[Official] Unforgiven 2007 Thread

Cade And Murdoch Vs Brian Kendrink And Paul London
Brian Kendrink And Paul London will win this one in my opinion, cryme tyme would of been the next tag team champs but they got realesed(get them bk by the way)this fued will drag out to the next ppv where the belts will change hands again

Undertaker Vs Mark Henry

undertaker will beat mark henry obviously because it his big hyped return but ive got a feelin tht the deadman is gna return with a more darker image thn before...hopefully something like when he ws in the ministry.Mark henry has signed a new contract with wwe btw.

Cena Vs Orton

I really hope orton wins this one.i was expecting him to beat cena at summerslam but i can jst see "superman" cena winning this 1 too as he wins evry title match. i cant belive that the wwe bookers havent realised how boarin he is.

HHH V Carlito

HHH will easily win this match just another "forced" storyline due to the suspensions currently upon the wwe.

Khali V Batista V Rey Mystereo

Well this match is goin to be a laugh.
Khali - Y is he champion?has a limited amount of moves and cant spk a word of english
Batista - Obviously jst cant get the msg tht hes turned BOARIN and no one wants him champion nemore as he is a mid-carder
Mystereo - Proberly should b facing hornswaggle for the cruiserweight belt rather thn bein in this match lol jut shows the lack of main event competion there is latley.
I think batista will win this one after the countless time of askin but its going to b a job to sit through that match
WWE Tag Team Championships- Duece & Domino vs. Matt Hardy and MVP
D&D will win this one. MVP will double-cross Hardy to hype up a match at NM or CS. If Hardy doesn't a U.S title run out of this I'm gonna be super-pissed!

World Tag Team Championships- Londrick vs. Cade & Murdoch
This is gonna be tag team wrestling at it's finest. Contrasting styles that put together showcase every style of wrestling. Power, brawling, high-flying, technical, it'll all be there. I think Londrick's gonna win this one, and they'll get another lengthy run. If C&M retain I'm gonna be super-pissed!

Women's Title Match- Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix
This is a match of "mammary"-oth proportions lol. Normally this is where I'd go to the bathroom, but I like the looks of this match. Plus, the chances of a wardrobe malfunction in this match are thru the roof! lol But seriously, if I give up my bathroom break w/o so much as a nipslip I'm gonna be super-pissed!

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
This is my bathroom break for the evening. I'm gonna watch Taker's entrance, then go take a piss. I just can't bear to watch a Mark Henry match anymore. Anyone who has read my posts know how much I despise Henry. Besides, we know what's gonna happen. Taker wins in a massacre. This is the same match we saw at WM20 against Kane. If Henry doesn't get mauled I'm gonna be super-pissed!

Triple H vs. Carlito- So Carlito is the new Booker T on Raw now, eh? Jobbing to the big guys on their way to a title match. Ok... still better than what he was doing before. Seriously though, even though he has 0% chance of winning, Carlito can step up and become a major player on RAW in light of all these suspensions. HHH wins in what could be a very good match. If Carlito doesn't put an effort into this match I'm gonna be super-pissed!

ECW Championship- CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke
This is the obligatory ECW match of the evening. This should be very entertaining, and possibly a sign of things to come. Does anyone else think we'll see these two guys wrestling foe the WWE Championship in a few years? Anyways, if this match doesn't live up to it's potential as one of the highlights of the match, I'm gonna be super-pissed!

WHC Triple Threat Match- The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio
Poor Rey, he just got back from knee surgery and he's gotta carry two of the worst workers in the WWE. This is gonna be a bad match if anything besides a win for Rey occurs, but we know that's not gonna happen. I changed my mind. I'd kinda like to Mark Henry get mauled by Taker... this is my new bathroom break match. I swear to god, if Rey wins the title while I'm busy on the shitter, I'm gonna be super-pissed!

WWE Championship- John Cena vs. Randy Orton
You know I really thought that maybe there would be a stipulation match here, but instead it's just a normal rematch. This match could be better than their match at Summerslam. Lots of brawling. Orton's definately gonna win the title and put Cena out of action. If I lose my bets on this match and have to shave my eyebrows, I am going to be SUPER-PISSED!!

'Nuff said. Rant over. I'm outta here!
WWE TAg TEam Title Match: Deuce & Domino vs MVP & Matt HArdy

Winners: Deuce & Domino

Reason: Plain and simple, The TAg team title on smackdown means absolutely nothing, they are just another way for the wwe to keep MVP out of the ring until is they are sure that is heart can take a full lengh match so having said that, Deuce & Domino should regain the titles and dissapear until they are ready to lose them again.

World Tag Team Championship match

London & Kendrick vs Murdoch and Cade

Winners: London & Kendrick

Reasons: This is a personal choice for based on the fact that they been teasing this title change for a while now and when has far as to switch the belt twice last week during their tour of africa. So i think it's time to have new tag team champion on raw and let some of the heel teams get a shot at the belts.

Woman's championship match
Candice michelle vs Beth Phoenix

Winner: Beth Phoenix

Reason: hard one to predict because i like both divas as performers, Candice as become one of the best woman wrestler on raw and like and the fact that see is one of the most popular diva on raw helps her. But at the same time, Beth phoenix as been on a role lately and she is a great wrestler so the only reason i would see BEth win this match would be because they want this feud to continue after this match.

World Heavyweight title match
The Great Khali vs REy Mysterio Vs BAtista

Winner: The Great Khali

Reason: I seem That the only reason that rey mysterio was put in this match was so that batista wouldn't look weak. Let's face it, With all the chance that batista got at the world title since wrestlemania and he still hasn't won the belt yet. So i think that rey mysterio is going to be the won to get destroy by Khali while BAtista is outside the ring and can't do anything to make the save.

Undertaker vs MArk Henry

Winner: Undertaker

Reason: that a easy one to pick, if REy mysterio and HHH didn'T lose their return match at summerslam, do you really think that Undertaker will lose. Mark Henry is just a pawn in this match and will pretty much get destroy by undertaker.

HHH vs CArltio

Winner: HHH

Reason: Since they can't put umaga has HHH next victims, Carlito will do just find especially since he doesn't do much except losing.

WWE Championship MAtch

John Cena vs RAndy Orton

Winner: John Cena

Reason: Simple logic here, if i was the boss of a multi million dollar company, would i put somebody that could be caught in a drug scandal at any time or somebody that a sure thing and make me a lot of money. It easy, i would go for the sure thing. The WWE is going through a rough time right now and John Cena is pretty much the only sure thing they got right now. Even if alot of internet fans are tired of cena as the champion, he is a sure thing right now, while Randy Orton is a loose cannon, let face it, everytime Randy Orton is on the verge of becoming a world champion again, he does something stupid to screw it up. If it wasn't for the fact that he already serve is time from the pharmacy scandal, he would have put the wwe in a tougher spot that it already is. So if it wasn't for backstage stuff, i would have pick Orton in this one but simply because of that i'm going with Cena.

ECW Title Match

C.M. Punk vs Elijiah Burke

Winner: C.M. Punk

Reason: BAsicly it's simple. Punk just won the title, Burke was the only guy that wasn't in a feud right now so you put these two together and have Punk win over Burke. Then Burke can go back to whatever he was doing before this match happened.
My Unforgiven 2007 Predictions:

WWE Champioship:
John Cena (c) VS. Randy Orton -
This feud is pretty good, I see Cena's dad doing something in this match. I think Orton will cheat to win (i.e brass knuckles, pull tights..), and after the match give Cena a punt to the head. Cena will be champ for a year exactly and is "injured" so can go to film his sure to be crappy movie.
Winner: Randy Orton - New WWE Champion

World Heavyweight Championship:
The Great Khali (c) VS. Rey Mysterio VS. Batista -
First of all I would like to say there is nothing heavyweight about Rey Mysterio, okay now that that's out of the way lets get down to business. Well once again folks, Dead Air Dave is in the main event, I didn't see that coming. Rey will play a small part in this match with it being mainly Khali versus Batista. Khali throws Batista outside, then he kills and pins Rey. Khali will probably lose the title to The Undertaker at No Mercy.
Winner: The Great Khali - Still World Heavyweight Champion

ECW World Championship:
C.M Punk (c) VS. Elijah Burke -
There is no way that Punk is gonna lose the title on his first defence. It might be a good match, but it won't be because it's WWE. Punk wins after dominating most of the match.
Winner: C.M Punk - Still ECW World Champion

WWE Tag Team Championship:
MVP & Matt Hardy (c) VS. Deuce & Domino -
The **** from the 50's will win because MVP and Hardy will fight during the match and D&D will take advatage. Bad match.
Winners: Deuce & Domino - New WWE Tag Team Champions

World Tag Team Championship:
Trevor Cade & Lance Murdoch (c) VS. Londrick -
They have been teasing a title change with the whole tag title change on the tour. Finally we will have a tag team that is very deserving of being champs. The match will have some big spots by Londrick.
Winners: Londrick - New World Tag Team Champions

WWE Women's Championship:
Candice Michelle (c) VS. Beth Phoenix -
Beth will totally dominate the entire match. Then Candice will do a rollup pin, for the win (lol it rhymes). So the feud continues.
Winner: Candice Michelle - Still WWE Women's Champion

Triple H VS. Carlito -
Carlito jobs to the king of kings.
Winner: Triple H

Undertaker VS. Mark Henry -
No way is Undertaker losing his return match. Huge domination by Undertaker. The feud end here, so 'Taker can go for the World title.
Winner: The Undertaker
WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. Randy Orton
[I'll stick with my prediction that Orton will win, most likely from some stipulation rather than just straight out-wrestling Cena, which he could do.]
WINNER: Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Title Match
The Great Khali vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista
[I can see any of them winning this. If Khali wins, he's dropping the title to the Undertaker at No Mercy. If Batista wins, he's losing it real soon. If Rey Mysterio wins, he'll win because they'll gang up on Khali, and his next feud will be with either Finlay or MVP (if he loses the U.S. title to Hardy). Could go a lot of ways, but...]
WINNER: Rey Mysterio

ECW World Title Match
CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke
[Won't be that great of a match since it has no emotion behind it, even though they're talented guys. Predictable finish, too.]

WWE Tag Team Title Match
MVP and Matt Hardy vs. Deuce and Domino
[I completely agree with the census here. MVP will turn on Hardy and Deuce or Domino will pin him to win back the belts. Then, the next episode of Smackdown, MVP will say that Hardy himself lost the belts, not MVP. At No Mercy, they'll have their U.S. match and Hardy will win.]
WINNERS: Deuce & Domino

World Tag Team Title Match
Cade and Murdoch vs. London and Kendrick
[The title changes in the house shows makes me think they'll switch this time around as well. Cadoch isn't over with the crowd, but Londrick is for the most part, and they're definitely more entertaining at the least. They'll probably have a rematch at No Mercy and retain and then their next feud will be with TWGTT.]
WINNERS: Londrick

WWE Women's Title Match
Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix
[Its all been said. "Don't care". Candice will retain by the skin of her teeth probably.]
WINNER: Candice Michelle

The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
[Do I need an explanation for this?]
WINNER: Undertaker

Triple H vs. Carlito
[Do I need an explanation for this?]
WINNER: Triple H

*So that's how I see it. Summerslam was completely lacking in title changes and it pissed off a lot of fans, so we may very well see some changes this time around just to freshen things up and give them a little bit of forced leeway into dealing with the suspensions. If they don't change some titles around, since its already gotten stale, on top of a lack of talent to deal with from injuries and suspensions, they'll sink lower in the ratings, so by having some titles change hands, they can rejuvenate themselves for a little while longer.
WWE Champioship:
John Cena (c) VS. Randy Orton -
Was Orton suspended? He appeared via satellite last week, and yet he is getting a title match. He's had problems in the past but I'm not sure anymore. Since he is going to be in the main event, most likely he's not going to be suspended unless Cena somehow snaps and takes him out after the match at the PPV. Cena is supposed to be shooting another movie, but if Orton is suspended, who else will win the belt? I guess I'll go with Cena to win the rematch, but either way, someone will get storyline-injured and be put out for a while.
Winner: John Cena - remains WWE Champion

World Heavyweight Championship:
The Great Khali (c) VS. Rey Mysterio VS. Batista -
Batista ONCE AGAIN has found his way into a World Heavyweight Title match. It's hard to believe that the writers keep thinking that Batista is interesting enough to keep getting title matches. So far, since he first started facing Booker for the WHC, he been the main event guy either chasing or defending the WHC for every single PPV in '06 AND '07 (except the Tag Team match at No Way Out). What makes it all the more strange is that now they throw fresh-off-the-roids Mysterio, who already has had bad press for his involvement with the stuff. Would the WWE put BOTH high status championship belts on two suspected steroid or HGH users? I can't imagine Khali losing the belt to Batista after all this time, especially with Rey in there. I'm betting Rey gets taken out early, Batista and Khali beat each other until both fall out, and Mysterio gets a cheap sneak win. Remember that Edge is due back soon, and they may put the belt back on him. The Undertaker vs. Edge at Wrestlemania is too big to pass up right now.
Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Rey Mysterio

P.S. - Anyone think a Cena\Batista match could happen? With all these losses plus Mysterio's sneak win, Batista could easily snap, turn heel on Mysterio and head to RAW to take out Cena.

ECW World Championship:
C.M. Punk (c) VS. Elijah Burke -
C.M. Punk takes the ball, runs with it and shows why he deserved the ECW title from the beginning. Strong showing from Elijah Burke though.
Winner: C.M Punk - remains ECW World Champion

WWE Tag Team Championship:
MVP & Matt Hardy (c) VS. Deuce & Domino -
Maybe Hardy and MVP will fight during the match. Still, it's not the WWE's style to have too many belts change hands at a worthless PPV. I think the bickering will somehow subside enough to where they retain the Tag Team Titles...for now.
Winners: Matt Hardy and MVP - remain WWE Tag Team Champions

World Tag Team Championship:
Trevor Cade & Lance Murdoch (c) VS. Paul London and Brian Kendrick -
I'm thinking Cade and Murdoch are getting stale. I heard once that Londrick might get punished for backstage incidents. Still, hard to keep a good team down, and they need some fuel for this feud, which kinda got built out of nowhere.
Winners and new World Tag Team Champions: Paul London and Brian Kendrick

WWE Women's Championship:
Candice Michelle (c) VS. Beth Phoenix -
Hard to believe Beth Phoenix might actually lose to Candice Michelle. Professional Women's wrestler losing to a Diva Search contestant. Oh well. Maybe there will be some inference to make it look real?
Winner: Candice Michelle - remains Women's Champion

Triple H VS. Carlito -
No King Booker equals no one to feud with. At least Booker had some chance of beating HHH. I wish Carlito were a more credible competitor. Any chance he gets a sneaky victory over HHH just to make him seem just a bit more, I don't know, tougher? Nah; if it were Cena, I could see it. Not The Game though. Too much power.
Winner: Triple H

Undertaker VS. Mark Henry -
Returning wrestlers NEVER lose. I only wish this were a casket match of some kind. Well, they already had one at Wrestlemania 22. Still, Undertaker comes back, takes a bit of a pounding, then comes back and puts Marky Mark in his place.
Winner: The Undertaker

Match that should be added:
WWE Intercontinental Title
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Shelton Benjamin
They should add this match to the card. Give Benjamin a new push and establish that old credibility he used to have. Even if Hardy wins, they could give Benjamin a strong match to show off that he's better, and let Hardy get back some of the lost PPV money.
Should-be winner: Jeff Hardy - remains Intercontinental Champion

John Cena vs Randy Orton/ WWE Championship

I can see this match have potential to be one of the matches of the year because they will brawl all over the building because Cena will eventually get hurt in this match so he can go shoot his movie. My prediction is that Coach or Vince will come out on Raw this week and annouce that the match is now a speacilty match because Cena will knock out all the security and head for Orton because Cena is banned from Raw this week and Vince or Coach will come out and annouce it!!! Winner: Randy Orton

Kahli vs Batista vs Rey/ world heavyweight championship

I can see this match go either way because Batista and Rey will both double team Kahli. Batista or Rey will either win or they will turn on one another and when there through Kahli come in and finish them off.
Winner: Kahli

C.M Punk vs Elijah Burke/ ECW Championship

I see Punk winning this match because he just got the belt because of Morrison being suspended. This fued will go into No Mercy and when Morrison comes back will pick up the Morrison Punk fued once again heading into Survivor Series!!!
Winner: C.M Punk

MVP and Matt Hardy vs Deuce and Domino/ WWE tag-team championship

MVP and Matt Hardy will turn on each other at the end of the match and lose the belts to Deuce and Domino and Matt and MVP's fued will go into No Mercy and eventually end at Cyber Sunday with Hardy winning the belt in a speacilty match like a cage or Ladder Winner: Deuce and Domino

Cade and Murdoch vs London and Kendrick/ World tag-team championship

This will be a match where the punches fly both way and London and Kendrick get the roll up for the win because they already won it during the WWE tour and Cade and Murdoch got it back the last day of it. Expect London and Kendrick to hold on to the titles until Survivor Series.
Winner: London and Kendrick

THe Return of the Undertaker
The Undertaker vs Mark Henry

This match will be o.k, expect Undertaker dominate the entire match and finish Henry off with the tombstone. Expect this to be short and the Undertakers extrance awesome!!!! This fued will go into No Mercy with a Hell-in-the Cell or Buried Alive. Winner: The Undertaker

HHH vs Carlito

This match will be a good match in my view. Carlito has some talent but hasn't really showed us what he can do yet. Expect HHH to carry him through the match. This match will be better than HHH vs Booker at Summerslam. Winner: HHH

Candice Michelle vs Beth Pheonix/ Womens championship

Expect this to be mosty Beth dominating Candice and Candice getting the roll up for the win. good chance for a wardrobe malfunction because of Beth slinging Candice around the entire match. Winner: Candice Michelle

Match that might happen

Jeff vs Shelton/ INTERCONTINENTAL Championship

THis will be a one of the matches of the night if this happens. Expect this to be long and thrilling match. Jeff wins with the Swanton Bomb
Winner: Jeff Hardy

THis ppv will be one of the better ones of the year!! Definately better than Summerslam and The Great American Bash!!!! If your waiting to get a good ppv for the year this is it or wait until Survivor Series.
QUOTE=psykohurricane;236494]WWE TAg TEam Title Match: Deuce & Domino vs MVP & Matt HArdy

Winners: Deuce & Domino

Reason: Plain and simple, The TAg team title on smackdown means absolutely nothing, they are just another way for the wwe to keep MVP out of the ring until is they are sure that is heart can take a full lengh match so having said that, Deuce & Domino should regain the titles and dissapear until they are ready to lose them again.

MVP and Hardy hold on to the straps tooooo soooon for them to lose it they are building a megapowers here lol like Hogan and Savage !!

World Tag Team Championship match

London & Kendrick vs Murdoch and Cade

Winners: London & Kendrick

Winners and still Tag Team champions is Cade and Murdoch
Why Kendrick and London won in the African tour only to lose it the next night to Cade and Murdoch lol some tag team champions they were they fit in TNA with all the small little guys!

Reasons: This is a personal choice for based on the fact that they been teasing this title change for a while now and when has far as to switch the belt twice last week during their tour of africa. So i think it's time to have new tag team champion on raw and let some of the heel teams get a shot at the belts.

Woman's championship match
Candice michelle vs Beth Phoenix

Winner: Beth Phoenix

Candice Michelle wins everyone likes her especially me so if I had a date and a choice to make who would I pick to bring home for dinner for my family to see Candice Michelle she needs to hold onto it longer and beth phoenix needs to prove herself longer!
Winner Candice Michelle

Reason: hard one to predict because i like both divas as performers, Candice as become one of the best woman wrestler on raw and like and the fact that see is one of the most popular diva on raw helps her. But at the same time, Beth phoenix as been on a role lately and she is a great wrestler so the only reason i would see BEth win this match would be because they want this feud to continue after this match.

World Heavyweight title match
The Great Khali vs REy Mysterio Vs BAtista

Winner: The Great Khali

You are right on Great Khali they are building him up to be the indestructible monster that he is so he won 't lose it till Survivor Series when Bastista beats him only to lose it to Edge teh same night lol when Edge shows up LoL

Reason: I seem That the only reason that rey mysterio was put in this match was so that batista wouldn't look weak. Let's face it, With all the chance that batista got at the world title since wrestlemania and he still hasn't won the belt yet. So i think that rey mysterio is going to be the won to get destroy by Khali while BAtista is outside the ring and can't do anything to make the save.

Undertaker vs MArk Henry

Again you can be wrong Mark Henry signed a new deal so they ain't killing him off so expect this to carry on thru Survivor Series !
Winner by DQ Mark Henry

Winner: Undertaker

Reason: that a easy one to pick, if REy mysterio and HHH didn'T lose their return match at summerslam, do you really think that Undertaker will lose. Mark Henry is just a pawn in this match and will pretty much get destroy by undertaker.

HHH vs CArltio

Winner: HHH

Reason: Since they can't put umaga has HHH next victims, Carlito will do just find especially since he doesn't do much except losing.

WWE Championship MAtch

Listen johN Cena fanatic its been said over a month almost that Randy Orton is supposed to win if we have a mcmoron terrible owner who does nothing t us wrestling fans but BORE us with the CHUMP polls have repeatedly proven and shown we have many John Queena despisers all over the world and nation
Its also been reported that HHH pitched the idea of having Orton beat Queena so he can defeat Randy Orton its been even reported here on wrestlezone as well as other wrestling scoops!
He is cleared of the pharmacy scandals but hey what about John Queena? Has he been tested so far he is banned from the building so making him lose to Randy Orton can have John Queena turn heel and it can work well without the title! Queena doesn't need no title just like Ric Flair doesn't need no title to prove he is the man and champ! Winner should be Randy Orton cause John Queena is heading to hollywood to do movies since his last movie Marine bombed!
McMOron is the type who would sucker us fans and believing us QUeena will drop the title but unlike TNA where title changes hand to keep wrestling fans interested and not BORE us like Wheelchair Wrestling ENtertainment! yawwwn
We still have John Queena as chump if mc moron is too blind to see it and yes he makes money and suckers us wrestling fans and fools us with our cold earned cash than he is no businessman to be trusted and I said before we should boycott WWE and never watch it till he aknowledges and understands the fans for a change he so obnoxiosuly refuses to let his boytoy drop the title!

Winner Randy Orton

John Cena vs RAndy Orton

Winner: John Cena

Reason: Simple logic here, if i was the boss of a multi million dollar company, would i put somebody that could be caught in a drug scandal at any time or somebody that a sure thing and make me a lot of money. It easy, i would go for the sure thing. The WWE is going through a rough time right now and John Cena is pretty much the only sure thing they got right now. Even if alot of internet fans are tired of cena as the champion, he is a sure thing right now, while Randy Orton is a loose cannon, let face it, everytime Randy Orton is on the verge of becoming a world champion again, he does something stupid to screw it up. If it wasn't for the fact that he already serve is time from the pharmacy scandal, he would have put the wwe in a tougher spot that it already is. So if it wasn't for backstage stuff, i would have pick Orton in this one but simply because of that i'm going with Cena.

ECW Title Match

C.M. Punk vs Elijiah Burke

Winner: C.M. Punk

Reason: BAsicly it's simple. Punk just won the title, Burke was the only guy that wasn't in a feud right now so you put these two together and have Punk win over Burke. Then Burke can go back to whatever he was doing before this match happened.[/QUOTE]
My have things changed a bit since my first predictions... Still I'm looking for at least one more match to be made.
WWE title: John Cena vs Randy Orton
I think Cena will loose the belt at Unforgiven. It's been nearly a whole year, as Randy pointed out on Raw and I really don't see Cena holding the belt much longer then that. In fact it'd be ironic that he looses it one year after gaining it.
World Heavyweight Championship: Khali vs Rey Mysterio vs Batista
I'm looking for Rey to pick up where he left off as the underdog champ. Meaning I'm looking to see Rey win this one possibly with an unintended assist by Batista.
Triple H vs Carlito
I really don't think any amount of weapons in the world will help Carlito. I'm sure HHH will do whatever it takes to give Carlito the beating of his life, the only way I see Carlito winning is if HHH looses his cool and grabs the hammer.
Undertaker vs Mark Henry
The deadman's return will most likely be a victory. However I don't see the feud lasting much longer as I can see Taker possibly feuding with Khali again before trying Edge *hopefully* for the title.
Womens Title Match: Candice vs Beth
I'm going to say that Candice will retain here, and continue feuding with Beth for a while before eventually dropping the title to her later in the year.
Word Tag Team Titles: Cade And Murdoch vs Londrick
I've seen a pattern of who can best who when it comes to these teams, and frankly it's been working out as far as matches go. Londrick had the upper hand on Raw this week, so I'm looking to see the rednecks steal one similar to how Londrick did on Raw.
WWE Tag Team Titles: MVP and Matt Hardy vs Deuce and Domino
I guess this rematch had to happen sometime. I can easily see the champs retaining, but can also see Hardy doing much of the work.
ECW title: CM Punk Vs ???
I can see Punk possibly facing Burke or Big Daddy V. Punk ad Burke always seem to put on a good match, but Big Daddy V has ben getting one monster of a push since going to ECW, so we'll wait and see, but reguardless I can see CM Punk winning the match
WWE Championship Match
John Cena vs. Randy Orton:
The only reason I can see WWE creative allowing Cena to carry the title past SummerSlam is to make him to lose it at Unforgiven, marking his one year anniversary. I think Orton will finally take the belt off Cena. This will lead to a short feud, Orton destroying the Cena belt etc.
Winner: Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Great Khali vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista:
The WWE is giving Khali too big of a push just to make him drop the belt. I have a feeling he is going to hold on to it until Undertaker or Edge take it off of him
Winner: The Great Khali

ECW Championship Match
C.M. Punk vs. Elijah Burke:
This is going to be a great match. Probably my favorite of the night. Both of these men are talented, and if used properly, could be the future of this business. Punk isn't going to lose the title this soon. I can see him dropping it to Burke in a couple of months or so
Winner: C.M. Punk

World Tag Team Championship Match
Cade and Murdoch vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick:
I'm not interested in this match at all. Although these are both talented tag teams, they haven't had much time on the mic. It isn't personal at all. I think the titles will change hands just to keep everything fresh
Winners: Paul London and Brian Kendrick

WWE Tag Team Championship
MVP and Matt Hardy vs. Duece and Domino:
I don't see any reason to give Duece and Domino the titles back. They haven't had a real feud in months. At least MVP and Hardy have been interesting to watch.
Winners: MVP and Matt Hardy

Triple H vs. Carlito: Triple H is going to boost himself to main event status. I can see another Orton/Triple H feud coming out of this
Winner: Triple H

The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry: IF the WWE creative team does this right, it can be a great match. Have Taker dominate the majority of the time. Once he is about to finish Henry off, have Edge's entrance music start playing. This will distract Taker, Henry picks up the win. This will lead to a longer feud until the time is right for Undertaker to take the belt off of Khali. Plus it will add even more fuel to the Edge/Taker feud
Winner: Mark Henry
Prediction Time!

WWE Championship Match
John Cena vs. Randy Orton:

I was confused at the beginning, thinking in a possible suspension on RKO, but after the doubts were clarified, I still think RKO will Win, with or without cheating, giving the time off Cena really needs.
Winner: Randy Orton, yeeeeeaah!

World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Great Khali vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista:

I dont know how many times are we going to see Batista in a WHC match, perhaps the same amount of times as Cena...?
It was a terrible and pointless decision by teddy Long, but again, Mysterio alone doesnt have a chance to deliver a credible win here.
MySterio will win, but Batista will do the dirty Job.
Winner: Rey Mysterio

ECW Championship Match
C.M. Punk vs. Elijah Burke:

An oldfeud is re-born. But in a PPV? This is one of the disadvantages of ECW: Lack of roster. They are going to do the same as the Morrison - Punk feud, and then back to the same. Marcus Cor Von already has lost all interest in his character, so I dont see him in the chase in a near future, so to say even in the company.
Punk will have a fair long reign. Want to know how he will win? With a GTS. wow, im impressed. *shrugs*
Winner: C.M. Punk

World Tag Team Championship Match
Cade and Murdoch vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick:
the only tag teams left on the RAW roster I guess. The titles already changed in the last RAW tour on South Africa, so, for me, the Hype died in another continent.
The Rednecks will get the win, so they can continue their feud with LonDrick, waiting for the WGTT to get together, so things can be shaken up again.
Winners: Rednecks

WWE Tag Team Championship
MVP and Matt Hardy vs. Duece and Domino:

This angle make looks Hardy as a complete dumbass, but at least he is getting better at the mic. MVP is on the path to great things, I really hope he is really cleared from his heart condition.
I lost interest in Deuce and Domino since they lost the title. The characters are kind of boring, and i dont see any exit but relegate them in the mid card, along with the major bros.
MVP and Hardy will win, but keeping their own feud alive.
Winners: MVP and Matt Hardy

Triple H vs. Carlito:
Do we really need to see this? lol, Carlito will get squashed by The Game, with or without the sledge hammer, I see it as another Quad test for Triple H.
Winner: Triple H

The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry:
Taker finally returns. Dont know if a little early, but I think he is smart enough to know if he is really ready.
i dont have to say that mark Henry is a piece of trash in the ring, right? So, this will be only a triumphal return for the deadman, leading a short feud with Henry and Khali, ending with Taker winning the belt maybe at Survivor Series.
Taker all the way, I miss the Tombstone Piledriver sooo much!
Winner: The Undertaker [/QUOTE]

WWE Women Championship Match: Candice Michelle(c) vs "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix
OMG, if this were a real fight, Beth would probably get 25 to 40 years, if not Life behind bars! Really, despite Beth Phoenix being far superior than Candice, I feel that Jillian Hall will have something to do in the match. Remember that Beth threw Mickie James and then Jillian outside the ring at last RAW? Well, I smell Jillian taking revenge at Beth, leading a Triple Threat Match at No Mercy, with Phoenix finally getting the strap. Finally!
In the meantime, Candice will win, again, thanks to Jillian.
Winner: Candice Michelle, boo

Match of the night Prediction: Randy Orton vs Johnny Boy. It will kick ass, it better be that way...
Here are my Predictions:

ECW World Championship:
C.M Punk (c) VS. Elijah Burke -
This is a easy one for me. While Elijah Burke is very great in the ring and has a good future ahead of him i just dont see him becoming the champion this sunday. Punk will Retain the title for lots of reasons. one of them being that CM Punk just won the title and wont be losing it so fast. and plus i have heard that as soon as Morrison returns he will win the belt back. but things could always change.
Winner: C.M Punk - Still ECW World Champion

World Tag Team Championship:
Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (c) VS. Londrick -
This one could go either way. i hope to see Londrick win this one but with the way wwe sometimes disappoints i think that Cade and Trevor will Retain but i am not 100% sure. and reading about what happend on that Africa Tour with Londrick beating the champs and becoming champs and on the last day of the tour Cade and Murdoch winning the titles back. well that just tells me that there is a good chance that Londrick can beat the champs this sunday. but something still tells me that Cade and Murdoch will retain and thus continuing the feud between these two teams.
Winners: Cade and Murdoch - Still World Tag Team Champions

WWE Women's Championship:
Candice Michelle (c) VS. Beth Phoenix -
I dont pay much Attention to the Womens Division but i see Candice Winning this match but not so sure as Beth is a very strong women and could be the future of the womens division. but watching as to how beth got the last laugh on monday i see Candice winning this match. and i think the wwe is trying to make Candice the next Trish Stratus.
Winner: Candice Michelle - Still WWE Women's Champion

WWE Tag Team Championship:
MVP & Matt Hardy (c) VS. Deuce & Domino -
This is another easy one for me. seeing that MVP and Matt are still in this United States title feud i see MVP screwing Matt in the match by attacking him and then leaving. thus leaving Matt alone with D&D and then they finish Matt off and win back the titles.
Winners: Deuce & Domino - New WWE Tag Team Champions

Undertaker VS. Mark Henry -
I dont see Taker Losing this match since he is returning but since Mark Hengry aint leaving the company this is very hard. back then i was expecting Taker to beat the hell out of Mark and beating him on Unforgiving. but since he has Re-signed i am not sure who will win but if i had to make a choice i would choose Taker to win. but i think that wwe will have this match end in a No Contest after the match gets out of control. and thus The Taker/Hengry Feud Continues.
Winner: No Contest. but with Taker getting the last laugh.

World Heavyweight Championship:
The Great Khali (c) VS. Rey Mysterio VS. Batista -
I cant stand Khali as Champion. Mysterio i dont see winning this match since i heard Vince doesn't want Mysterio winning the World Title again. and Batista here i see having a good chance of winning. i heard reports that said that Khali was gonna lose the belt on either Summerslam or Unforgiving and even tho you cant believe everything the internet says i still think this could be right and see Batista Winning the WHC this Sunday. but anything could happen.
Winner: - Dave Batista - New World Champion

Triple H VS. Carlito -
This would have been a easy win for HHH but with wwe knowing that they made it a no dq match but only for Carlito. thus they are trying to make it not so obvious that the game will win. but i still see Triple H winning the match. the only way that Carlito could win the match is by DQ victory if HHH gets really mad and hits Carlito with the Sledge Hammer or some other weapon. but my pick has to be the King of Kings Triple H the soon to be 11 time WWE Champion.
Winner: Triple H

WWE Champioship:
John Cena (c) VS. Randy Orton -
This match has the possibility of being a Match of the year Candidate. Seeing that this will make it one year with Cena being on top with the WWE Title and seeing as Orton will look way bad if he lost to cena yet again on a PPV. i see WWE having Orton Win this match. and come on lets face it, it's about time Orton became the WWE Champ. and thus this feud will continue. i think.
Winner: Randy Orton - New WWE Champion
IDK why this never occured to me before, but couldn't Cena win again and then RKO attacks him after the match and puts him out of action? Then the title could be vacated, and lead to Orton/HHH for the title. OR you could have an Elimination Chamber.
Wait, I just remembered that this DID occur to me before, and I posted this a couple weeks ago. I gotta quit sniffin' glue..
IDK why this never occured to me before, but couldn't Cena win again and then RKO attacks him after the match and puts him out of action? Then the title could be vacated, and lead to Orton/HHH for the title. OR you could have an Elimination Chamber.
Wait, I just remembered that this DID occur to me before, and I posted this a couple weeks ago. I gotta quit sniffin' glue..

That could be a interesting way to get Cena out of the picture. but I dont see Orton taking Part on it, if happens.
But as you mention, The elimination Chamber could be used in case of, maybe in Survivor Series!!! (wow! imagine that PPV!!)
Buy I dont think Triple H will go for the title right now. Unforgiven should be another quad test for him (see my predictions) and thats it. after this, he should be feuding either Carlito or maybe Kennedy, but not going after Orton that Soon.
Oh what the hell, I'll throw in my Predictions.
Looks to be an alright card, all things considered. Though there are the needless ones as usual. More on those momentarily.

World Tag Team Titles - Cade and Murdoch v Londrick: Well, whoever said it was right. The only real tag teams left on RAW. Unnecessary to have, I think they should unify the tag titles and throw everybody into battles week in and out. Anyways, some crazy action by Londrick, then a victory by the Rednecks...God DAMNIT I hate rednecks.

WWE Tag Team Championships - MVP, Hardy, D&D - This is one of those matches that are pointless. MVP and Hardy are in their own feud. I would venture to say that they got the titles because MVP was not well enough or the WWE wasn't lenient enough to let him do a singles, but he apparently is okay now, so they could have lost the titles. I'm looking for a backstab here by MVP, or even Hardy, to resume the U.S. title feud. D&D Retain.

Women's Title - Guh. See above. Needless. Pointless. Waste of time. It's a joke. A shit break, a snack break, a regurgitate my beer break, whatever I'm feeling like at the time. But I'll go on a limb and say Candice retains, so Jillian moves up. Either that, or Beth wins and Jillian turns face. But then, I really could care less.

ECW Title Probably MOTN, if SummerSlam was any indication (I'm referring to the pitiful Orton v Cena match). Punk wins, duh. He's had the title for a week.

World Title Match - For fuck sakes, yet again Batista is here. What's it going to take for him to stay off. What's it going to take for Creative to stop bringing him in. Rey and Khali would be just fine. It's not like it would be any worse than what Batista and Khali was. I'd bet that there will be a Rey victory, so Edge can carry it to WrestleMania. How, I have no idea.

Henry and Taker - Grudge Match - I saw this match at a WrestleMania. Hated it then, going to hate it now. Henry is pathetic. Taker is returning. Taker can wrestle. Henry stands and tries to act like a badass. See where I'm going here? Taker wins in his return match, Henry goes back to his pathetic squashing unknowns. Wish so bad that he didn't resign.

Triple H - Carlito - Aerandir is correct. A quad test for HHH, and another push to get him further over. Durr, lets pull a John Cena and overcome the odds of a disqualification for me, no disqualification fer you. Carlito will be crushed, possibly to go after Hardy for the IC title. Or perhaps we'll see HHH and Carlito continue with a DQ, till Umaga gets back.

Cena vs Orton - Could be MOTN, if Orton doesn't do his 10,000 headlocks, and if Cena doesn't do his normal routine. Cena will probably get DQ'ed, if he doesn't, I'd say Orton will win the title. But I'm more inclined to Cena. They're talking his "overwhelming rage up, yada yada yada" for it to be normal.

Overall, not a bad PPV, not a good PPV, just normal like any other. Probably not worth the money, but I"ll be getting it anyways.
"Cena vs Orton - Could be MOTN, if Orton doesn't do his 10,000 headlocks, and if Cena doesn't do his normal routine. Cena will probably get DQ'ed, if he doesn't, I'd say Orton will win the title. But I'm more inclined to Cena. They're talking his "overwhelming rage up, yada yada yada" for it to be normal."

Yup, as soon as I saw what happened on monday and the fact that I was 100% sure when Cena was giving Vince that speech Vince would've said something like "Tell ya what Cena, I'm a man who not only had a father but is one, so I'm going to make your match with Orton a ________" but nope...Cena just left. So it became horribly apperant Cena will lose via DQ after going nuts on Orton.


To be quite honest, I wouldn't mind seeing Cena get DQ'd. It's been awhile since I've seen someone absolutely get the shit beat of them. I'd like to see Cena smack Orton with some sick chairshots, STFU for a bit, punts his head off, then finishes up with a monstrous FU thru a table. MmmmMmmm... I love me a bloodbath.
My Predictions

WWE Championship:
John Cena (C) vs Randy Orton
Im Cenas biggest fan but him holding the title is getting really boring
fresh face needed
WINNER:Randy Orton

WWE World heavyweight Championship:
Khali (C) vs Mysterio vs Batista
Khali cannot wrestle why the hell is this guy the WHC,
Batista will do all the work and Mysterio will pin Khali!!!!

ECW Championship:
CM punk (C) vs Elijah Burke
Elijah stands no chance CM punk RULEZ!!!!

WWE World Tag Team Championship:
Cade & Murdoch (C) vs London & Kendrick
Looking forward to his one, was gutted with what happened
in africa, lets put some more hype back into this match
WINNERS:London & Kendrick

WWE Tag team Championships:
MVP & Matt Hardy (C) vs Duece & Domino
Cant get my head round the MVP Matt Hardy storyline, Hardy will do
most of the work in this match and MVP will stab him in the back at the end
WINNERS:Duece & Domino

Triple H vs Carlito (No DQ for Carlito)
Triple H is the man the king of kings and its only a matter of time
before he regains the WWE Championship
WINNER:Triple H (there is only 1)

The Undertaker vs Mark Henry
YEESSS!!! The deadmans back hes gonna destroy henry,
WINNER:The Undertaker

WWE Womens Championship:
Candice Michelle (C) vs Beth Pheonix
Candice wins all the way, although beth is so powerful so im not 2 sure
where to go with this one, my love for candice is big but she is going into this
match as the underdog so (SORRY CANDICE I LOVE YA LOADS XXX) im going
with beth
My original idea was if it was Khali vs Mysterio...

They would fight.. then Khali would go for the chop but Rey moves and he gets the ref then Batista comes to the ring and whacks Khali with a chair then he spears Rey. Then the lights go out and Undertaker appears and he chokeslams Batista. Then they would be in a Four Way Match at No Mercy :)
Unforgiven looks to be the card of the year even without the US or IC titles on the line

Here are my predictions


Winner - Randy Orton
It has to be Orton that walks away with the WWE title. I will not be able to stomach yet another Cena retain. Orton is the man to lead RAW/WWE and Cena shouldnt be allowed to make it to a year cos once that milestone has gone they will keep it on him.


Winner - Rey Mysterio
How many title opportunities are WWE going to give Batista. Although im glad Dave is in this match this is how i see it happening, Batista will do all the work, he will spear Khali, send him flying out of the ring, rey will hit the 619 and become the new World Champ setting up a feud with the returning Edge.

Winner - CM Punk

I dont think WWE care much about this match, thrown together at the last minite, dont get me wrong it will be entertaining but there is no doubt that Punk will walk out as ECW champion.

Winner - Undertaker

Build-up for this match has been unbelieveable, The fantastically produced Taker promos, the druid segments and Henry playing the 'not scared' scared type, brilliant, Taker returns, gets the win end of story

Winner - Triple H

I though WWE could have done something with Carlito, his main event matches and involvement in the orton/cena feud gave him a lot of credablitiy in my mind but instead he is being fed as another victim to Triple H.


Winner - Beth
i think its possible we will see a title change here, if not Beth will definetly win the title at No Mercy, probably wont be the best match of the night but hopefully beth comes out on top.

Winners - MVP and Hardy

Ive forcasted alot of title changes so far so i believe that MVP and Hardy will keep the titles for another montyh simpy becasue i wouldnt want ever title changing hands on the same show.

Winners - Cade and Murdoch

This feud needs more development before Londrick can take the titles, my guess is that this will be one of the more entertaining matches of the night.
My Predictions:

John Cena vs. Randy Orton (WWE Championship Match)

Cena will retain. I hope anyway. I hate Orton with a passion. Not because of his gimmick or anything he does in the ring. It's more to do with the fact he's a cunt outside the ring. Also I just dont see WWE entrusting Orton with a title reign even if it is only for a month.

World Heavyweight Championship Match

Khali will retain. The point of adding Batista is lost on me. It's not like eh'll get pinned instead of Rey. Unforgiven would have survived without Batista. But the reason Khali will win is because there's no way there having Taker go over Dave again and Rey vs. Taker wont work.

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry

Henry doesn't stand a chance. I hope it's short.

Triple H vs. Carlito

Carlito will win by DQ. That's the reason for the stipulation. I really hope they aren't trying to build up Carlito. He's terrible.

CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke (ECW Championship Match)

More intresting than another Punk vs. Morrison match. This one shouldn't stink like there matches. Hopefully the crowd will be more into this than they were the J.D. match. Punk wins.

Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix (Women's Championship Match)

Phoenix wins. Easily and quickly.

World Tag Team Championship Match

Not sure. I'll go with L & K. Could be good, could be awful. What I do know is that it wont get a reaction.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match

MVP & Hardy retain. This match will have the same finish as when they won the titles.

This hasn't been announced but I think Noble will defeat Hornswoggle for the Cruiser title. Only so the midget can go to Raw with his dad.
My Predictions:

John Cena vs. Randy Orton (WWE Championship Match)

This match for me is very interesting as you have a pissed off Cena that wants Ortons blood, yet Orton has been looked at as this is his time to finally end Cena. I can see WWE having Cena retain for ther fact that Orton be to iffy to have as champion at this point in time. Though I still think Orotn will win but by DQ as Cean goes crazy. Like Unfogiven 05 match ends in DQ

World Heavyweight Championship Match

This match will bore me as there is not much that Rey can do in this match besides take a bump here and there. I expect Khali to retain though stranger things have happned.

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry

Henry will get squashed plain and simple not much else need to say.

Triple H vs. Carlito

With the addition of the NO DQ for Carlito it will only lead to Carlito winning by DQ now as Trips will go crazy and get DQ. I see this feud lasting until No Mercy and why is beyond me.

CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke (ECW Championship Match)

Could be the match of the night IMO as these two do work well with one another though I dont see Burke winning. Should be good hopefully crowd get in to this and I see Punk winning in a great match

Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix (Women's Championship Match)

I say Candice will get some kind of cheap win as they are going to make her look ok aganist Beth but I say Candice loses next month.

World Tag Team Championship Match

This match will be meh time for the crowd. I dont see Londrick winning this time as i see Cade and Murdoch cheating to win and this should be a long rivlary for the gold for awhile

WWE Tag Team Championship Match

The champs will retain in a short match that will see MVP and Matt fighting during the match

Anymore matches i doubt unless its crusier and then we will have noble win but i dunno. But should be an ok show..

John Cena vs Randy Orton-WWE Championship- In what should be a good match I see Cena winning this one. Orton has been getting into his head blah blah blah. RKO is on "The List" right now so him having the title would look bad on WWE's part and WWE will want a 1 year reign on Cena's record. Should be a good match I actually look forward to seeing. I can see a possible DQ from Orton to lead to another match.

Winner-John Cena with the STFU or DQ

The Great Khali vs Boretista vs Rey Mysterio- World Heavyweight Championship-...*Yawn*. Rey would be the only hope of this match being worth a piss but the size difference is too much. He is basically going to be sqaushed around the whole match with Khali/Tista taking control which means...Shit. I see Khali pinning Rey for the win.

Undertaker vs Mark Henry- Glad to see Taker back but he will return in a borefest. Of course Taker gets the win. I expect this to continue in a gimmick match at No Mercy.


Trips vs Lito- Dumb ass gimmick match with Trips being able to do nothing. He will still get the win but he is incredibly rusty so maybe this match can cover up some of those flaws. Carlito will dominate for awhile but Trips will take over hit the pedigree for the win. This will carry on to another PPV more than likely. Simple build up feud to get Trips back into the main event.

Winner-Triple H

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke-ECW Championship- The match that will have my ass glued to the seat. Should be a good fast paced match with Punk coming out on top. I figure they will deliver better than both Punk/Morrison. The finishes ruined that feud hopefully here it won't happen.

Winner-CM Punk in the MOTN

Candice vs Beth-Women's Championship- Boring. Candice will get the win as she is the female Cena.

I'll use for a snack break.

Londrick vs Rednecks- World Tag Team Titles- Londrick won't work well with Cade and Murdoch. It should be an OK match with Londrick pulling out spots. Cade/Doch will get the win in a cheap way. I'm sure we will see this again:rolleyes:

Winners- Rednecks

Hardy/MVP vs Deuce and Goose- Hardy will get his ass kicked for along time with MVP doing nothing. Eventually he will get the TOF and the cover. I expect to see a lot of yapping/fighting between these two. Short match that will likely open up the show.

All in All another bad PPV with Cena overcoming all odds..That itself is bad enough. I'm not sure about ordering this one. It will fail in the end.

Only match I look forward to is Burke/Punk..Should be a good match.
WWE Championship Match

I agree... Cena retains, but only via DQ when he goes ape shit on Orton to get revenge for his father.

This is gonna lead to a stipulation rematch at Cyber Sunday

My prediction: Hell in a Cell
WWE Championship: well no doubt it will be a boring match, i just hope it isnt as boring as the one from SS... damn i hate how randy takes 1 hour between every move, i actually hope cena retains as i dont think randy deserves the title from so many crap hes done outside the ring and his wrestling is more boring then cenas...

winner: Orton via DQ seeing as cena is goin crazy now, finally his character is getting a little interesting....

WHC: very crappy match, rey will get squashed and pinned.. i dont even know what batista is doing in the match O.o...

winner: khali in probably the worse match of the night

Undertaker vs henry: well i will love to see taker back in action, too bad its against henry, this match will ba average, undertaker will still be able to pull off some entertaining moves and squash him

winner: undertaker no doubt, squash match

ECW championship: yes this will be the match of the night, punk and burke put on a hell of a match, as long as they dont botch the ending it will be great, the only match worth watching, good thing im not actually gonna pay to watch this ppv =D

winner: cm punk

as for the rest... i really dont care, MVP/Matt have to start the feud again, it was awsome, this tag crap, even though its to build up the feud, just really sucks...i see them losing the belts and hardy going for the US at the next PPV... thats it...

probably a D ppv...

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