Official: TNA Turning Point 2007 Thread


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Dont just write what you think the matches are going to be. Give reasons.
Well to me there has to be a match with the Coalition in some shape or form but what is happening with them after Tomko and Styles helped Angle I have no idea. Also i'm looking for Sting v Angle for the title and a Nash v Booker T. Also I don't know how the K-A-Z will factor in maybe a triple threat match for the world title? Also look for a gimmick Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D belt with Lethal getting involved to take his belt back.
Okay, so based off what happened at T.N.A. Genesis, & obviously its too early to assume everything.. but this is what I feel will likely happen.

T.N.A. World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle v. Booker T: I'm not 100% sure if they'd go for this, this early, but it could happen. I can't see Booker T. winning the Championship this quickly, but it could happen. Sharmell & Karen would likely create a nice cat-fight at ringside, & Booker/Angle wouuld put on a classic.. but nothing too great.

T.N.A. Tag Team Championships: A.J. Styles/Tomko v. Sting/Kevin Nash: It may sound stupid, but Nash has respect for Sting.. & both Nash & Sting were screwed by Styles/Tomko, so it could be a revenge type of thing, with Christian costing his team-mates their Championships.

#1. Contender's Match: Kaz v. Christian Cage: If Kaz actually gets his Championship shot, it'll be on an iMPACT! But in all likelyhood, I see Chrisitian complaining, setting up a rematch at the p.p.v. to determine the #1. contender, this time, with Christian winning, to set up the Cage/Angle showdown with Styles/Tomko being in the middle.

*insert hardcore gimmick name here*: Abyss v. Crimson Blood: Just another midcard monster for Abyss to destroy, while awaiting the big showdown with him & Judas.

Ultimate X: Team 3-D v. Jay Lethal v. Chris Saban v. Alex Shelley: They've done a 5 man Ultimate X match before, why wouldn't they do it again. It'd make sense to have Motor City Machine Guns involved, & obviously, Lethal, since Team 3-D took his belt.

T.N.A. Knockout's Championship: Gail Kim v. Amazing Kong: Yeah, the knockout's division isn't panning out. The 4-way match at Genesis was horrible, so Amazing Kong v. Gail Kim needs to be stepped up, NOW! I fully see Kong taking the Championship.. but perhaps they'll prolong it, by having Kim pick up a fluke win??

Drinking Championship: James Storm v. Eric Young: Purely assuming they'd do something stupid like this. Does anyone truly wanna see either of these two face each other?

Final Notes: WHERE.. IS.. RHINO?! Also, why can't Chris Harris be given a decent single's feud? And finally, WHEN is Jeff Jarrett going to return, or is he??
To answer your question on Rhino he was scheduled to be in Japan along with Daniels, Senshi and The Truth the day of Genesis so that's why none of them were there(it a cross promotional match TNA vs i think New Japan). And I don't know about that Ultimate X match, i see there match being a gimmick match but without Runt a 3 on 2 match seems unlikely and I can see Lethal getting the bely back on impact before Turning Point.(i dk which one as there are only 3 so it could be one of them)

EDIT-also I don't see Brother Twinkie climbing the X structure very effeciently
angle, tomko, styles v. nash, hall, joe --- (cage gets involved costing angle to get choked out by joe)
Chris Harris v. Roode (Roode wins, Harris flips go after Cornette and Matt Morgan finally gets to wrestle)
Team 3D and Havoc v. MCMG and Jay Lethal (MCMG get clean win and push continues)
Daniels v. Kaz v. Dutt v. either Jimmy Rave or Petey Williams in a 4 way Ultimate X for the number one contender (Kaz goes over further and starts a long feud with Lethal cause they have nothing else to do with him)
Christian v. Booker v. Sting (number 1 contender match) - with Christian winning over sting after Booker has to go look after Sharmell who gets knocked down while trying to interfere
VKM and Roxxi v LAX and shelly martinez - they need to do something with them
Abyss and Rhino v. Riddick and Black Reign - hopefully in six sides of steel
I just realized something about this ppv....there will be no title defenses. the tag team champions and the world champion are in a 6 man tag match that will only be good if Joe wrestles the entire match for his team and Lethal and the Guns are probably going to face Havok and Team Twinkie and that will probably be a non-title match as well. This will probably be the first TNA ppv in a year that i have not ordered and will probably torrent it after airs because right now its not to impressive.
The main event will be a comedy match. Most of the wrestlers will try there hardest to not let it go that way, but it will. Hall & Nash turned there match several years ago into comedy match. Despite Jarrett & Styles best efforts. I don't see why it'll be any different this time.
Here are some of my predictions (Non-Spoilers) for the 2007 TNA Turning Point 2007 event:

Christian Cage vs. Booker T- After what took place last Thursday on Impact, I am expecting this match to be confirmed this Thursday or next. This, in my mind, would be a great singles match.

Team 3D vs. Black Machismo and Sonjay Dutt (Little Italy Street Fight)- 3D attacked them from behind at Genesis and I have a feeling the X-Division will seek retribution in this street fight match where winner wins by pinfall, submission or being put through a table.
well heres whats confirmed..

6-Man Tag Team Main Event
The Outsiders and Samoa Joe vs. The Angle Alliance

Match of 10,000 Tacks
Rellik and Black Reign vs. Rhino and Abyss

6-Man Tag Team Tables Match
Team 3-D and Johny Devine vs. Black Machismo and Motorcity MachineGuns

TNA Women's Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Awesome Kong

15 Superstar "Feast or Fired" Match
My Predictions

Booker T. vs. Christian Cage

Eric Young vs. James Storm

my take:
I think it should be a really entertaing ppv.
the main event doesnt really appeal to me besides the outcome and scott hall's return to the ring.

The match im looking forward to most is the 10,000 thumbtacks match. The last one they had o Impact! was mildy entertaining but a ppv quality tacks match should be a treat to us hardcore fans. Expect too see a Judas Meisas return here..

The womans title match is difficult to pick a clear winner. I mean i would like to see Awesome Kong leave with the belt but my gut feeling here says that Kong gets herself DQ'ed and a rematch at Final Resoultion takes place with Kong winning..

The table match should be okay. I mean it kind of reminds me of the 6-Man Survivor Series tables match back in 2003. Should be entertaining nevertheless.

The Feast of Fired match should be a good one. I see Sonjay Dutt winning the X-Division Title contract turning heel on Jay Lethal. Expect LAX or Triple X to win the tag titles contract. And the World Title Contract to go to Chris Harris. I predict that all of these contracts would be defended on the following Impact! with the only winner being Sonjay Dutt. OH and the "fired" contract goes tooo.... either Eric Young or Sharkboy. It doesnt really matter because some angle will come out of this...
6 Man Tag Team Match

Samoa Joe and the Outsiders vs Angle Tomko and A.J

It should be a half decent match but this match would probably be carried mostly by Joe on the face side and on the heel side should be fairly even but in the end seeing The Outsiders and Joe coming out with the win and seeing A.J lose the match for his team.

6 Man tag tables match
Dudleys and Devine vs the Guns and Black Machismo

Hands down Devine is going through the table seeing his win loss record with TNA but the person putting him though a table most likely Machismo with an elbow drop oooooooooooh yeah!!!!

Match of a 1000 tacks

Rhino and Abyss vs Rellik and Black Reign

It should be a fairly good matchup and perhaps the best of the night but I see most likely Rhino going through a table with some kind of interference from his next feud who ever that may be.

Women' championship

Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim

Seeing how TNA is really pushing Kong as this unbeatable beat its most likely she will be going over in the match and it will eventually lead to some kind of underdog scanerio for Gail Kim over the next few months.

Feast or Fired match

Have no idea who is going to lost but if I had to make one B.G James
Scott hall should never have been booked for that role at all.

I am glad he didnt turn up. Eric young performed very well as a replacement and i loved joes shoot. Although if that shoot was unscripted i cant help think that they may have got joe in trouble with the higher ups.

Rhyno's no show at the PPV seemed to be legit from what it seems.

On a side note : Nash didnt look awful in the ring last night. He was used just right.

Overall was a good PPV, Feast or fired was good and left us wondering for the cases on impact (although i would have liked to see them on PPV) Womens tag match was average. Awesome kong vs gail was immensely good. Tag tables was good, but could have been better. Young vs storm was a solid singles match. Booker and kaz vs christian and roode was a very solid match as well.

Overall it wasnt "off the hook" but it was certainly better than a punch in the crotch.

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