Outside the Box: AJ's Neurotic Behavior


To Define, Is To Limit
This might seem a bit farfetched to many, as to be honest it's not a thought I've run through frequently, though it's something that if I were to look at all the pieces of the proverbial puzzle; they all seem to fall perfectly in place. So please excuse any missteps along the way, as I am indeed writing this at a whim with no real direction at 5:40 AM. Anywho, let's get on with it.

We all know the story. Daniel Bryan dumps AJ Lee after the whole WrestleMania 28 '18 Seconds' scandal and it did wonders for both characters. It gave us all an opportunity to see just how well a guy like DB could shine on his own, without needing a valet to take bumps as an excuse to belate his championship reign and stuff of the sort; whilst giving us an intriguing new character to watch blossom. Since, AJ has gone from vying for Daniel Bryan's forgiveness to display neurotic behavior, and it's getting stranger on a week to week basis.

AJ is now a borderline psychopathic character, with no real boundaries upon her character, and oddly enough she's over with the crowd. The biggest reason I say this is, we have another wrestler who shares incredibly similar personality traits looking to join the main roster very, very soon. He's yet another internet darling who guys by the name Dean Ambrose. Now, I know a few people will take such an adjective over Ambrose's head wrong, but I'm more than willing to eat my own words. I grew up watching Bryan Danielson tear up PWG and APW shows and even I doubted his ability to succeed in the WWE. So with that, I've been wrong before.

With SummerSlam looming, it's highly speculated that the main event will be CM Punk vs John Cena "II," and understandably so. John Cena's the #1 draw in the company, with CM Punk currently nestled just behind him. CM Punk's supposed to be THE GUY for the company right now, yet he's fallen to Cena's wayside, which was to be expected. So this Daniel Bryan/CM Punk feud will certainly have to end at Money in the Bank, reason being, CM Punk NEEDS the rub from John Cena. WWE's been looking to throw in their 2012 curveball, like they did with CM Punk in 2011, Nexus in 2010, etc. While I don't know just how far Dean Ambrose will go in the WWE, I think this is a perfect opportunity to debut him in a credible spot.

Everyone claims Dean Ambrose is going to be a big star. They rant and rave about how special he is, and what better way to give him a platform than being the one who comes out on top in this twisted love-triangle with AJ-Punk-Bryan? AJ, his theoretically equal on the "wtf-o-meter" and new manager could instantly give the guy SOME credibility, and allow an introductory feud with the WWE's 'Yesman.' I'm sure this has been discussed in great length already, though I'd rather not dig through one of the currently most populated threads at this hour. Sue me.

Anywho, that's my idea. I feel that this entire AJ angle is leading to Dean Ambrose's debut. Feel free to leave any thoughts and I'd be glad to give your ideas a gander. :blush:
Being a HUGE AJ fan, i'm proud that she as a long life wrestling fan, now apart of the biggest wrestling company is being given direction, a push, a character and for being a diva, thats alot of what WWE is doing as they don't really care for the divas. As well as that, us fans that do care for the divas want the rightful women that can wrestle get pushed (Beth, Natalya, AJ, Tamina and Kharma) and at the minute, that is happening.

AJ for me can play both babyface and heel because her babyface gimmick is the whole 'Nerd girl next door' and the heel gimmick is what she is doing now as a Bipolar diva and is the best diva since Mickie James (You may argue but she has the triple threat: wrestling, mic skills and character/personality/ability to connect with the crowd).

Now with the Dean Ambrose thing, as a fan of AJ and want all good things to happen to her. If they are going with Punk vs Cena, then I think that AJ should help Punk win at MITB and then at Summerslam, backstage before the match, Punk asks AJ to stay backstage and not to come down to the ring. With AJ being not happy about this but smiles at Punk. Punk retains then the next night on RAW after Punk beats someone, AJ comes out to the ring, kisses Punk and then a man in all black attacks Punk and it reveals it to be Dean Ambrose. Then at Night of Champions, It's Dean w/AJ vs Punk. Dean wins the championship due to a returning Wade Barrett attacking Punk whilst AJ is distracting the referee, this then sets then sets Punk vs Barrett for the next few months and then Dean goes on to feud with Cena for a few months for the title. During this, he becomes annoyed of AJ and ditches her, thus turning AJ babyface again and this will set her off on the divas title hunt.
Yea I think one of the guys from CSR actually wrote a whole article of how AJ and Ambrose could be connected. I love the idea they would make a perfect couple as AJ has become the Harley Quinn of the WWE and Ambrose could play a REALLY convincing joker role. I guess AJ can decide story wise that she doesn't want Punk Kane or Bryan and she brings in Ambrose but this is going to be a HUGE push for him as AJ is the hottest thing(both literally and figuratively) in the WWE right now. That's what scares me because after Lesnar burned Vince with his big push I'm afraid Vince is scared to push people to the moon.
Love this idea. I am extremely excited to see Ambrose in the WWE as are most. It's obvious that the WWE does want to push Ambrose right away when he is called up, not give him jobbing matches like they did with Brodus, Ryback, etc. This can be seen by the fact that they wanted to give Ambrose a program with wrestling legend Mick Foley; however, it fell through.

I think it is also interesting with AJ and how she started Raw lastnight, practicing the "break-up talk" with all three Kane, Bryan, and Punk. Besides the fact that she is crazy, why would she go through this unless there was a reason for it, and what better reason than that she found a guy who "understands" her. Just like you said, Punk will most likely be moving on to Cena Part II (which I'm excited for), so where does that leave Bryan? Surely he won't continue with Kane and he already had his feud for the WHC. Bryan is obviously over, so pairing him up (and AJ) with Dean Ambrose is a great way to get a very talented indy wrestler over with the crowd.

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