OK this shit stops right fucking here!

I wasn't going to say anything, but this thread moved me.

I didn't bother reading most of your punk thread. Having read the wiki page on straight edge, I can say that if you didn't copy and paste, then you did heavily paraphrase.

I haven't said much in the past about this 'copy & paste' stuff because the constant promoting and faux-indifference were the only things that annoyed me.
X got it right, as usual.

Milenko, don't worry about TM and Becker. You're better than both of them, but damn man don't take things so seriously.
Yeah, because I create threads in a bad section. Hardly anyone cares about the sports section. No one goes to the music section either... Still people clearly dislike what I say because people still argue... He goes twenty minutes then makes a fucking thread to boost it. When you copy and paste everything no one has anything left to say. Rofl, give em some leadway.
That's why I post pictures like this:

That's true, Becker does do a good amount in the sports section. Some decent stuff in there.

TM, you're right. You are better than Milenko. Where would we be without you stealing other people's ideas and resporting the most obvious things in the world to us?
What did Jonny say?

Yep. That game you "designed", meaning redid not as well as Derf did at first, the "real" women of wrestling which was a joke and not funny, and various other things you've done have indeed sucked. You're not bad and I didn't say you were. Milenko does more though.
Milenko, I quite honestly think that the problem people have with your threads like The Women of pro-wrestling or Legends of pro-wrestling other than the copying and pasting is that they don't really know what they are suppose to post. Are they suppose to post what they think of the wrestler and then just leave? Or are they suppose to post what parts of their career they liked or not?

I think those threads would work better if you put what it says on wiki and then right under what you pasted you put your opinions on whatever it was that you pasted. This way people have something to debate about. Whether they agree or disagree with your opinions, people can come in and debate why something is this way or that way or w/e.

That's just my opinion and what I would do if I was you. But I could be wrong.


Head, Hit and Nail (in a different order). When information is just posted people dont know what to say to it, if you put an opinion into the post it will provoke people into debating it with you, and hey presto you've got yourself a great thread. I personally gave you green rep for that Punk Thread because it must have taken ages and even if you did copy and paste from wiki, that's how I got my degree so I've got no place to be ripping on you for it.

EDIT: Damn you, the arrows are aimed at SavageTaker

What did Jonny say?

Yep. That game you "designed", meaning redid not as well as Derf did at first, the "real" women of wrestling which was a joke and not funny, and various other things you've done have indeed sucked. You're not bad and I didn't say you were. Milenko does more though.

I am pretty sure I gave credit to Derf, even voting him as one of the 10 pillars of this forum...

You also seemed pleased on the game until you got eliminated.

And if it wasn't a funny joke, why did so many people laugh about it?
That fits pretty well ST.

TM, again, let me explain this to you. For one, you say Derf is a pillar of this forum. Excuse me for a second.


Sure I enjoyed it. I did until you somehow managed to fuck it up with those "additions" to it.

People laugh at things that aren't funny all the time, like Santina.

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