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[OFFICIAL] Wrestlemania 27 Aftermath and Reviews


Unregistered User
Wrestlemania 27 has come and gone, greatness was witnessed, history was made, and hopefully a good time was had by all.

So what did you think? Did you enjoy the show? Did you hate it? What would you have changed? How does this rank among other Wrestlemanias? Please keep all Wrestlemania aftermath discussion and reviews in this thread.

Reminder: Don't spam! You must provide reasoning to back up your opinions.
- Del Rio buried
- Corre buried
- Boring ass Edge retains the championship
- Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan canceled
- Randy Orton turning into John Cena

- Del Rio buried
- Corre buried
- Boring ass Edge retains the championship
- Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan canceled
- Randy Orton turning into John Cena


Edge is way better than Del Rio, who has a set of three moves, and Cody Rhodes is great IMO

Otherwise, I agree with you completely

Changes that I would make are bolded
Edge vs Del Rio - Great/ Done excellently
Cody vs Rey - Good/Done pretty well
Corre vs Team Big Show - Terrible/Make the match Longer
Orton vs Punk - Overrated Orton wins in a boring match, that was almost saved by Punk/ Punk deserved the win
Lawler vs Cole - Went on for Far too long/Shorten the time BIG TIME
Undertaker vs HHH - Amazing 5/5/Nothing to change
Team Snooki and Trish vs Team Laycool - Same as Corre's match/Take the divas out
Cena vs Miz - Not main even worthy/Match shoul've gone on longer

Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus not being added caused me to cancel this waste of time for a show

Nice ending with The Rock though
Worst WM by far...

1. no belt changed hands and by doing so they buried some of the roster.
2. nothing of note happened to change any of the storylines except maybe taker v hhh
3. nothing was unpredictable at all, nothing
4. there was pushes for terrible talent such as rhodes...and nothing for up and coming talent
5. matches were slow, and ultimately nothing more than just another RAW/SMACKDOWN...
6. When Snooki is the only surprise....
7. Best match was HHH and Taker....what an unbelievable ending just to let take keep his streak? wow...

I have almost no hope for wwe after this disaster.....
This was the biggest waste of time and money I've spent in years.

The Undertaker and HHH are old and should have been in a wheelchair match. Their 10 moves took 40 minutes... yet the WWE would cut Danielson and Sheamus?!?

The first half was OK, but when the most exciting part of the 2nd half was seeing Snooki flipping across the ring like the Great Muta, you know the WWE has finally screwed up royally.
This one was a bit of a lackluster 'Mania because they wanted to direct all their energy into Cena, Rock and Miz which was also pretty bad. The mainevent itslef wasn't long at ALL.

Corre was just...buried. Wade's gotta move on and these guys should just go back to FCW because this was just embarassing.

Sheamus vs DBD? WTF?! SERIOUS?! CANCELLED?? I mean really, they cancelled a match where you could have an unbelievable match for a moronic burial of the Corre?

Edge vs Del Rio I was surprised because I saw Del Rio going over and Christian being involved. Guess that's for another day...

Taker vs HHH This was a bit better than I expected especially the chairshots to the head. Almost had be going for 18-1 there.... Good match.

Orton vs Punk: Fun match, predictable ending. RKO. They should have made Punk try to punt him and Randy does his RKO. But overall second best match of the night.

Snooki...Absolute clusterfuck.

Cena vs Miz: Disappointing. Incredibly disappointing. This was a main event of Mania, not Raw. The crows was silent and these guys barely did anything. Though I admit they had a nice wrestling match it should have gone on much more longer than it did. I suppose for now, I'm just glad we have a Cena/Rock setup.

Overall: C+ Though it was mania it didn't feel like it was Mania. It was DEFINITELY not Mania 26 or 25. I think this goes to show that Del Rio, Miz and Morrison need more feuds and more work before they headline Mania and I think that they sacrificed Mania 27 for a potentially terrific Mania 28, 29 and 30.

Good show. Not 50 bucks worth though. But good show. ... Good thing I didn't pay for it ;D
while i agree the culmination of the matches was subpar...the ending redeemed the entire show...

Del Rio loss was a real head scratcher. Why the fuck would you bury someone who has been gaining so much heat and momentum and then crush him. I feel like this is a political move (having to do with christian). They're going to have to showcase Del Rio like a diamond ring on smackdown to bring him back...what a downer. Also very boring having edge win.

Corre was seriously buried...i mean what the hell..they were a powerhouse. They're decorated...this loss was vince mcmahon spitting on the IC championship belt and tag team belts. My guess is they wanted to ride big show's pop with movie but ran out of storyline...

Cody rhodes was the lone bright spot up to that point. Although out of all of them he probably needed the push and was deserving ever since legacy split up and he was more talented than ted dibiase.

Sheamus vs Daniel bryan was a surprise. They should have done US champ vs IC champ...at least that would be a great showing on WM

Randy orton was always john cena the second coming, except he had one more facial expression than cena...wow boring, talentless shit. CM PUNK made that match and it could have been so much better with punk winning. Now they HAVE to push Nexus' return.

Taker vs HHH - was actually believable in the pain that went on. I would have wanted to see more weapons used...but i like the finish a lot, more than the HBK finishes in the last 2 WMs (since they were practically identical). Very good match ended on a submission hold. +1

The ziggler match - wtf...enough said. squash match. should have went before the taker/hhh match

Fuck you john cena...why does the challenger come out last? So BS...plus the video montages makes you think Miz really has made it pretty far and he's deserving. Cena is self-proclaimed hypocrite. wtf all cena says is lies...why would you feed this shit to children? Miz actually deserves to win this match. they better do something with cena, cuz his gimmick or non-gimmick is 5 years overdue
Well first match was good IMO, personally i don't think del rio is ready to be champ so I was hoping for an edge win, and i got my wish..

Rhodes v Mysterio, i thought, was played out well, genuinly looked as if rey was going to win, and rhodes snuck a win

Orton v Punk was ok.. Didn't really mind who was going to win that match.

now to the ranting.. :D

Corre: why bury them? what will kane show santino and kofi do together, i think kane and show may get tag titles, but seriously, barrett and zeke have so much potential, and they barely got any ring time, stupid decision.

Sheamus v Bryan.. WHY CANCEL THIS? I'm sure fans wouldn't mind if you added another match in, this years card wasn't that packed, at least let khali join the match and you have a triple threat right there.

Taker v HHH: Stupid.

I mean come on, really? take 2 pedigree's. Ok, not 3, then a beat down with a chair...
ridiculous finish aswell, good match, ridiculous end..

Cena v Miz. Really boring match, another match with a ridiculous ending, may as well of ended it on the double countout... suppose it opens the door for a Miz Jomo fued, which I'm happy about.

Snooki, and the other people v the other people

that's basically all you need to know, Jomo did a pretty cool reverse starship pain thing, short match, ended with some back-handstand variation.. Both Jomo and ziggler underused.

and finally, King v Cole... WHY!

Just let king squash him and give everyone what they wanted, that could of been ten minutes shorter allowing DB v sheamus to happen.. bad decision.

Overall, I did enjoy wrestlemania, but purely for the wrestling content.. Endings of matches/winners were stupid, certinally one of the poorest WM's in recent memory.
I didn't see the PPV sadly but I did follow the play by play. Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus didn't make the main card and was reduced to a dark match? I think that's a bit disappointing as I think it would've been a very solid match and a great way to kick off the live show.

Can't say I'm surprised about most of the results. I was also expecting Rock to cost Cena the title. That said, the Cena/Rock match everyone is salivating over seems to he a lock for sometime in the future. I'm curious where Miz goes from here? I'd love for him to (finally) have a program with Morrison that will culminate with a title match at the next PPV.

Sounded like a solid PPV overall but like I said, I didn't watch it. :(
WWE Wrestlemania XXVII
April 3rd, 2011
Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia
Attendance: 71,617

Let's just call this my "rough draft" review for now. I'll watch the show again tomorrow and clean this bad boy up then, but until then, without further ado, let's get to the review. We open the show with The Rock entering the Georgia Dome. My oh my what a crowd tonight ladies and gentlemen, we're looking at a legit sellout and somewhere in the 75-80,000 persona range according to preliminary reports. The Rock gets a nice pop and hits the ring, waiting a suitable amount of time before beginning his welcoming promo to everyone for tonight's show. Rock cracks his first Cena joke of the night and surprisingly it doesn't go over as well as they have at the last few shows. It looks like we actually do have our fair share of Cena fans here tonight. A small "Fruity Pebbles!" chant starts up while I gaze at the incredible entrance ramp get-up that they've constructed this year. The Rock takes a sip of "the People's water" and leads the crowd in a "Yabba-Dabba" chant before doing some of his other signature lines (the millions, If You Smell, etc) to pop the crowd. That wraps up our opening promo from The Rock and we get our traditional Wrestlemania video package, which is very well done as always.

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, and Jerry Lawler

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Edge © vs, Alberto Del Rio

Strange to see this match going on first, but I guess Vince wanted to shake things up. Christian is at ringside for Edge here tonight, while Brodus Clay is at ringside for Del Rio and most expect him to win this match. Basic feeling out stuff to start until Edge back-drops Del Rio out of the ring. He follows him out only for Del Rio to toss him into the barricade and slam his arm into the steel steps. Back inside Del Rio gets a quick two count. Del Rio sets up for the cross armbar, but Edge counters into the Edge-ecution. Edge tries for a rollup but Del Rio counters into his flying armbar finisher! Edge quickly gets the rope break however. Edge goes to the top rope but Del Rio hits that running enziguri of his and sends Edge flying while Brodus Clay tosses Christian around on the outside like a ragdoll. DDT from Edge and the chants for the spear start up. Del Rio side steps the spear though and Del Rio puts Edge into his flying armbar finisher once again, but Edge counters into a near fall. He applies his sharpshooter variation that he's been using in recent weeks while Christian takes out Clay on the outside with a big DDT off the apron! Edge hits the spear on Del Rio...and that's it? Spear finishes it for Edge at 11:05. Shocking match to be honest, everyone expected Del Rio to go over here but Edge disposed of him in little over ten minutes. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a credit to Edge or a knock on Del Rio, but either way this certainly should have been given more time than it was. It was fairly good while it lasted though. **¾

After the match Edge destroys Del Rio's car. Christian comes out with a pair of tire irons and they really put a work to the vintage Rolls Royce.

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Mysterio's outfit this year is a Captain America costume and mask, and it doesn't look bad, but the crowd doesn't seem to care about it. Then again, hard to tell what is and isn't getting over in a stadium this big with this many people in it. This match had great build due to some surprisingly good promos by Rhodes in the preceding weeks. Mysterio hits a big hurricanrana to start off, but Rhodes comes back with a forearm smash. Rhodes takes the upper hand from here, grinding Mysterio down on the mat with a nerve hold of all things, very old school. Mysterio goes to the top rope but Rhodes meets him there and holds him up in the air in a delayed superplex for a good 15-20 seconds which is an awesome visual and gets Cody a nice pop and a couple of chants.This is truly villain vs. hero here with the corresponding face gear to accompany the theme. Cody goes to the floor and Rey follows him out, giving him a hurricanrana into the ring apron as the ref applies his count. Back inside the ring Rey hits a seated senton and then rolls Cody up for a close two count. Rhodes counters an armdrag into a big wheelbarrow suplex, but Rey fights back with a springboard hurricanrana and sets Rhodes up for the 619. He goes for it but Rhodes catches his legs and kind of just drops him there and gets another near fall. Rhodes goes to take the knee brace off of Rey Mysterio, the thing that started this whole feud in the first place when Mysterio broke Cody's nose with it. Cody strips it off Rey moonsaults back into the ring on him earning Rey a near fall of his own. Rey takes Rhodes mask off and Rey sets up for, and hits the 619 this time! Splash off the top and sick boot to Rhodes face, 1-2--NOO! Rhodes kicks out. Mysterio puts on Rhodes' creepy plastic mask now and gives him a flying headbutt while Cole freaks out on commentary. Mysterio hits a springboard diving headbutt with the mask but Rhodes kicks out at two somehow. Rey goes for the tope but Rhodes slams the knee brace he stripped off Rey earlier into Rey's face and hits the Cross Rhodes back inside for the win at 12:00! Good match here as they worked the masks and knee brace into the contest while Mysterio bumped his tail off for a little over ten minutes for Cody Rhodes. Good stuff, and Mysterio puts Rhodes over very nicely. ***¼

Backstage Snoop Dogg is in the house, so of course he meets up with Teddy Long. RACISM! Or not. Long says he's lined up some talent for Snoop and out comes William Regal...who then busts a freestyle rap on Snoop that's actually pretty decent. Khali and Beth Phoenix try singing a song from Grease but Snoop doesn't like that either. Zach Ryder stars singing that Samantha Black YouTube song or whatever and Roddy Piper pops up behind him to take him out! Chris Masters tries doing a pec dance but that doesn't work either. Hornswoggle comes up next trying to act gangsta, but Long fills Snoop in that Hornswoggle can't really talk. He just sort of...mumbles. Suddenly...Hornswoggle starts speaking English, and cuts a lame little freestyle but the crowd loves it. I've seen worse WWE comedy segments.

Big Show/Kane/Santino Marella/Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett/Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater/Ezekiel Jackson

Kozlov was originally booked here but they kayfabe (or not?) "injured" Kozlov and inserted Kofi into this match. Slater starts us off with the Big Show who quickly comes in and takes charge. This is just your glorified comedy match segment for the night as all four of the faces hit some of their signature moves and quickly dispatch of The Corre in 1:40 after the Knockout punch from Show. Just total filler here, and frankly I'm pissed this made the show while Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan got bumped down to a dark match, that's just bullshit. I'm angry and this offended me, so we;re going with the good old DUD rating here.

The Rock and Eve are talking backstage, where they talk about "magical Wrestlemania moments". The Rock says he's going to create an incredible moment with whoever comes around him next. It's Mae Young of course. Mae wants the People's strudel, of course. Rock cracks a few old jokes on Mae and I can't tell if he's being heelish or not. Mae grabs Dwayne's ass of course. Rock says "it couldn't have been anyone else", and he turns around there's STONE COLD. They have an intense little standoff and shake hands and everyone marks the fuck out, myself included.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

Punk shoots for the leg to start but Orton counters and clotheslines him out of the ring. He follows him out and tries to toss Punk into the steps, but Punk just steps over them and hits a cross-body back in the ring for a two count. Punk dominates here, hitting a running knee into Orton in the corner. Punk hangs Orton up in the tree of woe and then hits a doublestomp for another near fall. Punk tries for the GTS but can't hit it so he settles on a kick instead. He goes to the top rope but Orton crotches him and hits a superplex for a two count. Punk locks a figure four on Orton but he punches his way out of it eventually. Orton hits the quick powerslam and then continues the assault on Punk with an Olympic slam for another two count. Punk hits a series of kicks and locks in the Anaconda Vice! Orton rolls into the ropes though and the submission hold is broken. Orton slams Punk's head into the ringpost and then hits his trademark elevated DDT from the second rope before going into full-on Viper mode, canvas-pounding and all. Orton goes for the punt, but the legwork from earlier pays off and Orton collapses to the mat. Orton tries for the RKO but Punk just barely avoids it. Punk springboards back into the ring and Orton catches him with the RKO and that's enough for the pin at 14:37. Pretty awesome match while it lasted, they did some simple limb psychology and both men worked hard while they were out there. Great finish too. ***¼

We go to the Hall of Fame segment now with everyone from Sunny to Road Warrior Animal and Paul Ellering getting a pop until they announce Shawn and the place goes wild with HBK chants.

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Michael Cole

Stone Cold is your special guest referee, and here to announce the show is Booker T. But they bring in the real treat with good ol' Jim Ross joining Josh Matthews and Booker T now at the commentary table. Great to hear JR at the booth again. Cole comes out in wrestling gear complete with the helmet and all. Cole cracks on Ross a bunch here and gets some nice heat, saying he's going to become the new Mr. Wrestlemania. Swagger joins him out now as well but as he's doing his push-ups, the glass shatters and Austin drives out on an awesome 4x4RTV, which scares Cole back into the "Cole Mine" (a large glass enclasing that Cole has been using in recent weeks to avoid attacks from the King. King comes out and Austin starts the match. King disposes of Swagger quickly and Cole backs down in his glass box as Lawler wants him to get in the ring. Nuclear heat as Cole tries to reason with Jerry with a handshake out of a little opening in the box turns nasty as the King pulls on his arm and his face squishes against the glass in comedic fashion. Jerry jumps into the Cole Mine and beats the tar out of Cole for a bit before opening the door and tossing him into the RAW GM microphone stand.Swagger is back now though and attacks King while Cole distracts Austin. Cole hits a baseball slide and Swagger tries an ankle lock on Lawler, but he fights him off. Cole hits the old Vader/Swagger bomb spot, but it looks terrible which I guess is kind of the point. Cole looks like a total geek. Cole tries working Jerry's ankle and a small "boring" chant starts up. Cole slaps on the ankle lock bur King breaks the hold and hammers Cole, causing Swagger to throw in the towel to try and end the match for Cole, but Austin will have none of that of course and gives a stunner to Swagger while Booker T calls Austin "his dog" in a moment that I can only hope is already a wrestling meme by the time I finish watching this match. King hits a flying dropkick of all things on Cole and then goes to the second rope for his classic fistdrop, but he lifts Cole's shoulder up at the count of two and then Lawler locks him into the ankle lock while Cole taps and screams like a girl to lose at 13:55. After the match Booker can't stand seeing everyone drinking beers and celebrating without him so he hits the ring and does the Wrestlemania Spin-a-rooni until Austin gives Booker the stunner! Sweet. Suddenly the anonymous GM gives us an e-mail and says Austin wasn't unbiased, and so Cole wins by DQ. You're not supposed to kill the messenger, but Lawler doesn't care and throws Josh Matthews into the ring for a stunner from Austin. This was just.a strange segment. and match all around. It was all over the place really. **

The King rejoins the commentary team. JR and the King, calling Wrestlemania. That is what I want god damnit, THANK YOU for giving it to me.

No Holds Barred Match
Undertaker vs. Triple H

This had almost no hype until this last week's RAW, when Hunter, Taker, and HBK all cut great promos. First things first, in what has become a new kind of tradition, the entrances here are very unique. Metallica is being played for Triple H's entrance, For Whom the Bell Tolls in particular which is pretty sick. They have a ton of medieval looking dudes with shields out on the stage for Hunter's entrance here. This leads up to Triple H's traditional Motorhead music playing and him hitting the ring to a nice pop.Undertaker's gong hits and the lights go out.Johnny Cash's "Ain't No Grave" plays again for Undertaker here and as I've said before, it's utterly brilliant and chilling to the bone, perfectly fitting for Undertaker's character, especially given that he's now apparently "the last outlaw" a lot like Johnny Cash was. As soon as the bell rings The Game attacks Undertaker immediately with big punches only for the Undertaker to just toss him up and over the top rope. Big match atmosphere for this one. Undertaker tosses Hunter into the steel steps and then sets his eyes on the Spanish announcer's table, but Triple H kind of just spears him into the Cole Mine and it kind of just falls apart. That didn't really hurt 'Taker, just pissed him off and it shows. Back inside Undertaker hits a big clothesline.'Taker goes to walk the ropes but Hunter just throws him off and sends him to the floor outside. Triple H tosses Undertaker into the little ring announcer's corner and big chants start up for him. He bounces Taker's head off the announce table and Triple H goes for the pedigree, but Undertaker counters with a huge backdrop sending him to the floor! Triple H tries to regain his composure while the Undertaker hits the ring, but he gets impatient and does his trademark suicide dive over the top ropes to Triple H like a heat-seeking missile. They both take a bit to recover and Undertaker runs into Triple H again in front of the Spanish announcer's table, but Triple H grabs him and hits a huge spinebuster on the Undertaker through the table! Back inside the ring Undertaker hits the chokeslam though and gets a close two count. They go into a nifty little reversal sequence with each of them teasing one of their finishers until Triple H hits another big spinebuster. He grabs a steel chair from ringside and brings it into the ring only to eat a boot to the face. Undertaker nails Hunter a few times with the steel chair, but The Game comes back with the Pedigree, 1-2--NOO! Undertaker gets the shoulder up! The crowd is liking this, but this is a far cry from HBK/Taker. Triple H tries for a superplex but Undetaker counters with the Last Ride only for Hunter to get his shoulder up at two this time.Undertaker nails him with the Tombstone, but Triple H kicks out again! Crowd definitely bought that near fall. Undertaker tries for another tombstone but Triple H counters with a DDT onto the steel chair. He hits ANOTHER pedigree but AGAIN Undertaker kicks out. In WWE kayfabe terms, this is akin to getting shot in the face. A third pedigree, but again Taker won't stay down so Triple H decides he's going to make him stay down and beats him down with several vicious steel chair shots. Undertaker somehow gets back to his feet and Hunter just NAILS him again with the chair. It's not often you'll see guys take a steel chair shot straight to the head that way anymore in the WWE, but these two guys obviously know and trust each other enough to take some pretty vicious punishment in this one. These were Chris Benoit-like steel chair shots, spine-tingling ones. Hunter even gives the Undertaker a TOMBSTONE, but AGAIN Undertaker kicks out. "This is awesome!" chants ring out and for once I may have to agree, despite how over-the-top they're going with Taker kicking out of so many finishers. Hunter goes for the sledge hammer but when he comes back in the ring the Undertaker locks him into the Gogoplata submission! Triple H somehow survives it though and grabs the sledge hammer, trying to take Undertaker out, but he can't even hold the sledge hammer anymore as he grows weaker and weaker as Taker really works the submission until Triple H finally taps at 29:25. This did in fact live up to the hype they had going for it. It wasn't quite on the same level as those HBK/Taker matches, no, but it was a totally different kind of match and it was worked brilliantly for what it was. Triple H puts 'Taker over seven ways to Sunday here, and both men brought the goods for a match that definitely delivered the "big match" feeling they were going for. Brutal match really. ****

After the match Undertaker can't even walk he's so battered and beaten. Triple H looks as if he might want to help Undertaker to his feet, but the refs just tell him to take off and he does it. With "Ain't No Grave" playing over this, it's incredibly atmospheric stuff. Undertaker looks seriously dead, and by god, he actually acts like he's dead, complete with no eye movement or pulse and everything. Finally Undertaker gets up and they take him away on a stretcher cart.

Wrestlemania next year is announced for April 1st in Miami.

John Morrison/Trish Stratus/Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler/Michelle McCool/Layla

Vickie doesn't seem to get her usual nuclear heat, but oh blame it on being drained from the Undertaker-Triple H bout. Snooki doesn't get the massive heat people might have expected as this crowd just seems more indifferent to her than anything.Snooki slaps Dolph before the match even officially starts. McCool and Trish are in the ring and this is actually a women's match I'd like to see. Trish was always good and McCool isn't bad. Trish counters McCool's Styles Clash attempt and tries for the Stratusfaction hurricanrana, but both women end up fighting each other to the floor. Layla eats a shot from Trish and then Stratus comes off the apron with a double clothesline. Well look at Trish, 5 years out of the ring and minimal ring rust. Trish hits the Chick Kick but Ziggler breaks the count up and gets sent to the floor, where Morrison hits Starship Pain to Ziggler on the floor! Snooki tags in now and you can hear some boos. Snooki does a freaking handspring back elbow! She hits a splash and that's enough to pin McCool at 3:21. Wow, this was incredibly short but I guess that's really all it needed to be. Morrison tried to get some good stuff in and Trish looked great while Snooki provides the biggest WTF moment of the year with her crazy handspring back elbow that was incredibly athletic. Fun popcorn filler. **

71,617 is the announced attendance here in the Georgia Dome, which is a record for ANY event at the Georgia Dome apparently, which is just incredible. Huge crowd to say the least.

WWE Title Match
The Miz © vs. John Cena

More epic entrances here. Before the match we get a flashback to The Miz back in his Real World days, while he was watching all of the Attitude Era Wrestlemanias. He's come an incredibly long way to say the least, and this video package sums it up PERFECTLY with Puff Daddy's "Hate Me Now" playing along with it. Seriously one of the best video packages I have EVER seen and they basically are confirming that this crowd will be cheering for The Miz over Cena. He comes out with Alex Riley by his side and a huge foam "Awesome" behind him. For Cena's entrance we get a huge choir singing some harmonics for the intro. We hear a DMX speech right now while a great video package plays for Cena, which sounds incredibly weird but comes off awesome. Cena still gets some boos and he comes out with a brand new t-shirt on and hits the ring. Ref calls for the bell a bit early in a funny goof. Cena quickly powers out of a headlock attempt from Miz and they lock-up. Miz hits a big clothesline and gets an early two count. Cena hits a gut-wrench suplex for a quick two count and Miz comes back with a nice side-slam for a near fall of his own. Miz starts to gain the upper hand here, laying in shots on Cena. Cena starts up the comeback, hitting the pumphandle slam and the Five Knuckle shuffle to a chorus of boos. He tries for the Attitude Adjustment but Miz counters with a stiff DDT.Cena tries for the STFU, but Miz gets to the ropes.Riley exposes a steel turnbuckle and Miz slams him into it and hits the Skull Crushing Finale, but Cena kicks out at two! Miz tries for it again but he bumps the ref and Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment, but the ref is out. Riley comes into the ring and smashes Cena over the head with the briefcase as the referee comes back to, but Cena kicks out at two again! Cena hits an elevated Attitude Adjustment on Miz, but Miz kicks out as well to the disbelief of the crowd. Cena does the old 3 point stance run and dash outside on Riley, taking him out. Miz tries hopping the barrier but ends up getting speared over it by Cena on the floor. The referee...counts to 10? They call it a draw at 15:00. After the "match" The Rock's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring of course, as this is what everyone has really been waiting for, to see what happens. We get the anonymous GM email noise again and this time The Rock goes to read it while a big "Rocky!" chant starts up. Rock says "It doesn't matter what YOU think". Rock says there's no way that Wrestlemania is over and demands this match be restarted, with No DQ and no countout. Cena hits the ring but as soon as he does, The Rock gives him the Rock Bottom! Miz crawls over and gets the cover for the 3 count and the official win at 19:47. This was a strange match, it was heated and fast-paced and both men worked hard through out, but the first finish was bad and this was really all about the Cena-Rock confrontation more than the match. Still, points to Miz and John Cena for working hard. ***

After the match The Rock hits the ring and lays the smackdown on The Miz. He gives him a spinebuster and gives him the People's Elbow. The Rock celebrates over The Miz's fallen body to close out the show.

Bottom Line: This was a strange show. There were alot of expectations going in for more than one person to deliver here tonight, and while some did deliver under the pressure, others definitely did not. The undercard seemed to have it's legs cut out from under it as we opened with a World title match that saw the champion retain in quick fashion before going into the actual undercard matches like Rhodes vs. Mysterio, which itself was actually pretty damn good. The Cole vs. Lawler segment was fun for what it was, if long, but the pressure was big time on Triple H and Undertaker here tonight and they definitely delivered with a match that while not on the same par as the HBK/Taker classics from the two previous years, was still a brutal and grueling match. The main event is the only questionable thing here as The Rock clearly screwing Cena out of the title can only lead to a match down the line we have to assume. Because otherwise, they just put The Rock over both of their two top guys for a 5 minute post-match beatdown, and if all this build and that match's booking was for just that, then you'd have to consider it a failure. If this does lead to a Rock-Cena match down the line though, which it absolutely HAS TO at this point or Vince will be facing some serious backlash from his fans, it was all worth it I guess. The show itself was pretty underwhelming to be 100% honest given the huge expectations everyone had for it, but as a show it still delivered the grandeur stage that we expect for Wrestlemania and we did in fact get some very good matches thrown in here. We're going with a Thumbs Up for the show, but not a glowing recommendation or anything.

Score: 7.5/10

REMEMBER! You can find ALL of my reviews and match ratings at my blog:
X's Wrestling Review
Rating : D+/C-

I'll think I'll give a quick rundown of what was good:

* The Edge/Del Rio, Rhodes/Mysterio, and Orton/Punk were decent. Not good, but decent.
* Taker vs Triple H was awesome at the beginning, though men were obviously wiped towards the middle of it. Best match of the night, which is really rather sad.
* Snooki proved that somehow she can move. You have no idea how much it repulses me to type this.

Now for the bad...

* Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole. Why, why WHY would make it look like Cole had a chance, and for that long? Seriously, we were excited for this because it meant Cole was going to get the shot beat and you gave us this?
* The Corre was buried. Big time.
* The Main Event was awful. I mean, this was bad.
Worst WM i've seen in sooo long.

All the build since Del Rio came into WWE for this to get buried, fuck off! I mean how does this move on? total joke!

Cody Rhodes winning, great, he carried the fued and his first shot on the big stage 1 on 1 and he carried the match too. I wasn't to keen on Rhodes since 27 but this new character development is 'Dashing'. Probably my favourite match.

8 man tag - Waste of time...The Corre buried and IC scrap match or the US title match should have replaced this shit, this was a win for faces for noooo reason at all the crowd wouldn't have gave a shit.

Orton-Punk. Punk carried the fued i can't see what Orton gains from this? oh wait he has basically buried all of Nexus on his own. Ugh fail much?

Cole-Lawler. Well the DQ for me tarnishes the match why did that happen? yeah we get it Lawler got his revenge but christ Cole has actually won at WM!

HHH-Taker. Not bad but too rushed you just knew it from the start. More time and this could have been a real classic.

Snooki match. Waste of time.

Cena-Miz. Glad Miz won, he deserves it, gives him legitimacy despite the dirty win. I wonder who he can fued with now? I hope Cena-Rock are on their own now.

All in all pretty angry, more ring time was needed 4 hours and they still fucked up so much.
I dont understand what some of you are saying. Worst wrestlemania? What are you talking about. Del rio and edge was a Great match. Rey and Cody put on a Great match. Cm punk and Orton put on a great match , with a great RKO at the end. The corre match i hated but it was short so it didnt matter. Cole and Lawler went 2 long but overall i could deal with it. Too bad there was no Piledriver. HHH vs Taker was incredible. The snookie match i didnt care for but it was good to have it after the taker match because it calmed the fans down, and it only lasted like 5mins. I didnt like the main event , I like the fact that the rock cost cena the title and I like the fact that miz won. I just dont like the way the whole thing was executed. I dont agree with some of the winners and losers but in the end i dont base how good a match is on who wins, i base it on how good the work was. I give the PPV a B-
I dont like how edge vs del rio was the first match and i hate how EDGE won come on del rio is the FUTURE give him the belt and why destroy a RR give it to me vince, good match stupid ending.

cody rhodes vs ray was probably the best match on the card good to see cody go over with his deformed mankind gimmick

corre vs 4 jobbers lame NEXT

randy vs cm punk like someone said hes the new cena getting pushed down our throats nobody like him he sucks, should of let cm punk win it, hes a better wrestler and better at promos

Undertaker vs HHH - pretty good match over all, but 2 minutes in you could tell the undertaker was out of breath he really is a old DOG, he cant go much longer

the miz vs cena very predictable everybody knew the rock was gonna screw cena over



Is it just me, or was that one of the worst Wrestlemanias in recent memory? It had a grand total of 1 awesome match, and the rest was either filler, or utterly mediocre.

What I loved:

- HHH and Undertaker had an amazing match. It was done perfectly. It keeps the streak alive, gave a ton of great moments, and starts the story for next year's Taker match. On par with the HBK and Taker matches, though completely different.

My disappointments:

- Sheamus vs Bryan removed from the card. I was really looking forward to this match, and out of everything to bump from the card, this is what they picked?

- Edge and Del Rio was a good enough match, but it had such a Smackdown main event feel. Opening with it was a strange choice, and nothing about it really did anything for either man.

- The realization that WWE has 6 titles. Only 2 of the 6 were defended at mania, with no title changes. On top of that, 2 of their champions weren't even on the card.

- The 8 man tag match did nothing. Swapping out Kozlov did nothing other than give Kofi a 2 minute appearance. It killed the Corre's momentum and didn't elevate anyone.

- Filler. So... much... filler. They could have easily fit the Sheamus vs Bryan match in if they had just reduced the useless filler segments.

- A screwjob finish in the main event, where a retired wrestler essentially goes over both the champion and the number one contender. I expected it, but was still disappointed that WWE Went down this road. It feels cheap. The Miz barely gets any rub out of it (even if I don't like him, it would make sense to elevate him some if you're giving him the win) and it felt flat.

All in all, it just seemed that the bad greatly outweighed the good. A 4 hour show felt like it had less than 3 hours worth of content. The HHH/Undertaker match was match of the year worthy, but everything else just didn't deliver. Cole and Lawler had a fun outing, but it felt like it didn't even matter.

I don't want to say it was a waste of money, but it certainly didn't live up to the hype.
weak Weak WEAK!!! I felt like I was watching a 4 hour version of RAW!! Everyone was saying that Bryan/Sheamus or Orton/Punk would steal the show...1 got canceled and the other was a waste of time.

The only ONLY good match was Taker/Triple H. The ending was VERY believable.

Poor Orton, Edge, ADR, Punk, Lawler...ALL overshadowed by the fact that Snooki got the 2nd to last match. From what I read I dont blame Orton for being mad backstage.

In the words of The Rock...RAW better "BRING IT" or I will be so disappointed.

McMahon has tons of making up to do. Even his old stars couldn't save this train wreak.
Persoanlly I don't think it was a shining moment for the WWE but there was good and bad throughout the entire night so here is Macios's good bad and ugly.


Taker and Trips put on an awesome match and the ending was absolutely great. I honestly thought Triple H had it until Hell's Gat ended it all. Probaly stole the entire show I absolutely enjoyed it.
RIP Cole Mine

I also enjoyed the WHC match I thought it was a good match with no one turning which probaly was a good thing. Edge hititng the Spear was the appropriate way of ending it.


Mixed Tag Match. They gave no time for Morrision or Ziggler to do anything which annoyed me. Best moment of the match was Snooki doing the back hand springs.

Miz vs Cena. Well Miz basically beat up on Cena the entire match which I didn't like. Also not a fan of the finish because it makes Rock look like he stole the show which wasn't a good thing in my opinion.

The Ugly

8 man tag match. There should be no way in hell they allow a 3 minute match. That needed to get fixed for next year.

No U.S Title Match. I was super excited for this and when I heard it was not happening I was pissed off.

The amount of time spent on backstage promos was awful. Extend a few matches and cut down on promos. This might have hurt the overall product.

Ok Stuff

I'm pretty much ok with all the other matches on the card. I think that overall I give the overall show a C+
I wouldn't call it a bad WM, more like predictable:

-seriously, who didnt predict the end of the cena/miz match after raw? If more than anything, cena/miz should have never had a double count-out, but fight it out instead, then have his royal greatness attack!

-Taker/HHH left something real interesting here. I found it hilarious that the phenom was out while the fireworks exploded. Seems to me it was Taker that died trying IMO, and it seems Taker being driven out, (as opposed to posing) shows us that he is definitely just one more year away before he hangs em' up

-honestly, LOL I only watched these two matches..though I saw the quick Rock/Austin segment. Man that brought back old memories!

-Which match was worse Bret/McMahon or Cole/Lawler. I think it should've been Lawler vs Swagger with Cole and Austin as enforcers. God awful waste

-Missed snooki's match, by mistake. Like Lebron james I too need to go..just saying haha

-I didnt watch the beginning of the show either (studying lol) but I'm pretty sure Rock electrified as always

-Tbh, I virtually missed everything else but by viewing posts above I obviously didnt miss much. I do believe that the loss of MITB at a Wrestlemania is something Vince will think about.

-Would've preferred the 8man tag to be the dark match over the US title bout...sigh

-Yup, you can tell I'm a Rock mark, or else I probably wouldn't even comment here. Expect the great one to lace em up one, or two more times.
Rating : D+/C-

I'll think I'll give a quick rundown of what was good:

* The Edge/Del Rio, Rhodes/Mysterio, and Orton/Punk were decent. Not good, but decent.
* Taker vs Triple H was awesome at the beginning, though men were obviously wiped towards the middle of it. Best match of the night, which is really rather sad.
* Snooki proved that somehow she can move. You have no idea how much it repulses me to type this.

Now for the bad...

* Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole. Why, why WHY would make it look like Cole had a chance, and for that long? Seriously, we were excited for this because it meant Cole was going to get the shot beat and you gave us this?
* The Corre was buried. Big time.
* The Main Event was awful. I mean, this was bad.

I agree with all of this, but add in the Rey vs. Cody match. I actually liked it, but wasn't great. What a disappointment. It did not feel like a Wrestlemania. It felt like a 4 hour "Fatal 4 way" type gimmick PPV. They build up the royal rumble to have the winner in the first match and get buried. They gave, what felt like an hour, to Lawler and Cole and ended up giving it an inconclusive finish. Lame lame lame lame.

Very disappointed that the WWE did this. Booking was down right awful.

As I explained to a friend who missed it shortly after it ended "Well, the upside, I think the rock is coming back for a match. The downside, pretty much everything else."
I thought it was a mediocre Wrestlemania, though not one of the worst. I'll go through the card:

1) WHC-Edge v Del Rio: Why was this match first? I mean, I really think they showed a great deal of disrespect to Smackdown, the WHC, & the participants. And I don't get the outcome either. It did nothing to further the storyline. Where does Del Rio go from here? They didn't even tease an Edge/Christian feud. The match itself was okay, but nothing special. I just don't get the booking.

2) Cody Rhodes v Rey Mysterio: Solid match, 3rd best of the card in my opinion. Rhodes has really been great recently, & he continued his fine work here. I was very happy to see him get the win, as it will help establish him further. I was happy after this one.

3) Corre v Big Show/Kane/Santino/Kofi: What was the point? Honestly, the match lasted 5 minutes, and it burried a group WWE has been building up as dominant for the past month. What did this accomplish? A better scenario would've been to have Barrett v Kingston & the rest of the Corre v Big Show/Kane. But this was just a waste of time.

4) Orton v Punk: 2nd best match of the night. Good ring work, good psychology, & a good spot for the ending. I thought it made more sense for Punk to win, & I don't really know where these 2 go now, but they put on a good show. Could've gotten another 5 minutes though.

5) Cole v Lawler: Absolute trainwreck. Crowd was happy to see Cole get his beating, but then they pull the crap with the GM. Does that mean we'll have to suffer through another match between these two? God I hope not.

6) HHH v Undertaker: Thank God this match was on the card. Classic between 2 legends. It was slow with a lot of down time, but it was intense with superb storytelling. These guys were so good, they actually made me believe there was a chance the Undertaker could lose. And I loved the ending. Just think of what this event would've been without this match.

7) Ziggler/Laycool v Morrison/Stratus/Snooki: Again, why? Morrison & Ziggler could have been used much better than this. Of course Snooki got the win. Less said about this the better.

8) WWE title: Miz v Cena: Poor main event. I think the crowd was kind of drained after HHH/'Taker, thought The Rock got them excited. And what was with the choir for Cena's entrance? Was it a wrestling event or the 700 Club? Neither of these guys are great wrestlers, & putting them together does not give you a classic. But it seemed emotionless and bland. Rock added some spice, & you could see his attack on Cena coming. Ultimately, he ended up burrying both guys. Once again, Miz looks very weak.

One last though: Why did they drop Sheamus/Bryan? They could've gotten rid of a couple of video packages & fit the match on the card. And I bet it would've been a solid match. I think this event proves just how inept WWE creative is, & I'm willing to bet they had little to no input on the best match of the card. Overall, a forgettable Wrestlemania saved by 1 great match.
People are still bashing Cena.... he lost.... are you serious....


This Mania was horrible. As everyone has said nothing was unpredictable.


-Del Rio... all this hype and push... for that? It must be because of the lack of faces on SD!... I would hope this meant Barrett goes to ME now but oh wait he has the IC...

-Cole/Lawler sucked in every aspect. I love Lawler but this was just stupid. Again I still don't understand Swagger. The RAW GM decision to change it was pointless. It was just stupid.

-Orton/CM Punk... cool move to end it but seriously? Is he Super Orton now?

-Taker/HHH... 3 Pedigrees and taker still kicks out... whats the point? everyone knows takeris going to win at least spice it up somehow instead of IM THE UNDERTAKER AND I HAVE THESE MAJESTIC POWERS WHERE I KICK OUT OF THE DEADLIEST FINISHER AFTER TAKING IT 3 TIMES STRAIGHT

-I like that Rhodes got a push. That's all I think I liked though.

-Morrison and Ziggler, two of the top young talents, got about 1 minute of in-ring time - if that?

-I don't even need to comment on how bad the main event was. And people call Miz the future of the WWE? Not all his fault but damn... please..
I dont think this was a good Wrestlemania. Hope Summerslam is going to be good.

The Rocks promos & segments - They were good like always since The Rock is great on the mic.

Edge vs Del Rio - Pushed Alberto so far over the last year or so by winning a feud against a veteran superstar Mysterio then taking out Christian whos also a big name and then tonight he lost, it was also a short match. Wanted Del Rio to win, and how did they destroy that rental car?!?!

Rhodes vs Mysterio - Ok match, I'm bored of those superstars though considering Rey has had the same moveset for years on end and Rhodes is just a muppet.

Big Show, Kane, Kofi, Santino vs The Corre - Jobber match with it only lasting 2 minutes, get rid of Santino. The Corre have a lot of talent and should let Wade Barrett go solo. He's the intercontinental champion and he shouldnt be jobbing in a 2minute match.

Randy Orton vs CM Punk - One sided match, Orton was limping the whole match and all that came out of it was a surprise win by a surprise RKO. Was looking forward to this match considering they had a good feud and they're both good wrestlers. Also a short match, Orton stated that he didnt like the match placing and the way it was planned.

Cole vs Lawler - This was just all round boring, it was great seeing Cole get his ass kicked. But this match was full of botches and it went long.. Only good thing was seeing SCSA.

Undertaker vs HHH - Had some good moments such as the spinebuster through announce table and such but it was just back and forth finishers which eventually ended in Undertaker winning which also always happens since HHH didn't have any chance going in to win it. Sure it seemed like it in the match, but did he? No. Surprise win by Taker again.. The ref counts so slow which also pisses me off. Was hoping to see Shawn Michaels.

Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki vs Laycool & Ziggler - Waste of talent in this match, Morrison and Ziggler could easily be main eventers. John Morrison more then Ziggler. They should of just made it Snooki and Trish vs Laycool. Nice seeing Snooki had some talent with the finishers.

The Miz vs Cena - What a boring match, one sided with The Miz always in control and then the majority of Cenas moves were his finishers or finisher attempts.
Finally we see The Rock and I thought he was going to make Mania so so memorable and going to electrify so so much but whats he a do a boring speech and a little fight scene with Miz and Rock Bottoming Cena. I was expecting more from him.
But it was still good seeing him.

Worse mania. WWE, you let me down and others I'm assuming. Waste of my money since I was hoping this was going to be memorable and great as The Rock was saying it was and yous were. You wanted 1 million buys and I helped and this is what you give us fans? A garbage mania?
Overall Rating: 2/5
what were you expecting? this is Mania, where most of the faces win....in what Mania have you seen where every single match is Savage/Steamboat quality....its like every year....every match has a role....some years there are pointless divas matches or stupid battle royals....Edge and ADR set up for the long term....Cody got a much deserved win....The Corre already has 3 titles together, who cares if they lost 2 FORMER WORLD champions mind you, the former IC champ, and the funniest wrestler perhaps since The Rock....Orton had to beat Punk....the damn Nexus beat his ass for weeks and he got his retribution....Cole/Lawler worked out because Lawler finally got his hands on Cole, and now Cole still gets heat to brag about in the Cole Mine for the next few months...Undertaker has to have the streak...Celebrities dont lose at Mania...Cena/Miz had good hype and great packages....Rock saved the damn match...Miz needs the win WAY MORE than Cena...what good wouldve came out of Cena winning the title AGAIN...there are no logical reasons...now I wanna see even more tomorrow tonight
I dont think I have spent that much money on an wrestlemaina and walked away unhappy and good old ray misterio going for captian america/spiderman nock off. The matches were very slow paced and not very well orginzed
Thought it was ok. I can get over Del Rio not winning. What I didn't like was how rushed everything felt after HHH/Taker. I don't remember Cole getting a stunner which was a let down. Unless I missed it. But I felt that match went too long. I think HHH/Taker killed the crowd. Maybe they should have gone on last. Then they could have ended the PPV with Taker trying to make it out of the ring. That took so long. Then the rushed 6 man tag. Where Ziggler/Morrison ever tagged in the match?

After the double count out you kinda knew Rock was gonna cost someone that match. Then to end the PPV with The Rock standing tall? I can understand The Rock can beat down 2 of WWEs top stars after they just had a big match. But why? This better end in The Rock putting someone over in a match at some point. For him to come in and not help anyone out seems kinda selfish to me.

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