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Orton's Return

Kellen Winslow anyone? This is why it is written in pro-athletes contracts now that you don't ride a bike while you are under contract. Sure, people should be allowed to do what they want in their own free time, but riding a bike is simply too dangerous. Now I get the fact that the truth is, bikers usually aren't the cause of the accident, it's usually the idiot driver, probably the stereotypical soccer mom on a cell phone driving a boat instead of a car, cutting lanes while changing the CD and applying her makeup, that is the cause of the accident.

Why risk it though? Sure it's a nice summer day and you just want the wind on your face, the sense of freedom a hog can give you, but why risk it when you have money on the line, you're still recovering from a freshly broken bone, and you're not exactly sitting on high ground with the company anyway. Oh Well...

Exactly what I was saying in the BR, it was just ridiculous of the dude to do that shit, Randy needs to grow up and fast, I'm just hoping this is a swerve, if not then Randy's just an ass. I love the character, I love his abilities, but as a person, he needs to mature..definitely. Just means I gotta wait longer to see him return, sigh.

Could WWE at least bring back the RNN?
hold people looks like we're going to be waiting little longer because he just been in a motorcycle accident and he's out for 3 months now i pissed because he's one of my favorite wrestlers but i hope he comes back strong
Ricky, that'd be like fining Undertaker for having his choppers, he can get hurt on them can't he? A wrestler needs to have a life outside wrestling to. They need certain things to relax them or whatever after the toil and stress they face on the road. Taker has a bike collection I hear, and Jeff Hardy is in music, art etc. They can't just be some oiled wrestling machine...they're people too:p

Yes, you can have those things...but if your job takes priority, then you'd be willing to give up those things. Jeff Hardy being into music and art isn't nearly as big of a health risk than Orton and Taker riding bikes.

There is NO reason not to have a life outside of wrestling. But we live in the real world, and without that $$$, then it's going to be hard to survive. So, people might want to find safer things to do in order to relax and unwind...
I personally believe it's a work.

There is no way he'd be riding a motor cycle with a healing injury, a new born baby, and close to going back to work.
Ouch well so much for a return in the very near future. I was hoping that he would be at Summerslam to some extent, but it really looks like that won't be happening now. It's really a shame. I was very excited for Orton to return and to see what he would be doing once he returned. I really doubt this is a work. I mean is riding a motorcycle the best idea to do with everything going on in Orton's life right now? Probably not, but he is only human and sometimes people do stupid things so to say he wouldn't be riding one is a little out there. Oh well... I wish Orton a speedy recovery... again...
This sorta sucks but may be a blessing in disguise. Orton was beginning to become stale on Raw before his injury so hopefully by the time he fully heals there will be some nice new match ups. Orton is a solid heel and after this injury I have a feeling he will come back better than ever and be a fresher option for the main event scene then he would if he didnt get re-injured. But here's hoping to a speedy recovery because I wanna hear his theme song again(my favorite theme right now).
What really sucks about this is that Orton can't replace JBL in the main event scene sooner. I'm not the biggest fan of Orton, but I'd rather see him performing in repetitive matches than JBL doing the same.

Maybe now they can turn Batista heel and team him up with Orton, where he does Orton's dirty work for him...possibly add some angle where Orton's collarbone is screwed up due to Cena, but Orton says he did it on purpose because of Cena's previous injury from Orton (cough*really from Kennedy*cough).
So does anyone question this accident because the news first came from the WWE? A little fishy how it was exactly the same injury. I haven't seen anyone else report this so. I have to believe that it is really just a way to give him more time off with his new child. Until other media starts reporting it I can't believe it. Why hasn't it been on the news where he crashed? The accident sounds bad and Orton is a celebrity but only the WWE is reporting it.
OMG! It's an obvious swerve. Orton goes and spills the beans to everyone he's coming back and up... WWE comes up with bullshit stories to cover up his tracks. This screams Cena/Rumble a mile away. Come on... that and they've changed the story I don't know how many times. First it was 30 feet and only a re-injured collarbone, now it's become 300 feet with a re-injured collarbone and a couple scars. Sure, WWE... we believe you. I don't know about everyone else, but I ain't falling for it... they got me with the Cena thing. Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me. :/
What really sucks about this is that Orton can't replace JBL in the main event scene sooner. I'm not the biggest fan of Orton, but I'd rather see him performing in repetitive matches than JBL doing the same.

Maybe now they can turn Batista heel and team him up with Orton, where he does Orton's dirty work for him...possibly add some angle where Orton's collarbone is screwed up due to Cena, but Orton says he did it on purpose because of Cena's previous injury from Orton (cough*really from Kennedy*cough).
Someone said Cena botched a hip toss and fucked his titty up or something. I didn't watch the match so I don't know... if Kennedy did that shit he would have been real fucked up on Raw with all the shit that happened before that.

That's fucked up about Randy Orton, how do you ride a motorcycle like that with a healing collarbone, a new daughter, and a promising career in the WWE that could easily be fucked up due to carelessness?

Looks like he's gonna be out until November if I counted correctly... wait what the fuck? I just read he was medically cleared to return.. that's some SUPER FUCKED UP SHIT if true... he must have done some horrible shit in the past to have this happening to him now. Same with Kennedy. Two people who could potentially be future hall of famers are plagued with these fucking injuries and shit right when they are about to get the good stuff. I read he flew 300 feet away from his motorcycle... he must have crashed that motherfucker GTA style. Anyway he might return around Survivor Series or Armageddon. Hopefully Survivor Series. Also this may mean a heel turn for (most likely) Batista. He has been acting a little heelish lately and I don't know what kind of merchandise he sells so it is very likely that Batista turns heel.
I wouldn't be surprised if he came back at Summerslam. If he really re injured himself though. He got really lucky. Thank god he was wearing a helmet or else he might not be here right now. But anyways...300 ft. seems like a long way for someone to go and only re-break his collarbone. If it is a work, and he doesnt return at Summerslam, I fully expect him to return sometime shortly there after. If it isnt a work, I have to say he is very lucky. Hopefully he gets better soon.
I did some digging online...none of the St. Louis area TV or radio stations have any stories about it, nor does the local newspaper considering he lives in suburban St. Louis. The people that run his official site www.randy-orton.com have a post up that contains a message from him at 7pm Monday night where he mentions it was a rented Harley that he wrecked and more specific details about the accident that happened at 10:30pm CST on Sunday night. Randy mentions the car forced him off the road since he couldn't see because the car's high beams were on. There's also a part in his message where he mentions calling the office telling them to correct the post from skidding 30 feet to 300 feet since that's what happened.

I really don't think this is a work...it's not since there hasn't been any discussion on TV about him coming back in recent weeks like they did with Cena. I also don't think they'd try to pull off the surprise return angle twice in 8 months in an effort to swerve the fans. If they did this to try and snag more PPV buys...then it's a poor effort based on what we saw tonight. But, it's worth noting they didn't mention his accident on TV tonight, maybe since there's backstage issues about it since one of their superstars is an obvious career f--k up!

I can't believe how stupid he is...2 time drug offender, trashes hotel rooms in fits of rage, been the subject of potential backstage sexual harassment issues, and now re-injures himself 2 weeks before his return because he felt the need to be riding a motorcycle late at night...having only been on a bike for a month. Orton claims he was only doing 30 mph...BS! You're taught to dump the bike on your side to avoid going over the handlebars...he could have easily went down and taken a bad scrape instead of making a wide turn to avoid traffic.

To be honest...I'd say he's one step away from being fired. I'd also say he's on limited career time at this point having had major surgery on one shoulder and now breaking the collarbone over the other shoulder twice...while also suffering from hypermobility in both shoulders which is the medical term for being double jointed.

About the other posts about what they'll do when he becomes back...I'm guessing he'll go face to fight a newly turned heel Cena. Batista been asking for time off for a while but won't get it until Orton returns. He'll come back to avenge Batista after Cena "shelves" Batista at Survivor Series in their 1st rematch on PPV after this Sunday.

Punk is being groomed for the long haul...him vs. heel Cena will help. I hope JBL is gone after this Sunday since he does nothing for ratings and should have stayed in the booth which appears where he's headed to replace Foley who's gone after this Sunday as well. Foley will interfere in HIAC as a send-off...trust me!

After all this...you're left with Punk, Batista, Mysterio, and HBK as main faces vs. heels like Cena, Jericho, Kane, & DiBiase Jr. Ted's the best of the young guns and will be a main event superstar by this time next summer.
I'm gonna call "boy crying wolf" on this situation. And for a couple reasons.

The main issue I have, is originally when he broke his collarbone, it was assumed and guessed that he'd be out all the way up until Survivor Series, or even after that. Then, a few weeks ago a story broke that Orton could be back as soon as Summerslam. Now all the sudden, a "re-injury" occurs and bam, he's back out oddly enough to what the original guess was.

I think this is just a way to keep Orton in the news, without actually having to spend any huge amount of time on putting him over on television. Why they wouldn't wanna do that, I'm not sure.. perhaps it is a fake story, perhaps he's ready to go right now and bam, at Summerslam he returns and lays out Punk. Hell, perhaps it's even a legit and real injury.. who knows..

But what I can tell you is this much.. that story that they ran with Orton "recalling" the accident, was incredible bogus. He claims they Cops and Firemen who got to the scene didn't apparently know who was in the accident. I'd think a guy who just RE-broke his collarbone wouldn't exactly look like some random guy at the scene. I'm pretty sure he'd be in pain and definately saying I'm here.

Furthermore, they claim he was thrown almost 300 ft and all he got was a rebroken collarbone. Bullshit. The guy wore a helmet, but nothing else. He was in fucking SHORTS and didn't get any damage done to his legs? Yeah, that's believeable.

I think this story is 100% storyline, and I'm expecting Orton to return when you least expect it, as soon as Sunday, or as mysterious as Unforgiven.
I personally, really hope, that this is not a work of any kind. I don't want Orton to be actually hurt, i'm desparate for the Age of Orton to resume, but i hate it when they toy with the emotions of the fans like that. If they tell us a guy is hurt and then he comes back early. That's great.

Selling kayfabe injuries? That's fine too, because usually you can tell that it's kayfabe and we know it won't be long until that guy's back in the ring or at least on tv.

But i'm sure there are younger fans and maybe some lovesick girls who are genuinely shocked and upset that Randy Orton almost died this weekend, and he's now hurt again.
If it's reported that no such thing happened and they made it up to give him more time off, i'll be disgusted (more so) with WWE's head office.

Otherwise, i too wish Randy a speedy recovery, as well as Ken and Umaga, and Maryse who got a broken nose thanks to Maria this week. Hopefully that'll force WWE to train her more proficiently.

The site I refer to in my last post...has everything. In the post they received from Randy, he also mentioned scraping up both legs very badly.

If they pull the surprise return from inury angle again...it shows 2 things. First, Vince is desperate and doesn't know what to do going forward. Look at what we're stuck with for Sunday. 1st time ever Batista and Cena...and this weak, lame "enemies become partners for 2 matches" storyline which destroys the steam of 2 young soon to be long term players in the company....is all you can do. This should have had more setup, more drama, & more story to it. The 2nd thing it shows...they no longer have the pulse of the audience.

I agree it seems fishy there's no mention in the local St. Louis media of this, considering who he is. But there's several reputable papers in the country also reporting the story, you can find them thru google.
Personally i dont belive this one bit. It all looks so obvious to be a work, a mean cmon , Randy leeks out on Sky Sports News that hed be back at Sumerslam (belive he said somthing about hes been mediclly cleared and will be backstage) and then all of a sudden hes in a motorcycle crash.

To be it all sounds so fake , when the hell did Randy Orton ride motorcycles ? Also why would he ride one after just havin a new baby (last weekend i belive ?) and about to return to the ring after a very serious injury considering he is double jointed. Wouldnt he be wanting to spend time with his new baby and help his wife out ?

sorry i cant see any of this being real , its only been mentioned on wwe.com and wrestling spoiler sites (of which they took it from wwe.com) its funny how no were in st.louis has reported this story in newpapers or the news on tv or that.

Looks like a work , expect Randy at Summerslam to interfere in the Punk and JBL match ......
well...as soon as i saw this, i kinda thought twice and in my opinon i see this as a work...i know randy orton is a knuckle head, but i know he is not going to take a risk by riding motorcycles just after his new born baby being born and being medically cleared to wrestle and stating he is going to be backstage at summerslam....randy orton loves to wrestle, did u see how pissed he was at one night stand when he realized he got injured??....is weird that only wwe.com are the only media reporting it....300 feet????? and only re injuring ur collar bone??? come on thats like from the green monster to home plate at fenway park, plus only wearing shorts and a shirt, thats too hard to believe...randy is not gonna have time to be riding motorcycles, he has a new born daughter that he would want to spend as much time with right before he returns to the ring, and he has to be training and getting back into shape for when he returns...he has to work hard and practice for he cannot look rusty in the ring with all the time he has missed, plus he was in germany this past week and wwe.com posted photos of him being there....i sure wish this is a work and i truly think it is....i expect a randy orton run in at summerslam and interfering in one of the big matches, surprising everyone and soon resuming the age of orton...
The whole 300ft thing sets the old alarm bells ringing.

The only way Randy Orton survives a 300ft motorcycle accident, is if he falls 300ft down (he'd have to be up a biiiig hill), on to a very large pile of sponge, but 'lands wrong' and damages his collarbone as a result.

It's possible he's just exaggerating, or perhaps doesn't know how long 300ft is, but if it's a work, it's not a believable one.
Hmm. This whole accident thing could be a work. If so, a very good idea by the WWE, because now all the viewers except us think he's going to be out for another 3 months, meaning they'll forget about him. Then BANG, turns up at SummerSlam and costs someone a match or something.

What would be cool, Orton creates a stable with Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase. They could be the mega heel group of RAW, as they are all very talented wrestlers and are naturally very good heels. They could rule RAW.
I also think it's a work for a few reasons:

Orton was supposedly thrown 300 feet, which is a huge distance. He would have broken a lot more than his collarbone if that were true. If he was thrown from the bike and then skid 300 feet, the officers would have to be ******ed to not know that Orton was the one on the bike. They said they couldn't tell that Orton had been in an accident. However, when Orton first broke his collarbone he could barely stand up and get backstage without the help of the officials. It would have been really obvious that he had broken his collarbone. Also, if he was really thrown 300 feet, he'd look really banged up. His clothes would have been torn and dirty, and he would have had a lot of scrapes. So again, the officers would have to be pretty dumb to not know he was in an accident.

Another thing is that they announced the injury on RAW, which I found quite odd considering that Orton was hardly mentioned much since being injured the first time. There really wasn't any reason to announce him re-injuring his collarbone since there wasn't a set date for Orton's return. Mr. Kennedy was injured too but that wasn't even announced on Smackdown, yet Kennedy was an active member of the roster while Orton has been sidelined for months.

I wouldn't put it past WWE to turn something so serious into an angle. Anyone remember Cena & the "nightclub stabbing" angle?

If Orton was infact in a real accident, then I wish him well, but it really doesn't look that way from my perspective.

I think this is just to make Orton's return unpredictable. My guess is he returns at Summerslam. Either he'll interfere in the Cena/Batista match so that WWE can save that match for WM25. He could also interfere in Punk's match and put himself in the WHC title scene. The last option, which I hope to god isn't true, is that he interferes in Triple H/Khali in order to get revenge on Triple H for injuring him (don't we all want to see Triple H/Orton part 523334??).
this is an obvious fake IMO. Remember when Vice was "KILLED" that made national news as well...was it real?...hell no! Just because news papers and other media outlets report the story doesn't mean it actually happened.... RKO is gunna come back either at SS or on the following raw....IMO. with the way Vince is with his top tier talent there's no way he would of let Orton be in that situation... it's all a cover up! If the story was real then i'm sure Wrestlezone would of had some info on the incident before raw came on the air. WWE is the only media that heavily advertised Orton's accident.
This could have been done for two reasons...
number one...Orton leaked his return time and Vince lost the value in that surprise... so he's trying to make everyone think he's not commin back for 3 more months...so when he does return at SS... apparently that's gunna be a shocker....
second scenario would be Orton did the roids again and to avoid having to fire him for his third strike, he just wants to cover it up and not even mention anything to anybody, and it avoids demeaning the whole wellness policy, which soo many other talents have been released for.
Vince getting killed made national news because of the "shock and awe" aspect of it. It took place where I live and I saw it taped the night before. I couldn't post it before it aired since it would have been easily trackable since I used a high ranking friend at the arena to get my inside look. The homegrown locals took it way too seriously watching on TV that night and began to flood the PD with calls....anyway, back to topic.

I've read all the e-mails people have sent and posts here. I'd say 2 to 1 it's not a work, but the other 1/3 says it's possible. It's also possible he could show up being really injured and still have a role in the match. No offense to some of the other posters, but it's obvious that Vince can't control what his guys do outside the ring (using drugs, roids, accidents, etc.).

And to these other people that claim they saw Orton backstage with McMahon or they called the local county PD to ask about records of the accident....please, you're not believable.

Orton made another bad choice a week before he was to return...plain and simple. Like I said before...if it's a work...waste of time, won't help draw PPV buys for one of the worst SS's in recent memory, and it'll piss the fans off in running the same injury angle twice. But then again, after seeing Henry & Hardy do the Tuesday version of Batista-Cena...I guess anything's possible.
The funny thing is, if this were Cena, he'd just be "grazed." Something about this whole story just doesn't smell right...WWE barely ever cover injuries on their site. And having it on Raw and all...I don't know. Something smells fishy. And it ain't JBL.
I wouldn't have believed this even if WWE made this sound believable. 300 feet is a huge distance, and he would have been away from action for a lot more than 3 months extra with a lot more broken bones.

Also, remember when John Cena announced that he would be out until are wrestlemania because he was filming a fortnight before the Royal Rumble, then he returned with #30?

WWE are known to lie in order to surprise, I just doubt it will be very surprising because a lot of people, myself included think this is a lie.

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