Official Triple H Injured Thread

if he comes back and turns on michaels i will be pissed of to the max. we have seen heel trips vs face michaels a million times, if wwe plan to fued them when trips returns they should atleast make michaels heel. just a thought.
if he comes back and turns on michaels i will be pissed of to the max. we have seen heel trips vs face michaels a million times, if wwe plan to fued them when trips returns they should atleast make michaels heel. just a thought.

I agree with you in not wanting a HHH/Michaels feud. Although if it does happen, Michaels has made it clear that he doesn't want to turn heel again, which would see him play face to HHH as heel.

It doesn't look as though Michaels/HHH is the plan with Vince wanting to pit him against Edge - as much as Edge is tryin to get out of a feud with HHH.
but HBK is cocky and arrogant when he is a heel and WWE needs good acting heels (though i might add HBK dont need to really act). HHH on the other hand hasnt had the opportunity to show what he can really do as a face going for the title (i dont count his match vs Undertaker at KOTR 2002 or the reason that match doesnt exist in my mind)
If I know Triple H from reading his book and so fourth, he will be back better than ever. He'll be back in spectacular shape, he be back with a vengence, and he and Shawn will take RAW back up to the flagship that it was always marketed to be!
i reckon dx isnt over yet.. if HBK had of won the WWE title at wrestlemania dx would definently be over but it might still last
Nothing is certain yet about DX's future. Around the beginning of Summer i think we will get to see some fresh storylines and get a good feeling of whether DX continues or not. The only way i see DX continuing is if the New Hart Foundation is finally brought to the main RAW roster(as heels) and starts a feud with Shawn to get revenge on him for the Montreal Screwjob incident that happened 10 years ago. On an episode of RAW(most likely in early August) they ambushes HBK and tries to injure him but HHH returns to help his friend leading to a SummerSlam match.
It is probably better to leave them a loose stable, that is together but isn't. They cover each other, but both advance towards there own goals. At some point HHH has got to get the title back, and he can't do that is DX is as tight as they were this go around. But I can't believe they will eliminate DX altogether because it is probably the most over gimmick right now, and they make a lot of money off their merchandise.
Nothing is certain yet about DX's future. Around the beginning of Summer i think we will get to see some fresh storylines and get a good feeling of whether DX continues or not. The only way i see DX continuing is if the New Hart Foundation is finally brought to the main RAW roster(as heels) and starts a feud with Shawn to get revenge on him for the Montreal Screwjob incident that happened 10 years ago. On an episode of RAW(most likely in early August) they ambushes HBK and tries to injure him but HHH returns to help his friend leading to a SummerSlam match.

that sounds good but add some members to dx i think it would be alsome to have a full DX back (hbk, hhh, xpac , road dog, bad ass billy gun )
isnt that the case when triple h got taken out by umaga and he wasnt there 4 a week and shawn came out with his old music but after the main event he had dx's music as he left
X-Pac wrestled as Pac in WSX, But this is an old topic really, they are not going to bring back DX when Trips comes back, it would defeat the point of having Shawn Michaels in a feud for the title for him to go back to a SuperTeam. With Triple H returning in the build for Summerslam then you will see him in a feud using his Game persona, this actually will be hard to come up with someone to feud with that isn't named Edge. I don't want to see that feud when Trips comes back, because of the inane booking that RAW is going through at the moment, How he did his comeback and turn 2005 worked well and it should be looked at in that light. Actually if Chris Jericho is back as some people are predicting, with the right booking then a feud with Jericho would be a feud that could blow open the doors in terms of getting people to start watching WWE again.
i would like to see DX back, but they need to be more of an alliance, rather than a tag team. they ned to hav separate feuds with different superstars, and they can stand at ringside and interfere and stuff for their partners matches. i would love a triple h vs jericho feud, they havnt had won since

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