Original v. Cover: Epic

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Call them what you want, but Faith No More was loaded with talent, and it all came together on this song. It's still played regularly on the radio, and if you watch enough of the right music channels, you're bound to see the video. Atreyu is another band that gets a lot of hate, but I'm a pretty big fan. I like just about everything they've done, and was pleasantly surprised they did a cover of this.

The Original:

The Cover:

Except for the fact Alex does a ton of screaming instead of the original vocals, it's a pretty close cover of the original. I still have to go with the original though, even with the cover being more my style. Epic is just one of those songs that you can only hope to be half as good as when covering it, and I think Atreyu accomplished that, but they certainly weren't better.
I love both versions. Yeah, I love Epic by "Faith No More", get a lot of shit for that amongst my friends. Especially when I pick it play during Rock Band more than any other song. But I love the grit verses versus the whiny chorus.

Atreyu does what the do when the cover a song, do it quite close, but adds their own style of passion. But I think I like the original more, but would choose to load either version up.
I'm going to have to go with the original here. I'm a fan of Atreyu, but they simply sound out of their element in their cover here. He's really trying to channel his inner Mike Patton, and it isn't really working.

Faith No More's original is the better version here.
The link for Atreyu's version didn't work but that's probally for the best. Hearing them destroy the song would probally just piss me off. I'm guessing they just scream the vocals as they brush the hair out of thier eyes. Faith No More is probally the most underrated Metal band of all the times and pretty much invented Rap-Rock...which may not be a good thing but it worked for them. Not to mention the fact that Mike Patton is one of the most amazing vocalists in Rock. So I don't think I really have to hear the cover to choose the orginal here.
The link for Atreyu's version didn't work but that's probally for the best. Hearing them destroy the song would probally just piss me off. I'm guessing they just scream the vocals as they brush the hair out of thier eyes.

How about you go find their version, and then make a judgment? I'll be the first to admit that Atreyu isn't one of the best now, but they used to be very, very good. I liked them when they did a lot of screaming, but they've toned it down a lot. The album they put this on is probably their most radio friendly album to date. They do a very good cover of the song, and showed a lot of respect to the original.
For me the original Faith No More version of 'Epic' wins, and wins very easily. Have always loved the song from the moment I heard it. I remember when I was younger wearing out a cassette tape that I had it on by my constant playing and reqinind of the song.
Let me get something straight

No, I dont like most "Screamo" but im a huge fan of hardcore,

The Atreyu cover is just absolutly plain, its like they've gotten the song book, copied it exactly with a different tone, made the drum beat a bit more simple, and just added screaming to try to trick people to make it sound more emotional.

He's a horrible singer/screamer, one of the most hollow voices i've heard

As for if its better, Hell no, very bloody ordinary, if your into 8 bit sounding guitar tone, weak screaming vocals maybe.
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