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Okay, so Miz is starting to win me over...


Watching Miz on RAW developing his career and rising in the ranks, well I didn't really like it much, because he definatly wasn't my favourite superstar... Winning the United States Championship and the Unified Tag Team Championships, I just kept thinking FFS to myself.

But I have to admit, he is starting to win me over. He is a great heel at the moment, and has a lot of charisma. You'd think anyone who calls themselves AWESOME would not pull that off at all. I don't there's something about Miz that's turning me around about him, what is it? What is it about Miz that's making me look forward to his titantron coming on and seeing him walk to the ring?

I see a lot of guys on here love Miz and the way he brings it, so tell me, what makes you a Miz fan?
The fact that in the last year he's shown that not only can he improve but has been commited to doing so. Last year I thought 'Well Miz will be the Marty Jannetty of this team' (I actually thought that :rolleyes:) and then he feuded with cena and improved his mic skills and then afterwards he improved his look and his in ring skills. He's one of the most talented guys on raw at the moment, I mean take last week for an example, his promo with bret Hart was great and then the match afterwards with the Hart Dynasty was good. He has it all at the moment.
He's only JUST starting to win you over? ;)

What makes me a Miz fan is The Miz himself. He's worked so hard to improve in ring and on mic, going from despised "wannabe" to part of an excellent tag team, to arguably the better of the Miz/Morrison team. He is excellent on the mic, improving in the ring, and he has a ton of drive and passion, and I find that admirable.
I used to hate Miz but then I realised exactly how talented he is in-ring, I wish he could return to wrestling as a singles competitor as I believe his Sho-Miz gimmick is already getting boring
The Miz is doing a great of making himselg a credible wrestler. Went thru the hazing and is showing that he really has a desire for the biz. IMO the one thing he needs to do is to change his name from the The Miz. It is just a natural progression that hes already been on. Dropped his long jean shorts ring attare and now is wearing a more traditional in ring gear. He could definately go to his real Mike Mizanin which has a nice flair to it. The last name is unique and would still stand out.
It has taken me a while to warm up to the idea of a reality t.v. "star" to become a wrestler too. Lately, he's definitely been proving himself as a wrestler by doing something that many current wrestlers don't do.... He's showing his passion to be wrestling. It seems to me that he goes out there and intends on putting on a good show, and he does it. I can definitely see him near the top in the not too distant future.
To be honest, when the Miz first showed up in the E, I figured he would get as far as Maven (remember that guy?). I saw Miz as a comedy act, even when he was paired with JoMo. He was the wise guy, always cracking jokes and throwing in his little quips. When the draft happened and they split and he turned heel I remember not even reacting to him attacking JoMo because I was so surprised they were keeping Miz on RAW. (I actually thought, "Really? REALLY?? I'm not joking haha.)

Here came the mini-feud with Cena and he became a bit more believable. I still wasn't sold on his catchphrases but they were catchy and able to be made fun of. Any good heel should be able to do that. The way he would deliver his promos was starting to make me a believer.

Then he updated his attire, still an eccentric look but much more serious than the Ed Hardy jorts he was wearing (or whatever the hell those things were). Honestly, by the time he had won the U.S. Title, I had already become a fan.

When he got the new theme song, the transformation was complete. The Miz had gone from "I'm trying to hang onto my 15 minutes of fame as long as I can" to "I am going to make an impact in the WWE". It's only a matter of time before we see him in the HOF, mark my words. Who would've been saying that 2 years ago?
I dont know why people wouldn't like The Miz. I started liking him when he was still with John Morrison, although I will admit I thought Morrison would have been the star. WWE broke up Miz & Morrison and like someone said earlier, I thought Miz was also going to have the Jannetty career! Someone who is definately talented but just didn't live up to expectations. That being said they put him in that feud with Cena, I know there are alot of Cena haters out there, which whatever, I could care less one way or the other, he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But, I thought if they were putting him in a feud with Cena then they must see something in the guy.

He returns under the mask as a babyface as "The Calgary Kid" and wins a RAW contract, which might have been the most intriguing storyline WWE writers came up with in the last few years. Changes his look, and his attitude. (Actually, after the match under the mask he walked through the curtain and Vince said: "I like that look, be in those shorts from now on.") It may not seem like much but that did a ton for his career. People started taking him seriously when he was wearing the trunks over the fedoras and the denim sequined shorts. His skill in the ring has improved greatly, he's damn good on the mic, he can pretty much carry a match these days (very important, you have to be able to look good wrestling ANYBODY.)

The Miz has it ALL. I hope he is either a Rumble or MITB winner sometime within the next year or 2. You know John Cena will be champ probably EVERY year at WrestleMania... Would love to watch The Miz take John Cena to school!
Yes, I too have become a Miz-A-Holic. More please.........

He is indeed, the next big thing. Of course unless "son in law HHH" finds him to be a threat or senile Vince decides that he wants to build up some stiff like Shelton Benjamin or Carlito for the um-teenth time instead.

I really thought Morrison was going to be the next HBK. Sadly, he has really taken a nose dive. I though the Miz at best, would become Marty Jannety. Now, I see him as the next "ROCK".

The Miz and Morrison can become the next Rock-Austin fued or DX; but Morrison needs to pick up the pace because he has fallen way behind. The talent is there. But at the moment, I can see The Miz headlining Wrestlemania next year, as a face, and winning the title.
he won me over am still not a fan he annoying as hell but as far as being in the ring and mic skills he improved hell of a lot from when he first came to wwe he derives to be in wwe now he a great heel defo got ppl to hate him altho the problem that seams to be coming up for him as a heel is the fans are coming round to him and unless i am mistaken starting to cheer him

part of the reason is he has paid his dues he made no secret to being kicked locker room by jbl he started at the bottom worked his way up
The Miz won me over when he turned solo heel.... That's the charm of the WWE, the heel character brings out the best in the WWE Superstars... That's why I still hate Cena (respect his work ethic) and more recently MVP and Edge. The faces have no personality. I don't understand what differentiates one face from the other character. I can do that with the heels. Between Miz (awesom), CM Punk (str8 edge), Swagger (all american american), Battista (animal crazy), RKO (previously), etc. They killed MVP and Edge's heel character and i'm scared that is going to happen to Orton. Luckily, he's still being his crazy viper self. People start cheering these heels because they like the character, yet WWE finds a way to kill it. I hope they don't do that with the Miz. He's really talented and I'll be the first to admit I never thought he would make it.
I used to hate the Miz, He was to much of a cocky wrestler. But now as time went by I started liking him, I didn't realize how good the Miz is. Now I'm love the promos that he cuts, I can't get away from the TV when he's cutting a promo. Also his ring skill have improve a lot, I could easily say that he is now one of my favorite male wrestlers. But there's one thing that I don't like about the Miz and that's his finisher it's just looks to plain and unpainful. But after that the Miz gets two :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Granted, The Miz is entertaining both on the mic and in the ring. However is he EVER going to defend The U.S. title. How many months has it been since someone had a shot at it ( I'm not talking about house shows). All we see is Showmiz, if WWE wants that team to dominate the Tag division so be it, let him drop the U.S. belt to someone deserving, Christian is the first to come to mind!
I hate to use an already well-known monicker for The Miz, but he truly is living "The American Dream."

He worked his way to where he is now, how can you not respect that? I still remember seeing him get his ass handed to him by Daniel Puder (remember that guy?) but now you see him on a weekly basis as both the United States Champion AND the Unified Tag-Team Champ. I thought he already established himself as a worthy wrestler when he was teaming with John Morrison, but no Mike Mizanin continues to surprise me. He's just that kind of guy you warm up to eventually.
I started to like him, than he was teamed with the Big Show for no reason. Just as he was getting over as a legit singles wrestler, he got put into the tag team scene again. What a waste of a push. When was the last time he defended the U.S. title? I miss the days when they had the 30 day rule; defend once within 30 days or forfeit the title. Oh when wrestling made sense and had rules.
REALLY?.....REALLY?.....you all think that the Miz is entertaining?.......REALLY? Well i agree!! he is another up and coming superstar in the WWE that i think will make it huge. he has already proven himself in the tag team division and the singles division by capturing titles in both and if WWE uses him right i think when its time for guys like HHH and Undertaker to retire the Miz will be ready to step up into the world title picture and even though hes not the biggest superstar could have one hell of a career (sort of like Jericho) and besides that i too love his promos and find myself saying REALLY? REALLY?.....REALLY? when people say or do dumb things.

I used to be pretty lukewarm on the guy. I thought Morrison was definitely the better of the two and Miz just kind of came off as douchey (though his character kind of called for that). The Fedora/Jorts thing was lame, but his humor was alright.

WHen he broke out solo, he almost immediately won me over. I loved the Cena pseudo feud and how they built up Miz from wannabe to legitimate contender. His look changed, and he has so much more swagger now. His mic skills are AMAZING now, I mean I'm talking CM Punk/Jericho levels. And the best part? He's only getting BETTER.

I love his "Really? REALLY?" thing.. and when he did his promo against Bret Hart I was loving it (I hate Bret Hart, I know I know, crucify me).

I want to go back and watch the Real World/Road Rules/Whatever he was on because I like him so much.. but I'm hesitant because if he ends up being a douche on those shows it may tarnish my respect for him =/.
Everything that made people not want to except the miz is what makes him so awesome. The fact that he was reality tv star and so hes probably taken crap for that for years and that gives him a chip on his shoulder. You can see the commitment to get better and to become a main eventer someday. I read an interview with mvp where he said he didnt like the miz at 1st until he worked with him and saw how hard he worked and how commited he was to improving his craft thats the kinda guy you have to admire. I also love how much charisma this guy has everytime hes on the mic I pay attention because I know its going to be entertaining. I think the miz is a future main eventer and has all the tools to be a legend
No-one under the age of 12 (after that age, people are immune to Cena-vitus), really gives miz a chance, all because he's a heel. But he gives a new take on the 'heel' persona. could you really see the miz as a fan-loving, hyped-up super-wrestler? im guessing you said no...And thats what makes the Miz so 'Awesome' to watch. Cocky, Arrogant, self obsested and great Mic and ring skills. unlike certain Orange shirt wearing, wanabee gangsters...
he won me over am still not a fan he annoying as hell but as far as being in the ring and mic skills he improved hell of a lot from when he first came to wwe he derives to be in wwe now he a great heel defo got ppl to hate him altho the problem that seams to be coming up for him as a heel is the fans are coming round to him and unless i am mistaken starting to cheer him

part of the reason is he has paid his dues he made no secret to being kicked locker room by jbl he started at the bottom worked his way up

No one can understand what you are saying. Punctuation is first grade stuff, my man.

I like the Miz more and more each week. But I guess that isn't saying much because just a year ago I thought he was the worst thing on Raw. He has improved his wardrobe, mic skills, and character. Am I ready for a Miz World Title reign? Absolutely not.

This guy hasn't shown he can carry a World title. He is still, IMO, just below average in the ring. I want to see this guy take part in more than a few 15-20 minute singles matches before I go calling him "the next big superstar in WWE." His in-ring ability has to improve. I just don't see him telling a story in the ring. When I watch him wrestle, it's almost like he just wants to get out of there and jump back on the mic.

His character is over as a heel, no doubt about it. But would a Miz World-title reign be any good right now? I'm not sure it would. I'm not sure he has the in-ring ability to pull that off yet. With improvement, yes, he's a future World's champion..but not yet.
cool thread and i definitely felt like that a little before this tho. he's actually starting to kinda bore me at this point.

he has to come up with a little more but he definitely won me over around the time he won the US title and i noticed he def did have what it took to be out there and try to make a living.

doesnt put on great matches but he's passable and he's one of the few guys they have that is a natural on the mic

I have seen this guy on the house show and anyone who saids that he is nothing special is either someone who doesnt know nothing about pro-wrestling or 12 year old who doesnt know the values of the heels.He is gold in the mic and his in-ring skills are improving and he deserves to be US and Tag team champion at this moment.He is not yet World title material but who knows

I used to think(as probably majority on this forum) that he is Marty Jannetty of "Morrison and Miz" tag team but he proved us otherwise.We were so high on Morrison(dont get me wrong I still are) and Miz proved us that he is the one who is at the spotlights at this moment and Morrison is not that even I dont believe its happened.It doesnt mean that this is not gona change but to me now Miz>Morrison
It took my awhile to catch on to the Miz, but when he started going solo and wrestling some good matches I saw his potential, but figured he would only be a mid-carder. Now he has good mic skills and really can be an @ss on the mic, but in a funny way. I do think Show Miz needs to go and I am curious shouldn't he have defended his other title by now? In case anyone forgot his US Title since the last it was spoken of was his 2 minute fued with MVP that I think they blew personally. I really thought that was going to be a good long lasting rivalry that could put both guys over and then ShowMiz was created.

I do think the tag team title is holding Miz back and it would be interesting if he turned on Big Show and they had a rivalry for a bit. Just a thought, but Miz could get boring if he doesn't go back to being a singles wrestler soon. He could be contending for one of the Major Titles in 2011 and would be surprised if he is not honestly.
No one can understand what you are saying. Punctuation is first grade stuff, my man.

I like the Miz more and more each week. But I guess that isn't saying much because just a year ago I thought he was the worst thing on Raw. He has improved his wardrobe, mic skills, and character. Am I ready for a Miz World Title reign? Absolutely not.

This guy hasn't shown he can carry a World title. He is still, IMO, just below average in the ring. I want to see this guy take part in more than a few 15-20 minute singles matches before I go calling him "the next big superstar in WWE." His in-ring ability has to improve. I just don't see him telling a story in the ring. When I watch him wrestle, it's almost like he just wants to get out of there and jump back on the mic.

His character is over as a heel, no doubt about it. But would a Miz World-title reign be any good right now? I'm not sure it would. I'm not sure he has the in-ring ability to pull that off yet. With improvement, yes, he's a future World's champion..but not yet.

I agree 100%. I really felt this reign with the United States Championship would really help elevate him as a singles wrestler. Up until this weird alliance with The Big Show, he was making a rapid improvement. His in ring work was improving, mic work couldn't improve much more, and he had a nice little feud brewing with MVP.

Then the tag team of ShowMiz came along. In a tag team generally means less time in the ring, therefore more amount of time is needed to improve. I really think that this team was thrown together just to give The Miz three championship belts so when people see him for the first time they say "Wow, this guy must be awesome (no pun intended)."

As soon as this little run as tag champion ends (hopefully to The Hart Dynasty), The Miz will be right back to rapidly moving up the card. As for the future, I fully expect The Miz to win the briefcase at the Money In The Bank Pay Per View and go on to cash it in for a World Championship. I mean, do you people realize how hard I would mark if after a match or champion beat down would come a booming "AWESOME!" from the sound system? It would probably rank along with NorCal marking for Swagger.
While watching RAW this week, it finally hit me,

The Miz is THE NEXT HBK.

I'm not saying he will ever have the top credentials Shawn did, but he is on his way to building up a career to it. Right now Miz has an "enforcer" as a tag team partner in Big Show. At some point, Miz' arrogance will get the best of him, and Big Show will lose it. This is the exact script that a young Shawn followed with Diesel. At some point after that, I can see Miz added another big guy to play as his back up and enforcer, causing a few matches between Big Show and this new guy. I'm not sure who that new guy could be just yet, though.

I think his early career start up, is the same as Shawn. The arrogance is there. A lot of the guys in the back not caring for him for awhile due to is cockyness. He had success in his first officil tag team with John Morrison (the rockers) and he attacked Morrison ending their team (shawn attacking jannetty). He obviously has a lot lot lot of time left in his career, pending injury, but he has done so much. Plus with his body size, being a little bit smaller then the boys, I could see him using an elbow drop off top, and a superkick as a finisher (hypothetically), and have it fit him due to to his body type.

In his young career he is:
3x World Tag Team Championship (Including this reign with Big Show)
3x WWE Tag Team Championship (Including this reign with Big Show)
1x WWE United States Championship (which he currently has(
2x Slammy Award Winner (One being for Tag Team of the Year (2008) with John Morrison)

Anyone else see this or am I reaching?

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