Official Total Divas Discussion Thread

So here's my general take on the episode from last night;

I'm going to have to start off by saying that I HATE the John Cena that we see on the television show. To me he comes off as a douche and distasteful as well boring. I thought he was legitimately trying to start shit in the episode last night and I really didn't like it.

The Funkydactyls need to turn heel. They are incredibly bitchy in real life and I can't get behind them. Also, does anyone think that their new outfits make them look more attractive? I for one liked them a lot less than their original. Oh and Sandra is totally awesome.

Cena needs to go on a different reality TV show and the one I'm thinking of is Cribs. His house is freaking amazing. I never thought he was that eccentric in real life... Guess I'm wrong.

Daniel Bryan looks like a great guy in real life. Kind, friendly, down to earth, just overall a decent dude. Allowing the girls get the win doesn't really hurt him either and I quite enjoyed seeing him look friendly. I like him better than Cena on the show.

Natalya keeps getting shafted and I think that we are going to be getting a lot of her towards the end of the show therefore it's not a big deal.

Also anyone wanting a diva support sig I'll make them one.
The show pulled a 1.526 rating ! Good to hear since I didn't catch it live :)

Actually, according to an article I just read, the 1.526 number is how many millions of viewers watched the first airing of the new episode Sunday night. The actual rating was somewhere in the lower 1.0 region, I think. I'm sure WWE officials and the honchos at E! were quite happy with that when you consider that the debut episode drew 1.3 million viewers in its first airing.

As much as I hate to admit this, I'm kinda sorta starting to get into the show a little bit. I'll probably have to chalk it up to a guilty pleasure. You know, like a show or movie that you like to watch even though it's pretty crappy overall?
Actually, according to an article I just read, the 1.526 number is how many millions of viewers watched the first airing of the new episode Sunday night. The actual rating was somewhere in the lower 1.0 region, I think.

No I'm not stalking you on here I just happen to be quoting you back to back posts I make coincidentally. You're right it drew 1.526 viewers which should correlate to around a 1.2ish rating if I'm correct. Which quite frankly on the grand scheme of things isn't bad at all. It beat out Impact's rating and viewership again which can only make WWE smile and I think seeing as this is on E! network and knowing the television trends of E! network we're bound to see this number continue to rise.

I'm sure WWE officials and the honchos at E! were quite happy with that when you consider that the debut episode drew 1.3 million viewers in its first airing.

I'm happy about it so I can imagine they're ecstatic about it. Now I don't have to take any more flak for boasting about this show's initial debut beating Impact and everyone bitching that it was a debut. The rating going up is only a good thing for WWE and the show's longevity.

As much as I hate to admit this, I'm kinda sorta starting to get into the show a little bit. I'll probably have to chalk it up to a guilty pleasure. You know, like a show or movie that you like to watch even though it's pretty crappy overall?

I'm actually glad to hear this. For as honestly hard it seems I try to promote it truthfully I'm not as big a fan as I seem to be of the entire concept and idea behind it, I'm just more doing it to be known for something around here however....after watching the first two episodes and really trying to get behind it I've found I've enjoyed more and more and it grows on you. I wouldn't be surprised if next week we get 1.7 million viewers in all honesty.
As much as I hate to admit this, I'm kinda sorta starting to get into the show a little bit. I'll probably have to chalk it up to a guilty pleasure. You know, like a show or movie that you like to watch even though it's pretty crappy overall?

Oh I completely understand where you're coming from here. I have a guilty pleasure show -see Vampire Diaries- a show I love to hate and hate to love, but I still watch :shrug:

But I am genuinely enjoying Total Divas, and I'm a fan of a lot of reality shows, nothing like a little mindless yet entertaining t.v after a long day :laugh:
I am way too into this show, I live in New Zealand and our E! channel is not showing it at the moment but I watched the first one thinking that it would be a joke, yet it was interesting to watch.
I swore I wasn't going to watch this but I gave in and it's car crash TV, I just can't look away. It's so obviously scripted and some of the acting is awful, but there's a tacky fun to it that makes me watch.

I mean the idea that Johnny Curtis interviews his potential dance valet at a private meeting and has any say on whether they are put with him :laugh:. Johnny Curtis is told who is being put with him and then they'll see if it works, and he just does his job. His sleazy attempts at acting smooth were the highlight of the episode apart from Cena's amazing house.
I am way too into this show, I live in New Zealand and our E! channel is not showing it at the moment but I watched the first one thinking that it would be a joke, yet it was interesting to watch.

You know it's funny you say this cause I was recently in New Zealand for a rugby tour and I made the same comment to some of my mates that the TV does seem to be behind which I've learned it official is but I'm very glad you were able to watch the new episode.

I think from what I've seen from a lot of people is that people are at first very apprehensive about watching the show and quite frankly uninterested or thinking that it'll be completely boring TV but truthfully it is really interesting. I mean there's something about watching it all and seeing even fake reality happening to WWE people that just seems interesting. Now it might just be that I can't get passed the tits and see into its flaws however so far I think it's been a great show and like I've been saying seeing that the interest and viewership seems to only be going up I'd assume we're in for another season featuring the likes of Kaityln, AJ, Layla, Aksana, Alicia Fox and NXT newbies which I'm more than ready for.
Two episodes in and I love this show its just so interesting to see what goes on backstage and how these divas come across

I'll do my post today addressing this point. A lot of people on the forums like to continuously mention that this show is "scripted" really. They aren't wrong in saying this but at the same time the amount of in character segments might be around 10% and the rest I feel is how the girls truly are. Now I fully believe the "scenarios" in which are cast is put through is completely fabricated and the activities mostly fake, however a lot of stuff that happens I do believe is how the girls actually act.

For example the face Fubkydactlys are bitches in real life. I don't think WWE scripts "everything" cause then this would be contrasting logic from RAW to Total Divas. Sure the Fandango situation was fabricated but after watching the show do I feel Fandango is one creepy ass dude? Oh yes I do. Do I feel Eva Marie was most likely a **** growing up, I for sure do too, and quite frankly you can't script that.

I think that's what makes the show appealing. You can't script emotions. You most likely don't script Cena get a boner ( which wasn't needed to air) you don't "script" Bryan living in his family house. The appeal is that for once we're not dealing with convoluted and bizarre storylines. We're dealing with "real life" and as a WWE fan I think we come to appreciate that.
Episode 3 Review

Well we're now officially through half of the Season and I can only imagine another rating increase for this week however I highly doubt we'll see that next week but more on that later. This episode dealt with how hard it is to keep a relationship in the WWE. We say Trinity and Jon (Uso+Funkdactly) go through their problems, Nikki attacking Brie and Daniel on their relationship, and JoJo dealing with her dud boyfriend Sebastian. Oh and the other Funkydactly got a yeast infection but that's all I'm saying about that.

Anyways basically in the end all the couples were good except JoJo and Sebastian who ended up breaking up to le her continue her career. The entire episode felt like ANY other reality TV show you could watch. The entire theme was "Work vs Love" and no offense to this topic but it got very stale. It wasn't very entertaining because the topic has been done a ton on television and it didn't provide as much entertainment. Whilst they mention the ring and WWE causing problems to relationship the wrestling and backstage wrestling shots were greatly decreased (save for NXT) and I think this hurt the episode.

Brie and Daniel decided to move one episode after saying they were ok with Aberdeen...that also was a tad ridiculous considering they're moving for a dog. I know this show is a train wreck but it was very overkill. Not to mention unnecessary.

Oh and whilst on the topic the Bellas are starring in a movie...which has no title and has no real mention except on the show... I'm thinking it'll be called, ____ nothing cause it doesn't exist but that's just me.

Anyways the real reason why this episode wasn't nearly as good as all the Divas came off MUCH friendlier. Nobody was a full fledge heel in the episode and if anyone Cena was the most boring thing to the episode. Also, it pissed me off to no end that he was driving on a highway with one hand on the wheel looking at Nikki for most of the ride. That's bad driving and very risky. But what appealed was that there were some definite bitches on this show, last night they seemed very boring.

However, Tyson and Natalya are FEATURED on the next episode so I'm at least very happy about that.

Anyways the overall episode dragged and was the most boring episode yet.

Rating: 6/10
The show was ok. First time watching. JoJo seems too sweet to be with WWE. I could have done without Cameron talking about her yeast inffection also.
I missed this past Sunday's episode. I have to admit that the show is growing on me and is definitely becoming a guilty pleasure. I know, I know....I'm disgusted with myself but I think it's kind of interesting. Shows like Total Divas are a good way to turn off your brain for a while. I could also do this ---> :banghead: :banghead: if I wanted to turn my brain off but Total Divas isn't as painful. I'm Serious!!!!! Quit laughing!!!!!!!

The show itself is becoming WWE's own Little Engine That Could as the show's audience increased again in its 3rd week. Sunday's episode drew 1,671,000 viewers, which is up from the 1,526,000 viewers for episode 2 and 1.3 million for the series premiere.
Couple of Notes:

*I like the new opening :)

*"Bitch, we're moving to Phoenix !" - Bryan trips me out :lol:

*I like Jon and Trinity's relationship, the good and the bad.

*Jojo's adorable, maybe too adorable.

*HOT DAMN I couldn't care less about Josie :wtf:

*Trinity looks really good in that developmental ring, and Bill knows damn well Eva Marie couldn't do that leg drop :lmao:

*I liked the twins little argument, Brie is definitely more likable than Nikki, but Nikki did have a point.

*Not going to lie, teared up a little bit when Jojo walked out of developmental when Nattie said Sebastian wasn't strong enough. She's just so cute ! It's like watching a puppy cry...

*Nikki and John's relationship is growing on me

*I really like Trin

I thought it was a very good episode, not every episode needs to be strictly business and then strictly relationship. A nice balance is fine, but this was definitely strictly on the relationship side, though we got a good look at some of the ladies in the ring.
Just watched the first episode. The show surprised me. I love this show. It was very entertaining, and gives some attention to part of the show that I didn't really care about in the Diva's division. Nattie may be a whiner, but I see her points, the Bella's are complete bitches, Eva seems a lot into herself, JoJo is a lil cutie, and the funkadactyles(think I spelt that right) seem like cows. Talking about chasing wrestlemania and doesn't realize a spot on wrestlemania isn't something you generally get in your first year in the company, let alone for it to be your first match. All in all, I give the show a B-, and I will be watching the next two episodes.
My handy dandy random notes:

*Nattie and Brie in the lingere store :lmao:

*Natties body is banging ! But I couldn't care less about her relationship with TJ :icon_neutral:

*Jon and Trin are still cute, Ariane is still annoying

*Suprisingly Brie came off looking like the bitchier Bella this episode, I don't care if their weight is held at a different standard because they're in entertainment, they're both skinny even by that standard. Brie is skinnier than Nikki, but at times Brie looks down right unhealthy if you ask me.

*I think I like Janice more than Ariane :)

*John's reaction to Nikki's prank :lmao:

Nice little episode about body image. I missed Jojo, and Ariane is becoming almost unbearable.
The Trinity/Ariane stuff at the end was great TV. Some background: they get into a huge fight after a go kart race(seriously) and Stephanie decides to give them singles matches. It goes like this:

-Trinity wrestles first. When she screws up, Ariane has a HUGE smile on her face that would have to be surgically removed and is really looking forward to going out there and doing better.
-Then Ariane wrestles. Trinity is encouraging her, saying how much she hates to watch her struggle, and covering her eyes and grimacing every time Ariane screws up.
-Then they make up and decide they make a good team.

I wonder how Trinity would have felt if she saw how gleeful Ariane was over her botch? And I wonder if Ariane would've been so quick to get back together if she hadn't botched her match...
So I finally caught up on all 5 episodes between today and yesterday.

The Bellas only came off as heinous bitches in the first episode and seem much better now, except the fake boob prank. That was wrong.

Eva Marie seems like a dumb, untrustful bitch. I feel bad for her fiancé. He's doomed.

JoJo is cute. Her ex is a moron trying to make her choose between him and her dream.

Tyson Kidd is just awful at being a boyfriend. I actually feel bad for Natalya. It's like he just doesn't care about her anymore. How could he not take the hint when she wore the lingerie? I'd have whipped it out right there.

Natalya seems like a genuinely likable human being.

Cena and DB seem cool. Cena's house is nice.
I checked out the first few episodes, and I didn't hate it. It held my attention, and was rather entertaining. Just not a show I am going to be able to keep up with for the long haul. Maybe I will catch it more in depth when it comes out on DVD.
I checked out the first few episodes, and I didn't hate it. It held my attention, and was rather entertaining. Just not a show I am going to be able to keep up with for the long haul. Maybe I will catch it more in depth when it comes out on DVD.

I have a weird feeling that once the add-on episodes come out the DVD seems like it will come very rapidly to which I believe will be really good sales.

Now onto what I originally wanted to post about, and that is that this show is a success and this show deserves to be the catalyst to boosting the WWE Divas division. If you're looking at the last two ratings not only has thelast two but all episodes beaten Impact but the last two weeks they have gone up against Summerslam and the VMAs and still drawn showing that the divas are incredibly marketable.

Now seeing as how we saw the AJ promo last Monday I can only feel as if the show will tie into RAW even more. However I fee that this may be unwisely used to push Eva onto the main scene as I think the WWE is high on her without admitting.

Anyways I suspect the show will start correlating to RAW more and therefore cause the Divas to have a revitalization.
New characters im already bored with the bellas. the fundactlys however you spell it are horrible. nattie and the 2 new girls are the only fun ones.
i wanna see aj, alicia fox, kaitlyn, and aksana on season 2.
i cant stand the bellas. what do you think about a new characters for the new season to come?
However I fee that this may be unwisely used to push Eva onto the main scene as I think the WWE is high on her without admitting.

I don't know why (well besides her looks). Her acting is awful. On Monday it was clear she was looking at the Bella's trying to follow along with what they were doing while AJ was cutting that promo because she had no idea what to do on her own. Not to mention, supposedly she's just horrid in the ring. She needs a ton of work.

I won't use her actions on Total Diva's as any basis for my opinion, simply because most all "reality" television is more scripted than professional wrestling is.
New characters im already bored with the bellas. the funkydactyls however you spell it are horrible. nattie and the 2 new girls are the only fun ones.
i wanna see aj, alicia fox, kaitlyn, and aksana on season 2.
i cant stand the bellas. what do you think about a new characters for the new season to come?

That's how you spell it.

As for your qualms over the charcters on the show I whole heartily disagree that they aren't "fun." If anything the two girl pairs are the best part of the show because their bitchiness, friendliness, and animosity are all played off one another and I feel that makes it very interesting to watch.

If anything I find Natalya and JoJo to be the very worst of the show because well what they do is sort of bland. And for Natalya most of that can be blamed on Tyson because he just doesn't care like he should and doesn't make good television. And JoJo apart from that saga with Sebastian (who I hated) I fee as if there's been nothing really done with her.

As for your discussion on new characters I feel that it be good to get some new variety in the show as it would enhance what we are watching and make it more interesting HOWEVER I wouldn't want an entirely new cast. If anything you can replace the Bellas or Dactyls or even someone like JoJo and put it someone like Kaitlyn or Alicia Fox. I don't want to see AJ on the show because her breaking kayfabe for the show would ruin her for me.

I don't know why (well besides her looks). Her acting is awful. On Monday it was clear she was looking at the Bella's trying to follow along with what they were doing while AJ was cutting that promo because she had no idea what to do on her own. Not to mention, supposedly she's just horrid in the ring. She needs a ton of work.

I won't use her actions on Total Diva's as any basis for my opinion, simply because most all "reality" television is more scripted than professional wrestling is.

Oh believe me she's as bad as you make her sound I won't deny that however my gut feeling is that the WWE just like making her look like a total bitch and in general people really do hate her and WANT to see her get her assed kicked in an almost Gorgeous George kind of way. (Almost) Plus when you show two developmental divas one has to make it through to the main roster or else it's a "failure" for the show. I'm sorry but at 19 JoJo is not ready,
I don't understand he point of reality TV and only concept of just to 'entertain' and I only agree with what others have to say.

However, I understand that the WWE is trying to market their characters on an external show, to get exposure and improve ratings. They want us to know that the Bellas and Funckydactyls are horrible personalities. What the divas are doing are showing off their characters - not their real life personas. This is reality television, so they want to 'entertain' by giving us people who are bitchy and annoying, not everyday bland characters with normal emotion. I don't know whether the real 'Nikki and Brie' or real Ariane will be just as entertaining.

I just want to point out, that the girls are just acting to extend their WWE characters. Nikki may be a sweet girl in real life, maybe Eva might be an intellectual thoughtful woman? You never know.

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