Orton's Return

Randy Orton is set to return soon, right? God, I can only hope so.. Our SummerSlam card this year is attrocious! I think it is safe to say that no one wants to see JBL against Punk.. What if RAW next Monday, we open to JBL laying in a pool of his own blood? Adamle comes out later that night, saying JBL will not be able to wrestle at SummerSlam.. He'll say that leaves no contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.. Then Orton's music hits.. He speaks beautifully, then gets a title shot. SummerSlam is instantly 237848979823 times better.

Occassionally, you see people backstage, beaten to the point where they can't wrestle.. Orton takes their spot in what they were supposed to do.. He becomes some what of an assassin type of character..

Basically, I am saying I want Orton back and JBL wayyy out of the title picture.
personally i would like to see him become the mentor to dibiase and rhodes.. evolution part 2? of course you need another member to make it a true stable so how bout... wait for it... paul london. he's young, he is in desperate need of a direction, he fits. any thoughts?
Everyone talks about a second evolution.. It wouldn't work with Dave, because he is still that "Main Event" type of guy.. I think Orton is still a bit too green to lead his own stable the way Trips did.. Remember, Orton is only 28. I agree on the Dibiase and Rhodes part, yeah. Paul London is interesting, but his size will always hold him back.. I personally think an Evolution 2 is unlikely.
Randy orton to return right before summerslam and take jbl's title spot? Not at all.. No one is giving the new crop credit this summerslam.. Everyone wanted new people headlining.... JBL, Punk, Kahli, Henry, Hardy all fresh names to the world title scene even if jbl and kahli has been champions before they are still needed to make the main event different... Now the idea of Randy Orton leading the new money inc. Good idea... I think jbl should team with them one more time and have randy orton watch them for awhile and make them decide and then a fourth guy... Chuck Pulambo or London runs in and helps ted and cody out and attacks jbl pittin jbl vs orton and have the new faction attack jbl... Now that's fresh and great idea for the return for Randy Orton and pushes for the new young guys or wrestlers that deserve the push... It would also set up a great 8-10 man battle for survivor series... Orton Ted Rhodes Palumbo and/or London vs jbls new crew or Cena Cryme Tyme and a 1 or 2 other guys... That would be worth watching on ppv and go through raw every monday night
I am looking forward to an RKO return, lets face it, he is the only heel who comes close to Y2J on RAW these days anyway.
I think he needs to be built back up again though, those 3 losses to The Game hurt his credibility alot, this also keeps him out of the title hunt while Jericho goes after it (Y2J is the most credible heel on RAW, what with wins over JBL, RKO, HBK, Jeff Hardy and CM Punk).
I think Orton returning will be great though, as long as he is out of the title picture for a while, like I said before he needs building up again to look a credible threat, but I look forward to the possiblilities it throws up, a new stable with Batista perhaps?
If him being gone gives Jericho a world title run, then I am all for it.. But, I'm just saying I really don't want to see a JBL Punk match. That is going to suck. And any time JBL is in a champion ship match, there is the awful possibility that he wins.. Ew. I am actually hoping Indy Punk retains.. But, still, I would much rather see Orton return and kill JBL, then win the title from Punk. It'd make my day.
Raw needs Randy Orton back. They have virtually no guys that I like now, especially in the main event picture. The SAVE_US.RKO promo videos can't start soon enough, as far as I'm concerned. Just bring him back before either Cena, JBL or Batista take dumps on the World Heavyweight Championship.
What's really a shame is that Raw needs Orton right now....

...but when Orton comes back, it won't do much good.

Who does he have to feud with?

1) Cena - Good God no. We've seen this for the better part of an entire year. I do NOT want to sit through it again.

2) HBK - We've seen it recently.

3) CM Punk - Could be interesting, but I can't see Punk being in the title picture and successfully defending it against Orton over and over again. Nor do I see this being a GOOD feud.

4) Kane/Batista - Which one is face and which one is heel? Either way, I'm not interested in seeing them feud with Orton.

5) Rey Mysterio - BOOOORRRRRINGGGGG. Rey should be used as the 2nd midcarder (he and Kofi) for the IC title and not in the main event. Upper midcard at best. He's terrible at challenging for the top title.

With the prospect that Batista, Kane, and Punk all tease heel turns (Punk being less likely now), Raw really needs a good face, as they only have Cena and HBK. Meanwhile, Kennedy and Hardy won't be touching the title with HHH on Smackdown.
What's really a shame is that Raw needs Orton right now....

...but when Orton comes back, it won't do much good.

Who does he have to feud with?

1) Cena - Good God no. We've seen this for the better part of an entire year. I do NOT want to sit through it again.

2) HBK - We've seen it recently.

3) CM Punk - Could be interesting, but I can't see Punk being in the title picture and successfully defending it against Orton over and over again. Nor do I see this being a GOOD feud.

4) Kane/Batista - Which one is face and which one is heel? Either way, I'm not interested in seeing them feud with Orton.

5) Rey Mysterio - BOOOORRRRRINGGGGG. Rey should be used as the 2nd midcarder (he and Kofi) for the IC title and not in the main event. Upper midcard at best. He's terrible at challenging for the top title.

With the prospect that Batista, Kane, and Punk all tease heel turns (Punk being less likely now), Raw really needs a good face, as they only have Cena and HBK. Meanwhile, Kennedy and Hardy won't be touching the title with HHH on Smackdown.

I agree completely, I'd even prefer Randy coming back on Smackdown if that didn't mean that he'd have to face HHH again, which would suck...I would like a RKO-Kennedy feud though. Also a Batista-Randy feud would be fresh, well as fresh a matchup the WWE has available right now, but I don't know if Batista will be turning heel, they're definitely hinting it though, RAW definitely needs stronger faces.

Also, there's also the fact that when Randy returns, the IWC will probably just start bitching about him being boring and in the title picture all the time...proving to me that they don't know what they want.
I think Orton's return will be a good thing for the Raw roster. I mean, as a top heel, all it has is JBL at present. Y2J is getting that way, but he's stuck in a feud with HBK at present and I think the return of Orton to feud with Punk would be great for both Punk and Raw in general.

Punk hasn't really faced a legitimate heel yet, and Orton's return would show what he could do against a good heel, as opposed to the likes of JBL, which does nothing to establish him as an over face.

I don't think a recycled evolution would be the way to go. It's been done, and i personally don't think Orton carries the credibility level of Flair and HHH. A title run is the best option for him
To be perfectly honest, I haven't missed Randy a bit since he's been out of the picture. I enjoyed watching him work and all when he's there, but he's not one that I absolutely HAVE to have around. If he's there great, otherwise....meh.

The thing is, I can't really quantify it. There's really no discernible reason for my lack of reaction regarding Randy, but there it remains. Perhaps he's just too bland for me, I don't know. He's just not one that I care about one way or the other.
Orton's return will be nice but limited. He will come back and for the first few weeks it will seem refreshing but him coming back is really not going to be able to bring Raw to life automaticaly. I am interest by a Punk/RKO feud but after that where does randy go? Cena and him is way to familar, and Kane and him would probably be a snore fest. It might be nice to have a Randy/Batista feud but after that Orton will be back in the same place before. But I do want to see him back....I love his theme song!
I didn't even realise that Randy had been gone, TBH.
He needed the time off. He has become a bit boring as of late and if he could go back to being more obnoxious, it will be nothing but good for him. He is more beleivable being obnoxious and headstrong. Knowing the WWE,he will probably come back in the main event and then drift off meanlessly and get lost in the shuffle.
When hecomes back, he should align himself with Batista to form the New Evolution and they could start a feud with John Cena and CM Punk. It would be a good way to get something different in the main event scene.
Orton Bores Me, He Needs A Whole To Moveset And Attitude, Or Defietly Some Fresh Ideas On Where He Is Going

Hbk, I Knoow He Doesnt Want The wwe Title But You Could Still Have Him Feuding For It
When Raw Is In Desperate Need Of A New No.1 Contender, Jbl Stinkkks Badd, And How Is Punk Gnnah Be Able To Carry Him, I Like Punk So I Dont Know Why He Gets Boo's
Orton said in an interview that he's been cleared by doctors to come back, and would be backstage at Summerslam. I would read that as him making an on-screen appearance at Summerslam, possibly running in on CM Punk in order to get himself right back in the World Heavyweight Title picture.

There are a few ways they can go to get Orton right back in the thick of things. They can run with an Orton/Punk program, which I would personally love, because I'm a fan of both. Their mic skills are tremendously underutilized, and I would love to see the both of them going back and forth with each other. I also think their wrestling styles would mesh very well. If you remember, they actually had a match a couple of months ago that was very entertaining until Regal decided to shut the lights off. That was a genius move, because it left the fans, well at least me, wanting more. That could really be a great feud, and I hope that it happens.

The other way they can go is to get him right back into a John Cena feud, or possibly branch him out against Batista, while leading Rhodes and Dibiase back to the Tag titles. I still think that a stable with Orton, Dibiase, Rhodes, DH Smith, and Natalya would be a very formidable and awesome second-generation stable.
RANDY ORTON = MONEY! I can't stand people that say ahhh, he bores me... thats his character, he is supposed to make you want him to shut up and disapear with his dull monotones...The guy has charisma, look at him in his evoloution days, if he used that charisma though people would start to cheer him because he is that good.

You cant compare Orton to Edge either, they are a completely diffrent type of heel, Orton being the legend-killer/ psycho and Edge being the ultimate opportunist, more cocky and brash, much like Orton was in Evoloution.

I always look forward to a Randy feud, the guy has massive potential... to acheive all that he has accomplised at the age of 28 is outstanding.
I hope he gets moved to Smackdown. Raw has too much uppercarders atm and adding Orton would put too much. Maybe he could feud with Edge? or team with him like they did with rated RKO.
Or hopefully Khali beats Triple HHH..haha sorry that was a joke
I hope he gets moved to Smackdown. Raw has too much uppercarders atm and adding Orton would put too much. Maybe he could feud with Edge? or team with him like they did with rated RKO.
Or hopefully Khali beats Triple HHH..haha sorry that was a joke

Orton is better than the majprity of uppercarders, he is on a par with Cena and Batista... Orton is seriously underrated which is understandable because of the losses against Triple H and his time outhas harmed the momentum this guy finally had. I Pray he does not go to Smackdown because it seems every time he actually begins to get somewhere a month or so later he is squashed by Triple H and he has to start from square one. The guy is still young for a main eventer and has come on leaps and bounds. He has the psychotic, dribbling, mental heel thing down to a tee and that kind of gimmick does not suit the Smackdown style at all. Orton should definitly be bought back to RAW.
Randy Orton was involved in a motorcycle accident resulting in him re-injuring his collarbone. Orton had initially injured his collarbone last June at One Night Stand, during his confrontation with Triple H in a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship.

As a result of re-injuring the collarbone, Orton will be out of action for three months.
Source wwe.com

Well that sucks.
I doubt it. Sounds like just another bone head Randy Orton move to me.

So sure I do believe that after suffering an injury, I wouldn't go ride a bike, but maybe it's something he enjoys, it's not like he KNEW he'd be in an accident. So what's wrong with him doing something fun, albeit stupid.

Anyway, I'm really hoping it's a swerve I mean, it sounds a bit coincidental that this happened the week before Summerslam when he said he'd be "backstage"

Either that or Randy has some fucked up luck.
I think its a work. A week away from summerslam and Orton reinjures his collarbone. Where all reports indicate he was soon returning, possibly even at Summerslam. They want people to think Orton is not returning, and then just suddenly show up ala Cena. Also, if Orton reinjured his collarbone from the crash, I would think it would take longer than 3 months to return to action. Im not a doctor, but that is my opinion. I can definitely see Orton still returning at Summerslam and interfering in one of the big matches, most specifically Batista/Cena(maybe making Batista a heel, who knows).

If this really is an re-injury, then I do feel badly for Orton, and I hope for a speedy recovery. I guess we'll just have to wait and see for more information.
So Randy rebroke his collarbone...

To me, I would give him a strike on this one. If the point of the wellness policy is to keep your wrestlers safe and under a good image with feds and the fans...then why isn't something boneheaded like this applicable?

A) He's jeopardizing Vince's investment.
B) He's acting in a reckless manner.
C) He's depriving fans from being entertained.

He might as well be toking up. Hopefully he at least gets a stiff fine for this. But it's good that he only rebroke his collarbone instead of something more serious occurring.
So Randy rebroke his collarbone...

To me, I would give him a strike on this one. If the point of the wellness policy is to keep your wrestlers safe and under a good image with feds and the fans...then why isn't something boneheaded like this applicable?

A) He's jeopardizing Vince's investment.
B) He's acting in a reckless manner.
C) He's depriving fans from being entertained.

He might as well be toking up. Hopefully he at least gets a stiff fine for this. But it's good that he only rebroke his collarbone instead of something more serious occurring.

Ricky, that'd be like fining Undertaker for having his choppers, he can get hurt on them can't he? A wrestler needs to have a life outside wrestling to. They need certain things to relax them or whatever after the toil and stress they face on the road. Taker has a bike collection I hear, and Jeff Hardy is in music, art etc. They can't just be some oiled wrestling machine...they're people too:p

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