" guys wrestling pointless matches. The guy probably sold a quarter of mania tix with him being in a match all by itself.

Hell, I could go out every monday and take everything Wade Barrett or Alex Riley's got and then I could do two flying shoulders, his little whirling plex, his little 5 knuckle fuckle and then the fu or the stfu. Pretty damn easy. :lmao:

Sorry not everyone can be like taker, and dive over the top rope, walk the ropes, have three finishers, and an awesome entrance and the best pop of the night.

Yeah, Cena's the man alright. That's why people chant CENA SUCKS. In case you're deaf.

Taker's paid his dues, he was out there since 84 wrestling, in the trenches, 4 and 5 nights a week going at it. That's a legend. Not someone who wrestles once or twice a week. Get outta here with that Cena shit. He sucks and half the wwe universe agrees with me. FU and F Cena. :lmao:


Lol, okay, now can you honestly say, that if john cena were to leave the ring for good today, that the WWE would still be as relevant as it is now? It doesn't take one person to move a company, not undertaker, not rock, not cena, not hbk (my personal fav), not scsa. It takes a group effort. at the same time, whether you like the man's character or not, you have to credit the man, as a man, at what he has accomplished. Yeah, people hate him, but real men, and real fans, respect this man's contribution to the company and the fact that his character is a huge draw. People hate the character, but they don't turn off the tv when he is on the screen. When he cuts a promo, people watch, when he wrestles, people watch. If people didn't watch him, the WWE would have no choice but to reduce his airtime. But people watch Cena.

And what type of man would say Die, Cena, Die? at the press conference assholes were actually saying that. Some people can't seperate fiction from non-fiction. It's shit like that that upsets me. I dont give a damn if everyone in the world hates Cena's character, Cena the man deserves better than that. I'm not a cena fan or a cena hater, I'm a fan who cares about the business more than anything. Cena is great for the business. Undertaker is great for the business. Nobody can ever take away what the undertaker has done for this business and what he has accomplished, and nobody's trying to, I just feel like you have to give credit where it is due. John Cena runs the WWE, no matter who cheers him or boos him.

And I highly doubt that you could go out there and do Cena's job. I highly doubt that you could go out there every night, take the beaten, bumps and bruises that he takes, puts his heart out there and get boo'd and still go out there every monday and do it over and over again. You, like most of the world, would quit within a month if you were in that situation where nothing you do seemed good enough to the fans of the business you love.

And I guaran-damn-tee you wouldn't have the balls to say most of those things to Cena's face man to man. At WWE live events and behind computer screens people feel safe to say whatever they want and feel invicible, but I know different. Catch the same people in an alley face to face and they turn into your biggest fan and best friend. Cause no matter how "fake" the moves are in wrestling, when it comes down to it, Cena is a muscular freak, and I'm sure he could brawl.

Bottomline is, WWE=John Cena, regardless of if he sells, oversells, partiallysells, buys, overbuys or partiallybuys, current day WWE is ran by Johnathan "whatever the hell his middle name is" Cena.
Nope. I go to bed thinking, man I have a smoking hot girlfriend who actually likes wrestling too! Not to mention, she's an undertaker fan with me and she even thinks cena sucks.

If you have to tell us your girlfriend is hot, then she's probably not.

So you're the fan jury now, because I don't "respect" the guy cause he is on raw every monday getting his ass boo'd. I respect him as a man, I DO NOT respect his wrestling ability, his lame ass character, and that wwe forces him onto everyone because they think he's the 2nd coming of Hulk Hogan.

So you must respect a no-selling, slow, boring guy like The Undertaker?

I'm very proud of Undertaker wrestling how ever many matches he damn well pleases. He's earned that, he is a legend both on screen and backstage. If he only wrestled once a year, it'd be mania and it'd make mania. Disagree? Okay imagine if there were no Undertaker match, you'd have a a buncha "youth movement" guys wrestling pointless matches. The guy probably sold a quarter of mania tix with him being in a match all by itself.

Oh no. What would I do without those three or four Undertaker matches a year?

Hell, I could go out every monday and take everything Wade Barrett or Alex Riley's got and then I could do two flying shoulders, his little whirling plex, his little 5 knuckle fuckle and then the fu or the stfu. Pretty damn easy. :lmao:

I'm sure you can. Just as long as you believe you can.

Sorry not everyone can be like taker, and dive over the top rope, walk the ropes, have three finishers, and an awesome entrance and the best pop of the night.

It's not like no one else has ever dove over the ropes, walked the rope, or had three finishers.

You must have awesome entrance confused with slow entrance.

Yeah, Cena's the man alright. That's why people chant CENA SUCKS. In case you're deaf.

Cena has been the draw that Undertaker ever hoped to be.

Taker's paid his dues, he was out there since 84 wrestling, in the trenches, 4 and 5 nights a week going at it. That's a legend. Not someone who wrestles once or twice a week. Get outta here with that Cena shit. He sucks and half the wwe universe agrees with me. FU and F Cena. :lmao:

I hope you're slapping yourself right now to knock some sense into you.


If you mean that I can hear your IQ dropping, then I will holla.
So wait, this is what you do with your girlfriend? Are you stuck a room, that has a computer that can only go to this site? Did you run out of viagra or something? Anyways on to this stupid thread.

Cena's overselling makes his opponent look strong and also makes Cena look resilient. Remember when he faced Jack Swagger, everyone knew Swagger wasn't going to win but I do remember how good Swagger looked. Brawls and actually wrestling are different. In a brawl, usually both men are fresh and are getting quick punches in, but in a match, they usually get a stronger punch in and get worn down more because they fight for more than 10 seconds. This thread makes my brain hurt.

Nope she is just pretty fascinated with this whole deal i've created. hell i should be the new eric bischoff.

Viagra jokes? Laughable man.

Maybe if there was a cenasucks. com i could go to it and have to spend way less time arguing with children. cena and his kids.

Bush league stuff. Laughable man
I could make a joke here but I would piss off GLAAD.

But how does this help this thread in any way? How does telling us you have a hot girlfriend have anything to do with this thread? This thread is trash league stuff, trashable man.

But seriously, whenever anyone is involved with Cena, their stock goes up. Even if he is with them for just a short time, their stock goes up because he can make them look good.
So, the complaints about Cena are now that he doesn't put people over enough and always comes out on top, yet he sells way too much? Got it.

The fact of the matter is that the top faces are supposed to make the bad guys look like they are incredible. Otherwise, people assume they have no chance. Cena "oversells" so that you think he could actually be losing. Sometimes you buy it, sometimes you don't. That's the business. Cena is just doing his job.

I swear, if Cena was everything people wanted him to be, he'd be hated for being perfect.

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