The show was solid. I especially liked Kaval being ranked #1 and his refusal to go through with the Keg Contest.
I would say it was a B- show.
I wanna say something about timing, because I just watched the video and I know for a fact that the Keg challenge was totally rigged. I mean that might not be news since WWE is all storylines anyway but if you go back and watch the Keg part on youtube, it is so clearly obvious that Percy Watson won the challenge at the 12.5 mark when the bell sounded off, only to have the time speed up and even noticeably skip 12.7 on the timer to go straight to 12.8, 12.9 and then finally 13.0
Thats such a big fail on WWE's part.
Oh live with it! The WWE has never been that good with a stop watch, just look at the elimination chambers - when they do the timings, they're usually way off!
Actually like the rankings alot, the top 4 is my final 4 - although not necessarily in that order. A Henning/Riley final would be quite nice. Two future world champions right there.