Official Total Divas Discussion Thread

Mac Attack

I'm neat.

As we have been hearing quite a lot of recently the new WWE show "Total Divas" is set to begin next Sunday on the E! network. Now I know that a lot of IWC fans rolls their eyes at the idea of a show like this but quite frankly I think it has the makings to be very interesting.

Firstly it includes divas which are always a pleasure to watch however I think we might actually see a few wrestlers and divas in their actual habitat per se. We all know what Cena, Bryan, the Bellas, The Funkadactyls all come off as on television however in real life who knows what they're like. I think we're in for some surprises and I think this may be the closest thing to a shoot promo that we ever get from Cena.

Another thing we get to look forward to is the return of Tyson Kidd in his rightful place as a main eventer. Well sort of, however Tyson Kidd is going to be featured a lot in this television show and it'll be good to see him on my television screen again. He has a tremendous amount of talent and I feel if this television show goes well then he might eventually get a push upon his return back to the WWE from injury. Regardless having lived in Calgary for a while and being a fan of the Harts I think that'll be a sight for sore eyes. I think an intriguing question to ask though is will we see Bret Hart at the wedding and will we see the emotional sensitive side of him or the 4/10 cranky side of him. I'm actually thoroughly intrigued to see who actually attends the wedding.

I also think the new divas will get a good rub from doing this show and the red headed one I think is extremely hot so that's always a bonus too. Divas on my screen on a Sunday Night can never go bad. :shrug:

So what do you all think about the upcoming show, use this thread for likes dislikes and just general discussion of the shows. I'll be posting my thoughts on what happens in here and if anyone wants to discuss this show with me I'll be more than happy to it.
I doubt the show will be any good. Its reality type television which is scripted. Add to that the old wrestling saying that if its on TV its a work. WWE wouldnt compramise the gimmicks and the reputation of its wrestlers. Lets also add that the Divas are completely horrible on the mic, and their acting skills are ridiculously bad. Just look at that click with the Diva (name unknown to me) and John Cena- its unwatchable is so bad.
I doubt the show will be any good. Its reality type television which is scripted. Add to that the old wrestling saying that if its on TV its a work. WWE wouldnt compramise the gimmicks and the reputation of its wrestlers. Lets also add that the Divas are completely horrible on the mic, and their acting skills are ridiculously bad. Just look at that click with the Diva (name unknown to me) and John Cena- its unwatchable is so bad.

I'm sure there's definitely scripted elements into a show like this. That almost seems inevitable however you have to think there's some sort of actuality in some of the stuff they say. I'm actually intrigued to see Cena in a role where he is not rising above, or where you can't see him.

Also, I want to point out that this show isn't on the mic per se, it's supposed to be a recording of what goes on throughout the lives of the WWE. They're not supposed to be acting they are supposed to be themselves. Therefore I think you can expect more fluidity and naturalness from them in their performances.

And I fully understand that for an avid wrestling fan a lot of this show may come off as whimsical however I'm intrigued in the idea that for once we do get a bit of insight on what it actually means to be a WWE Superstar and what it takes to do this. For example I highly doubt WWE will script Natalya's wedding there's going to be some out of character parts in that, and when Cena and Bryan are with the Bellas that will be out of character as John Cena is never seen with "heels" in the WWE world.
Okay so I'm here for my total divas discussion for all of you interested. Today's post deals with last nights preview and segment and to be honest it has me slightly motivated to watch this show even more.

Now you might say motivated, why? That segment sucked!!! (Except for the nip slip) and to that I say it did suck, it was terrible for Monday night raw, but for Total Divas it was totally awesome.

Now with that being said its clear that Eva Marie will be a heel on the television show. And this is interesting as she comes off as a total bitch on TV, secondly I'm really excited to see more of the girls wearing mini outfits that's should be interesting. What happened on RAW whilst terribly choreographed shows the WWE will put effort into this and it's said effort that will make me see it beat expectations or fail miserably.
Okay, I'm somewhat interested in seeing how this show goes. I'll watch a couple of shows but I don't think I'll watch it every time it's on. Do I really care about what the WWE Divas do off-screen? Not at all. However, it's on free television and I'm off of work on Sunday nights so I'll just see how this goes about. My guess is it will made up of cheap storylines that will be lit up on celebrity gossip columns and blogs and to be honest I think this will be a complete joke. Why does it matter what the Bella Twins do behind the scenes? It doesn't. I am a little bit intrigued to see if their counterparts make some appearances. I'll be interested in seeing how John Cena and Daniel Bryan interact when they're not wrestling. Naomi is hot so she'll probably be a pleasant surprise. I don't have any expectations and if the show is total crap I won't be mad considering how lame of a concept this show is set out to be to begin with.
This show's going to suck major donkey balls... for many reasons.

Let's start with this FORCING WWE to give more segments to the Divas. And I wouldn't mind if they were wrestling, but the Bellas have proven they're inept in the ring and I'm sure the focus will be more on the dramatic BS that goes on with the show than the actual in-ring action.

Let's also start with this exposing more of the business that doesn't need exposed. Many say that the internet killed kayfabe long ago, but to continually poke the corpse by offering these behind the scenes shows almost slaps wrestling in the face in that sense. I really do not care that what the Bellas, Natalya, or the Black Booty Twins do outside the ring. I've never cared about that stuff and the core audience they're going after will not care either.

Someone in PR needs to tell Vince that bad publicity isn't better than no publicity at all. Ratings spike for a moment when something bad happens, but once it dies down, you lose that audience and lose some core audience members, too. And putting a WWE themed show on the E! Network is as low as you can possibly get.

I hope this show's cancelled before it can do any damage to the already soiled reputation of the WWE, but it'll be a breakout hit because people are stupid and want to watch someone better off than they are have moments where they're vulnerable.
It does seem very forced. The segment on Raw was awful and I'll be pissed if it cuts into Raw/Smackdown/PPV time. It could work as it will bring mainstream attention to the WWE and could be really around WM season but I will not be watching.

I just don't get why people would want to watch this. I've never been a fan of "reality" television and this show seems to be just as bad as the rest. I could be proven wrong but it seems unlikely.

Another worry is that the WWE will just become a prime location for failed actresses who want to get on TV but will then appear on Raw and Smackdown. This has the potential to be worse than the WWE App in terms of plugging.
One point I'll concede to all of you is the plugging does indeed seem forced...however the plugging when not on WWE television is actually really interesting. WWE is getting exposure from things like the Today Show, NBC news, the E network itself. Sure when they plug on RAW it sucks. It really does suck. But like I've said in the past and like I'll say again this show is going to get mainstream fans to potentially watch RAW. As much as RAW is plugging this Total Divas is going to plug RAW more. The E network is a draw. The E network will help the WWE. I'll make a bet with anyone who wants about Total Divas.

Total Divas will have better ratings than impact

Yes a reality show about divas will draw more than WWE's greatest direct competitor. So for as much whining people do about the plugs on RAW this show will ultimately be greater for WWE In the long run. Reality T.V sells.
Oh my goodness this show is AMAZING.

It's one of the most violent train wrecks of a show that you'll ever see with some of the worst acting, dumb people and EVIL women I've seen in years. NO ONE (other than JoJo who barely spoke) comes off as likeable at all.

The Bellas are power mad, Cameron and Naomi (called by their real names here for some reason) think the world revolves around them, Natalya won't stop whining, and Eva Marie thinks she's the most amazing thing that the world has ever seen.

You also have John Cena, Daniel Bryan and one of the Usos in the background with the two superstars coming off as the only sane people in the entire show. They're dating the Bellas and a large part of the first episode focuses on Nikki wanting Cena to think about marriage. Ignore the fact that she brings this up the night before Cena is in the main event of Wrestlemania in front of 80,000 people.

The main focus of the show is the week leading up to Wrestlemania and who gets to be in the Divas match. Natalya says that two get to be in it meaning eight are left out. Ten seconds later we're told it's going to be a tag match, making Natalya, who is treated like the grizzled veteran at the age of 31, look like a clueless moron. The Bellas and Funkadactyls then complain about the match before them (HHH vs. Brock) going too long and cutting their time. You know, because Tons of Funk vs. Rhodes Scholars/Bellas was going to go on next to last at Wrestlemania.

Overall the show is great for all the wrong reasons, but it has good looking women in tiny outfits so the 13 year old demographic will more than carry it. It's DEFINITELY worth seeing if you're a wrestling fan and into the "so bad it's good" style of entertainment.
I can't imagine the WWE legitimately believing that anyone comes out looking good from this show.

Actually, I can imagine it, but I'd be hard pressed to think they're this stupid.

No one looks good for being on this show.
It's not a stretch to say that this show blows.
Just the sight of the Bellas makes me sick
There's nary a rise to come from my dick.
The show comes off fake, and scripted as hell.
It screws the image they're trying to sell.
See, while Vince tells us all to B. A. Star
The Bella's bully, 'cause that's who they are.
This doesn't look good, but it's easy to see
With what has come out rather recently
That some withheld secrets, this show'll expose
Classless behavior, from trashy hoes.
No one is likable, except for John
Which makes me hope that this show's gonna bomb
While I wouldn't say it was Tough Enough season 4 bad, or early NXT:Redemption bad, it was pretty horrific...

I don't want to even waste valuable time overanalyzing this train wreck, so just a few specific points.

-Why are some people confusingly referred to be their real name and others by their stage name?
-Why would WWE create a show that makes literally EVERYONE on it come across in a very negative way?
-Their seems to be a real blurred line between what is "real" versus what is story. Naturally, as a lifelong fan I'm smart enough to know that virtually nothing in wrestling is "real" but they really needed to pick a direction for this show and stick to it.

I'm not gonna say I didn't enjoy it, because honestly I've always enjoyed seeing the performers out of context, when they've made appearances on game shows, reality shows, etc. its just neat to see. But I really don't see this show existing for any purpose other than being a vehicle to help the Bellas launch a career outside of WWE, which they already tried and failed at once. The irony is, if you're to believe what this show presents, then they are portrayed as a couple of stupid, nasty, manipulative, bitches. Which in the long run is not going to help with their futures outside of WWE. Oh, and on one final related note Nikki is completely wasting her time with Cena. This has nothing to do with the show, but if she thinks someone in his position would be stupid enough to get married again after already being taken to the cleaners once, then she really is as dumb as the show makes her look.
Well I was weak and I gave in by catching an encore before I went to work last night.

Dogshit. Just pure dogshit.

Nattie (or Natalya) was the only Diva, who I could feel a little bit of sympathy for as a somewhat likeable person. I thought it kind of sucked how Natalya constantly busted her ass, only to be snubbed and ignored all the time. And when Wrestlemania weekend came around, they regulated her to the role of a babysitter for the "newbies." And I didn't know Natalya had a rough road to WWE, and she had to fight for her spot. Looking in from the outside, you would believe Natalya was able to coast off the Hart name for a job in WWE, but it wasn't like that.

But everyone else? Fuck them.

The Bellas are nothing more than spoiled bullies, and it's kind of stupid how WWE pushes and promotes BeAStar and all that other anit-bullying stuff. Throughout the show, The Bellas constantly taunted other Divas, and proudly bullied the new Divas. Yeah, I actually understand the hazing/initiation stuff. Earning your respect and stripes, showing you can be a good sport and roll with the punches, and all that other stuff. But when you go out of your way to take this stance against bullying as a serious epidemic, and then you turn around and do a show where two of your top female wrestlers bully the new kids, it doesn't look good, and the hypocrisy is too obvious to ignore.

The spotlight on the Funkadactyls almost gave me a headache. Pretty much, what I took away from their time on the show is, one of them has an enormous ass, which she uses as her signature move, and that's about it. And I wanted to feel sympathy for the new girls, because The Bellas are such jackasses, but the Marie chick was just as bad as them. The other one barely talked, and she was just kind of there.

Also, I think it's okay to drop little hints and give winks about the ins and outs of pro wrestling every now and then, but Total Divas took it too far. There's a difference between giving us a peek behind the curtain, and pulling the whole damn thing back, so we can see you set up the show. Total Divas crossed that line.

I don't know if anyone else remembers that ESPN special/documentary on Vince McMahon a while ago. ESPN gave everyone an inside look at WWE and the events leading up to Wrestlemania 25, and they did a doc. piece on Vince at the same time. Jeremy. S (I don't know how to spell his last name) was asking Stephanie about the writers, but Stephanie wouldn't tell him too much. And I vividly remember the production meeting, where everyone from Vince, to Triple H, to Finaly, and Michael Hayes were sitting in a room and discussing the build and promos between Shawn and Taker for their match. Michael Hayes was starting to read the script for a segment between Shawn and Taker, but Vince stopped him in mid sentence, and he told ESPN and their cameras it was time to leave. Jeremy. S as the narrator concluded that segment by saying something along the lines of "The Wizard (referring to Vince) will only pull the curtain back so far." That was my problem with Total Divas last night. They gave away way too much to the point, where they were suffocating the mystique of pro wrestling. Yeah, I know you could mention the recent season of Tough Enough, but Austin was phenomenal as the host, and he pretty much carried the show on his back 90% of the time. So Tough Enough gets some "look the other way points" from me.

And I CRINGE at the thought of the real life relationships with The Bellas and Cena and the show being used as a plot point for some storyline between Daniel Bryan and John Cena. I remember reading a report about a week or two about this, and it looks like they could be laying seeds for this already. Cena clearly doesn't want anything to do with marriage, and Daniel Bryan voiced his concerns about Cena buying a Land Rover, before he bought a wedding ring. So yeah, Cena could take that as Bryan sticking his nose, where it doesn't belong. Hoping nothing comes of that, but it's something to think about.

Grade: F
I didn't watch the show as I've got no interest in it. Based on the information put out in regards to what's going on, I think that the intent is for it to come off in the same vein as the other "reality shows" on E!. The content of those programs seems to be, generally, documenting the lives of various celebrity personalities who are famous not because of any sort of actual talent, but because they're spoiled, dysfunctional fuck ups. Either that or they're generally normal people willing to exaggerate themselves on national television for the sheer sake of fame or just script some shit like any traditional television program but hype it as "real". Maybe they're so bad that some people think they're good? Or maybe they're just guilty pleasures?

I'm sure Total Divas was crap, I had little doubt of that during the first commercial hyping it. While I haven't seen it, I'm sure I'll pop in just for the sake of it next time just to see what's what. It can't be any more mind numbingly stupid than the various Kardashian shows, Jersey Shore, Teen Mom or, God forbid, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.
Well I haven't seen the episode yet due to my grandfather suffering a stroke last night and altering my plans but I'm going to be watching the replay tonight and adding my two cents tomorrow, HOWEVER, that's not why I'm making this post. Nope I'm making this post because total TOTAL DIVAS OUTDREW IMPACT 1.1 to 1.05. As crazy as that sounds it's true and I called it.

So what does that mean for Total Divas??? You called it I believe based on the numbers (and the season is 1/6 of the way done) that we are in for a Season 2. Seeing as this show has done so well I'm very surprised that people are still harping on it and saying it'll continue to decline. My response to that is a few wrestling fans tuned in for the heck of it and loved it and decided to promote it. I think by word of mouth this well owns up doing a 1.3 next week and everybody will be proven wrong that it'll decline.

However that's all feel free to discuss the rating.
And the incessant bitching begins !


It's a fake reality show on the same network as Keeping up with Kardashians and The Soup ! It wasn't bad and it wasn't horrific. It was what it was supposed to be.

If you were surprised that the Bellas were acting like bitches, you're an idiot. Two new divas come into the WWE of allll organizations, geee, let's show them being welcomed with opened arms because that's what actually happens. Oh and lord forbid the Bellas weren't acting and really are bitches, those things aren't really supposed to exist *Ignoresthefactthathalfofthemalelockerroomarebitches*

AT LEAST half of you hated the idea of this show when it was announced, tuned in right on time to watch it anyway, told yourself you were going to hate it, hated it, and then made your life a little more worth while by coming here and writing an awful “review" that you had been working on during the entire show. Fun.


I was presently surprised :) I liked this show a lot more than I thought I would. I'll be a regular viewer as long as it's aired !

1. The Bella Twins

I love the Bella bitches, they're awesome. Spoiled brats ? Yeah, but I'm no angel so I won't judge. They play pretty good bullies and if they're not acting, hey, it's the WWE. I like their relationship being aired right alongside with them “schooling" the new girls. It shows a more sensitive side to them while still not making them to soft. They were a good pick as the face of this show, they get the job done. I like Brie and Bryan's relationship the best, I'm a sucker for clichés: Beauty and the Beast. I'm sure a lot men/boys who watched the show with an open mind were confused about this pairing... until they googled how much he makes ;) ! And if Nicki is seriously expecting John to propose, I feel kind of bad for her. Even if she breaks him down and he decides to give it another try there's no way around prenup, but that would make one hell of a season finale !

2. Funkadaktyles (Shut-Up)

I didn't really have much of an opinion of these two before the show, but I like them now ! Naomi more so than Ariana, she just came off as really whiny. Not with the whole Brodus situation, but just in general...but she's cool I guess. I liked their backstage friction, with Naomi really hitting on the fact that they're basically married now as a tag team.

3. Natalya

I think Natalya did a great job showing the less glorious side of being a diva. With finding out she's not going to perform at WM to being the eyes of Diva match being cancelled. OBVIOUSLY it's not as important than the match that over ran but it's still going to hurt to have the butterflies in your stomach shot down. It was nice seeing Naomi as the one who took it the hardest since, like I said, Ariane was the whiner.

4. Newbies

I think I like Jojo the best, which is funny because she probably said all of three words, but she seems genuinely nice, till pissed off ;) I want to see more of her and her relationship with Gabriel. Eva Maria...I think, I'm up in the air about. I liked her little feisty attitude on the show, but her delivery was so bad on Raw :shrug:

Basic formula, good show for what it is, nothing more nothing less. Looks like there will be some good drama, some tears and weave shed alike :lmao:
I can't imagine the WWE legitimately believing that anyone comes out looking good from this show.

Actually, I can imagine it, but I'd be hard pressed to think they're this stupid.

No one looks good for being on this show.
It's not a stretch to say that this show blows.
Just the sight of the Bellas makes me sick
There's nary a rise to come from my dick.
The show comes off fake, and scripted as hell.
It screws the image they're trying to sell.
See, while Vince tells us all to B. A. Star
The Bella's bully, 'cause that's who they are.
This doesn't look good, but it's easy to see
With what has come out rather recently
That some withheld secrets, this show'll expose
Classless behavior, from trashy hoes.
No one is likable, except for John
Which makes me hope that this show's gonna bomb

You have a bright future in hip-hop, MC Sucksalot.

I for one look forward to this show. It's probably the only bright spot on WWE TV right now except for Ryback or Kane. At least it's a reality show that's upfront with the work, as opposed to pretending to be unscripted.
Ok... I liked the show. Yeah it's a train wreck but I still liked it and will probably watch it every week. Let me have it.
If Comcast didn't offer the show "on demand" I probably never would have seen it. Unfortunately, they do, so I watched it last night. You guys were stunk.

It follows the same hard-to-follow camera work as most reality shows, in which it's considered good television to cram 15 different camera angles into a 3 second period. (For me, that makes it virtually impossible to watch the dizzying visual display while trying to follow the closed-captioning).

I want to think the show is more scripted than they let on, because I would hate to think Natalya is the pathetic whiner we saw on the screen. I think they need someone to complain about her own situation, so they told her to do it. Whether the Funkadactyls snipe at each other as much as we saw may or may not be real.

About the only thing I liked was the way Nikki ("Please marry me, John!") and Brie make themselves up when not doing their act. I enjoyed that they look different from each other off-camera. In fact, I liked the way Nikki looked much more than the way we always see her.

Aside from that......forget the whole thing.
Fantastic television programme across the board.

Really peels the curtain back on the wonderful, glamourous life of the WWE diva.

Two definitive thumbs up.

Can't wait to see that Vincent twat get shanked by Sweet T and Brodus at a house show.
Ok guys finally got around to seeing the episode. My grandfather had a stroke that night it was airing so I missed it then and missed the replay on RAW for the same reason.

Natalya needs to get pushed. She comes off as the only sincere person in the entire show. She seems honest, truthful and is shockingly at 31 the veteran. I mean 31 and a veteran at anything sounds scary. She might be the only nice person on the show except for JoJo and I'll get to her in a little bit. I'm still really excited for Natalya's wedding.

I don't know why but I like the relationship talks. I like seeing Bryan and Cena in real life and I enjoy seeing some of the lesser divas come up and show off their relationships. The next episode is called a date with Fandango and supposedly features more Eva which can only be considered a good thing. I find her really interesting and attractive. The relationship stuff is brilliant.

The new divas are opposites but I feel neither will actually make a roster debut. JoJo just doesn't look like a "diva" and Eva sucks on more than one account. The only thing she seems good at is being a bitch in the show and that's how she comes off.

I'm predicting 1.6 million viewers next show and a 1.3 rating.

I enjoyed it and will be here discussing more and more in the future.
Ok so I'm going to do my general recap likes and dislikes of the show tomorrow just cause it's late and I'm tired but I want to post this tonight whilst it's fresh in my head.

I'm really starting to feel that Eva Marie will be fired on the season finale. I think although it's reality television from what I saw tonight I think we're in for that: from what reports say she is absolutely horrendous in the ring, not great acting skills, and she seems like a genuine bitch.. (Though most girls on the show do.) however I feel like you don't just bring in Stephanie giving her a "warning" for no reason. Although then again it's scripted reality so who knows. Anyways anybody have thoughts on this?

Also John Cena has an amazing house... More on that later too.
I'm just going to jot down notes while I'm watching:

When the hell did Fandango get attractive ? I was grinning like an idiot every time he was on screen :blush:

The tag match looked good, was it on Superstars ? Or did I just miss it ?

I felt for John when he was talking about why he liked Eva Maria better :lmao:

Either Eva Maria is a cold hearted b*tch or a bad actress...maybe just both...

John's house is SICK ! Bastard...

I take it back I like Ariane, but that outfit was ugly. EDIT: Never mind Ariane's annoying again.

Did this d*ck really kiss his own hand ? :lmao:

I still like Jojo, she's adorable :)

The contrast between John's house and Bryan's was Lol worthy !

But Jon Uso's reaction and impersonation to/of Ariane's voicemail was a Lol moment :lmao: :lmao:

John pressing Brie about if she would like the house for her future children was sweet, or maybe he was just trying to start some sh!t

Was the close up of John's erection completely necessary ?! Get a grip E !

Okay I hope and pray it was scripted for the twins to win the uhmm... wood off, because if not it was hella embarrassing Bryan couldn't chop just that one.

I like Brie's dilemma, though she over does it... a lot, Nikki's doing a good job as the stuck up sister.

Sandra's a boss :worship:

Eva Marie is good train wreck to watch, maybe I was to hard on her RAW debut, it wasn't her fault the segment was booked bad...

I really like this show :) Hatas Gonna Hate :shrug:
I love the Divas. I personally think that their wrestling and mic skills are great! They are all so incredibly talented and a lot better than most of the wrestlers. I only watch WWE to see the Divas' amazing abilities (Not only as sexy ass bitches) but they are some of the most talented group of women I have ever seen. I also think this show will be absolutivily great!
My thoughts from the show so far;

-would be really cool to have aj or kaitlyn in it rather than eva and jojo.

-Eva Marie is horrible, all around.


-Love cameos from Cena, Bryan, Jon Uso, Fandango, Road Dogg...and steph (small cameos from brodus & dyoung)

-Damn, Trinity is fiiiine!! ;)

- John's house is another reason for me not to like him...
-And finally, I agree...Sandra's a boss! :worship:

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