Orton failed drug test- Yet not suspened

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Randy Orton is the first WWE wrestler to fail a drug test under the WWE Talent Wellness Program's new guidelines - which recently went into effect. Despite his failure in a recent drug test, he will not be pulled off the road. He will continue to appear on both TV and PPV shows, but as a general rule, he is not supposed to appear on house shows for 30 days. Orton didn't appear at any house shows this weekend. For that matter, he hasn't appeared at a house show in about a month.

Under the old guidelines, Orton would have been taken off the road for 30 days due to suspension. Also, he would have lost one month's worth of salary. Under the new guidelines, he will continue to work TV and PPV shows, but he will only have his road expenses covered and receive no bonuses for the shows. The only non-change in the new guidelines is that he will have his downside guarantee docked for 30 days.

WWE recently changed their guidelines because they didn't want to have to interrupt storylines or change PPV matches if a wrestler was to fail a drug test. WWE officials weren't happy with how things went down for the Great American Bash PPV back in July, and with the results for drug tests for RAW talent just now coming in, they didn't want to risk messing up their plans for the Unforgiven PPV.
People the drug awareness policy of WWE is obviuosly going to have its exceptions! they are not going to take a main-eventer out of there shows and just ruin their schedule. For eg. I AM almost 100% that cena is on the juice but still cena stays on! I mean come on people get serious WWE is a business they wont take out their best men because it will hurt the BUSINESS.
Orton gets away with murder in WWE. Its a shame aswel because hes an awesome wrestler.
To my knowledge originally pot or THC was not on the list of banned substances from the WWE. If I am wrong let me know. Basically it doesn't matter if it was pot, coke or painkillers if the guy is on something it isn't going to be good for him in the long run. I thought the whole point of this was to protect the wrestlers from themselves?
If this is the case does a 30 day "unpaid working suspension" actually mean anything?

I love orton, great on the mike, great in ring but honestly off camera he just seems like an idiot.
He did get suspended for smoking a joint backstage though. Meh, as far Orton gets suspended eventually I'm happy. Anyway this screw-up could mean Carlito might win the fued, YAY!
I think part of the reason he got suspended for the joint was that he was caught using it in full public view. Same as RVD. I think it might have been different if no-one had seen him. His actions seem to suggest that he thinks is bigger than the company and it policies. This may just serve to push his off stage ego even further, he is now bigger than the testing policy.

I suppose that if you hear something enough you start believing it. I
Orton screws up yes.. But like I said... Hes just being what a celebity should be... Right now... hes living his dream... I dont think he deserves to be suspended from the show tho... They need him.. He has had an on going riva;ry with Carlito... They cant just take him of the show...
Is Orton bigger than the Show, does WWE really need him? At the moment they probably do need him in terms of star power. But what does this suggest about how the WWE treats it wrestlers, You can now takes banned substances, get caught and still keep your profile. Just a question if this is an unpaid "working suspension" as has been reported on the WZ main site, Does Orton still get paid a percnetage of mechendise sales for this period? Keeping him in the public eye will help sales, and promote feuds.
i can definately see orton taking pain killers. i mean, doesn't he always have shoulder injuries? the thing pops out most of the time. he's bound to take something for that.
i totally agree with PauLwaLL50, they wouldn't risk taking orton out of the show. with the match @ unforgiven... i'm still gonna go with orton. (the wwe will probably give randy a smack on the wrist for this lol).
I hear everyone saying that there is going to be exceptions to the Wellness Program, but that would also be Discriminatory and lead to HR violations, as well. Of course, you could sue WWE, but you will likely never work in wrestling again. Vince has all of his bases covered.

It just sucks that you probably will never see Joey Matthews, er Mercury, again because of this, but let's allow Orton to continue to get away with bloody murder. Someone does need to put this guy in his place. Obviously, his last suspension did him a lot of good. He has really learned his lesson!

But back to the Wellness Program, I think it goes to show that even Vince McMahon himself is not behind it. If he were, than he would support it in hopes of getting his wrestlers in rehab, which was what my original understanding was the purpose of the suspension. However, it is painfully obvious that this is not the case now. As for pain killers, it is also obvious that Vince himself sees no other way around this business for his talent other than to use them.

Too bad this Wellness Program was really used as nothing more than to paint a more positive corporate persona due to Guerrerro's death.
BBVTyrant said:
I hear everyone saying that there is going to be exceptions to the Wellness Program, but that would also be Discriminatory and lead to HR violations, as well. Of course, you could sue WWE, but you will likely never work in wrestling again. Vince has all of his bases covered.

It just sucks that you probably will never see Joey Matthews, er Mercury, again because of this, but let's allow Orton to continue to get away with bloody murder. Someone does need to put this guy in his place. Obviously, his last suspension did him a lot of good. He has really learned his lesson!

But back to the Wellness Program, I think it goes to show that even Vince McMahon himself is not behind it. If he were, than he would support it in hopes of getting his wrestlers in rehab, which was what my original understanding was the purpose of the suspension. However, it is painfully obvious that this is not the case now. As for pain killers, it is also obvious that Vince himself sees no other way around this business for his talent other than to use them.

Too bad this Wellness Program was really used as nothing more than to paint a more positive corporate persona due to Guerrerro's death.

WWE arent making exceptions though, they changed the policy not that long ago that any Wellness Program violations would keep any affected superstar infront of cameras, but without pay. Orton was simply the first to be caught under the revised scheme. Get your facts straight.
Personally I think he will be suspended after Unforgiven, they revised the wellness policy so it does'nt interfere with feuds but if a feud is over why cant they take him off Raw?
Just fire his ass.... if you keep suspending him he ganna keep doing it.. so fire him already
He isn't getting suspended, he is still working on the road but without pay. I don't get it, why is Randy doing this to him self!
um didn't the article sya he was taken off the road... but I still say fire him
Personally, I think Orton is an awesome wrestler but has proved to be a liabilty, I'm sure I've read something about Orton taking a lot of painkillers and I don't think he'd be stupid enough to get into any serious drugs. Also, it's hardly like he's a hulking mass of muscles, I doubt hes one steroids.
^hey great post, if this is true, i just say give him a warning, and then say a big suspension then a big fine if he does it again. and for the guy who said fire him, why would they do that, he's their future, and their def not gonna hand him over to tna

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