Out of Brodus Clay, Ryback, Sandow and Cesaro, who has a REAL bright future in WWE?

cesaro reminds me of that dude in tna who came outta nowhere and started a beef with angle and squashed everybody then after running thru the whole roster became a mid carder and dissapeared. what was his name, wolfe or something? .

Just to clarify something Desmond Wolfe/NIgel McGuiness was supposed to be a huge star in TNA but left the company due to health issues it's rumored he lleft wrestling because of serious neck problems ( like edge) and Cesaro needs to have a proper feud and gimmick instead of 3 minute squash matches like all the other debuting wrestlers.
I already shared my thoughts on Ryback and Brodus Clay somewhere in another thread. Ryback looks like he could have a good future in the WWE, but with the way they're continuously making him run through two local jobbers is getting tiring and redundant. Brodus Clay is doing fine in his role, but I don't see anything serious in his future as far as title competition goes.

Now, Antonio Cesaro and Damien Sandow are other league competitors. First, Antonio Cesaro has the look of a legitimate tough guy. I like him. I've liked him since his ROH days and I still like him in the WWE. His moves are different, he's powerful and with the right opponent, he could soar to capture the Intercontinental Championship. Of course, he's not there just yet. He still needs a serious program to work with. He's only been randomly fighting and that's not the best way to develop a character.

Damien Sandow is excellent. I love this guy. He has definite shades of The Genious and his entrance promos are always funny. The way he carries himself and his microphone are also fresh and complementary to his character to a T. Even his in-ring skills are character infused. The way he does the Russian legsweep into a double leg stand pose is hilarious. Then there's the cartwheel to further cement his snobbery. How can you not love that? As far as his future? I can definitely see an Intercontinental Championship, some surprise victories over big names and maybe the World Heavyweight Championship. It's still too early to tell, but he has that potential if he continues the way he does. He, like Antonio Cesaro needs a program and an opponent to work with before anything of serious meaning transpires though. So far? I'm a fan of him and Cesaro and hope they go far.
To be honest, I don't think many do because of WWE's booking. They don't commit to pushes when it comes to young talent.
Everybody's a young talent at some point in their career. They don't have to be committed to any of them for great lengths of time; small bursts of attention will do the trick in the long term. A "bright future" in today's WWE is like...getting a match on a PPV and not jobbing to Vince's flavor of the month.

Ryback, if they don't lose interest and prematurely pull this gimmick out from under him, will be successful. They're never going to make another Goldberg - not for lack of potential, but simply because it's been done and people don't typically like to get behind the same thing twice. But it's been said in this thread already, I could watch Ryback destroy jobbers for months before it would get boring. The slow-and-steady approach is definitely the way to go, but the amount of A.D.D. in Creative doesn't work towards his advantage.

Brodus Clay...no. I'm not a hater, but I'm also not a huge fan. He's a pure comedy gimmick, but the more they walk that line the more I lose interest. I give it through the end of the summer and he's back to square one.

Antonio Cesaro has a fair shot at the big time, but I know a whole lot more about Claudio than his barely relevant WWE alter-ego. I just want to see MORE of him, that's all. My intuition says he's going to be big, but we've seen better talents come and go on flukes or lost momentum. Hell, I was on the Alberto del Rio bandwagon last year, and I was just as disappointed as the lot of you that he turned out to be a flop (ok...I think he's a flop).

I'm not seeing it with Sandow, but I honestly don't watch Smackdown on a regular basis. So I can't really provide any sort of legitimate analysis on him.
Damien Sandow beyond any of the others. This guy has substance in his character and an extreme dedication to it. His promos are a ton of fun to listen to as well as how he carries himself, not to mention I personally love to hear classical music for an entrance and his is a personal favorite of mine :D He is a breath of fresh air in WWE atm and I can't wait for him to start getting a push, and honestly if the spoilers are true I'm happy to see him in the money in the bank match.

Ryback has no substance to him, he comes out squashes a jobber that no one cares about and leaves. His entrance looks like some kind of mentally ******ed variation of raising the roof, and is simply bland. His matches really aren't even that impressive to me, maybe that will change when he actually fights someone who will fight him back instead of boring me to death with jobber matches.

Brodus is a comedy gimik, they go no where, and don't last long, with Santino being a rare exception but honestly I feel that both of those two are going to fade before long. Which is a same for Santino since he's pretty damn good in the ring. Brodus is a fun little thing for the little kids that's cool to laugh at but at the same time the Godfather was a fun guy to kinda laugh at but he never went above the mid card before fading into irrelevance.

Cesaro I really haven't paid much attention to so I really can't say.

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