OIC: Opioid-Induced Constipation


The Phenom of WZ
Let's just get this out of the way. I'm an opioid addict. I didn't start because I was looking for thrills. I started because I was in a car wreck some years ago and broke my back. So for pain management, my Dr. gave me everything under the sun. Started me off with Lortab 5/500, went to 7.5/500, then 10/500, and finally ended up with oxycodone 30mg (blue A/215 Roxy). Needless to say, after my back had healed to 100% I was hooked. So I told my Dr that I was still experiencing intense pain in my lower back all the time. I actually was in pain all the time but it was nowhere near as bad as I made out. So my Dr. continued to give me monthly prescriptions for Lortab 10/500 (that's gone to norco 10/325 because the wonderful Lortab 10/500, you know, the Watson 540 is no longer made). At first my monthly script was for 30, then 60, then 90, eventually to 180. Needless to say, the script never lasted a full month. At first I was OK. Maybe 2 a day, then 4, then 6, then 10, then 15, up to about 25 to 30 pills a day.

I was spending anywhere from 40 to 80 bucks on pills daily. Well, I'm not rich, I had a job and still do, but I didn't make enough money to support myself and my habit. So I sold my belongings. Electronics first, then clothes, shoes, furniture, etc. When I ran out of stuff to sell or pawn, I started screwing over my friends and family. Anyways, one day while I was sitting on the floor of my empty apartment, (because I had no furniture left except the fridge and oven) in withdrawal because I had no money and no way to get any. I started to think about my life and what an asshole I had become. I'm a college educated man. I had a good job, I shouldn't be living like this. I had burned all ties to my family and friends because of the shit I had done. My life was pathetic. It was time to end it. So, I went to my neighbor's house and asked to use his phone so I could call my Dad one last time. After all, I didn't have my own phone because I sold it. So I called my Dad, in tears, apologizing for what I had done and for letting him down. He, being a parent I guess, knew something was wrong so he rushed over to my apartment. He had a key and came on in. I hadn't done anything yet but I was going to. He took me to a rehabilitation center where I tried to detox, however, I had been on the pills for so long that my body couldn't handle not having them. I started having seizures and what not. So the Dr. there put me on methadone maintenance. I take 50mg of methadone daily and I can live a normal life.

All is pretty much well and good. I've been pill free for over a year now. I've gotten new furniture and electronics for my place and, best of all, I have a relationship with my family again. The only problem is the methadone really makes me constipated. I mean I only go like once or twice a week and when I do go, it is the worst pain I've ever experienced. It hurts so bad that I'm afraid to go. I've tried everything; fiber, coffee, laxatives, stool softners, ect. It doesn't work.

Has anyone else ever experienced OIC and if so, how did you get through it? I could really use some help.
This is too much information to put on the internet.

Have you talked to a doctor yet? That would be step 1. Step 2 might be a diet change. Maybe switch to a more liquid based diet with soups, juices, and smoothies.
I am not a doctor and I know how this sounds but you are making this request on a wrestling forum so you shouldn't expect Mayo clinic level advice but have you considered using a sex tool to lube and open your anus?

It may limit the pain of crapping and you can't tell me there is no where in Las Vegas to find said equipment.
I am not a doctor and I know how this sounds but you are making this request on a wrestling forum so you shouldn't expect Mayo clinic level advice but have you considered using a sex tool to lube and open your anus?

It may limit the pain of crapping and you can't tell me there is no where in Las Vegas to find said equipment.

The reason that I asked on the forums was because I know I'm not the only person on here that's used opioids before. And yea, I've used lube but I didn't use a "sex toy" to administer the lube. It worked some what, but it was still very unpleasant.
When the hell did I get added to your sig? I remember the quote, and the context, but...Never noticed this before.
I don't think I'll be of any help with regards to your problem, but glad that you made that phone call to your dad. Don't even think of taking such a step again man :/ But yeah, it's gotta be a change of diet and usage of medicines, because you can't realistically use a make-shift solution to the problem like lube for that purpose for the rest of your life.
Also, is there no substitute for methadone? What would happen if you stopped taking it?

A lot of people I talk to about this say that I'm just trading pain pills for methadone, but they don't know what they're talking about. Methadone, at therapeutic levels, doesn't get you high. It simply attaches to the opioid receivers in the brain and stops withdrawal symptoms and psychological cravings for the pills/opioids. It allows an addict to get their life back. Not to mention the differences in price. I pay $20 per week for an outpatient program. In the program I get dosed with methadone daily, Meet with my counselor 3 times a week, I attend group meetings 3 times a week, and I'm drug tested once a week. It's wonderful to be able to sleep soundly at night and not worry daily about running out of pills. It's just beautiful.
I don't think I'll be of any help with regards to your problem, but glad that you made that phone call to your dad. Don't even think of taking such a step again man :/ But yeah, it's gotta be a change of diet and usage of medicines, because you can't realistically use a make-shift solution to the problem like lube for that purpose for the rest of your life.
Also, is there no substitute for methadone? What would happen if you stopped taking it?

If I were to stop taking methadone cold turkey, I'd go into withdrawal just as if I were kicking the pills. Instead, my rehabilitation Dr has built a 3 stage system for me. 1. Find my ideal therapeutic dose of methadone. Therapeutic for methadone means enough to stop withdrawal and cravings for pills but not enough to make you high or anything. For me that's 50mg daily. 2. Continue taking that dose along with counseling for 18 months. I know that seems like a long time, but once an addict always an addict. It's a marathon not a sprint. 3. Start tapering off of methadone. When I reach that stage, I'll go down 5mg weekly until I'm off. Once I'm off of methadone, I'll continue to be counseled and continue to attend group meetings. So far so good.
If I were to stop taking methadone cold turkey, I'd go into withdrawal just as if I were kicking the pills. Instead, my rehabilitation Dr has built a 3 stage system for me. 1. Find my ideal therapeutic dose of methadone. Therapeutic for methadone means enough to stop withdrawal and cravings for pills but not enough to make you high or anything. For me that's 50mg daily. 2. Continue taking that dose along with counseling for 18 months. I know that seems like a long time, but once an addict always an addict. It's a marathon not a sprint. 3. Start tapering off of methadone. When I reach that stage, I'll go down 5mg weekly until I'm off. Once I'm off of methadone, I'll continue to be counseled and continue to attend group meetings. So far so good.

How far into that process are you? Just curious.
Has anyone else ever experienced OIC and if so, how did you get through it? I could really use some help.

Not personally but I work in a hospital as a trainee pharmacist so yeah seen it.

It's a common side effect. Opiates slow down the digestive system. The easiest thing would be to go down to your pharmacy and buy some senna tablets. Opiates slow down your digestive system, Senna stimulates it, combating the effects. Take a couple at night before you go to bed. If that doesn't help enough you can also buy, or get prescribed an osmotic laxative like movicol which causes you to retain water in the bowel and soften the stool.

Hope that helps and good luck staying clean man.

Oh, and hi, everybody.

EDIT: having reread your post - there's really not much else that can deal with constipation except laxatives that work in different ways. If one does At my hospital third line is generally sodium docusate, which I'm pretty sure is a prescription only med. If nothing else does the trick, things like Picolax or Moviprep - products they use prior to colonoscopies for exactly the purpose you're thinking of. Other options would be enemas - phosphate enemas for relief of constipation are available OTC in the UK and glycerol suppositories also might be helpful.
Not personally but I work in a hospital as a trainee pharmacist so yeah seen it.

It's a common side effect. Opiates slow down the digestive system. The easiest thing would be to go down to your pharmacy and buy some senna tablets. Opiates slow down your digestive system, Senna stimulates it, combating the effects. Take a couple at night before you go to bed. If that doesn't help enough you can also buy, or get prescribed an osmotic laxative like movicol which causes you to retain water in the bowel and soften the stool.

Hope that helps and good luck staying clean man.

Oh, and hi, everybody.

EDIT: having reread your post - there's really not much else that can deal with constipation except laxatives that work in different ways. If one does At my hospital third line is generally sodium docusate, which I'm pretty sure is a prescription only med. If nothing else does the trick, things like Picolax or Moviprep - products they use prior to colonoscopies for exactly the purpose you're thinking of. Other options would be enemas - phosphate enemas for relief of constipation are available OTC in the UK and glycerol suppositories also might be helpful.

DO you have like, an alert for this forum whenever someone has a question relating to medication? You showed up out of nowhere... like an RKO.
Blame Haiku and that dipshit in prison. This thread was just the most recently posted in the barroom when I came back. Fortunate coincidence, I guess.
Oh God there has to be something that will work. I can't take this pain anymore when I go. It's so bad that sometimes, when I'm finished, it looks I had a period. I know, that's a bit much but we're all grown here.

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