*Official* Wrestling Wars Podcast thread

Mighty NorCal

New Year kicking off right with Body Guy JOhnson of Progress wrestling monday!!

Any questions you guys would like me and the guests to tackle on the podcast, throw them up here!!

Ill do the new episode notifications and show discussion in here from now on.

We have been setting new records each episode and are now well above ten thousand total downloads. Thanks everyone for all the support.
We will alsoooo have a mega-pod preview of Lucha Underground Season two!! Our two big time LU experts will introduce you to the promotion, and set you up for success in Season 2!

That Show will release next weekend!
Pretty stoked about the LU preview. Body Guy was also a really cool guest for his first appearance. If I were to make a request, it would be more Barbosa/Peter Crawford, but I understand those take time to research.
Basically, the deal on that is

(and he is likely to try to come in here and be all humble and refute this)

Is not only do they take a lot of research, but he has things going on and other research and projects to get together for his professional life, so its only professional of me to leave him plenty of room and space to do those things, as he truly is doing my show a huge favor by lending so much time and knowledge to it.

The next one(s) will be soon enough, and itll be a ball buster.
As we said in the planning of previous podcasts, the period we are dealing with is just ridiculously interesting, with so much going on. You can go from the first Persian invasion in 490BC down to maybe 31BC and have almost no respite from military action and adventure. And even then after that period you have the politics, scandals, expansion and revolts of the Roman Empire.

The Peloponnesian War will be great though. 27 years of conflict between the two Greek defeaters of the Persian invasion.

And even then, for many (including NorCal I think, although not really me), it is only a prelude to the actual Great...

As for my return, it can take a little time for both Norcs and myself to get enough notes together for his questions and my answers. January/February is probably my busiest time this year as I am helping rewrite and teach a Roman history course and a talk at my old school plus the four or five other projects underway. Pity none of it is paid...

That said, I am more than pleased to hear Norcs and my chats about Greeks are well-received.
Барбоса;5385645 said:
That said, I am more than pleased to hear Norcs and my chats about Greeks are well-received.

History has always fascinated me. I know there's a TON to cover, concerning the Greeks, but are there plans to expand outside of Ancient Greece, if you guys ever finish that up? (I mean that as in there's a ton to cover, not that you guys don't have the work ethic)

The first of THREE episodes this week, Bodyguy Johnson of Progress Wrestling appears on the show!! Just released now!

Wednesday, We will have Ty Burna and KillJoy along to give you guys a big run down and preview of Lucha Underground!!!

Friday we will have our big Royal Rumble preview show!!
Taya Valkyrie? Never heard of her. Let's check Google.

You three went the whole episode without once mentioning Angelico diving like 50 feet...

Great episode though!
There is so much to cover on that. The best part was Vampiro getting out of the announce table and just randomly dashing around ringside when Angelico does it.
There is so much to cover on that. The best part was Vampiro getting out of the announce table and just randomly dashing around ringside when Angelico does it.

:lmao: Yeah he was actually pretty awesome, once I got past Striker. And I think the second leap may have been better, because I thought there's no way they're going to do that again.

I think you guys covered all the major stuff, except the Trios titles.
Royal Rumble review sometime before monday, whenever I can get KB to keep his pants on for 40 minutes.

I think im going to start a second channel for the football/Comics-movies and History episodes.

Now that we are doing thousands of downloads per episode, im not trying to drive away listeners.

So keep an eye out for those if you enjoy those episodes.
:lmao: Yeah he was actually pretty awesome, once I got past Striker. And I think the second leap may have been better, because I thought there's no way they're going to do that again.

I think you guys covered all the major stuff, except the Trios titles.

Super late to this conversation, but as KJ said it would have been at least a 2 hour episode just going over fucking everything. Besides, if it got people hyped to go check out season 1 we can't spoil everything for them :).
Regarding question why Zayn is Nakamura's opponent, I've read it's because Zayn is familiar with the strong style Nakamura is used to working & will be able to help him adapt from that into a more WWE friendly style.
Yea that was the biggest thing I could guess on the show, is that Zayn would be the guy who could help Nakamura make the biggest splash possible right off. I bet they will be working together a lot down at the PC to prep
Yea that was the biggest thing I could guess on the show, is that Zayn would be the guy who could help Nakamura make the biggest splash possible right off. I bet they will be working together a lot down at the PC to prep

Probably why Nakamura pulled out of ROH's 14th Anniversary PPV

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