Original v. Cover: Sanitarium

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Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
This is one of my favourite cover songs in the Hard Rock/Heavy Metal genre I have heard. The original is unforgetable. Part of one of the best Heavy Metal albums of all time, a song that sends shivers up my spine. Now I have yet to do a thread where there have been more than one cover, but there are a few of them.

The original is by Metallica, neat, because I did a song they covered, now I am doing a cover version of one of their songs.


I said it was one of my favourite hard rock/heavy metal covers, but it is still not as good as the original, as Metallica was fully in their groove when they wrote this song, and I call it one of their most perfect songs they made. But here is Anthrax's cover:

Metallica gets the nod from me here. Anthrax...I've just never been very big on them. I understand their impact and all that jazz...I've just never really given a shit about their music. King of like my opinion on Pantera. I recognize they're good, but I just don't enjoy them.

This isn't one of my favorite Metallica songs, but it's certainly a very good one. Better than Anthrax's cover certainly.
Ok why do Anthrax's cover when there is a slightly more recently recorded cover from Bullet For My Valentine. And X remember that anthrax's Version by just existing is better than Limp Biskits. In fact my terrible singing would probably be better than Limp Biskit's if I ever recorded it.

Anywho. Bullets Cover is one that I enjoy for a number of reasons, the vocals aren't really one of them, But if memory serves correctly it was done not long after Matt had that emergency tonsil removal. So that would explain the vocals, the musicianship is tight as is to be expected from them. They do the song justice, that is the best way I can put it.

Gotta go with the original just because the other two here don't really bring anything new to the table, both pretty bland covers. Anthrax's version is almost exactly the same and BFMV's sounds pretty much the same except with an 8th grader on vocals.
Ok why do Anthrax's cover when there is a slightly more recently recorded cover from Bullet For My Valentine. And X remember that anthrax's Version by just existing is better than Limp Biskits. In fact my terrible singing would probably be better than Limp Biskit's if I ever recorded it.

Anywho. Bullets Cover is one that I enjoy for a number of reasons, the vocals aren't really one of them, But if memory serves correctly it was done not long after Matt had that emergency tonsil removal. So that would explain the vocals, the musicianship is tight as is to be expected from them. They do the song justice, that is the best way I can put it.

Pretty much what Shadow said. Bullet did the best cover of this song, and still, they can't best the original. Metallica was at their best on this record, and it's a shame the song gets overlooked when common fans look over their discography. Everything from the opening notes, to the solos, to the final seconds, are all great. Tuck may have beaten Hetfield in the vocals department, but the music is better from Metallica 9 times out of 10...
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