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Okay, so Miz is starting to win me over...

I enjoy watching the Miz each Monday Night. However, he needs to start wtrestling more and having less promos. His promos are AWESOME, but I would like to see more in ring skills. He had a good mini feud with MVP, but that came to an end all of a sudden. His match at Bragging Rights with Morrison was a good one. I need to see him in more 10 to 15 min matches. i think this will help him be more established. I think he needs to break away from the Big Show after the next ppv. Big Show should be working on single titles too. I would like to see the US Title be elevated because right now most people would forget Miz has the title. I think a feud with Kofi or Christian or both in the summer leading into Summerslam would benefit him and his opponent plus the US Title.
Bruce you are reaching. He could be the next HBK, but there is no evidence to support that yet. He has not had a well-established feud with another person. I believe his longest singles match was like 12 mins. He needs to have a few matches longer than that, so we can get a grasp on his in ring skills. Morrison has shown better in ring skills. Morrison could be the next HBK, and he has had single feuds that were significant. The one that comes to everyones mind is the one with CM Punk. They had excellent matches, and the match CM punkw on the belt was brilliant. The Miz has not done this yet, but WWE needs to let loose. We think he has some in ring skills, but there is not enough sample size to judge yet. Once he is away from the Big Show, we will have a better understanding of The Miz. I like him a lot, and his charisma is off the charts. This is one thing he has an advantage over Morrison. However, WWE has not shown faith with him as a singles wrestler yet ( where Morrison has been given the opportunity).
maybe Miz is winning you over because wrestling is so stale and stale characters are something that gets the average WWE fan excited
I watched Miz on the Real World and his other reality-TV escapades and I liked him. The fact that he was a reality-TV star never kept me from liking him.

I'm surprised that he's been pushed harder than Morrison and I definently thought he would flameout by now. He's worked hard and made the necessary changes that have aided him in his rise.

I still don't like his Miz character. I don't think there's anything remotely special about him. His persona and catchphrase are lame and unimaginative. His ring-and-mic work are okay, nothing special. He's been molded into the same form that every other so-called superstar is in. Another average worker for a barely-average product.

I'll admit that my feelings about the WWE product have gotten increasingly cynical over the past year-or-so to the point that I can find problems with the ring announcers. Still, even wrestlers who I like don't get me excited anymore. If I were into the WWE now as much as I was in 2008 I still wouldn't like the Miz.
I mean, do you people realize how hard I would mark if after a match or champion beat down would come a booming "AWESOME!" from the sound system? It would probably rank along with NorCal marking for Swagger.

That's sad and pathetic.
whoa hof is way to much for the miz i have been know to hate on this guy extremely and honestly still do! now b4 everyone starts flaggin me form spaming i wanna say that i respect all wrestlers because what they do is nothing short of amazing! now i agree that he has come along way but im still puzzled in to why he is soaked in gold. i got the us champ thing cuz i saw that coming and thats the best way to establish a mid carder but giving him the tag titles is a mystery. there should be other tag teams being given the gold such as hart dynasty or well there really isnt any more strong tag teams anymore. i just see shomiz being given the titles cuz tag team wrestlin is starting to become bland with the general audience and this is a definite way of making things more intersting. Yes his skills have improved but all i see him being is mid carder. hate on me if u want. As for his mic skills is there anyone else who presses mute when he starts talkin. he says the same thing over and over, the "really" phrase and "awesome" phrase are terrible but i do agree that he isnt shy on the mic. All said and done Miz is getting better but will always be square mike mizani or whatever form the real world. dressed in one of those sweaters. oh gosh i hope i dont get flagged for this cuz im not hating on him just disagreeing with the thread! well put by that way

rko for life :worship:
Starting to win you over? Really?

I have been a Miz fan for over two and a half years now. I understand how some people wrote him off right away because of his past on MTV and blah blah blah... What they failed to realize is this right off the bat. Vince would not sign the Miz if he didn't see something special in the kid. Sure Vince has signed some real porkchops (Duke "the Dumpster" Drosie), but the Miz didn't do a damn thing different from his character on the Real World shows as he does in the ring. He talks a big game, but he brings it. Having people already have a love/hate relationship with you gave the Miz an advantage of sorts over others trying to break into the WWE. The Miz worked his ass off to get where he is and you can tell that about him almost each and every single week he shows up on your television screen. So many people had him written off the minute they recognized him from another show or how he used his "fame" from MTV to get himself where he was at that point about two years ago. That's fucking ridiculous to say. Why? Because I don't see one person on these boards bitching about Jennifer Hudson's husband getting a shot in the WWE because of his wife. Sure, be married to a singer isn't exactly reality television, but it's still fame by association.

You can go as far back as possible in these boards and see how much of a Miz fan I have been since he debuted. You will not once see me say a bad thing about the kid. I truly believe nobody has worked harder to get to where they are so young in their career as the Miz has done to this point. I even gave him a verbal chance two years ago to win the WWE Title. Granted, it was a 20-30% chance, but I gave him one. I recognized hard work over some stupid excuse of hatred just because he was on MTV before.

The Miz is the balls and sure I talk it up a little bit in that I have always liked the Miz because you could see that hard work was what got him titles, PPV matches, air time, and a thriving career. Not MTV. He's made believers out of about 97% of the people that ever doubted him. I can't wait to see what the next year or two brings to the Miz because that m f'r deserves everything he gets because he's the Miz, and he... is... AWESOME!!!
He won we over when he debuted on SD! a few years ago as the Host of SD! which I thought was cool. And in that time he started to get in the ring to hone his craft and get only better. Did you know he lasted the time limit with the Taker which was in partially due to Kennedy but he lasted the f'n time limit. As far as now I think the reason The Big Show is being a mentor type to the Miz as example this past Monday Night on Raw he wanted the match but Show was trying to tell him not yet just go back and watch it. I like Miz' "REALLY????" it reminds me of Stone Cold's "WHAT???" that would of been great for the fans to chant "WHAT???" then "REALLY???" or vice versa. I hope The Miz does get a World Title but not before the Man who Deserves it more than him Christian. Christian vs The Miz for the WWE HW Title would be "An Awesome Instant Classic (No Pun Intended)
The Miz is doing good and he shows that he cares about the business and wants to improve on a daily basis. I still have my doubts on whether he will be a decent world champion because of his size or how good he will be when he eventually turns face. If he continues on the right path, he may prove me wrong and be a great world champion someday.
He definitely is getting to the point where people (pardon the pun) REALLY hate his guts!!
I think people tune in to see him...See him at some point in time get the total and complete ass kicking he so richly and thoroughly deserves!!:evil3:

I might be going out on a limb on this next one...
BUT I see him becoming the next one in "The Streak":wtf:
But I have to admit, he is starting to win me over. He is a great heel at the moment, and has a lot of charisma. You'd think anyone who calls themselves AWESOME would not pull that off at all. I don't there's something about Miz that's turning me around about him, what is it? What is it about Miz that's making me look forward to his titantron coming on and seeing him walk to the ring?

I see a lot of guys on here love Miz and the way he brings it, so tell me, what makes you a Miz fan?

Does he really pull off yelling awesome? I suppose he works for what the wwe wants to do now, appeal to little kids. Between him yelling awesome and sylvester the cat as the new champion, the wwe has got the market for the 15 and under crowd cornered. Maybe wwe can find somebody that sounds like tweety bird to feu with swagger and it will be a fantastic feud! Back to the Miz, I don't know what it is about the guy. He's terribly boring, looks like he was probably inbred and is the worst wrestler on the roster. He screams awesome really loud so he gets two titles. This just shows that wwe doesn't try anymore and can just throw crap on tv and everybody will eat it up. They are THE brand for wrestling. Vince McMahon figured out a long time ago,people watch WWE because of the name, not because its a good product.
I used to hate the Miz, He was to much of a cocky wrestler. But now as time went by I started liking him, I didn't realize how good the Miz is. Now I'm love the promos that he cuts, I can't get away from the TV when he's cutting a promo. Also his ring skill have improve a lot, I could easily say that he is now one of my favorite male wrestlers. But there's one thing that I don't like about the Miz and that's his finisher it's just looks to plain and unpainful. But after that the Miz gets two :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Wow, you can't get away from the TV when he's cutting a promo and I can't change the channel fast enough. I would rather listen to the Great Khali mangle the english language than watch a reject scream i'm awwwwwesome than hide behind the big show for a pointless 5 min match.
No-one under the age of 12 (after that age, people are immune to Cena-vitus), really gives miz a chance, all because he's a heel. But he gives a new take on the 'heel' persona. could you really see the miz as a fan-loving, hyped-up super-wrestler? im guessing you said no...And thats what makes the Miz so 'Awesome' to watch. Cocky, Arrogant, self obsested and great Mic and ring skills. unlike certain Orange shirt wearing, wanabee gangsters...

Isn't it the exact opposite? The Miz screams I'm Awwwwesome....don't you stop using that word once you reach puberty? Cena vs. the Miz would be crap tv and crap matches but WWE gold. They want to market to little kids, you can have two no-talent idiots make a mockery out of wrestling. But I forgot, they work soooooo hard.
I do think the tag team title is holding Miz back and it would be interesting if he turned on Big Show and they had a rivalry for a bit. Just a thought, but Miz could get boring if he doesn't go back to being a singles wrestler soon. He could be contending for one of the Major Titles in 2011 and would be surprised if he is not honestly.

Oh christ, it wouldn't even be realistic to see him beat Mae Young in a match, but he should feud with the Big Show?
Flair4Life's opinion aside, The Miz IS without a doubt the future of the business! He has come a long way with his ring work and you would have to be a complete idiot not to see that! Miz will be a superstar before long. Watch it happen. For those that don't like Miz or any young up and comer for that matter, go watch Pre-1994 Dubya C Dubya. You're obviously stuck there anyhow.
For those that don't like Miz or any young up and comer for that matter, go watch Pre-1994 Dubya C Dubya. You're obviously stuck there anyhow.

Nobody is "stuck" anywhere. The Miz is okay. The only way to justify calling him "great" is by lowering the bar so that the wrestlers today are able to qualify as anything but mediocre.

The IWC weirdos are like Trekkies. Their favorite Star Trek character is Princess Valya of episode 387. The rest of the world only knows Kirk, Spock, and Scotty. Get with reality.

No non-wrestling fan will ever be channel surfing and stop because The Miz grabs their attention.
Nobody is "stuck" anywhere. The Miz is okay. The only way to justify calling him "great" is by lowering the bar so that the wrestlers today are able to qualify as anything but mediocre.

The IWC weirdos are like Trekkies. Their favorite Star Trek character is Princess Valya of episode 387. The rest of the world only knows Kirk, Spock, and Scotty. Get with reality.

No non-wrestling fan will ever be channel surfing and stop because The Miz grabs their attention.

I disagree. I mean what does any other wrestler have that Miz doesn't at the moment? To me, the Miz has proven that he is going to be the best whether anyone likes it or not. People have been dogging on this guy since he joined the WWE. Sure, he wasn't that great when he first got here, but in recent months he has taken huge steps to improve himself. He's AWEEESOME right now, and it's only a matter of time before people catch on a la Rock in my opinion,
I disagree. I mean what does any other wrestler have that Miz doesn't at the moment? To me, the Miz has proven that he is going to be the best whether anyone likes it or not. People have been dogging on this guy since he joined the WWE. Sure, he wasn't that great when he first got here, but in recent months he has taken huge steps to improve himself. He's AWEEESOME right now, and it's only a matter of time before people catch on a la Rock in my opinion,

I'm not dogging him. I like him. I'm just saying that he's mediocre.

He wouldn't be ANYTHING if star power like this was still around:

The dude is the next big thing....i mean he can cut a promo (which is a skill you can't get good at usually) he's decent in the ring (a skill which you can get good with in time). He's an example of how hard work pays off.....future main eventer imo.
For a longtime i have despised miz, but he has been winning me over as of late. I can see and appreciate his much improved ring skills, he cuts good promos, But i wish creative would get him out of the tag teams. He is experienced and technically able to put on good singles matches and it's time to let him shine. I guess it's so big show has something to do but miz should be wrestling singles and actually defending his u.s. title every now and then.

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