One More Crow for the Icon?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Really simple thread: how should "the Icon" Sting end his career? At this point I think it's relatively safe to say that he'll do so inside a TNA ring, but never say never! Should Sting go out simply, retiring as this sort-of GM of Impact, or should he have some sort of gimmick change before the end? Maybe a brand new direction, or the return of the Stinger, or the Crow? Should he go out as the baby face, or play to his roots as a top heel? One last title run as TNA's champion, or put over a younger talent?

Sting's retirement and final run in pro wrestling. Discuss.
Personally, I'd love for the Stinger to end his career with a world title run culminating in a big career vs title match at Bound for Glory or Slammiversary. That way he gets to go out in style, as well as give that much needed rub to some young upstart on the cusp of pushing through to the top.

As for opponents, I'm not sure, although I keep coming back to Alex Shelley. That guy is pure talent.

As for the gimmick, I've always been a sucker for his Crow schtick.
I hate the idea of a guy retiring with the title, because it just means the title gets put up for auction in some sort of tournament immediately after which totally deflates it's value at the time, and frankly, there's no reason a guy like Sting can't be given the greatest send-off without gold having to play a role in the process.

Frankly, I don't want to think about the day Sting truly retires, because I will never be sick of seeing my favorite wrestler of all-time on screen, but if I have to plan his final ride, it's through a final match against an opponent of his choosing. He doesn't need to "put over" anyone in the process. It could even be one last match against AJ Styles, face v. face, just to give Sting that one final curtain call.
Maybe a brand new direction, or the return of the Stinger, or the Crow? Should he go out as the baby face, or play to his roots as a top heel?
When was sting ever a top heel? The Stinger has Forever and always been a BABYFACE!!!! But to answer your question--as much as i do love the crow character--I think it might be pretty cool and nostalgic to see the return of the spiked hair, colorful face paint, OLD SCHOOL STINGER! I just love the old school stuff of wrestling---F**k the new school!!!
I'm a sucker for the Crow character and how well Sting was pulling it off in the past.

To be very honest, I don't want Sting to retire before he comes to the WWE. I know he maybe well past his prime and fiercely loyal, but there are a slew of matches that I wanna see him in.
I don't want to see Sting as a full-time wrestler anymore taking the spotlight away from the stars of today. Nobody should ever retire as the champion. There is a time-honored tradition in the wrestling business that says that wrestlers are supposed to put over the younger generation in their last matches. When Sting wrestles his last match, he should go out by putting over somebody younger. Nobody should ever get to retire the way Edge did by burying the man who should have been the WWE's next great main event heel on the way out.

The worst possible career move for Sting would be to go to WWE. Vince McMahon hates WCW and has been trying to destroy that company's legacy for years. WWE had DDP stalk the Undertaker's then wife. WWE misused Goldberg. WWE pulled the plug on Sean O'Haire's gimmick and had him align with Piper as soon as he started to get over. Booker T never won a World title there as Booker T. He had to become King Booker to win the Big Gold Belt for a 6th time. Scott Steiner was put into a ridiculous Iraq War debate against the Chris "Harvard" Nowinski and made to look foolish and was then put into a ridiculous storyline where Steiner and Test were abusing Stacy Kiebler. If Sting goes to WWE, he's probably going to be buried one way or another.
Nobody should ever get to retire the way Edge did by burying the man who should have been the WWE's next great main event heel on the way out.

I completely disagree with this statement, given the circumstance cited. If all that Edge's win would have accomplished was to bury Del Rio, then you would be partly correct- but that's not how it played out. Edge's win and the subsequent fallout actually set up Christian's first title win, which set up his heel turn. The result was Christian as a main event heel, who is thousands of times better than Del Rio. And Del Rio still went on to capture the WWE title before the year was out(which was the one truly bad booking decision in the whole situation).

As for the Stinger... I am of the feeling that the final match for any wrestler of his magnitude should include that wrestler's retirement stipulation. Sting should put his career on the line in a match against a young competitor who needs the rub to be legitimized as a main-eventer.

Having said that, this Sting retirement should not come anytime soon. It's nice to know that Sting can occasionally interject himself into a match when it works for booking purposes and I would like to see that possibilty continue. The guy is in good shape right now and can still go, as proven by his impressive showing in the tag team streetfight main event from Impact a couple weeks ago.
It could even be one last match against AJ Styles, face v. face, just to give Sting that one final curtain call.
I wouldn't mind seeing one last Sting/Angle match. Those two probably have more history in TNA than just about anybody currently working for the company. Maybe Styles/Daniels, but that's pretty irrelevant in this situation. The two have had so many matches, and even though they pretty much wrapped up the feud it'd be nice to see one last match, purely out of respect. I don't want them to convolute it too much with a huge Angle heel turn or anything, just keep it simple.

I like Styles, and they both are definitely TNA godfathers, but I liked the chemistry between Sting and Angle a bit more I think. Ric Flair is another possible choice, but I'm not sure anybody wants to relive that again... The only other guy I think could do the job well is Jeff Jarrett. He is the founder of the company, and the guy who brought Sting in. Plus, they have a lot of history going back to WCW, and Jarrett is one of the best heels the company has to offer. Angle or Jarrett in my opinion, would be the best option for Sting.
I honestly have to say, unfortunately, the bloom is long since off the rose for me when it comes to Sting having "one more match" against an opponent of his choosing. They've gone down this route a few times by teasing a possible retirement and it's ultimately been a ploy to garner ratings. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just hard for me to get excited about this prospect when it's been done with no real payoff before. I'm almost sure that this is how Sting will end his career, however, but it's just such an overdone concept that it's become something of a cliche`.

Sting has done everything and beaten everyone in TNA. There's nothing left to do and nobody left to beat. While I'm sure this won't happen, I'd prefer Sting just to peacefully retire and take a step back by just giving a memorable, heartfelt promo in the center of the ring. Give him all the time he wants, let him say what he wants and let him go out with all the dignity of a legend.
Sting has always been my favorite wrestler, he seems to be able to pull of any role asked of him(except getting people to hate him) As much as I hate to think of the Stinger retiring it, I'm sure its coming sooner than later. I would love to see him spend the next few months while he is in the GM role to get into really good shape, knock whatever ring rust he may have off of him and get into a really good program with AJ Style cumulating at Bound for Glory(preferably BFG 2013 if they can pull it off and not pull the trigger on ending a really good storyline too soon and assuming Sting wants to stick around that long) with AJ taking the win, getting a good rub off of Sting and Sting retiring as he should, being one of the best in the business and putting on a match that he can be proud of and that the fans will remember for the rest of their lives. I think it would be cool, if Sting can pull it off to bring back the old 45 minute time limit matches, allow both competitors to really show off their talents and impress the fans.(ala Sting vs. Flair, or Flair vs. Steamboat from the late 80s early 90s type thing) I understand Sting is getting older and probably can't carry a full match on his own anymore let alone a 45 minute one, but i think if AJ and Sting worked together in the ring enough and Sting did some hardcore training to get into really good shape before his last match, I think the two of them could give us one hell of a memorable match and it would be an awesome way to send Sting off and elevate AJ.
he should have already gone out years ago, but given he didn't and he isn't hogging the spotlight.
if and when he choses to go out, it should be back at his grass roots.

Here's something right out of left field

go back to the hybrid Bret Hart/Hogan style - Surfer Sting get a look alike to fill the role of Crow Sting and now Surfer Sting puts the Crow to rest once and for all ending the character.
I think Sting should retire after having put someone over. They did an angle like this with Styles in late 2009. Something like that would have been perfect and they can do it again for when Sting actually does retire. He takes someone on as a protege, only for them to begin (kayfabe) feuding. The feud should be lengthy starting in late summer and last all the way until Bound For Glory. Sting is a legend and deserves to go out at TNA's answer to Wrestlemania. They put on a show stealing match and Sting retires after having put over his protege, effectively passing the torch. The question is who could that be? TNA's roster is quite large so I'm sure they could find someone good to end Sting's career. Someone they know would stick around for the long run afterwards, that way they'd deserve earning the momentum from the match and angle.
i would like him to retire in a WWE ring but i dont think he will! I hope he bows out with a main event with a wrestler from his past but NOT for the title ! Obviosly have him win so that he can leave with a bang!

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