Original v. Cover: Total Eclipse Of The Heart

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This song is mostly known as the "ultimate chick anthem", and appears in quite possibly every chick flick. It's also appeared in some other films, most notably Old School where The Dan Band covers it.

The Original:

The Cover:

For those of you unaware, The Dan Band is a group of guys that cover cheesy songs from the 80's and make them more suitable for guys to listen to. They're actually pretty good, but they make a living off the comedy, and that's why I choose the cover. The original is a good song, but it's been done to death, so I'd rather hear a comedy cover.
Well, I do do a mean cover of the Dan Band at the pub, with the added "fuckin'" added in. But I think the original is actually the good version of the song. Wait, no, fuck that , it's the dan band. Or the Dirty Saxons. More swearing makes it fun.
I'd go with the original. I love the song, but I'm not a huge fan of Bonnie Taylor's voice. Something about it bothers me, but the cover isn't any better. The guys vocals are solid, but to me it wasn't even funny. At least Bonnie Tyler's version served it's purpose(to be a chick antheme), the Dan Band's version was just a bunch of added cuss words and some weird dancing. Like I said neither versions are particularly my favorite but the song is stunning and Tyler's is better to me.
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