[Official] WZT Prediction Contest


the Frog
[9th Annual Wrestlezone Tournament Prediction Contest]


It's that time again! We have successfully crowned three winners in the past and it is time to find our fourth!

:previous Prediction Contest Winners:
Papa Pillman


1.) Unfortunately, you will have to register with an email to participate in this. We had 50+ who participated the last three years, so I hope that we can reach that much, if not more, this year. If you participated last year, then your account should still work for the website. I apologize for the inconvenience of registering your email, but it will only take you a few seconds to register and then check your email for a verification link.

2.) Here is how you fill out a bracket on the site:
->Click on the link at the bottom of the page.
->Click on the Championship Bracket link
->Click "Predict It!" at the top
->Click "Register Here" or login
->Follow the instructions
->Create a bracket

3.) Please use your forum name for your account name on the website so that I can recognize who is the owner of the bracket.

4.) Entries will remain hidden until after the deadline.

5.) I will post score updates in this thread at the end of each round.

6.) Brackets submitted after the deadline will not be eligible.

Other Information

Notes: Each predictor's score is determined by adding 1 point for each correctly predicted first round match, then doubling for each additional round, e.g. 2 points for correct 2nd round predictions, 4 points for 3rd round, and so on.

Prediction Deadline: 3/18/2015 12AM (Pacific Time Zone). Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the beginning of voting for the tournament, so the cut off will be at 12AM (Pacific Time) on Wednesday. I would advise filling out brackets ASAP so that you do not forget. We have a quick turnaround this year. Predictions that are completed after the deadline will simply be marked as late predictions. Late predictions will not be eligible.

|Link to Bracket Maker|

Good luck, gentlemen.

I will try to put together some kind of unique prize for the winner.
We had a low turnout this year of 13 completed predictions. One of them being late. However, as always, here are the stats on who is the most common predicted winner.

  1. Brock Lesnar (5)
  2. Steve Austin (4)
  3. Bruno Sammartino (1)
    John Cena(1)
    The Rock (1)
    Hulk Hogan (1)

Since there is a low turnout, I'll pick a second tier winner from the late predictions for all of those that turn in a bracket before the end of the first batch of voting. I'll only do this if we can get at least 10 total late predictions.
I couldn't get signed into my Bracket Maker account. I'll try again in the morning.
Got it in late, been working.
Got Undertaker going to win it, after this forum arse-licks Daniel Bryan to the finals.
Round 1 Results: Top 10



Our top four has three of our previous champs.

I'll be a little delayed for the next round or two. I will be on vacation all of next week and will be without internet.
Round 3 Results​



Yep, we completely skipped Round 2. Funkay surged up from 7th place to take the #1 spot. However, our former champions are still hanging around the top 5.
Top 10 [Round 5 Results]



Sorry for the delay, guys. Theo is in the lead, but Nate is right behind him. Funkay was first last time, but he now sits at 4th. I think at this point it only a two-person race. Unless John Cena shocks us all.
[Final Results]



There we have it. Mr. Predictions himself, Theo Mays, takes it in our fourth annual tournament. We now have four unique champions. Props to Nate for coming really close to being our first double champ. Also, I beat Yaz. We have a year before the next one, but I know I didn't run this one very well this year because of my schedule. We'll see how I feel about tackling it next year.

Thanks to all of those who participated. I never got final confirmation on prizes, so just enjoy bragging rights for the year!


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