Official Total Divas Discussion Thread

I don't understand he point of reality TV and only concept of just to 'entertain' and I only agree with what others have to say.

However, I understand that the WWE is trying to market their characters on an external show, to get exposure and improve ratings. They want us to know that the Bellas and Funckydactyls are horrible personalities. What the divas are doing are showing off their characters - not their real life personas. This is reality television, so they want to 'entertain' by giving us people who are bitchy and annoying, not everyday bland characters with normal emotion. I don't know whether the real 'Nikki and Brie' or real Ariane will be just as entertaining.

I just want to point out, that the girls are just acting to extend their WWE characters. Nikki may be a sweet girl in real life, maybe Eva might be an intellectual thoughtful woman? You never know.

This is going to be a somewhat rushed response seeing that I'm on my IPhone waiting for class to start however I'll address your points to the best that can with the 12 minutes that I have and if you have further questions you may feel free to ask some more.

The point of reality TV is simply to show "real life" and the problems that people face everyday. It's main objective is to sympathize with the general audience and provide comparisons to what is seen on TV and what happens in every day life.

I agree but also disagree that the characters are what is featured in this show. I have seen instances where both the good and the bad side of characters appear for each and everyone of them and whilst often times than not their in character there are elements rooted in non kayfabe for sure.

I disagree that this is all just acting. I refuse to believe it simply due to the real life scenarios and situations presented. Like I've said there are elements of kayfabe spewed throughout the episode however Cena getting a boner, is not in character Cena and In other instances you can tell that it's real life things caught on camera. Natalya doesn't seem very scantily to me in kayfabe but I assume in reality she is and that's really surprising.

Anyways ask more things cause that was a really rushed response and I'll talk any aspects of total divas or reality TV with you.
Feuding Funkadactyls
- I'm really starting to worry they're putting a lot of thought in these titles

*Jojo's still the cutest little thing, Eva Marie is only tolerable when she's around her.

*Natalya and TJ are growing on me, her not wanting to talk to his mom on the phone and him dunking under the water was funny. But romantically I still feel they're a little awkward/forced :icon_neutral:

*I like how Trinity differentiates herself from her character, she's seems the most genuine.

*I really liked seeing them act like they hate each other and then the producers yell cut and they all start talking like girlfriends :lmao:

* Oh come on, now John's bilingual ?! Could he get anymore perfect :rolleyes:

*I like Nana :)

*Yes Natalya, we know it's your birthday week, you keep reminding us :banghead:

*Yeah, TJ's a shameless mamas boy, but Natalya's coming off as an unspoiled brat.

*Awwww, Nikki...tear.

*I like how when Stephanie is introduced, all the sudden...shit just got real :lol:

*Okay, the Funkadaytcle reuion was touching, but I still don't like Ariane.

Nice episode about how even on days off there's always drama afoot ! (Is that how you spell it, is that even a word ?)

Ready to see infatued Jojo next epi, and I really hope Eva Marie isn't supposed to come off as the wiser on relationships :disappointed:
Ready to see infatued Jojo next epi, and I really hope Eva Marie isn't supposed to come off as the wiser on relationships :disappointed:

I've now read two posts today questioning Eva Marie's intellect so I thought it might be a good idea to give my two cents on what I believe her intellect truly is.

Eva Marie is the epitome of a stuck up bitch. I think from watching that we have all gathered that already. However I still fee as if she is genuinely wiser than people give her credit for. I recognize when people start talking about her they call into question her WWE attributes. Promos, wrestling, and star factor. She lacks in all of them, that is true and I don't think you'd find another person in the forums who disagrees with me HOWEVER this needs to be separated from wrestling intellect and general intellect.

We already know she's cunning, manipulative, and always thinking. Thinking being the key word because in order to do that she has to be somewhat intellectual. Sure as an audience we see folly in her plans but the formulation of ideas and wants is present showing she is capable of planning and deduction.

Now you say that we're not suppose to believe Marie is wiser in relationships and whilst I agree her "marriage" thing surely seems ill advised she is older, and more experienced than JoJo in general. Now whether we like to believe that as an audience is another story but for all those questioning whether Eva has any sort of mental ability I ca only say in the words of Daniel Bryan "YES!"
I've now read two posts today questioning Eva Marie's intellect so I thought it might be a good idea to give my two cents on what I believe her intellect truly is.

I didn't mean to question her intellect, it was more of a don't be the pot calling the kettle black type of response to the preview.

Eva Marie is the epitome of a stuck up bitch. I think from watching that we have all gathered that already. However I still fee as if she is genuinely wiser than people give her credit for. I recognize when people start talking about her they call into question her WWE attributes. Promos, wrestling, and star factor. She lacks in all of them, that is true and I don't think you'd find another person in the forums who disagrees with me HOWEVER this needs to be separated from wrestling intellect and general intellect.

Her general intellect directly effects her wrestling intellect. The Bellas have came off as the stuck up bitches of the show to me, Eva couldn't touch them in that area. Which leads me to my point, her general intellect: scheme until you reach the top, is severely impacting her wrestling intellect: become the best diva, because she's failing. The Bella's have used this formula to the letter, they're with the two top dogs in the company, and they have all the fame and glory of being divas, because, rather we like them or how they did it or not, they played the game and won. Whereas Eva is trying to play that same game, and is just coming off looking pitiful in comparison.

We already know she's cunning, manipulative, and always thinking. Thinking being the key word because in order to do that she has to be somewhat intellectual. Sure as an audience we see folly in her plans but the formulation of ideas and wants is present showing she is capable of planning and deduction. [/QOUTE]

She can think and plan and seduce all she wants, but if it all blows up in her face rather than getting her on track to be "the best"/ or the "most famous" which is what she should/does want, all that thinking and planning and seducing totals out to a negative. She tries to scheme, gets caught in a lie, and now has a reputation for lying and absolutely nothing to show for it. I'm sure the Bella's have stepped on some toes and burnt some bridges, but at the end of the day they're the faces of a show centered around the divas division to say it was worth it.

Now you say that we're not suppose to believe Marie is wiser in relationships and whilst I agree her "marriage" thing surely seems ill advised she is older, and more experienced than JoJo in general. Now whether we like to believe that as an audience is another story but for all those questioning whether Eva has any sort of mental ability I ca only say in the words of Daniel Bryan "YES!"

I'm sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding, are you suggesting that her being older than Jojo gives her some type of comeuppance ? Jojo is only 19 and yet she's been shown to break up with her boyfriend (who was no prize from where I was sitting) to continue her career. For all we know Eva's still engaged and yet she tried to use Johnny with a lie, failed, and has gotten nothing from it but a rep for being a liar. At the very least Jojo has credit for signing with the company so young and sticking with it, what good can you say about Eva ? She's just another diva trying to scheme her way to the top, and failing miserably, because her "general intellect" isn't allowing her to prosper in her environment so that she'd be able to develop her "wrestling intellect": promo work/in-ring ability.

She has mental ability, we all do. But with the track she's on after this Total Divas storyline is over, where is she going to be ? Right now all she has is her looks, and she's not doing herself any favors to grow in any other areas. Tight bodies and beautiful face are a dime a dozen in the WWE, there's always another pretty face around the corner. To have longevity in the E, especially in the divas division, you need AT LEAST 1 of 3 things: the ability to wrestle, the ability to have a connection with the crowd, and/or the know it all to scheme backstage an stay relevant. Eva looks like a full package, that's while she's relevant now, but eventually that shines going to wear off and her "general intellect" has given her nothing to fall back on. But who knows, maybe she'll pull a Trish :rolleyes:
Divas Las Vegas

*Uhmm can Chris be a regular ? :lmao:

*How nice of Nikki to give Trin some tips in the ring :rolleyes:Though I have thought she was always better than Brie.

*I really like seeing the girls talk in the ring about personal stuff, and them all gather around to watch Nikki's new move will probably never see.

*Ariane's impersonation of Nattie :lmao: But her and TJ are still awkward :banghead:

*Justin and Jojo are cute, even when he's annoyed by Baby. :)

*I wouldn't be surprised if Nikki's sex number is higher than Johns.

*Ariane out annoyed Eva this epi

*Jojo's still really cute, even when she's acting like Justin cheated on her while they were in a commited relationship :rolleyes:

*Eva did good job as the big sister, especially since she didn't try and bring up her past. Though I can probably guess it, I'd like for them to talk about why she doesn't drink.

*Brie mode was lame, but she gives good advice while drunk.

*Bry and Brie & Jon and Trin still have the best relationships, and in all honestly I'd take Jojo and Justin over Nattie and TJ.

*The whole conversation about Brie's vibrator was unnecessary, but still funny. Honestly I just kept thinking about why it was so small, oh Johhnnn, you've got some s'plaining to do ! :lmao:

*Ariane's still only tolerable with Trin, her banging on the door and them cursing each other out and then hugging was funny.

*Ariane calling someone else extra :rolleyes: But in all honesty he was being extra.

*I don't know who's the worst dancer: Nattie or Justin :confused:

*Vincent probably wouldn't have felt so awkward and feeling like he needed to fit in if Ariane hadn't of made such a big deal about him being an outsider in the first and second place.

The epi centered around a weekend in Vegas for Nattie and TJ, which was sour for me. I know I sound really down on them, but...I am. I don't know if TJ didn't want to be on the show in the first place as the "broken superstar" or if they told him to act so distant so they could play up the Jarret angle, but they just always come off as really awkward and I wouldn't miss him if he left the show.

But other than that ! Fun episode about...erm, divas in Vegas and the downfall of mixing business with pleasure. :)
So apparently Jojo is really dating Randy Orton, and it's just going to be played up for next season...but they're actually an item... *ColorMeEnvious* :suspic:

A Leg Up

*Eva Maria really is sexy, but that's about it.

*Ariane, shut. up.

*I doubt Nikki and John are going to get married and live happily ever after, but they're fine and enjoyable for now.

*I liked the professional jealousy among the girls about Eva's Maximum shoot, place, lol. I don't know what word I'm looking for...Jojo then wanting to sing and Eva being jealous in return was fitting.

*So Ariane lives with Vinny, but she doesn't love him ? It's understandable if she's not sure if she's in love with him, but not being able to say that she loves him is a bit from the left field. Call me old fashion, but shacking up is the dumbest most pointless thing two people can do.

*Even I thought Jojo was a bit too dry about Eva's shoot.

*Gahh I love Jon, he's so funny ! And him and Trin's relationship is A1. :)

*I do like Jojo and Eva together, but I'm starting to like Eva and Natalya & Trin and Jojo more. And I know drama has to be played up, but are they serious about Jojo shouldn't be trying to latch on to a gimmick ? A gimmick, if done right, can do wonders. Whereas just wrestling, a lot of the time, just simply isn't enough. So I think her singing to live crowds is a great idea, she can be a wrestling Lilian Garcia, a place, is better than no place. Side Note: Natalya has a bad history with gimmicks though, so I understand why she had that problem. :lmao:

*Trin's dad has industry connections ? Well that's convenient. Jojo sounded good but I think Trin kind of just weaseled her way into Jojo's idea, which is fine because she has the resources, but she didn't sound all that good.

*Wait did I miss something ? Vinny's dad wanted to put bread on their shoulders ?? :lmao:

*Ok, kind of hard to feel sorry for Vinny outside the jewelry shop, might want to make sure the woman's ready to get married. Again, I know, old fashion, but he shouldn't even of brought her to the ring store. I think a man should pick the ring out by himself and then propose. Ughhh I'm feeling sorry for Ariane.

*Now I'm feeling sorry for Nikki, gosh this episode is a bit depressing.

*Vince walks by, everybody stops and stares. :lol:

*I love Jojo, but that was awful. She can't dance, Trin can't sing, and Ariane's voice is too annoying to be hyping anything up.

This episode was very busy, everyone was doing something. It's like after the first week or two of school when you're done feeling your way around the basics and the beginnings you get into the meat of what's important, and that's where TD is right now, and I like it :) But never mind that, next week Natalya and TJ are tying the knot *crickets*
Sometimes I wonder how scripted the show is. For one, the whole Eva Marie pretending to be a dancer makes me think this is scripted because who would be stupid enough to believe that without question? John Cena's stuff is painfully scripted. He's like the Yoda of the show. But the whole thing with Justin Gabriel was weird. I can't understand why they would decide to portray someone who is supposed to be a face in such a negative light.

The thing I like most about this show is that it's changing some people's opinions about the Bella Twins. I never understood the hate that most people have for the Bellas. I think it's just a lynch mob mentality.
Well, I'm back in my Total Diva thread after missing the show quite a bit thanks to life and I just wanted to give my overall opinion on what's good about the show and what needs improving.

The show does a good job at blending fake reality with kayfabe. And I know that's a pretty close line but in Total Divas we are met with an illusion of what is scripted versus real whereas in WWE we have almost entirely scripted with very limited real elements. The intrigue from the show comes from the fact that people don't know exactly where that blend ends and therefore it makes it intriguing.

Secondly, the storylines are all seemingly fabricated however what is not fabricated is the fact that we finally get to see some realness in a fake sport. Think Tough Enough which was reality based, Booker T was Booker T, Stone Cold was Stone Cold, Stratus was Stratus. They kept the kayfabeness of it still in without adding al character which is where the big difference lies.

My problems with this show currently lie in the fact that on RAW they're portrayed as "The Total Divas" whereas on the show the majority of them are kept separate from one another. Secondly the show doesn't portray house shows, media events, PPVs, normal shows, it shows RAW and then they're free. We as an audience know this isn't true but it's not expressed which is a problem.
No Longer the Bridesmaid

*That dress was horrid.

*Jojo's jealousy is understandable, it's not making her any less annoying though.

*Does anyone hate Nikki for missing Nattie's wedding to meet John's family ? I don't.

*Because you always put yourself in awkward situations Nattie, that's why. Trin and Brie threatening to drop kick Jarret was funny though :p

*I don't know if she just looked awkward because the camera kept focusing in on her a lot, but all of Nikki's smiles and giggles looked fake. I don't think she was enjoying herself. :shrug:

*Sandow was there at the wedding, best part.

*"I don't know if you know this about me...I don't fucking swear." - John Cena :worship:

*Not a marriage proposal , but it's a step Nikki. :rolleyes:

Total Divas After Show

*Jojo was annoying on tonight's episode, and as soon as I'm thinking I'm starting to maybe like Eva Marie more she's a complete bitch on the after show, might have a lot to do with her being the main villain next season.

*Jon Uso is freaking hilarious ! :lmao:

*John's instant, "No." :lol:

*John giving TD his stamp of approval. :worship::rolleyes:

*Wait is A.Fox a regular next season ? I'd like that.

This mid season finale was...a mid season finale. Hopefully I'll see more of Jon Uso, a less whiny Jojo, oh yeah, and Randy Orton's going to be on the show. Which might be a bit awkward because he's so...Randy Orton, and the highlight of him being there is him being involved with Jojo...lucky. A.Fox was in the preview, hopefully she'll be featured on the show. It doesn't come back on till mid November I think, which, I'm not going to lie, is a bit of a drag, but it's okay, I have other reality TV shows to watch to ease my mind after a long day: see Bad Girl's Club and Basketball Wives :)
The reality hit "Total Diva's" on the E (entertainment) network debut a couple of months ago with some of the WWE diva's being the feature of the show, mainly the Bella twins. It being a reality TV show focused on the personal lives of the diva's with some of them dating their male co-workers.

-Nikki Bella & John Cena
-Brie Bella & Daniel Bryan (now engaged)
-Nattie Neidhart & T.J. Wilson aka Tyson Kidd (which wrestling fans already knew about)

-Trinity aka Noami & Jon/Jimmy Uso
-JoJo was messing around with Justin Gabrial, but we saw how that went.

Total Diva's are letting wrestling fans of all ages & genders into their world as WWE stars. The show is focused more on the women of the ring but the guys like Cena, Bryan, and Kidd played big roles in the show too. Season two has been picked up by ETV to return in November later this year. But with all that being said. Is Total Diva's exposing the business?
When I first heard about Total Divas I laughed it off. I never thought I’d watch it. On Thanksgiving I crashed after stuffing my face all afternoon and therefore could not fall asleep at night. What did I do to try to put myself to sleep? I watched three or four episodes of Total Divas on demand. I didn’t fall in love with the show but I have to admit it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Despite falling under the moniker of ‘reality television’ I find Total Divas to be probably about as realistic as Raw or Smackdown. Nothing against Total Divas with that statement, that’s just how I feel about all ‘reality’ shows. Anyway, let’s assume there is some reality in Total Divas. If so there are two things that stood out to me. First, surprisingly John Cena seems to have no personality. I don’t know if he was told to tone it down so he didn’t steal the spotlight from the girls or if he’s just out of his element but I find it strange that someone that is so talented and entertaining in the arena seems so boring outside the arena. Second, if this is a real look at the relationship between Cena and Nikki Bella, Nikki better be prepared to be kicked to the curb. He just does not seem to give a shit about her at all and she is probably just the rebound after his divorce. That just comes across as an awful relationship.
Focusing Total Divas on The Bellas was an obvious choice, but I wonder why WWE chose to include Natalya, Cameron and Naomi, but not the rest of the divas.

Alicia Fox and Layla seem like natural fits for the show. Layla specifically has enough charisma to be one of the "mean girls" on the show.

Aksana and Rosa Mendes are kinda dull, so I get why they aren't on it. Tamina doesn't look like the reality show type, so I get her omission as well.

But AJ Lee??? She should have been on the show from the start. She's smart, funny, beautiful, and would have definitely become the most popular girl on the show. Same goes for Kaitlyn.

Do you guys think AJ, Kaitlyn and the rest will make it onto the show, or will WWE keep making it all about The Bellas, Eva and Jojo?? Summer Rae just joined the main roster, and she also seems like a natural fit for the show. What do you guys think?
It would destroy AJ's "mystical"-crazy image if she was included on the show. This is why they did not use her for Total Divas. Plus the show is trying to get over some talent who wasnt over. Take Natalya... everyone knew she is good in the ring but noone cared about her! Almost the same goes for Naomi and Cameron. Just dancing around for Brodus... noone cared about those 2 before Total Divas. Now they got their TV time and have created a TV character. The Bellas are kinda the hosts of the show plus it helps that they are screwing with Bryan and Cena. The Usos, Tyson Kid.... the 2 new divas... they all got over from the shopw. AJ Lee was allready super over.. She did NOT need the show!!!

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