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Cena you overselling weakling!

I have a project for you. Go to a WWE show, buy the cheapest tickets possible, then tell me that ANYONE oversells. In the WWE, you MUST oversell. HBK oversold his whole damn career. It gets more people into the match and looks better.

You have AJ Style in your sig, he needs to sell more.

You just sound like an idiot move mark that wants to see a million high flying moves crammed into a match with no selling or storytelling. if you want that, play a video game and record it, the watch what you just did.

As for orton lying down.....HE FUCKING LEG WAS INJURED!!! Do you want him to fly around and ruin the story of the match? To basically piss on Punks awesome knee work? The corner figure four, the old school indian death lock, the psuedo low ki corner spot. It was awesome.

you really need to either stop watching any wrestling except for Japanese gymnist stuff (Dragon Gate) or you need to learn to appreciate selling and storytelling.

As for Cena not listening to you on twitter....no shit. He knows a LOT more about wrestling than you. You use TNA as an example? TNA guys don't sell big moves enough so they don't mean anything.

Here's a scenario. Mexico, 2009sih, Teddy hart gets tagged in, hits a canadian destroyer, picks the guy up, hits a powerbomb on his knees, then tags out. No build up, no pin attempt, nothing. New York, 2005 (I think) Samoa Joe slaps kenta Kobashi, crowd shits its pants.

samoa Joe got a HUUUUUGE reaction out of a slap and Teddy hart didnt' get so much as a fart for a destroyer and a powerbomb on his knees. Why? Storytelling, psychology, timing, SELLING.

Don't be a moves mark, it makes you look autistic. Literally, autistic people can't decipher emotion and are entertained more by numbers and things that are neatly done, which is basically what a moves mark is.

I remember the day when Mankind was handcuffed, got electrocuted, got beat to shit by The Rock, took 3 chair shots before he fell over.

Miz's fist to John Cena's forehead is equivalent of The Rock swinging a homerun steel chair on Mankind's head.

Need I say more you smarks.
Actually he sold the shit out of everything. Plus Mankinds gimmick was being super tough. Not only that, but it was a different era, not only that but I don't think Cena wants to be toothless and broken down. Not only that but you are only looking at moves and not the story of a match.

watch Mankinds early feud with Taker, like 1996, he sells Taker's punches like death. Watch anyone vs Terry Funk or Lawler or anyone in a big match trying to actually put the other guy over as legit.

I have another project now that I think of it, watch any old mid south match from the 80s.
First, why did you post like your talking to Cena? But anyway, I really don't see the overselling. I don't think its any worse than rocks selling of the stunner or anything HBK has done. If he was selling like that in the beginning of the match I could see your point but he does it later on. You sound like an extreme Cena hater and although im not a big fan I wouldn't send Tweets to him. Come on really? Like hes gonna see them and go oh, some troll wants me to stop overselling, will do. I just feel this is another thread to rip on Cena some more and is wouldn't be posted if anyone else sold like that.
The guy has AJ Styles in his sig, think that ROH is great because of the no selling (ROH's biggest problem), enjoys watching TNA, and makes a post about Cena trying to make Miz look good and selling big for punches (keep in mind the people in the upper deck are quite a distance away and if the crowd isnt' following, it looks worse on TV than overselling).

I think it's safe to say that not only does he know very little about the psychology of wrestling, but he's a huge Cena hater and he marks for moves and not emotion.
Selling is what makes or breaks this business. All the greats did it. all the greats still do it. look at any submission move, there is absolutly no pressure put on the actual move at all, the move seems painful because the person who has the hold applied to them moves around and whines, bitches and moans like its killing them. The more overselling of those moves, the more they look like they hurt. tell me anytime someone does the ankle lock, the person acts like their ankle is getting broken in half. as soon as the move is off, they get up and jump around like nothing is wrong with it.

speaking of that, when cena was putting a-ri in the stfu one night on raw, it kept looking like a-ri didnt know how to sit there and let him put it on. everytime he did it it looked like a-ri was resisting too much, and his leg could have been broken. i kept thinking, damn, cena gonna break dude leg for real.
Really? Overselling? Wow, go back to ROH and half the indy seen where there is no selling at all. If you want to talk about overselling then why didn't you mention the Triple h vs Undertaker match? There was more selling in that match then the Miz/Cena match. You seriously went on his twitter page? :lmao: wow dude, wow.
See you people obviously know nothing about me.. the only ROH I have watched is on HDNet.

I watch TNA and WWE weekly... TNA is so much more realistic when it comes to the in-ring action it isn't even funny!!!!!!

I understand, yes, you sell a punch... but I'm not talking about SELLING moves... I'm talking about how Cena OVERsells the simplest punch.

There is overselling and then there is selling and I'm not talking about merchandise.

There is making it look real, there is selling the moves to make it look realer, and then there is just stupidity when the guy drives his wrist into your forehead and you look like your drunk.

And I did mention HHH/Taker in my opening post, but that was a little more believable just because of the carnage those men went through. Cena will get hit FOR THE FIRST TIME in the match, and just be completely FKKD UP!

And its as I said, I love Cena.. I support him like no other... but why can't I bring out an issue to him? There is 1,000s of fans every week that Chant he sucks... WELL MAYBE THIS IS WHY?!?

But lets just bash the guy whos trying to critique John Cena's work and improve him. I'm simply pointing out his flaws, but apparently he has none.. I mean every single fan loves him to death.?

Anyways I'm done with this thread, I've said my point.. it's funny I praise Cena and I get bashed... I bash Cena.. and I get bashed.. I just don't understand anyone these days.
TNA is more realistic in the ring? Hurricaranas aren't realistic and not selling punches isn't realistic. TNA is realistic in the same way that B list, celebrity wannabe's faces are realistic. Yea they somewhat resemble the real thing but it's just strangly awful.

I used you saying "went ROH" and then mentioning how they no sold as an example of your lack of understanding.

In pro wrestling, in front of an enormous audience, you oversell to let everyone in the arena better see what you're doing. If you ever get trained to be a wrestler, that's the one of the first things. They say "the old lady with bad vision in the back row needs to be able to tell what's going on".

You wouldn't have gotten bashed if your post made sense and if you didn't say that you tweeted him.

the 1000 fans that chant Cena suck do it because they enjoy it. They like booing the corny guy, and he enjoys making them do it.
i didnt have issues with his selling. honestly, the match wasnt bad, it wasnt great, but it wasnt bad either. My issue with John Cena happened the next night when he said that Miz is the champion and he never wants to face him. Ok, so Cena never wants to be the guy who beat the Miz??? that statement just should never have came out of his mouth. Anyways, the overselling isnt too bad, it helps make Miz look credible.
That was just a bad line. I remember him saying that. I don't think it's what he meant to say, or at least not how he meant it to be interpreted.
i didnt have issues with his selling. honestly, the match wasnt bad, it wasnt great, but it wasnt bad either. My issue with John Cena happened the next night when he said that Miz is the champion and he never wants to face him. Ok, so Cena never wants to be the guy who beat the Miz??? that statement just should never have came out of his mouth. Anyways, the overselling isnt too bad, it helps make Miz look credible.

I think cena said he didnt want to face the miz just because he is annoyed by the miz. i dont think cena is worried about the wwe title. when cena was fueding with nexus that had nothing to do with the title. fueding with the rock has nothing to do with the title. i think cena is at that point in his career where titles dont matter. all the greats get there eventually. after a while, they realize that they dont have to be the champ to be great or to put on a great show. you heard triple h tell that to shawn, you dont have to win every match to be the greatest. i think cena is more focused on the better picture for the entire business. he knows him being champ isnt whats best for the company right now. and thats why he's the perfect "mascot" for the wwe right now.
I remember the day when Mankind was handcuffed, got electrocuted, got beat to shit by The Rock, took 3 chair shots before he fell over.

Miz's fist to John Cena's forehead is equivalent of The Rock swinging a homerun steel chair on Mankind's head.

Need I say more you smarks.

The real problem here is with Mick no selling that shit and taking it too far like always. You ever been punched in the face? It doesn't feel too damn good and if the other guy is big, it's not a stretch that you'd be a bit out of it. Stop trying to act like you're the be all/end all in this business. You apparently don't know shit.
That was my PG title for this thread.

Anyways... John Cena.. are you F'N ******ed?!?

I've been noticing you overselling things for way to long. In the Royal Rumble you fly in, hit some people, and all of a sudden someone hits you and its like... "ooo... Mike Tyson... what a shot"... Cena goes down to his knees.

Wrestlemania... JR and King were trying to cover for Cena's overselling. JR was saying, "I don't know what happen, but Cena is really discombobulated."

Cause everytime The Miz hit him once... Cena would fall down to his knees... good god.. Miz should be a F'N Boxer then huh?!?

Come on... on Impact two weeks ago I watched AJ Styles and Bully Ray go ROH on each other, they hit each other with like 30 punches in 10 seconds, and then they kept brawling!!!!!!!!

Cena takes(SELLS) one damn punch and all of a sudden he can't function...

Same with Orton.. come on.. what the fuck were you doing in your match with Punk? All he did was lay around.. while Punk had to struggle to keep the match even entertaining.

The OverSell button is defiantly on in WWE... Taker/HHH.. you guys really can only do 1 move and then crawl around for the next 2 minutes? I'm not buying it!

Cena is a damn good athlete, one of the best in the WWE. When he turns his offense on, he goes full speed... he's quick, and he's powerful... but you look weak as hell when you take one damn punch and start crying...

It's been bugging for too long, I left Cena twitter messages telling him about this.. but he's not listening, and I'm not stopping til you start acting a little F'N realer!

here is the simple answer to you, you are a simple TNA mark!!!! It is obvious!!! Everyone tends to oversell, EVERYONE!!! Hell, Michaels over sold Hogan when they wrestled at summerslam!! It is not just in WWE that this happens, it happens in TNA, ROH, everywhere, so to say it seems that it is only happening in WWE is crazy. Take your TNA blinders off and watch and see!! It happens, get over it!!
In TNA they oversell like a mufucker for about 8 seconds, then run around some more. It's the worst kind of selling because it makes wrestling look incredibly fake.

Like I said, go to any legit training facility, any old school guy will tell you "make all your emotions and mannerisms BIG, you have to make sure EVERYONE sees you"
The real problem here is with Mick no selling that shit and taking it too far like always. You ever been punched in the face? It doesn't feel too damn good and if the other guy is big, it's not a stretch that you'd be a bit out of it. Stop trying to act like you're the be all/end all in this business. You apparently don't know shit.

That was mick's character. Mankind was the bad ass hardcore legend who took all that shit and kept going. His character called for that type of shit. I mean, he had then been through it all before that anyway.

But like you said, getting punched in the face doesnt feel good. some people will just complain about everything cena does anyway. No matter happens. if cena sells, undersells, oversells, he could even really get into a serious fist fight in the middle of the ring and go blow for blow with mike tyson in his prime and people would still complain. That's the world we live in.
First of all, wrestling is an art form, and just like artists, every wrestler has their own style. John Cena's style is to take abuse for the majority of the match and sell it to the point where you don't think he's going to be able to continue, then "surprise" (as if we didn't see it coming) everyone by having a superman comeback and winning. The opponent dominating the majority of the match makes them look stronger, and Cena overcoming their abuse makes him look strong in return. NOW, on to your comments about Randy Orton. I was there live for WrestleMania and I can honestly say that your assessment of that match could not be more wrong. Yes, Punk dictated the match, but that was because Randy was selling the pipe shot that he took from Punk a few weeks ago. So, it basically sounds to me like you would rather everyone no-sell EVERYTHING and make the entire product look more unrealistic than it already does.
This guy on page 2 hit the nail on the head... he probably said the point of this thread better than I did.. hence why I got so much heat.

"The point is Cena's selling is not completely realistic. Of course pro wrestling isn't realistic at all really, but Cena is just making the whole thing look silly at times. He needs to tone it down a bit, I'd say."

Basically what I was trying to say, except I ranted about it because it angers me as a fan.

Why should we have to get a half ass John Cena? He is clearly capable of delivering more. Maybe its a secret code.. he just acts more hurt so the other wrestler doesn't do as many moves, therefore he can avoid injury. Just a conspiracy theory.

Someone else mentioned why don't I complain about The Big Show's punch? Cause.. It's the fucking Big Show.. I'd be scared to see that fist coming at me.. even if it wasn't truly going to smack me.. I'd still be scared as hell.
First of all, wrestling is an art form, and just like artists, every wrestler has their own style. John Cena's style is to take abuse for the majority of the match and sell it to the point where you don't think he's going to be able to continue, then "surprise" (as if we didn't see it coming) everyone by having a superman comeback and winning. The opponent dominating the majority of the match makes them look stronger, and Cena overcoming their abuse makes him look strong in return. NOW, on to your comments about Randy Orton. I was there live for WrestleMania and I can honestly say that your assessment of that match could not be more wrong. Yes, Punk dictated the match, but that was because Randy was selling the pipe shot that he took from Punk a few weeks ago. So, it basically sounds to me like you would rather everyone no-sell EVERYTHING and make the entire product look more unrealistic than it already does.
You were live for wrestlemania. tell me, if you were further away from the ring (I'm just assuming that because up close is super expensive an there are more seats further away than close), did you not appreciate Cena's "Overselling" because it makes the story feel closer?

I know at Judgement Day 2007, I was literally in the upper deck against the wall, the furthest back you can be. Cena and HBK both entertained me the most. They also "oversell" the most. They're also both 2 of the top 5 most over babyfaces of the last 10-15 years. Hmmm, maybe overselling only looks bad to people who can't put 2 and 2 together.
"The point is Cena's selling is not completely realistic. Of course pro wrestling isn't realistic at all really, but Cena is just making the whole thing look silly at times. He needs to tone it down a bit, I'd say."

Why should we have to get a half ass John Cena? He is clearly capable of delivering more.

I agree with this, look i'm not a Cena hater, respect for his drive, and all the work he does for WWE, and i was a big fan of his earlier days, but the whole soldier gimmick just made me tune out from him. Wether PG or not selling is an art, and Cena doesn't do it well anymore. Sure Hogan sold similar, but that was the 80s, as wrestling has progressed through the ages styles change, people notice things and in Cena's case it's a lot more noticeable then others. I mean if Hogan debuted now and did his style now, he would be torn apart, the only reason we accept it now is it's a bit of nostalgia, but even Cena is somewhat taking the Hogan approach, and it just doesn't work in this day and age.

Sure Rock oversold on moves, but he did it in a way where it put over his opponents well, it just was fluid and looked awesome when he did it.
Hell even HBK oversold Hogan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0BYSLdthvQ and even though it looked intentional (HBK getting some personal revenge on Hogan etc) it still looked good, if not slightly ridiculous.

We all know wrestling isn't a real contact sport in the league of MMA or boxing, it's not to say it isn't a contact sport of sorts, don't get me wrong i mean to say that we know its entertainment, these guys aren't out to really hurt each other like boxing, they perform amazing moves etc, but also take care of each other doing it. It is an art form in a way, and i enjoy watching these works of art unfold. (Not sure if that was all worded correctly but hopefully u get my point).

Cena as the "Top" guy at the moment, should know a bit better, i mean he sells well at times, (it depends on his opponents too, like HBK elevated him in their WM match, but he fights guys like Punk and makes them look weak, wether he is bigger or not) but the majority is BS, i understand what the OP is saying, i'll use 2011 Royal Rumble as an example, no one can take out The Nexus then along comes Cena wipes out 3 guys in less then a minute (who were dominating every one else earlier) gets 3 punches on Punk, 1 Irish whip, then Punk elbows him in the corner, Punk goes for a GTS, Cena counters they both double clothesline each other and Cena goes DOWN!!, and he is down for almost 2 minutes (from 1 clothesline, but he sells it like he just got a stunner or something), meanwhile Punk who has been in the match 33 minutes at this point, has had some damage done to him gets up after a few seconds as he should, he didn't get a Knockout blow, manages to do a few more moves on both horny and Cena, before Cena miraculously recovers to reverse a GTS attempt and eliminated Punk. Then Cena and Horny go through a few superstars before Cena is again knocked down and not from a big move and Over-sells again.

I mean come on, i know it's not considered real, but a little realism would be nice, as almost everyone else can provide. Cena can do better, and has done better, he does work hard, fatigue or not, its also still no excuse he can't apply his STF after all these fucking years. Talk about selling properly, Miz sold the STF like he was hurting at WM, making Cena look good, but Cena made Miz look a bit foolish when he can't even apply the STF fucking properly,Cena didn't even have it on his face or Neck correctly, but Miz sold it like a pro, so why can't Cena apply it like a pro? It has been reported HHH has even had words to him about it, has Cena not seen how Benoit did the cross-face, that's how the STF should also be applied across the face. I'm no expert but anyone else can do a STF and make it look painful, when Cena does it its just unrealistic. Wrestling when done correctly makes fans believe these guys are getting hurt, i just don't see how with Cena at times. and after almost 12 years of him wrestling (he started his wrestling career in 2000 before he went to WWE), he still can't apply an STF properly.

I don't know what happened to him, he wrestled a lot better on SD when he started out as the Dr of Thuganomics. Then it's like he became popular reached the top and slacked off a bit, whether you agree or not he does look a bit ridiculous at times, and his selling while good in some cases, is bad in others selling small moves such as one clothesline like he was hit by a mack truck isn't good. Yet he can get hit by so much in some matches, and any other guy would be hurt or selling like it was brutal, yet Cena can suddenly be fully healed and come back and fight like there was nothing wrong. Someone mentioned the WM17 match with Rock and Austin, and Rock getting hit with the chairs and all that at the end to finally beat him, here's the difference, Rock took a lot of abuse in that match to be sure, both guys did, but after them chair shots he sold it realistically, There was no miraculous getting up after all that abuse to perform his finishing move out of no where to win the match, as we have seen Cena do many times over the years in similar situations.

It's a bit of a rant, and i'm sorry for that but i get what the OP is saying, Cena can, has and should be doing better, especially as the face of the company, he is making talented wrestler's look bad at times, whether intentional or not, his selling sometimes just doesn't sit right. I like some realism in my wrestling, moves that should be sold big to be sold big, and vise versa, but not selling lighter moves as bigger moves. But i suppose when your demographic is up to 8 year olds the superman approach is what works, but even kids can see he can't apply a STF for shit.

Also just quickly i find it funny how he will be on Tough Enough this coming week. Granted it's probably for a motivational speech, and a Charisma lesson, But while he is there i hope Austin shows him how to apply the STF and sell properly, about time someone does.
So, just so I can understand this thread, we are upset that Cena oversells?! Are you kidding me?! I know all of you know this, but the shots they take aren't actually shots. The bumps are real, but the shots aren't. Mostly everyone in the audience knows this and is cool with it, but somehow it's people that have a problem with it. Here's a way to look at it: Think of it as a play, whether it be the nutcracker or death of a salesmen. You know what you are expecting when you watch, so why get upset by it? Does he oversell? Of COURSE he does! That's what they are supposed to do! If we were going by what actually could happen then the BIG SHOW, Taker, and Kane would just rotate titles because they would just dominate everybody. Overselling makes the crowd believe that the inferior opponent actually has a chance to win or dominate the match. Most of us who attend the WMs and the other wrestling events go with this understanding.
This is world wrestling ENTERTAINMENT, he is supposed to make it look like the other guy has the upper hand and fight through it when all seems lost. Simple as that.
To all my anti-cena boys, and girls, and to all my cena-sucks nation, WAIT FOR IT....WAIT FOR IT......WAIT FOR IT.......


:banghead: that's what cena makes me do when i see him. when taker goes, i will no doubtly stop watching wrestling, or wwe, and it's all because of juan cena. wwe needs to get a clue, the guy in a complete tool. he belongs on the bottom shelf in the big red tool box.
This guy up here, is a total jerk!!
The Rock overselled, go look his matches against SCSA!! However people still like him, and he just left away... AGAIN!! Cya next year for one match!!

I read a guy telling that Orton OVERsells?? What an idiot!!
Randy Orton is probably the best move seller in all WWE right now, every match he is into, he act very well, him as well as CM Punk can tell a story in the ring very well!!

Cena do what they tell him to do!! AT WM he did 10 moves (punches dont count)!! And he is still the face of WWE!!
Dont be stupid enough to say that he OVERsells, because in real life, if some of you eat a punch from The Miz, i bet my ass that you would look exactly or worse than him!!

Randy Orton OverSells, what a douch!!
This guy up here, is a total jerk!!
The Rock overselled, go look his matches against SCSA!! However people still like him, and he just left away... AGAIN!! Cya next year for one match!!

I read a guy telling that Orton OVERsells?? What an idiot!!
Randy Orton is probably the best move seller in all WWE right now, every match he is into, he act very well, him as well as CM Punk can tell a story in the ring very well!!

Cena do what they tell him to do!! AT WM he did 10 moves (punches dont count)!! And he is still the face of WWE!!
Dont be stupid enough to say that he OVERsells, because in real life, if some of you eat a punch from The Miz, i bet my ass that you would look exactly or worse than him!!

Randy Orton OverSells, what a douch!!

Look buddy, i'm sorry if you think i'm a jerk because i'm about the age of 13 and i'm not on the cena bandwagon, then i'm sorry. get over it.

I said nothing about the rock, and who cares about orton. this thread is about cena overselling.

I stated my opinion and that's just what it's gon be homeskillet. like i said get over it.

I'm a fan of very few wrestlers, actually good ones. Like: Taker, Jericho, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, and HBK. guys who actually have an array of moves and don't have to throw in extra moves because the crowd is chanting you can't wrestle.

dude cena is terrible in ring. there was only one hulk hogan so i don't care if they're telling him to do it or not. it needs to be stopped. he used to be able to wreslte. watch his debut match on smackdown vs angle. pretty damn good. if i hurt your feelings or whatever, you need to grow your ass up, you won't make it in the real world if me making fun of john cena gets you all riled up. I'm right there with the rock, cena fans are nothing but kids, irregardless of age, they're immature minded, grow a set and get over it.

Holla if you hear me:lmao:
So you dont watch wrestling at all?? :S Well your Favourite Wrestlers, dont really Wrestle anymore or dont give a fuck right now about WWE!!
(UnderTaker has what 4 matches a year??)

Oh and HBK & Taker doesnt OverSell of course not!! Taker gets a bump early in the begining of the match, and well just with a punch he looked like all beaten up, and by mercy of the Lord he just gets up and fuck the other guy!!

Oh and John Cena is a bad wrestler?? Of Course he is!! :D Well he is still the FACE OF WWE, so for my prespective, it really doesnt matter what you think!!

Undertaker is a legend?? Well, so as Cena!! Deal with it, if you dont, well tune your TV on Desperate Housewives, because WWE isnt for you, my man!!

Oh you have to name a guy right now better than Cena in the mic, you really have!!
CENA HATERS need to grow up, dont like?? dont watch!! Nobody forces you, and by mercy of the Lord too, you still know what have happened with him in every match!!
Oh man. WWE isn't for me? i came out of the womb watching the federation buddy so shut your shit up right now.

Taker works 4 matches a year? Cause he can. He can be gone and come in for mania, WIN, and get cheered!

Unlike mr. cena who, got boo'd as a face at mania 22, got boo'd as a face at mania 23, got boo'd as a face at mania 24, got boo'd as a face at mania 25, and for god's sake got his ass completely boo'd as a face against "super heel anti cena batista" and mania 26. yeah that's more of a face forced on us rather one that earns it with the fans. :lol: dumbass.

Face of wwe? that may be, but without the undertaker, i bet wrestlemania will fold with cena main eventing like always. why do you think he gets boo'd at the spectacle of sports entertainment.

I've never seen undertaker sucks signs front row camera side at mania like i did at wm 26 saying cena sucks. did you watch the mania 27 press conference? some face alright, he should be the face on the chocolate fruity pebbles box cause he is complete fruity pebbles shit!!

Desperate housewives?? man you're too funny:lmao:!!!

If you ever try comedy as a career, I hope you like fruits and vegies cause that's all you'll be seeing.

I have no respect for cena fans. they thinks he so cool with his bright ass shirts, his bs catchprashes, his lame ass character, and his damn jorts. what a dork he is. have you even been to a live event. his music hits, you have little kids jumping up and down screaming with their purple shirts, and sweatbands and their damn rey mysterio masks and women cheering. older male adults BOO him like hell. Know why i have no respect for cena fans, cause they're kids and they cry when he gets boo'd, cause they're pussy little kids. Probably like you, that or you're an adult dork who buys into his cheesy shit.

Difference between UT and Cena? Undertaker can make faces heels because he is so respected by fans, Cena can make heels faces because they would rather see Mae Young main event for the title then they would see his punk ass.

So you can john cena marine salute on my balls you punk bitch.

Holla if you hear me!:lmao:

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