Worst returns ever

What about D'lo Brown's short return? I think he had maybe three matches on TV and then they realised nobody cared about him and gave him the sack. That's got to be the worst return.
last night was DOUBLE DISSAPOINTMENT, i mean we knew taker was coming back so there wasnt high expecations there, but for hhh's music to just hit randomly and come out and stare down taker it was just really bad. And to top it off shamous comes out right after that...like go kick his ass hunter!

anyways you have brain damage if you say you liked that silent waste of 2 returns segment. hhh vs taker is wack.

worst return ever....kely kelly !

I totally agree about Triple H and Undertaker. I think that is one of the worst returns. These guys are both fixtures in the WWE and wrestling industry as a whole and that segment was their big return? I felt like WWE had "more important things" to do on RAW so they just jammed that segment in there. Even Undertaker's entrance was weak. I expected druids, a casket, a grave, SOMETHING. After all that hype, that was extremely lame.
I think Vince McMahons return was very weak.. the last we heard of him was when Steph had that dream and Hunter told her he was still in a coma.. then he appears on Raw and announces there will be a guest host and leaves wtf's up with that??
To me, one of the worse returns was Mark Henry. Can't believe no one has stated it.
He'd been gone for about two years and no one missed him. He returned with even less mobility than when he left. In his first few months, he clumsily attacked Batista, lost to Angle and then performed one of the worser matches at WrestleMania 22 against the Undertaker.
His first title reign since his return was the, almost prestige-less, ECW Championship in 2008. The belt was redesigned to fit him and, thus, looked ridiculous on everyone else.
Since then, he started wearing red to show everyone just how fat he really is and well, that's about it.

I put Mark Henry's return as one of the worst because, simply, no one was interested in him. It was obvious he wouldn't beat Angle for the title and you would had to have been out of your mind to even think he'd come close to beating Taker. His matches are slow and clumsy at best and he hasn't done anything of note in the past couple years.

My first post on these forums, btw.
I think last night's ranks among the worst returns ever. I just didn't get the point of the segment, I mean it set up a match at WM but neither of them mentioned why they were gone from the WWE for so long - hell they didn't even speak.

Legends like that don't HAVE to speak!:lmao: why do you think Taker doesn't talk that much? He plays Undertaker out so well, he doesn't need to talk:worship:.

Now as for this thread, I must go with Taker & HHH's return last night. I've been waiting months to see the look on Sheamus' face when Motorhead blared. Taker's return was just done on the wrong show. He needs to get Kane and the Corre(I don't care if everyone says crap like "in due time" and we're getting this match at Mania it'll be great ZOMG). Also I'll throw out D-Lo Brown's return. I was ecstatic when he returned, but three matches, and ya done son.
Idk, I really think that even if they are icons that Taker and Trips should've spoke atleast a little. That whole stare down and taunt fest was the biggest waste of 10-15 minutes ever. I too was disappointed this whole thing didn't have anything to do with Sting, but that was myself getting more hyped about it than I should've....

Your obviously a TNA and recent wwe fan. These REAL ICONS don't need words what they did was the only thing necessary. In fact they probably don't have to show up at Raw OR Smackdown. These guys are The TRUE ICONS of the WWE now!!! As they said on Raw The last of the Outlaws. Triple H and The Undertaker Wrestlemania 27 SOOOOOOOOOO gonna be there
I will go with a recent one just to stay current. I think Trish returning at Elimination Chamber was beyond weak.

Not only was she completely horrid out there, in the ring and also on the mic. But the response/ovation for her was pretty lack luster. I think WWE thought that would be a pretty big moment and it was really nothing.

The way it all went down, her whole night in general, I was actually kind of embarrassed for her.
I remember Mr. Kennedys return, i remember his promo was all about how "He was back for good, and he will be the next WWE Champion." and what not, and then one day later BAM, "Mr. Kennedy has been released"


Now, back to the worst return ever.

I'm just gonna say christians return after TNA, The announcers were just like "wow. its christian! weeeeee" and not enthusiastic at all. Not to mention he just appeared on ECW, which of course NOBODY really enjoyed..Just imagine Christian returning on Smackdown with Jim Ross flipping a bitch.

P.S, this HHH/Taker angle might be a bit off, doesnt HHH have unfinished business with the "King" Shameus.? And Nexus screwing taker of the title? They better not settle all that at like, Extreme Rules or something. that won't make sense..
Good fucking God. I'm just baffled at the hate that the brilliant segment on Monday is getting. Everything was done perfectly. It leaves room for mystery as I'm sure you guys realize that we have more than a month left until Wrestlemania, and now we get to have an actual build up instead of the 2 week feuds we always get. You guys are just fickle.

Anyway, I always felt that the return of Edge at last year's Rumble was handled rather poorly. I mean, the actual Rumble return was great, but the couple of months or so afterward sucked. He lost to Jericho at Mania, then he turns heel for a couple of months for no reason, just to turn heel again. It's starting to come full circle as he is fully over as a face now, but he could have been great.
Seriously, in all fairness what the heck could Sting really do?? I'm sorry, but he's ultimately a WCW guy, and he knows that he wouldn't be treated the same way in WWE. Many of the big fans in WWE's target demographic these days barely have an idea of Sting's history. The WWE would have to do countless vignettes leading up to 'Mania, of telling people what Sting is all about. And I also have a hard time looking at nearly 52 year old Sting, as a credible challenge to the Deadman. This match could've been money some years back, but lets face it, the appeal is gone. Sting would get the big pop in Atlanta, but that'd be the only highlight of his run.

The Undertaker/HHH segment was fantastic, for one main reason......they didn't say a WORD, and the crowd was buzzing, that's how you know you own your craft, which clearly both of them have for quite sometime. So it wasn't Sting! Big deal, I can understand why people might be dissapointed with the segment because it wasn't Sting, but as the segment stands on it's own, it wasn't bad at all!

The return of Christian I have to say was the worst....literally nothing too it at all.

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