[Official] Unforgiven 2007 Thread

WWE Championship

Randy Orton v John Cena

Want Orton To Win , But Have Given Up , And Know Cena Will Win :(
Lots Of Destruction - Much Different Match Then Summerslam.

Winner = Cena By STFU

World Heavyweight Championship

Batista v Khali v Rey

Batista Khali Battle , Rey Stands Clear , Khali Gets Upper Hand On Batista , Rey Tries To Capitalize Only To Get Grabbed By The Claw....


ECW Championship

Punk v Burke

Punk Obviously Wins , No Squash But Hes Only HAd The Belt For 2 Weeks COme On NOW !

Winner = CM PUNK

Womens Title

Candace v Beth

Candace Gets Squashed But Wins In Roll UP FASHION ( EXCITING AINT IT )

Winner = Candace Michelle

Triple H v Carlito

I HOPE CARLITO , But As Ive Stated Around The Forums , Triple H Will Not JOB EVER AGAIN !

Corny DX CHOP Corny Pedigree , End Of Match !

Winner = Carlito By DQ OR THE KING OF ALL QUEENS Triple H

Undertaker v Mark Henry

Though Its A Return Match , Taker May Lose To Further Continue This Rivalry.....But I'll Go With Taker Anyway....IN A DESTRUCTIVE RETURN

Winner = Undertaker


Londrick v TrailerTrash

Trailer Trash Win In A Quick Dull Match.....

Winners = Trailer Trash aka Cade N Doch

Smackdown TAG



Winner = D&D


Loudest Pop = UNDERTAKER



well first let me say that this is one of the first years in all the years ive watched wrestleing were I just didnt at all care to get some WWE ppvs..I didnt get No Way Out, Judgement day, or one night stand..I usually get EVERY PPV ALL the time but the WWE is at that sucky of a point were I just dont feel its worht the money...and this is one of those shows..but I AM going to be getting it anyway, becuase A very good friend of mine is moving away, and I probably wont see him ever again, and it was sorta our tradition to watch WWE PPV, and this will be the last one he is around for..SO...

Cena VS Orton
Hopefully as good or better then their SS match, which I was actually a pretty big fan of...although im not real sure if they would have Randy win it here, if he didnt win it at SS...but Im almost at the point were im thinking they HAVE to take the belt off Cena SOMETIME, and I would be enraged if I didnt see it...but I dont know, im afraid everyones prediction of a lame ass Cena flips out DQ will probably be true, so everyone gets to pay 40$ to basically see storyline advancement into another match at another PPV..thanks WWE...

Rey Rey VS Kali VS Batista
While its hard for me to belive that rey could possibly win this, I just dont see why they would have him get squashed SO soon after his return..I can see this being very plausible situation him having the belt, as he is easily as over as anyone on the SD! roster, and appeals to little kids, AND adults, so he can make WWE some CENA money...yea its quick after the return to put the belt on him, but who really cares, smackdown is utter shit right now anyway...and mysterio VS a returning Edge feud, setting up a Taker Edge feud would be a good series of events....Edge-mysterio would Light it up, and of course Edge UT is a feud everyone is hot for these days...somehow someway, the giants may kill each other and rey rey will drape a barely live arm over one of them for the win....OR...WWE will be its regular, horribly booked, boring ass predictable self, and just have kali kick the shit out of everyone and win...more than likely lol

Undertaker VS Mark Henry
Well obviously Taker is going to win...and its probably not going to be real great, i think a returning superstar should always be put with someone who can work, and the WWE did well with the booker-trips, and Rey rey-chavo match...but henry can NOT work to save his life...so this one will be your typical Taker vs giant 7 er 8 minute squash...the best part of this will be UT's entrance, which im sure will be SICK, and get an enormous pop...

Triple H VS Carlito
Im not really sure at all why out of everyone they would use CARLITO in a feud with triple H, besides the fact that a lot of major guys are injured...this feud wont really do anything for either guy, and trips will probably just mow him down anyway...or possibly flip out and get Dqed and leave carlito bloodied on the mat, which I se being a very real possibility...wont be anything special...

Elijah Burke VS CM Punk
Best canidate for the "everyone on the IWC gets a fat boner over how GAAAREAT this match is gonna be, and then, it just isnt really that good" award...but this time, I actually tend to agree, the only sucky thing being is that there is no way Punk will lose two weeks after winning the belt, so its a forgone conclusion, which brings down the fun in this...we already have ONE forgone conclusion championship match (cena lol) wish we didnt have two...

Candice Michelle VS Beth Pheonix
eh might be ok for a diva match, beth can work pretty well, and may cause some pretty rough bumps with her superior strength...dunno who will win, dont care....

L & K VS Cade and Murdoch
WTF is this??? No one gives a fuck about this, and neither do I...I dont think the styles will mesh well at all...I wouldve traded this and the womens match for a Hardy- Benjamin IC title match (BTW...that would be SUCH a huge blessing for WWE...an IC title feud with Benjamin and hardy...fuck mic skills, just go out there and have crazy, entertaining matches...feud culminating in a ladder match..build both guys, AND the IC title prestige, with two guys giving awesome hard fought matches for it....or...dont...yea sounds like WWE booking)

MVP and Hardy vs D&D
A little more interested in this just becuase it has MVP and Hardy..now see, if they would just Unite the tag titles like they shouldve done long ago ALL these teams could be competing for the belts, and I would love to see a L&K vs MVP Hardy....I think it would be kind of cool if somehow MVP made an interference or something of the sort, were he sorta saves Matt Hardy, and has his back...a sorta pseudo face change, but keep MVPs persona, just make him a little less cowardly....highly unlikely, but I think he would be a little more over if they did that....

Most of the matches are easily predicted, forgone conclusions which is complete bullshit, considering people are paying 40$ for this...and WERE is our Hardy Benjamin IC title match?? or shit an IC titile match at ALL? whatever u think of jeff hardy's skills, u have to admit he is one of the top 5 most over guys in the company..so GEE MAYBE IT WOULD MAKE SENSE TO PUT HIM ON A FUCKIN PPV THAT PEOPLE ARE PAYING 40$ DAMN DOLLARS FOR...eh it will probably be abysmal, only saved if some suprise title changes come...but they wont, itll be jus same ol, boring predictable WWE....
I hope orton wins and the feud continues cuz the two of them in a hell in a cell at cyber sunday wold be awesome. I love the intensity on both parts its the only good thing in wwe for right now. Best thing will be the edge vs undertaker wrestlemania feud
WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Im a huge Orton fan, so yeah I would obviously vote for orton to win, it has been rumoured on wrestlezone that orton is dead set on winning the title this time around, the reason to this is because the only reason orton lost at SS was because WWE's creative team couldnt come up with a good finish, so vince just gave up and said let cena win...once again this was also on wrestlezone. But personally I want orton to win but after reading everybody elses posts, im 50-50 for both cena and orton even though I hate cena's guts, so I have no idea whos going to win and im not gonna get my hopes up this time around. A Cyber Sunday advertisement was also shown saying that it would be orton vs cena with the title on the line with stipulations to choose, however it did not say who the champ is.

Winner: unsure...

World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs. Rey Mysterio vs. The Great Khali
As much as I hate to say this, I think Rey Mysterio might win this, I'm only saying this because this is like Rey Mysterios 2nd PPV ever since hes been back, So I dont think they would let Rey lose already. However theres a chance im wrong and boring khali could just retain.

Winner: Rey/Khali

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
Punch, Punch, Clothesline, Big Boot, DDT, Chokeslam, Tombstone Piledriver and the 1..2..3....Typical Boring Match.

Winner: Undertaker

the rest i dont care...
:dark2: its orton vs cena orton wins then fudes wit sninskey or triple h triple h its him against carlito no chance in hell carlito wins taker against henry henrys contract expires in a few days taker wins and puts him out for good kahlie vs rey vs batista rey and batista put khali out rey takes the title candice vs pheniox i can see candice retaining here and loosing on raw in a rematch raw tag team cades team retains smackdown tag team duce and domino take it after matt nails mvp or the other way around punk vs burke cm punk easy victory looses title against big dady v and thats all for now fokes
Final Predictions:

JOHN CENA vs RANDY ORTON: I'm really hoping that Orton wins this, and I have a feeling he will. If Cena was supposed to drop it at Summerslam but didn't, they will probably make him drop it now. The way I see it going down is that Cena will be dominant throughout the match because of the "rage factor" and his father will be ringside. Orton will figure out some sort of distraction that has to do with Cena's dad, making Cena check up on him, and when he turns around he'll get the RKO for the 3-count. To the fans, it'll look like Cena only lost because he was "the good guy" and being compassionate, meanwhile Orton only won by being deceitful.
WINNER: Randy Orton

GREAT KHALI vs REY MYSTERIO vs BATISTA: Originally, I thought this was created as a vehicle for giving the belt to Mysterio, which is still a possibility. If that occurs, it will be the two of them teaming up on Khali and Mysterio getting the final pin on Batista. There will be a Batista/Mysterio match at the next ppv or a Khali/Mysterio, in which no matter what, Mysterio will retain so he can drop it to Edge later on, who can then feud with Taker at WM24. There's also the alternative to this situation, and that's Khali retaining (and thusly "building up more monster credit") only to be "slain" by the Undertaker at No Mercy, who will be receiving a push of being able to destroy anyone in his way because of Mark Henry. The only problem with Taker getting the belt back so quickly is that it leaves Edge without it, and they won't have Edge win the belt off Taker at Wrestlemania.
WINNER: Khali or Mysterio. Batista has no shot.

UNDERTAKER vs MARK HENRY: Undertaker wins.

CANDICE MICHELLE vs BETH PHOENIX: If the top two titles change hands, then Candice is retaining. If not, she'll lose to Beth. Chances are, she'll retain and then drop it at the next ppv so Beth can feud with Candice, Mickie, and possibly even McCool. I don't care one way or the other.
WINNER: Candice Michelle

CADOCH vs LONDRICK: I would have said that Londrick would take the titles, but last week on Raw they got the upperhand by cheating a win out of Cade and Murdoch. Thusly, the rednecks will cheat a win off Londrick and we'll have a rematch sometime soon where Londrick will take the titles.
WINNERS: Cade and Murdoch

MATT HARDY & MVP vs DEUCE & DOMINO: I'm fairly certain we'll see MVP do something to make Matt get pinned and lose the belts back to D&D. Then, MVP can say that Hardy lost the belts all by himself and we'll have a few more weeks of this feud until we FINALLY have a US title match at No Mercy. Then, Hardy wins the belt and MVP moves up on the roster with the mindset that the US title wasn't good enough for him and that he's seeking out the WHC, so we have some Mysterio/MVP matches.
WINNERS: Deuce & Domino, undeserving

TRIPLE H vs CARLITO: With the DQ situation as it is, Triple H will lose this via disqualification. He'll take a toll of punishment and then use the sledgehammer on Carlito, officially losing the match but not jobbing since the crowd will be cheering that he used a weapon.
WINNER: Carlito

CM PUNK vs ELIJAH BURKE: Nobody will be surprised by the outcome of this match. It will be mediocre, I think, despite both of them being talented, because they haven't had the build-up and practice on each other. Then Punk wins with the GTS. He's keeping the belt for a long time, if not just because they want to promote the straight-edge guy in the midst of this Wellness scandal. Though reports are saying he'll drop it to Morrison, I doubt it, but they're sure to have a return feud.

Ok ppv, but nothing I'd buy. The only real things I'm looking forward to is who walks away WHC (but not the match itself cause it'll rely solely on Mysterio), who walks away WWE champ, and the Undertaker's entrance.

Here's to hoping Orton comes out of the ppv with some gold.
John Cena vs. Randy Orton:OK i think that Orton will win this match.there is a rumor that John Cena is going 2 be in another movie.so if that rumor is true he will drop the belt at Unforgiven then on a episode of raw get his head kicked by Orton then he will have some time off to do hos movie

KHALI VS MYSTERIO VS BATISTA:What i think will happen in this match is that Khali will retain.i heard that at Cyber Sunday that there MIGHT be a fatel 4 way match 4 the WHC.if that is true i bet on that match Kahli will lose the WHC,but i dont think he will lose the WHC at Unforgiven

C.M. PUNK VS ELIJAH BURKE:Im going with C.M. PUNK on this 1 cause he just won the title

MATT HARDY & MVP VS DUECE and DOMINO:pretty sure Hardy and MVP will lose this match.Then will face MVP at NO MERCY fo the us title

UNDERTAKER VS MARK HENRY:i think henry will dominate most of the match then Undertaker will somehow give him a tombstone.

CADE and MURDOCH VS LONDIN AND KENDRICK:Cade and murdoch will proley win then londin and kendric will win the title at no mercy or cyber sunday

CANDICE VS BETH PHENIX:ok i dont know about this one.it kinda depends on wat happens at the end of the night in the main event.But Candice Michelle will proley retain.

HHH VS CARLITO:Carlito will proley win when HHH knocks his head out with a sledgehammer.

i think this is a pretty good PPV.
WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton - I think it's Orton's time to shine once again. I think it'll be a decent match with a great finish when Orton delivers the RKO and finally takes the title away from Cena.

World Championship: Great Khali (c) vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio - Unfortunately Khali will probably come out the winner in this one. I can see Batista and Mysterio working together all match, then when it comes time to pin Khali they turn on each other only to have Khali retain the title.

ECW Championship: CM Punk (c) vs. Elijah Burke - This match will probably steal the show. Punk will win, but I can see alot of near falls. Then out of nowhere Punk will hit the GTS and lights out for Burke.

Women's Championship: Candice Michelle (c) vs. Beth Phoenix - I can see Beth winning this one. I really can't see Candice defeating her unless Mickie James comes out and helps her win.

World Tag Team Championship: Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Brian Kendrick & Paul London - As much as I'd like to see Londrick win, I believe Cade & Murdoch will come out on top in this one.

WWE Tag Team Championship: Matt Hardy & MVP (c) vs. Deuce N' Domino - This is a weird one only because if Deuce N' Domino get the belts back, I feel that there would of been no point of them loosing in the first place. But knowing WWE, Deuce N' Domino will win.

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry: Since this is 'Taker's return match, we all know he will win and take Mark out. They will probably have a rematch at Cyber Sunday or No Mercy.

Triple H vs. Carlito: I think Triple H will dominate this one and either he defeats Carlito or Carlito wins by dq. Either way Trips will look better in this one.
WWE Championship Match: John Cena v. Randy Orton
I believe that either Randy Orton will get the pin on Cena to win the WWE title or Cena will grow "enraged" and get himself disqualified, leading to their fued continuing at No Mercy.
Winner: If I had to choose one, Orton (New Champ)

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Great Khali v. Batista v. Mysterio
This match will basically be a handicap match until Batista and Mysterio argue over who gets the pin. Either Khali will capitalize over their disagreement and get the win or Mysterio will capitalize over Batista taking down Khali and he will win the title. I believe Mysterio will win and hold the title until Edge returns.
Winner: Rey Mysterio (New Champ)

ECW Title Match: CM Punk v. Elijah Burke
I also believe this could be the Match of the Night. Punk and Burke should be able to put on a good showing, giving the limited time they have had to hype this match, 4 days, and Punk just winning the title two weeks before. CM Punk will hit the GTS on Burke for the win.
Winner: CM Punk retains the gold

Undertaker v. Mark Henry
Undertaker will win his return match. He will let Henry get in a little offense until Undertaker comes back and wins the match with the tombstone.
Winner: Undertaker

Triple H v. Carlito
Triple H will squash Carlito. Either Triple H will hit the pedigree for the pin or will get pissed and hit Carlito with a chair or the sledgehammer.
Winner: Carlito by DQ

WWE Tag Team Championship: MVP & Matt Hardy v. Deuce & Domino
MVP and Hardy won't be able to coexist for long and Deuce & Domino should be able to get the upper hand. D & D should get the win and thus further continuing the Hardy-MVP United States title fued.
Winners: Deuce & Domino (New Champs)

World Tag Team Championship: Cade & Murdoch v. London & Kendrick
I see London and Kendrick winning the titles only because it would be interesting to have the titles go back and forth between the two teams. The Rednecks could still win though, which is a good possibility.
Winners: London & Kendrick (New Champs)

Women's Title Match: Candice Michelle v. Beth Phoenix
I see Beth dominating the entire match until the very end where Candice will get a quick roll-up vicotry.
Winner: Candice Michelle retains
here is my updated card because my predictions have changed since we got the real card

WWE Championship Match: John Cena v. Randy Orton
I believe John Cena is going to retain his title via disqualification, which that will culminate to possibly a hell in a cell. Ortons wins via DQ but cena retains

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Great Khali v. Batista v. Mysterio
I see Khali winning this match on a pin on Rey. I see Batista having no chance and i dont think the creative team will give the belt to Rey so i see Khali retaining via his Vice grip.
Winner: Khali

ECW Title Match: CM Punk v. Elijah Burke
this match could easily be the MOTN if booked correctly. I know Punk is going to win because they wont get the title off him on first PPV defense and Burke isnt quite ready. I see Punk winning via the GTS.
Winner: CM Punk retains the gold

Undertaker v. Mark Henry
I see Undertaker winning Via Tombstone in actually a very quick match.
Winner The Undertaker.

Triple H v. Carlito
I see Carlito winning by Dq because we know he will squash him but he will want to hit him with the sledge hammer, thats why this was booked this way. Its also a cheap way to try to get Carlito over. I see Carlito winning via DQ but gets the H*** beat out of him after match.

WWE Tag Team Championship: MVP & Matt Hardy v. Deuce & Domino
I see this match as being pretty quick or it could go for a while, I want to think D&D will win but i still think Matt and MVP will retain but lose the belts on SD. I see this match ending the same way how they won the belts.
MVP gets the pin after Matt gives Domino the twist of Fate.
Winners MVP&Matt

World Tag Team Championship: Cade & Murdoch v. London & Kendrick
I see Londrick still winning this match because i believe there has to be one title change and this seems like the perfect time. I see London getting a roll up pin on Murdoch.
Winners and new champs Londrick.

Women's Title Match: Candice Michelle v. Beth Phoenix
I see Candice getting a cheap roll up pin at the end on Beth after beth dominated the match.
Winner: Candice Michelle retains
wwe championship..... John cena v randy Orton
this match will be dominated by cena, because of his "rage factor". He will try 2 get himself disqualified, and then boom RKO out of nowhere...
As rabdy is celebrating cena takes him out with a steel chair to end the show, setting up a gimmick match in the near future...

world heavyweight title
Do i give a shit about this match??? No, i just hope mysterio wins and sets up a fued with edge on return.

HHH vCarlito
This is a tough 1 actually... I have a feeling hhh will get himself disqualified through the repetetive sledgehammer.... All i wana see is blood.

We kno undertaker will win so yeh..
W.W.E. Unforgiven 2007 Final Predictions:

W.W.E. Championship: John Cena v. Randy Orton:
Prediction: I was all for Randy Orton taking it at Unforgiven, cause Cena has hit the One Year mark, but wouldn't you know they'd find a way to make me second guess myself. It was/is being said on W.W.E. t.v./com that Cena will have held it for a year, IF he retains tonight. Thats some shit. I can't see W.W.E. running the rematch, no gimmick needed Summerslam 2 match with the exact same ending.. but just for purpose sake, thats what I said each time Cena v. Angle happened.
Winner: Randy Orton - Whether its with the Championship or not, is another story.

World Heavyweight Championship: The Great Khali v. Rey Mysterio v. Batista:
Prediction: I guess it wouldn't be a SD Championship match if Batista wasn't involved, but for purpose sake.. it wouldn't be much of a match with just Mysterio v. Khali either. I think Mysterio will win it, but thats going off of 2 things. 1. Khali was a filler from the moment Edge got injured 2. Batista is on a streak that much like Taker's WM one, can't & shouldn't be broken. He's had a Championship match at every single p.p.v. (except his Tag matches) & lost each time.
Winner: Rey Mysterio - It'd get the Championship off an unknown & back to someone thats already carried that brand for half a year with it, last year.

E.C.W. Championship: C.M. Punk v. Elijah Burke:
Prediction: Let Punks one month reign begin. hahaha I make no bones about hoping John Morrison is given the Championship back, when he returns. But thats then, this is now. Punk is highly unlikely to lose this match, at all. In fact, if I had to stake any amount betting wise on anything, it'd be Punk winning this match. These two will put on a hell of a match, assuming the crowd will stay in it long enough for them to. Or W.W.E. doesn't cut their in-ring time down so they can add backstage promos in.
Winner: C.M. Punk - Burke isn't ready for the Championship, but to add unknown to it.. hardly noone thought Morrison was either...

Taker's Return: Undertaker v. Mark Henry:
Prediction: This is the perfect example of building lies. W.W.E. is basing this entire p.p.v. on the return of one man. And as such, you'd almost be assured he'd dominate & win.. but at the same time, Mark Henry was given a new contract & most likely this feud will continue.. therefore, I see Henry getting a countout victory. Then again, I assumed Booker T. was gonna get a DQ victory over the Game & that didn't happen.. so...
Winner: Undertaker - I wouldn't be shocked if Henry picks up a fluke win, setting up a gimmick match next month though.

Grudge Match: Triple H. v. Carlito:
Prediction: So, Carlito can use weapons but Triple H. can't. Like thats ever stopped the Game before. I see this being a decently sized match, that really shouldn't be. Carlito could pull out a "he hit me w/ a weapon" cheap-o win.. but somehow I see Triple H. continuing his dominating role & winning.
Winner: Triple H. - again, wouldn't be too shocked if Carlito won with a cheap "he hit me w/ that weapon" sorta tactic.. but its happened before.

W.W.E. Tag Team Championships: M.V.P. & Matt Hardy v. Deuce n' Domino:
Prediction: If W.W.E. had any sense they'd give the Championships back to an actual team, but honestly.. M.V.P. & Hardy as as close to a good team as any brand has.. so I can see them winning, but for purpose sake will say it'll end here & their single's feud will continue.
Winners: Deuce n' Domino

W.W.E. World Tag Team Championships: Redneck Wreckin' Crew v. Londrick:
Prediction: First, who named London & Kendrick, Londrick? Weren't they something else? Hooligans or something? Anyways.. this is the rubber match that noone technically seen the first two anyways, cause thats how W.W.E. feels about Londrick winning the Championships.. therefore...
Winners: Redneck Wreckin' Crew

W.W.E. Women's Championship: Candice Michelle v. Beth Phoenix:
Prediction: Beth has everything working for her, & Candice has nothing. Oh, except the rules. I by leaps & bounds see Candice retaining because Beth can't control her rage. Its Victoria v. Trish all over again.. however, W.W.E. may just want the Championship off Candice too. So who ultimately knows.
Winner: Candice Michelle by DQ

Overall Thoughts: W.W.E. isn't one to let almost every Championship to change hands at a second rated p.p.v., especially one thats basically a glorified filler anyways with all the missing wrestlers. So with that being said, I can all Championships staying where they are.. but with exception, Orton may have the edge at getting the lone title victory, with Deuce n' Domino second. Yes, I'm not too high on Beth.. but I would like her to get the Championship.. I just can't see it tonight, not clearly anyways. Triple H. & Taker will be the only reason most buy this p.p.v. Orton's assumed Championship win will fall 3rd to them. And thats about all I have. The backstage skits should be fun with Hornswoggle & Mr. McMahon beginning tonight.
Well, here it goes...

WWE Championship- This should be another great match, but I just can't bet against Cena nowadays. He never loses! When, he does, I don't think it's going to be to a glorified backstage prick like Orton. I'd have to say WHEN he loses it, it will be to HHH down the line..
WINNER:John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship-I honestly don't think Mysterio will do it, considering he can't affect either man when he hits them. Batista and Khali [Part Neuf(Nine)]. This should end in Khali retaining and going on to lose it to Undertaker at Survivor Series.
WINNER:The Great Khali

ECW Championship-No-brainer here. No way Burke is gonna stop the red-hot Punk. Punk retains and will retain at least until Royal Rumble.

Deadman Return-I'd have to say Undertaker, but not by pinfall, by some controversial way.
WINNER:Undertaker via Countout

Grudge Match-Can the WWE ACTUALLY have HHH lose a month into his return.....possibly. But I don't think it's gonna happen. I say HHH, in a 5 minute squash match.

WWE Tag Team Championship-As much as I hate Dunce N' Domino, they can't have two people fight for a singles title as Tag Title partners. At least on Mid-Card. I say a MVP betrayal of Hardy.
WINNERS: Deuce N' Domino

World Tag Team Championship-I'm praying that London and Kendrick win them.They deserve them more than anyone. I say, it comes, but not tonight, I say at Cyber Sunday or just a random Raw within the next month.
WINNERS:Cade and Murdoch

Womens Championship:Who cares? Unless Trish or Lita come back and shock the world it's irrelevant to me, but for argument sake.
WINNER:Candice Michelle by DQ
John Cena (c) vs Randy Orton i think and hope that its Ortons time to have the belt. i think Cena will accidentaly knock out the ref and Orton will do the RKO onto a chair for the victory.
Winner: Randy Orton

Khali (C) vs Mysterio vs Batista i think that Khali will be chlotheslined out the ring by batista then Rey will hit the west coast pop for the victory. this match will be slow sluggish and crap.

CM Punk (C) vs Burke i think this could be the best match tonight but i see Punk retaining the belt.

imagine this Champion of Champions match at Cyber Sunday Mysterio vs Orton vs Punk. that could be amazing and its what im hoping for

Taker vs Henry i cant be assed with mark Henry i hope Taker injures him

HHH vs Carlito Carlito has entered HHH's return push and there's no chance that he is gonna win.

MVP & Matt Hardy (c) vs Deuce & Domino i want MVP and Hardy to win so that they can stretch this feud for longer but instinct tells me that MVP will betray Hardy.

Cade & Murdoch (c) vs London & Kendrick i can see London and Kendrick winning the titles because i think they've deserved a push for a while

Candice (c) vs Beth who gives a shit???
Cena vs Orton - Orton will find a way to win, due to some distraction involving Cena/Cena's dad?
Winner - Randy Orton

Khali vs Mysterio vs Batista - Batista will take out Khali, let Mysterio pin Khali, so Batista can take on Mysterio in future?
Winner - Mysterio

Punk vs Burke - I think Punk will win cos he'll hold it till Morrison comes back to continue rivalry
Winner - Punk

Undertaker vs Mark Henry - Undertaker will get done over but find a way to Tombstone him
Winner - Undertaker

HHH vs Carlito - Carlito will give HHH a run for his money but The Game will hit the Pedigree and 3 count
Winner - HHH

MVP & Matt Hardy vs Deuce n Domino - MVP and Hardy will actually start to show some sign of teamwork and will pull through to retain the belt
Winners - MVP and Matt Hardy

Cade & Murdoch vs London & Kendrick - London and Kendrick will be quite dominant but Cade and Murdoch to hold on until No Mercy, where London & Kendrick win there.
Winners - Cade and Murdoch

Candice vs Beth Phoenix - Beth will use her manly powers to decimate Candice
Winner - Beth Phoenix
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Ok, last minute predictions:

Cade & Murdoch (c) vs London & Kendrick Good back & forth contest, but C&M cheating behind the ref's back for the win.

CM Punk (c) vs Burke These two have so much potential to have a great match. I don't think it's be spectacular, but a darn good match nonetheless leaving potential rematches. Punk for a clean win.

HHH vs Carlito Anyone actually see Trips losing this? Nah didn't think so. An entertaining match that'll be excellent progressing for HHH in regaining full match fitness.

MVP & Matt Hardy (c) vs Deuce & Domino Possibly more in hope than anything else, but MVP & Hardy to win by MVP sacrificing Matt & pinning one of D&D afterwards, possibly with a schoolboy.

Underaker vs Henry Great entrance, poor match with Taker doing his best to carry it & coming out with the win by chokeslam.

Khali (C) vs Mysterio vs Batista Good luck making this one entertaining Rey! Khali for the victory.

Candice (c) vs Beth Beth to carry this match, but to lose after dominating.

John Cena (c) vs Randy Orton Either Cena to be DQ'd, or I reckon he'll win it after reversing & slamming Randy with a chair behind the ref's back, cheating but winning.
OK, so who wants to talk about the PPV? I was a little disappointed. I thought Cena-Orton was just a HUGE disappointment, but I don't blame either man, It was just booked horribly. I thought the World Heavyweight Title match was better than I expected it to be, not fantastic, but good. But WHY DID BATISTA HAVE TO WIN?!?! GHHHAAA!! I really liked the WWE Tag Team title bout too. That was just good ole' fashioned storytelling. MVP not wanting anything to do with the match, then having a change of heart, getting into the match, then Hardy screwing over MVP the way MVP did to Hardy a few weeks ago. Really makes their eventual title bout hyped. I can't wait for it. I love how they've booked this fued, one of the best of the year in my opinion. Everything else was just okay. ECW match was what I expected. Women's match was so-so. World tag team match was decent to good. Not sure why they booked return of Taker for the main event. It wasn't a main event caliber match but it was good enough for a Mark Henry match. Great finish though. Overall, I give it a C/C+
I think the cade and mudoch match was the only good match on the card. I predict that cade will be intercontential champion soon, and murdoch will go to ecw to be like the apa used to be. I never really got into any of the other matches, MVP/hardy match was ok but it should have gone on a bit longer, the heavyweight title match was ok but was still quite crappy, and i don't like any of the 2 guys in it so that didnt help. ALl the other matches sucked Cena/orton was not even a full match and it was the only time in the night the crowd did anything was to boo cena and then to let cena keep the title was stupid. And cena is getting boring now. The undertaker match was boring why was it the last match? and i think they did the same thing like last year with henry and the undertaker so it was stupid.

Overall I would give the PPV a D.
The crowd would get a big fat U (ungradeable because they were so piss poor)
Once again, the PPV sucked. There was a title change...not the one we wanted! Cena sux and now this is getting a little boring. Champ for a year? BULLSHIT! Batista winning a title he's won 3 times within the last 3 years and Orton who hasn't had a world title since 2004 loses? BULLSHIT! The matches sucked as usual. Taker's good but the match shouldn't have been last. Cena Vs. Orton was horrible not just because of the ending. It just sucked miserably. WWE messed up big time with this. First they screwed up the Mcmahon child storyline and now this. WWE is going down the drain! What's the World (Wrestling Entertainment) coming to?
Well Tommy, you can't really give the crowd a grade. They were reacting (or not) based on what was happening before their eyes...which was nothing. This had to be the worst booking job ever. I'm sure we'll be reading tomorrow how irate Vince was backstage. I was chatting online a few minutes ago and said that WWE did what TNA would like to do...bury all the WWE belts. Having a mid-card bout for the main event? Ending the Cena/Orton match like they did so that they could devote their time and attention to Taker/Henry? What the hell was that all about. So Taker came back...who really gives a monkeys crap. Taker can barely walk anymore let alone wrestle (which is something he never could do...just check out some of his Mean Mark Callous matches and see for yourself). After tonites disastrous performance, I am pretty sure that a few thousand more will tune in on Thursday night to see what all the hype is about TNA and 'Bound For Glory' will have their best buy-rate ever.
Did anyone else think that this ppv was rather low caliber? I was completely disapointed w the Cena/Orton match and thought it was the lamest ending and a huge let down-it seemed like most matches were something I would watch on Raw or Smackdown-the only good match in my opinion was the Women's Title match and that's not saying much-I would think with the recent suspensions and injuries they would be putting their best shows possible on...no wonder TNA is getting a larger fan base
WOW. what we all fail to realize is this PPV was all about one thing and one thing only. The Undertaker returns. Forreal. Since like SummerSlam this was the plan hype this PPV for the deadman. So it makes sense that he main event. Cena and Orton come on who saw a DQ finish coming.Show of hands.U see my point.No Mercy has Orton all over it poster and all so all U Cena Haters can shut da hell up cuz we all know Cena's gonna lose at No Mercy.

New WWE Champion Randy Orton. So ECW Title switches hands, then the World Title, now WWE title. Real exciting stuff goin on in the WWE. Not to mention the Vince storyline progress with Kennedy coming back. HHH vs. Umaga fued on the horizon

and maybe a Taker vs. Batista this can all lead to Survivor Series Elimination Chamber where Edge is the Sixth entrant and shocks the world winning the World Title. This PPV sets all this up. Batista vs. Rey vs. Taker vs. Khali vs. Henry vs. Edge.

I have to say with all the supension and firings the way this was booked made sense. Vince is just waiting for all the suspened stars to return and as JR says business will pick up.
I know it was a really bad booking, but the crowd were dead from the word go. Even when a ppv is booked this bad (Bad Blood 2003, No mercy 2006, Any UK PPV ever except the one from Wembley) the crowd reacts, there was zero reaction. There is only 1 comparison to both the crowd and PPV in general- December to Dismember! What a joke the booking was abysmal your right, but jees this crowd wouldn't react if a bomb went off in the area, or if all the diva's came out naked with *****s or some mental shit.
So if they were hyping up the Undertaker match, why was it less then 15 minutes? Probably because Undertaker can't wrestle all that long anymore because of age and I'm sure still some nagging injuries and can't say all that much for Mark Henry...and as far as matches on the horizon that's good and fine but they need to make up for time now to keep fans interested because by the time all that stuff happens people might be tunning in to TNA a lot more...I know they have definitely started to catch my attention more and more...basically it seems like WWE storylines are getting lame and predictable

And I agree with everyone that says about the Cena/Orton booking it's neither wrestlers fault...but still can't help but be a little turned off at Cena anymore because as much as I like him, he's just not that exciting anymore-they should completely revamp his character, even possibly make him heel for a while or even go back to the ridiculous throwbacks and what not that he used to do...something new...maybe even a few new moves because he really has only about 5 actual moves that he does.

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