Oh yeah, Layla is the new Divas Champion

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
Sort of forgot about that one. I really cannot ever recall an entire day going without someone creating a thread discussing a new champion.

So yeah, Layla made her long awaited return... I think she had been gone for a long time anyway. I forgot she even existed, honestly. I'm getting off track. She walked out of Extreme Rules as the new Divas Champion.

Any thoughts from you people who still care about this title or women's wrestling in general?
Apparently the lack of thread proves no one cares...

That said, I'm happy for Layla to be back, she at least freshens up a division that's been stale since Kharma had to sadly leave.

Hopefully Layla can inject some life, or at least be better eye candy than the Bellas/K2
Well the abrupt title change was a surprise, because she was never a standout on her own. When the surprise opponent was called and the music hit, 1st thing I thought was, "Oh, Michelle McCool's come back?" Lol.

Layla is the most attractive diva to me, but she never stood out on her own. I'm surprised they gave the belt to her so quickly, but I guess it shows the lack of faith in the other divas, & division period.

But whatever reason I could look at Layla, the better. You wanna get people back into Diva's matches? Layla vs. Kelly Kelly, Bra & Panties. Who's with me??
You can see she has really worked hard in her time away to develop as a performer, even from the few minutes in the ring she looked sharp and exciting on offense, plus she has a good personality and great look.

If they bring Kharma back as a heel then she could well be an ideal babyface foil for her.
when the music first hit i thought it was michelle mccool making her return sense i forgot layla was even still around but i was happy to see layla back i always liked her i think shes 1 of the few divas whos hot and talented she seems to be a bit better in the ring now then she was before i think shes gonna be a good top face in the divison but it makes me wonder who shes gonna fued with now that the bellas are gone,eves part of management and beth seems to be "injured" and out for a little while...maybe khrama comes back as a heel? :shrug:
I like Layla. She's not the best wrestler out there, but she works hard and I love how she over exaggerates everything and puts a lot of emotion into it. Whether it her being angry, sad, mean etc. She's always been very entertaining.
They tried really REALLY hard in the match. It wasn't a bad match either. So those of you who are shitting on it either didn't actually watch the match or have some sort of laughable "pro wrestling fan elitist" bullshit complex going on. At worst it was a mediocre match with a ton of effort thrown in.

I like that she won. She seemed to have some genuine emotion coming out when she won and she put a lot into the match. I think she'll get over. I'd rather see her as the "sexy face of the divas division" than titless, assless, "I wear hair extensions and too much makeup and am really just skinny and not really athletic at all" Kelly Kelly.
I'd rather see her as the "sexy face of the divas division" than titless, assless, "I wear hair extensions and too much makeup and am really just skinny and not really athletic at all" Kelly Kelly.

I dislike Kelly Kelly as much as the next wrestling fan, but did you really just call her titless? She has had a boob job just like 90% of the female roster, only hers aren't as insanely huge as some, calling her titless is like calling The Miz "muscleless" because he doesn't have the insane biceps Cena has...

Anyway, to stay on topic. Glad to have Layla back. The more good female performers we have, the better. Still gonna be waiting forever for WWE to let their divas wrestle properly (the ones that can at least: Beth Phoenix, Natalya, AJ and now Layla too).
I dislike Kelly Kelly as much as the next wrestling fan, but did you really just call her titless? She has had a boob job just like 90% of the female roster, only hers aren't as insanely huge as some, calling her titless is like calling The Miz "muscleless" because he doesn't have the insane biceps Cena has...

Hate to get off topic, but Kelly's are completely natural. I'm not trying to imply hers are small, but compared to the majority of the other Diva's that stick out 4 feet, she wears that thicker top for a reason.

Anyways, a thread was created yesterday by me, in the Spam section. It did sort of poke fun at how no one mentioned this yet either. I am glad Layla's back. I hate how the Diva's division is so irrelevant that someone can come back and immediately get the title like that, but I won't exactly complain since Layla really isn't terrible in the ring or to look at. I didn't see the match at ER, but supposedly it was pretty decent for a Diva's match.
I like Layla, she looks great and can at least run the ropes (unlike our good friend Kelly Kelly). That said, the Divas division has been in a holding pattern since Kharma left last year, no-one gives a damn because everyone is just waiting for her to come back.

They could have changed that with a nice Beth vs Natalya feud, but didn't pull the trigger on that one, so now we're stuck in the same mode as we have been for about a year now.

On Layla, I love her, think she's the best looking Diva of all time even, but I'd worry about her future. I could see her getting released around this time next year
I don't really understand why Layla debuted with Michelle McCool's theme. McCool just left like 18 minutes ago, and the theme doesn't fit Layla at all. But I don't know what I was expecting with the Divas. I didn't bat an eye when Layla showed up, and I didn't bat an eye when the Bellas were fired.
Chuck Finley said:
Any thoughts from you people who still care about this title or women's wrestling in general?

Here are my thoughts on the Divas title and the Diva's division....


WWE needs to devote more time to the Diva's division or they should just do away with it. You cannot get interested in a division that gets a whopping 5 minutes of TV time on both Monday and Friday nights COMBINED.

Until Beth Phoenix and Kharma start feuding, and until WWE starts bringing in women who can actually WRESTLE (like Beth Phoenix and Natalya), I couldn't care less about the Diva's division. I'll tune in to TNA for some somewhat decent women's wrestling.
I have never understood why people think Kelly Kelly is the most attractive, she looks like a derpington in every photoshoot ¬.¬

Layla on the other hand O.O

Im guessing WWE just needed a known, sexy looking, face diva to put over Kharma when she returns which is probably quite soon (unless its in like 3 months and they actually try building a division around Layla first, for the added effect/"putting-over-ness" on Kharma).
Love the love for Layla. She was always one of my favorites particularly when she was one half of Flawless. I was hoping the use of McCool's song was just going to be temporary until they come up with a song just for her.

Vince likes them blond and busty, so Kelly Kelly or someone very much like her, will always be there. I agree with others that looks like a stick with a wig and boobs.

From the start, Layla was more athletic and coordinated than Kelly Kelly. With her injury, some would have just decided to hang up their boots, but she obviously worked very hard to come back. I would like to see her hold the diva's belt for a little while. Kharma could come back and terrorize the diva's division destroying opponents one by one as if she's moving Layla's "friends" out of the way from protecting her and her title. That would allow us a couple of months of vignettes before we actually get a ppv match between Lay and Kharma.
Kelly Kelly is not one of more in-ring talented divas on the roster, but hell she isn't entirely bad. Every single one of those divas back stage has there own potential. If WWE would stop putting the divas in their ass and actually give them more than 5 minutes a week, then maybe you would see a difference in the performance of each diva. If you watched the match at Wrestle Mania it was pretty decent the Kelly Kelly's flip of the top rope was incredible.

Now to Layla, honestly when I got the text to my phone Beth was unable to compete and that Nikki Bella would be given a surprise opponent, I ultimately thought of Kharma. But I was surprised to see Layla, I had forgotten about her and thought Michelle, when her music hit.

Honestly, Layla added back to the roster isn't going to do anything for the Division unless WWE gets their heads out of their asses and put some time and effort into a storyline.
I like seeing Layla back since she is easy on the eyes and at least can wrestle. But hopefully they have her defend the divas titles more on tv and bring back some type of prestige before Kharma returns
I'm just glad they got the belt off the Bellas. The butterfly belt is embarrassing enough without their names attached to it.

So glad to see Layla back. She's cute, she can wrestle, and she's decent on the mic. Now if only they'd actually DO something with the division!
I loved seeing layla return. she is the hottest diva by far (well her, aksana, and natalya) in the wwe today and she can wrestle :D. it's sad, i wanted to start this thread but i figured by the time i got home from work it would have been done (yet not a single fuck was given). I for one am glad to see her return, she has to beat the shit out of some whimpy ass divas. Kharma and beth are both divas i hope to see her feud with in the very near future. Hopefully ms layla can bring some legitimacy back to the divas division.....

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