One Chance. One Opportunity. One Return.

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
As most of us have taken notice, over the course of the past few months, we have seen numerous returns of Legends that we have all but forgotten about. These 'Legends' -- they were the ones we looked up to when we were younger. They were the ones that we loved to see week-in and week-out. More importantly, they were the ones that made us keep watching WWE throughout the years. Whether it be by cutting an excellent promo or simply dazzling us in the ring -- these men (or women) entertained us 'til our hearts' content.

The Rock, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Ricky Steamboat, Booker T, Diesel, Trish Stratus, Stone Cold, JBL -- these are but the most recent of returns that we have seen in the past year or so. JBL made his return after a long hiatus this past week; Diesel and Booker T left TNA; Stone Cold has returned in order to guest host Tough Enough; and finally, the Rock has come back to guest host Wrestlemania. Needless to say, our favorites are back.

But with the many returns that we have seen, I'm sure there is still some people that we would all love to see return to the WWE just as the others have. People that have been gone for a long time and have not returned ever since. People we loved and that we would completely mark-out to see them in the squared circle of the WWE once again. People like Bill Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Shane McMahon, and yes, even the ''Macho Man'' Randy Savage.

In one way or another, admittedly, we miss them. Some more than others; but overall, we'd like to see them come out once again, right? Right.

So this brings me to the questions that I have lined up for you guys:

If you were able to bring back one wrestler back to the WWE, who would it be?

What would you have them do? Cut a promo? Return full time? Wrestle?

These questions aren't limited to a select number of people. Feel free to choose whoever you like; anyone you choose is eligible as a legitimate response. Retired wrestlers, current employees of TNA -- no limit. Only condition I have set is that they have to be "former" emplyees of the WWE. But other than that, no limit.
I would have Macho Man return.

After being announced as an inductee in the hall of Fame, I'd have him come out (like HBK did) and while in the ring to give his thanks, Vince McMahon's music could hit and as he goes to shake Savage's hand, he flips him off and tells him he'll never be in the Hall of Fame. I'd have him come out every once in a while to receive a beating by McMahon (for one reason or another), until McMahon decides to let him in the Hall of Fame on one condition, he joins McMahon's Kiss my Ass club. Tables get turned, Savage asks for a match at WrestleMania. Boom, there it is.

I'd also love it if Sting got inducted into the Hall of Fame, and as a result, he vows to have his very last match ever at WrestleMania...
If you were able to bring back one wrestler back to the WWE, who would it be?

Seeing as everyone is going to be picking legends or really big names, I'm not going to follow the crowd - I want Sean O'Haire to return. I feel that he could've been a pretty big superstar if given the right opportunities. He definitely had the look, he had an awesome gimmick, and his ring work wasn't too shabby either.

What would you have them do? Cut a promo? Return full time? Wrestle?

I would have him return full time as a wrestler. In what has become a "gimmick-less" world of wrestling, O'Haire can be the person that the fans love to love or hate. What I mean by "gimmick-less world" is that superstars don't have many distinct gimmicks anymore. Many superstars have basically the same gimmick with a slight twist to each. If O'Haire were to return, I would have him come back with his Devil's Advocate gimmick. That would provide the WWE with an interesting gimmick and a superstar who can play it well.
This will probably seem weird, cause I don't watch TNA at all, but I was wondering recently what it'd be like to have Mr. Kennedy back. I was really digging him before he left, and with the current batch of heels at the top of RAW right now, he'd be a main eventer and I could see him in some great feuds with Cena, Orton, Punk and the likes
I know he already "returned", but I would love to see the greatest of all time, Stone Cold Steve Austin, return to wrestling full time. It would be very interesting to see his in ring style, and his persona, interacting with the current wrestlers.
I would bring back Muhammad Hassan, this guy was on fire just at the wrong time as we all know what happened. Good on the mic and solid in the ring.

I have him come back cutting a promo about how how hate is slowly taking over America again or something along those lines and he is here to set it straight.
I want to see Kurt Angle return and show a lot of the new blood how "it" is done. I honestly miss his old Federation matches, and I'm sure a lot of the WWE Universe does as well.

As for ladies, I would be VERY happy to see a Lita or Molly Holly return. The Divas have two women that can hold their own (Phoenix & Natalya) and desperately need another one or two that can do the same to bring the division towards what I like to call "relevant."

Also, one of my WCW heroes could make a return and have me marking out, and that would be DDP. I honestly miss him and wish he had never had his back issues. :( I love you, DDP.
As you can see by my Sig, I'd Love to see Scott Hall return as Razor Ramon following suit to Diesel This yr.

And i wouldn't mind to what capacity, except i'd like him to Hit a Razors Edge on Sheamus for Ripping his Finishing move off :D
I long for the return of a true wrestling god....Above Average Mike Sanders. It would be awesome for him to show up on Raw and dominate all true Above Average Mike Sanders fashion.

Nah, just kidding. I guess I'd like to see Shane McMahon, Brock Lesnar or Kurt Angle return.

Shane would be a great GM, and the guy is absolutely nuts in the ring when he needs to be.

Lesnar's stigma as an MMA badass is now tarnished, so it'd be cool to see him pick up his WWE career as if the terrible Goldberg match never happened.

Kurt would be welcomed back with open arms as well. The WWE could use his services as of now.

It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see Jericho return either. I think he'll have one more decent run before hangin' 'em up, and I hope it's sooner rather than later...
I have to go with the crowd here and say Randy Savage. He really deserves to be inducted into the hall of fame next year.
'Macho Man' Randy Savage
A consensus favorite, obviously. I know he can't wrestle anymore, or well, it probably wouldn't be fun watching him wrestle anymore. But I would love, love, LOVE to see him just return and cut some sort of promo. I would pay just about anything to see him in a WWE ring again.

It may seem impossible, but how many people just 14 months ago would have said Bret Hart would ever step foot in a WWE ring again? And The Rock, well, that didn't seem likely either, because of the movie career.

Hearing the familiar Macho Man music would have me not being able to breathe, because I would be so excited. It's not a lost cause, because the business is just about money, so it will happen one day, unless Macho Man dies before it gets done.
Maybe this is sour grapes talking as i got tickets to wrestlemania hoping to see this guy but one man and one man only for one night only

GOLDBERG Wrestlemania 27 at the Georgia Dome,

its a man that would no doubt get you paper view buy, a man that could have had a match with the some of the great wasted talent in grabage ass matches at mania Ziggler, and Morrison in a mixed tag REALLY, Christian???

i feel the only reason this did not happen is for the most logical, Vince and the people in the back did not want a man who has not been on TV for years who isnt part of prestigious Wrestlemania history at all to possibly and most likely out popping Cena, HHH, Orton and yes even everyones wrestlemania god the Undertaker as well as anyone WRESTLING on the card at the most star studded Wrestlemania in awhile.

I know alot of WWE marks and Goldberg haters will come to the defense but its in the georgia dome a whole alot of people from around the world come to mania alot of people from georgia will be in that stadium and alot of old school fans will be in attendance its not even a stretch so think goldberg would get a monster pop I trully believe that this is one of the MAJOR reasons Goldberg is not at mania this year
for me its Lesnar by a landslide. never will happen. but 4 the threads sake he'd be an awesome addition. hes still young. excellent pure wrestling skills. and is a freakin monster. lots of new blood for him to feud against. hell, he'd be the perfect monster to destroy superman cena.
BROCK LESNAR. Outside of the attitude era, hell even possibly better then the attitude era was Brock Lesnar's fueds during his reigns.

Against Angle, Show, Taker, Benoit, Eddie and even Goldberg (except their match) his fueds and matches were epic.

Lesnar by a landslide.
For 13 years the answer to this question was Bret Hart but now that he's returned and we've seen everybody else is there is only one man to bring in: The Ultimate Warrior!

Have him come back and dominate like the good ol days till a young heel like Wade or Sheamus takes him out
I would love to see paul london and brian kendrick back in the wwe as a tag team. these were one of the best tag teams in the past 5 years. also I would like to see razor ramone. get him sober and in shape and go after the world title for one time. im shocked that tna did not give hall a world title.
For me, if he was still alive, I would have loved to see Owen Hart back at Wrestlemania. I thought he was an above average all around wrestler who cut an above average promo
I would like to see DDP to return full time. He was awesome in the 90's and if they gave him a gimmick like he had in 98' he would be over.
Good thread.

On the one hand, I'd love to see Bruno Sammartino standing in a WWE ring. We're talking about Legends here, but this guy is the Legend's Legend. On the other hand, though, it would be counterproductive because he's been gone so long, a good number of today's wrestling fans won't know who the hell he is. But, man, you want to talk about elder statesmen returning.

As a great alternative, then, I'd pick Randy Savage. It would be a triumphant return to the place he made so many great memories. At 58, I'll bet he could squeeze out a match or two for old times sake. That's the whole thing about pro wrestling, isn't it? To do a controlled match with an opponent who knows not to hurt you, a guy doesn't have to be in great physical shape; he just needs to know how to work. (see Hart, Bret)

But whether he can wrestle or not, the Macho Man can still strut to his theme music, and I would mark out to see him do it one more time.
I have to go with the crowd here and say Randy Savage. He really deserves to be inducted into the hall of fame next year.

At least he is in the OFFICIAL pro wrestling hall of fame :)

I would love to see him back for an OHHHH YEAHHHHHHH.. the cream of the crop.. no body does it better!.. Dig it!

I loved macho man as a kid, he was my favorite I would mark out if he came back today.. white beard and all...
Has to be Chris Jericho! This guy really is "The best in the world at what he does" both on the mic and in the ring.

I for one am hoping he will save us yet again.
Personally I want to see Stone Cold come back to wrestle weekly, but we know that's not going to happen. I would like to see Shane McMahon, in fact I was just saying so a couple days ago.

I wouldn't want to see Kurt back in the WWE, I like him where he is. Besides in a interview recently he said he was staying with TNA until he retired.

I would love to see Goldberg return. Also Diesel to come on the shows, and not just as a one nighter at the Royal Rumble.

All these "returns" are kind of pissing me off though, it's all just a bunch of teases. Either wrestle or f off, unless your Stone Cold.
Randy Savage, no question. This is the guy that there are a bazillion threads created every December/January/February about whether or not THIS is the year he gets inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. If you read JR's blog, you also know that he gets peppered constantly about his thoughts on the subject. Not only is Randy Savage a true WWE legend, but there is a clear desire to see him fully back within the WWE fold at least one more time. I think this is closer to happening now, with the action figure and his appearance and promotion of the new WWE video game. But how many people are going to buy that game just so they can officially play as Randy Savage without having to worry about making a shitty CAW of him that doesn't really do him justice? A lot more than you think.

Even if it is just for a single appearance, or just to be introduced as a member of the WWE Hall of Fame, the fans in the arena and many of us watching at home will lose our voices from marking out so loudly. There is no question that a potential Macho Man return would have the biggest impact, and would be a huge moment for the WWE, even bigger than Bret Hart's return last year.
John "Bradshaw" Layfield without a question. Bradshaw has always been one of my favorite heels since the WWE totally repackaged him in 2005 into the rich, egotistical, pompus, ass we all have grown to love today. And he is without a doubt, in the top ten of WWE's greatest heels of all time. I miss JBL. He was so easy to hate. His music, his cocky attitude, being a bully- he was just a heat magnent. It's a shame he didn't have more success in the WWE.

His WWE Championship reign was very successful. Defeating top Smackdown guys in various matches over the course of 9 months. When JBL came back for a brief time last Monday, I marked hard! JBL is someone I will never get tired of seeing. He entertains me certainly more so than some of the current WWE Superstars. John "Bradshaw" Layfield is what the WWE is needing right now, a successful heel who can put on a show.
Shane would be a great GM, and the guy is absolutely nuts in the ring when he needs to be.

Shane is amazing, in ring and out of ring. He can preform really well, and talk really well. He would defiantly make a top notch GM, but I would rather see some wrestling from him.

Lesnar's stigma as an MMA badass is now tarnished, so it'd be cool to see him pick up his WWE career as if the terrible Goldberg match never happened.

I don't think Lesnar will come back, but I really would love him too. I miss watching him wrestle.

Kurt would be welcomed back with open arms as well. The WWE could use his services as of now.

Angle says he is staying in TNA until he retires, so we can dream of it but it most likely won't happen.

It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see Jericho return either. I think he'll have one more decent run before hangin' 'em up, and I hope it's sooner rather than later...

Jericho will most likely return after the tour with Fozzy. If not, well then that sucks because he has the ability to have a great match with anyone. He is entertaining and can sell moves really well.

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