Orton vs Nash or Punk?


Wise Guy
WWE has had a very long history of gauging the audience reaction by running the end of a promo into an intro to a new match. Sometimes it gets a good reaction and they roll with it, other times it's dead and no one cares and the idea is dropped without the crowd even realizing that the idea was teased.

Last night on Raw we saw one of those 'gauge the audience' blurs when Orton's music hit early and he comes out as Kevin Nash & CM Punk were just finishing up their bit in the ring.

Now me, I think it was a dead reaction, and nothing will come of it. However, what about you guys? Do you like the idea of seeing Randy Orton (the legend killer) face off with Kevin Nash in the near future? Or seeing Punk take on Orton for the title?

I know that sounds a little weird but there's actually another piece to this equation that I haven't noticed being discussed here either. That being that HHH mentioned in the first couple minutes of Raw that "for the foreseeable future" the Smackdown & Raw rosters are essentially merged.

That being the case, there's no reason Punk couldn't take off after Orton if fans got it in their heads that they'd like to see it happen.

I think more likely WWE was probably trying to get it in the heads of fans that The Legend Killer has a legend he hasn't killed in Kevin Nash, the co-founder of the nWo.

Honestly? I think the possibility of both feuds fell on deaf ears last night on Raw. But what do you guys think about it?
I would have no problem with Orton V Punk if it werent for the fact that they feuded up to and past wrestlemania. Also, Orton hasnt used the legend killer gimmick in ages so it would seem weird if he went back, especially just for Nash who in my opinion isnt that big of a legend. I hope Nash stays out of the ring, because it would be a trainwreck, and his body cant take a full match.

Again having Orton come out during the promo seemed a little weird, but I think they were just showcasing him to the raw audience, and not testing waters for anything. I would love to see Punk's new character take on Orton, but they need to keep them apart for a while before trying anything like that again.
Randy Orton is no longer the "Legend Killer" though I wish he would still be and Nash isn't gonna have a match in the WWE anytime soon.

But IF Orton gets his old nickname and gimmick back then yes I like the idea a lot. But having the same old stale "Viper" Orton Vs Nash wouldn't be entertaining at all.
Orton Vs Nash is something I'd like to see if Nash was able to compete. So the fact that nash isn't really in the best of shape I don't want to see it happening. Orton hasn't even used his Legend Killer gimmick in a long time as he is now the Viper. So it would just be weird to see him go back in time for someone who I guess is a Legend. (In my eyes Nash is just Nash) So I would only want to see this match if it was maybe a few years ago as if it was to happen now it would probally be good but not great.

Orton vs Punk has happened already. Sure it was a different Punk at the time with him being in the New Nexus and what not but it still happened and was even a Wrestlemania match. The RKO Orton hit on Punk was AMAZING!!! So I do want to see this match happen but a LONG way down the ROAD as I am more interested in the Punk vs Trips thing. As I am a huge Trips fan and this story is more compeling. Even with this new role Punk is on I still think they should stay away from Orton vs Punk.
Nash vs Orton would be the best feud in years. Both of these guys look and like WWE champions. I think the WWE could do big things with this as a WM match. These guys feel like wrestlers that the American public likes. CM Punk is just too indy to attract a lot of attention.
If the rosters are indeed merged, I think Punk vs Orton would be good. Let the winner face Cena or Del Rio for the Unified WWE title.

That story did just happen though so hopefully it won't be Cena vs Punk again.

Anyone else think the re-merge was just away to reshuffle the rosters? Maybe when Vince Comes back him and Hunter re-draft? I know everyone talks shit on rehashed story lines, but the rosters have been fucked for a while so this can help.
The possibility of either feud would be met with a lack of interest due to them both being rather bad ideas. We just had Orton VS Punk back in the spring and it was lackluster compared to what it could have been. If that wasn't so recently, then that matchup could be done again and might be interesting. Nash VS Orton on the other hand I have no desire to see because Nash is terrible in the ring at this point and not really as great as he makes himself out to be. The only good thing about him at the moment is the nWo music that he's been coming out to. I'd be all for him feuding with Orton if Orton won in a squash match. Otherwise Orton VS Punk revisited would be the better option of the two. I think if they did that feud again it would be better than last time, or at least I hope so.
that big john studd remark really pissed me off. moving on.

Orton v Punk HAS potential. Keep Nash out of the ring. I like the Idea of him being a Body guard/mouthpiece for someone who cant talk/is smaller (ted, kidd, ect)

As far as the build for Orton Punk, the problem is, the only thing that they have to feud about would feel the same as Cena. Orton is company man NO.2 and I am worried it would be a giant rehash of the cena angle (which ended too early with the unneeded nash invovlement. sorry but I dont see a reason for him to be involved here.

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