[Official] Money in the Bank 2010 Thread

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In the match already we have
Dolph Ziggler
Shelton Benjamin

I am actually quite shocked with Dolph winning especially against R truth and John Morrison who I thought were locks for this match. Shelton Benjamin and Kane I thought one would definetly get in but i'm not that suprised with both being in. They have been in quite a few and Kane always a solid performance and Shelton always does some crazy sht.

Now onto the last four picks. From Raw I think Kofi is more than likely in so to make us a lot less sure on who is going to win especially with Christian and Kofi in it. For the last two picks its between Miz, Big Show, MVP, Swagger, Bourne, Tatsu, Ryder, MVP and Henry. I think that Miz and Show will be defending their titles at WM against MVP or possibly in a tag team turmoil match so that counts out MVP and Henry so between Swagger, Bourne, Tatsu and Ryder. Out of them three I see Swagger and Bourne getting in. None of them have a change of winning but Bourne could do some crazy shit with Shelton to get the crowd fired up and Swagger could put on a good performance.

For the last spot I see a Last Chance battle royale happening with probably a choice from Smackdown winning with Morrison grabbing the last spot unless somebody shit like Hardy gets it.

So I see in the match are
Dolph Ziggler
Shelton Benjamin
Evan Bourne
Kofi Kingston
Jack Swagger
John Morrison

Looks pretty good but could be a lot better.
Damn you TLC. Stealing alot of what I was going to say. Well, what to say. I see Christian winning now that he's on Raw, and he dropped the ECW Title. I see Jomo getting in on a last chance battle royal. The Final four will most likely be Bourne, Morrison, Kofi, and Sheamus, as he will have nothing else to do. Or Rey might get in. :scratchchin:. Morrison will probably be in a triple threat or fatal four way IC title match with R Truth, McIntyre, and Punk if he's not in a match against Rey.
right now, I'm thinking Kofi, Morrison or Christian. I can't see Kane, Ziggler or Benjamin (not to say they don't deserve it). Miz is a possibility but as US champ + Tag champ, I don't think so. Same for McIntyre, as ic champ for some reason i think he'll develop more slowly but consistently.
Well, Jack Swagger was entered into the MITB match last night, which most of us seemed to expect, as did MVP, which to be honest, I was a little surprised about. When I saw Zach Ryder in the ring, I knew whoever he was facing was going into MITB. And I was disappointed that it was MVP. This will be MVP's third straight MITB performance, and I really feel that at this point in his career he's a big enough draw to fit somewhere else on the card, most likely with The Miz.

But there's more to it than that. MVP's entry into MITB worries me about spots for a lot of other guys. I know alot of people will probably assume that the last Raw spot goes to Kofi Kingston, but... where was Kofi last night?!? Was I just not paying enough attention to the show, or was Kofi not on there? This is not a good sign to me. It makes me feel as though Creative is losing interest in Kofi. Between that and MVP, it makes me feel like Creative will decide to put Mark Henry in the MITB, in order to build some sort of story around him and MVP. Then again, that could mean that Kofi Kingston gets a match with Miz/ Big Show, and Miz and Kofi could put on a great US title match. I still think that Kofi Kingston is a sure thing to appear on the card, but I don't like the uncertainty of where Creative thinks Kofi belongs on the card.

And of course, the real loser in all of this, is Evan Bourne. You have to believe that Kofi Kingston and Mark Henry are both in better positions to get on the card before Bourne. At this point, it seeme as though the only way Evan Bourne will appear at Wrestlemania is if its in a backstage segment, or if WWE decides to resurrect the Cruiserweight Championship, and let's be honest with ourselves, that's just not happening.

I still am positive that Matt Hardy will get that last SD! spot in the MITB match. And I am still hoping that someone, ANYONE else will get it. Send Evan Bourne over to SD!, simply to beat MAtt Hardy and gain entry into MITB. Please, wrestling gawds, in the name of all that is holy, save Wrestlemania from the Carolina Love Handles!!
Well I can honestly say that with the so-far participants either Benjamin or Christian are gonna win. I'm only saying Benjamin as he is the only who hasn't lost a push(somewhat he still wins titles and matches) that is still in it. Let's take a look at all the current participants shall we?

Christian : The longest reigning ECW champion of all time and a two time ECW champion at that. He has had great title defences with the likes of William Regal, Ezekiel Jackson, Tommy Dreamer & Shelton Benjamin. He has been on a hotstreak since his return to the WWE and there is just no way this guy can't get a main event push. He is probably the best in ring worker in WWE right now.
Dolph Ziggler : In total he has had 30 Intercontinental title matches (WOW) including house and televised shows and 9 have ended in count-out/double count-out and he lost the other 21 when he should have won the I.C 28 title matches ago at Summerslam. He has such a good look and works so well as a heel with decent mic skills. He has lost his push and is now using a lame sleeper hold as a second finishing move.
Kane : Hasn't changed in 7 years. He always does the same thing and is only used in elimination chambers as filler if needed. He won the ECW title and lost it due to racism. He is a good worker for WWE and is happy to be where he is in WWE and you have to admire that but I can never see this guy wining a MITB match.
Shelton Benjamin : His first night on RAW he beat Triple H. The next week he beat Trips by countout. At backlash he pinned Ric Flair. At Taboo Tuesday he beat the first ever undisputed champion Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental title and then was beaten by Carlito and then....... Nothing. They brought his mother(or someone portraying his mother) into a gimmick and made him into a whiney heel which didn't work then he went to ECW did nothing went to Smackdown won the US title and held it for a strong 6 months went to the money in the bank did those insane spots he has done so well but didn't win. He went to ECW turned face had one hell of a ladder match with Christian. He went to Smackdown qualified for the MITB and now could he win the match he has been in more than any other superstar? I hope so.
Jack Swagger : In the coming weeks to the royal rumble he started the "All american american challenge" and lost to Santino a guy who WWE likes for comedy roles but rarely wins matches. WWE has really shown us their current distaste for Swagger which leads me to believe he won't walk away with the all important briefcase come Wrestlemania.
MVP : This is a guy that was destined to do great things but then started smoking weed which led to the guy getting depushed. Him as a face is terrible and he is paired with one of the worst preformers in WWE that is past his prime.We might see a few nice spots out of this guy but other than that no briefcase.

People i would like to see in the MITB this year is Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, Matt Hardy or R-Truth but instead we will probably Ezekiel Jackson get one of those spots and probably win it you heard it Here first! 2/3/10!
I feel that Evan Bourne should get a spot in the match despite the fact that he won't win he would be a great addition to the match highlight reel and could replace Jeff Hardy as the Ladder Match spot monkey for WWE.

All I want to see is a Shooting Star Press from the top of an 18ft ladder. That's all. I guess that's asking too much from WWE though.

I think this will be Christians time to be Mr. Money in the Bank. I really can't see anyone else winning it this year. It would just set up the perfect feud between Christian and Edge if Christian was to cash in against Edge.
Probably the lamest looking MITB yet. Most of the wrestlers involved were the same ones that were in last years match. I had high expectations with all of the new wrestlers they've introduced over the past year, instead this match is full of the same faces, wrestlers who obvioulsy won't win and no stand out victor.

People might say Christian should win it, but he's on Raw, so realistically who's he going to defeat for the title and who is he going to feud with? There's no point in making another fluke MITB champion.

Hopefully Ezekiel Jackson get's put in the match, at least he'd look like a credible challenger and as Christian showed, he's capable of being carried to a decent match.
Just because Christian is on RAW, doesn't mean he has to cash in against anyone on RAW Jake, he could completely jump ship to SmackDown just like Edge done in 07 when he cashed in against Undertaker.

If they don't want a fluke champion he could jump ship and also challenge Edge after he beats Jericho to a match like RVD/Cena too.

I'm 99% sure it's gonna be Christian.
Edge casing in on somebody from a different brand to him was more of a result of injuries on Smackdown and to the MITB title shot holder. That was more of a case of WWE not having much choice.

Christian is so far behind almost every headliner in terms of status that even if they booked a proper feud around him cashing in it'd still be like a fluke. WWE hasn't sufficiently built anybody up enough this year for them to truly be at a stage where they can be credibly as a world champion. Much like last year.
I normally look forward to Money in the Bank, but I can't see any interesting wrestlers in here.

For some reason, I thought MVP and Christian were exciting choices last year. Not so much this year. I suppose I'd be glad if he won; I like him in bursts. Dolph Ziggler still hasn't transformed into Adolph Ziggler (maybe Benjamin and MVP will double team him and he'll snap?) so I have no interest in him.

Maybe they'll just throw Punk and Mysterio in, making it somewhat interesting. Still wouldn't solve the sense of deja vu though.
The inclusion of MVP and Kane are really hurting this match in my opinion. Sure Shelton's been in like, 19 of these and never won, and never will. But at least he still brings something to the match. Honestly, I would have to say that its' because of Shelton Benjamin;s performance in the 1st MITB that it became an annual tradition.

But this will be MVP's third MITB, and Kane's third as well. Neither of these guys gave a memorable performance in either of their first two appearances, and Kane most definitely will not give one this time. (MVP might, I'm still holding out hope for him).

This match MIGHT be salvaged if they put Kofi Kingston in the match, and they most probably will. But I think a large majority of fans will be watching the match and be thinking how much better this match would be with guys like Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, Zach Ryder and Santino Marella. YES, SANTINO. Santino could do so many hilarious things in this match. I imagine they would go with the afraid of heights concept, but I'd still find it funny. And it would be more memorable than anything Kane or MVP have done in this match.
Hi everyone... First post. This match is looking like it's gonna be not nearly as good as it has been in the past. The match is all about high spots, and most of the people in the match aren't that great at doing them. The only ones that are looking like they'll be entertaining are Christian, Shelton, and Kofi if he's put in there.

Kane obviously isn't going to win since he's been there for like 13 years and doesn't need the push since he could just walk into the main event scene anytime he wants to. Shelton is in there for crazy spots... he has no chance, he's just entertainment. Swagger and Ziggler are not ready for main event pushes right now. This leaves Christian, MVP, and possibly Kofi if he's put in there.

Right now, my money is on Christian. He's had his time at the top of ECW, now it's time for him to establish himself on Raw and hold onto that briefcase for a while. This could possibly lead to a heel turn potentially against Edge, which would be amazing. It may even be the first time MITB doesn't yield a championship for its winner, although I think the WWE likes to brag that every winner of the match has gone on to win gold.

Overall, I expect the same thing i've seen in the past years. A lot of high spots that make your jaw drop leading to tons of near finishes that end in heartbreak leading to someone holding a briefcase above their head in what's probably the second or 3rd best match of the night. HBK vs Taker or Jericho vs Edge will more than likely take those honors.
Could it be any more obvious Christian will win this match with everyone in it so far? They could at least include Kofi in the match, he SHOULD be in it too. So, never mind the fact that Christian will win it, why aren't the other superstars smaller and better high-fliers, Kane? What's he doing in a ladder match? Wasting space for better guys like John Morrison participate. Hell, Evan Bourne or Carlito would've been better than Kane, MVP or Dolph Ziggler. But, you get the point that the match should be entertaining and only that if the winner is always so obvious.
I like the thought of Swagger in the MITB match. I do not expect him to win, nor do I see him doing some crazy flippy thing off a 30 foot ladder. Swagger brings something different to the match. I see him using the ladder more as a weapon, suplexing his opponents onto it. Maybe Swagger and Shelton could have a few minutes to showcase their amateur wrestling skills. That could even lead to a feud.

Anybody who has watched more than one MITB knows that there is going to be a big guy in the match. Kane is a solid performer and will probably do a lot of the orchestrating in the match. What other big guy would you want in this match? Kalhi, Hennery, in another thread I mentioned Mike Noxx, I still think he should have gotten the spot.

I dont know why MVP is in this match. I thought he was going to wrestle The Miz for the U.S. Championship, or the Tag Tittles. This could leave the door open for The Hart Dynasty.

This match is nothing more than a spot fest to get the crowd all heated up. That is why it is one of the first matches on the card. It is looking like Christian will pull out the win, but expect anything.
MITB this year is fairly similar to last years in the fact we have Kane, Shelton, Christian & MVP in there. However we do have Ziggler & Swagger in there as well.

This Year's MITB has one spot remaining (i know the 7th entrant due to the SD spoiler but i won't say)

I think Kofi will take the final place and rightfully so we need another contender in the bout and another high flyer been added will be great. Am looking foward to the match very much so and i look for some huge spots and a well worked match by all 8 men.

I expect Chrisitan to take the Case down and rightfully so he has earned a push at the top of the card and is one of the best workers in WWE right now. Hopefully all 8 men have great showing but am hoping Captain Charisma takes the Case at the end of it :)
This is simply Christian's time to shine. I can't really see anybody else winning the M.I.T.B. ladder match this year except for maybe Kofi if he gets in. Even then Christian is more deserving and has earned this opportunity to win M.I.T.B. and eventually win the big one!
I think i figured it out, how they are going to have them MITB at wrestlemania and how they are going to have it as a PPV event later in the summer! You know how Drew mcintyre is loosing all his qualifying matches and stil says "I'll be at wrestlemania, I promise it!". well I think that he is going to steal the breifcase and after alot of sueing and shit, Mr Mcmahon will have the MITB match in the summer. (Wow, this sounded so much better in my head, but I hope you get what I mean :p)
On the surface, Christian is really the only one I think that has momentum on his side right now. Christian was one of the few guys keeping ECW afloat and he just got off a very successful 6 month run with the ECW title. If Kofi Kingston does take the final spot tomorrow on Raw, he and Christian are the only two I think have got the stuff at this point to pull down the case.

I know a lot would love to see Christian win it and he is deserving. It wouldn't bother me at all to see him win. On the flip side, it would also do wonders for Kofi Kingston. Kofi is a young guy that just came off a great feud with Randy Orton. Both of them are very over with the fans. HBK and Triple H are both said to be taking some time off soon, HBK right after WM if I'm not mistaken, so this could be a great time for some of the younger guys to really shine.
A lot of people are saying Christian should win, and i don't agree. This guy has been in the WWE for a while now. (before TNA too) and I see him jumping to main event status w/o the briefcase faster than anybody. All the E has to do is give him a feud with someone in the Main event. While it would be harder for other guys to do that like Kofi, MVP, or anyone else in that match.

I would like to see Kofi win, (if he's in the match) because he's the one who deserves it and the only one who would make sense. I am pulling for Kofi or Evan Bourne to qualify. It will most likely be Kofi.

Now for the match itself, I wouldnt want Kane in the match. But i can accept it since we need a big guy in the match to dominate. So i see Shelton doing amazing spots, like last year, Kofi doing a little spots and winning, MVP just doing normal wrestling (like last year), Swagger suplexing and slamming people into the ladder. I see Christian having a great match, and it should come down to him, Kofi and hardy to be the last three trying to get the belt. I am so glad they put Matt Hardy in the match, he is one of my favorite wrestlers on Smackdown. I hope he will have a great match, too.
Hmm. Some we can just write off instantly. Kane has no chance. He's just there to hold things together and catch guys off the big spots. Evan Bourne is there to do a shooting star press from fifty feet in the air or something ridiculously awesome. Logically it's hard to back MVP either. If WWE were going to do anything with him it would have happened by now. You have to think this is his last chance but it's hard to see it happening. Can't see Fatty Hardy doing much either, he's done nothing to merit any kind of push. Without Jeff he simply isn't over. Shelton just isn't over period, he's there for another crazy spot.

That leaves us with the guys who actually have a chance - Ziggler, Swagger, and Christian. Ziggler came in on a hot streak and should have taken the IC title off Rey who then refused to drop the belt, the selfish fucker. After that creative seemed to give up on him a bit, entirely wrongly in my opinion. He has a great look (strongly reminiscent of Mr Perfect), and thoroughly decent skills both on the mic and in the ring - both mat-based and in the air. But it's maybe a little too early for an MITB win, certainly if he won he'd have to built slowly and couldn't cash in until next year, probably.

Swagger was one heck of an ECW champion and given space can really get some good heat. He's a very solid worker (I remember his match with Cena at the last Draft, which was truly excellent). He's got buried somewhat on RAW but given his natural size, strength and obvious technical skill wouldn't need much building back up again, if at all. He could cash in around Summerslam and sure as hell I'd buy it a lot more than I bought Sheamus's reign. Probably second favourite.

This leaves us with the obvious favourite, Christian. He's a proven performer who's paid his dues in ECW, where he was a champion over with the fans. Excellent on the mic and in the ring, if he wins IMO he should cash in that night on a victorious Edge and turn heel in the process. Now THAT could be one hell of a feud - imagine it culminating in a ladder match at Extreme Rules. With all the history - wow.

So, in conclusion, I'm backing Christian to win and cash in on the night, with Swagger second favourite. One thing needs to be clear: the winner needs to either be a heel or turn heel in the process of cashing in, because babyface cash-ins are either ******ed (RVD) or unbelievably lame (Punk round 1), while heel cash-ins are always awesome (Edge twice, and Punk round 2 - ok, so he didn't turn straight away, but sure as hell it led to his turn in the end). It has also been pointed out that Christian doesn't need the briefcase to move into the ME scene, but then nor did Punk second time around, so I don't buy that argument.
Usually MITB is pretty hard to predict, and it's exciting to watch because you don't know who will be the lucky winner. But this year everyone except Christian is basically a glorified jobber. You have to be nuts to think that a guy like MVP or Dolph Ziggler will win. This has to be Christian's night, and I think he deserves it after all he's done for WWE, especially with what he did in ECW.
So now that all of the participants are officially announced in this match with Evan Bourne being the final addition last night on Raw, I'll comment on this match. I don't see why everyone gives the last few MITB matches such a bad rap, I've thought all of them have been quite good fun energetic spotfests to get the crowd going, exactly what you want to open up a show. None have been quite as good as the original match, but I've got hope for another great match this year with so many talented and experienced ladder match wrestlers involved again.

I fully expect Christian to win, from him being immediately drafted to Raw and being the first to qualify for MITB to joining the commentary team for the MITB qualifiers for the past few weeks, I think the WWE may finally just pull the trigger on giving Christian a REAL main event feud. Especially with Edge almost guaranteed to win the title at 'Mania, an Edge-Christian feud makes perfect sense and would likely be a big time draw.

I'm really excited for this match. I love ladder matches to begin with, but with my hopes for Christian finally getting what he deserves, I'll be on the edge of my seat during this match, no doubt about it.
I don't see how anyone other than Christian could possibly win this match. The only other guys who have any sort of chance are Swagger and MVP, but they're both longshots at best. Christian has been way over ever since he came back to the WWE. It's about time he's in the main event.

I reckon the match should be pretty good as well. They're all more or less the same anyway and have been entertaining for the most part. It's always fun to see guys jumping off ladders though.
I don't know if Christian is the absolute winner but right now I love his chances going in. The one thing I do look at though right now is a possibility that with this field of wrestlers the possibility that the winner may be the first to unsuccessfully cash in money in the bank. I mean I think Christian if he wins could be set up for a title run like Punk had when he first cashed in. However the 7 others I can't see even cashing in by surprise one random night and winning the title.
Oh yeah i fully expect Christian to win the MITB match at Wrestlemania and i hope he does because he deserves it. He gave a lot to the company and continues to give a lot ot the company. When he came back from TNA, the WWE immediately gave him the ECW title and let him keep it until the final day that ECW closed down. But the ECW title was a midcard title at best. It's time for the WWE to give Christian that main event title and that feud (hopefully with Edge) that launches him to the top of the WWE.

BUT (as you can see from my avatar) I am a huge MVP fan. I would love if he won the ladder match. This would be just the push that he needs to get him out of being a mid card jobber, which he is on RAW. One of his trademarks in the independent circuit and in the developmental leagues was "Take it to the Bank". Hopefully if he wins this match, he'll be saying that again.
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